————----- PROGRESS OF THE LOGAN- BERRY INDUSTRY IN OREGON - ■ o------ Some Useful information that Till*- mookers Should Take into Con­ sideration. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT « OCTOBER 18, 1917. ed States. Instead of being satisfied boom. And we can safeguard our- with the easy sales made to the Gov­ selves against such a boom if our ernment, they are bending their en­ commercial bodies through the Val- ergies to increase acreage and pro­ ley will go at the thing sensible. ------ o —.. duction here in Oregon. Thus they expect to augment the crop sufficient­ First, verify what the loganberry ly to at least take care of part of the manufacturers will pay, ascertain the ----- o---- army demand and the growing public contract terms they offer, negotiate From the Oregon Coter. • for the establishment of local presscr­ demand for the juice. ------ o------ \ ies (several already established, one Another Oregon dream has come Will not California and the Eastern in fertile Washington County, one at true. It’s only a few years ago that a few enthusiasts prophesied that the and Southern states plant heavy acre­ Newberg, and another close to Port­ loganberry industry had vast possibil­ age, so as to compete with the Pacific land at Gresham; all serving the fac­ tories at Salem and Portland) and ities for the Willamette Valley. And Northwest? They have already tried it. The lo­ see what is in sight. Then take it up in this year of our Lord ninteen hun­ dred and seventeen we wake up to ganberry was a California invention— with the farmer close by, canvass realize that Judge Logan’s berry is Judge Logan the experimenter' who them carefully, and under the terms perfected it. It has been thirty years offered get enough acreage planted to bringing $2,000,000 into our state. Nearly as productive as the whole since this luscious berry was heralded fulfill the immediate requirements. It apple crop of Oregon, in dollars and and in nearly every state it has been won’t be necessary to finance a can­ cents, is the loganberry crop of 1917. tried. Only on the Pacific Coast has nery, or sell a lot of stock, or do any it survived commercially. other of the silly things that have ------0------ And only 200 acres have survived covered the Pacific Northwest with And it’s nearly as valuable as the prune crop—that boom crop of the in California—and the berry there is a ruins of local food factories and taken late ’eighties, which vindicated itself joke compared with the great, lus­ money for stocks that couldn’t pay as the years rolled by and has brought cious Oregon Loganberry. It is small and left disappointment in their wake. No, what is wanted is for the con­ tribute to the preceding season’s and dry, and yields very small juice tonnage compared with the Oregon servative, common sense of Willa­ who preserved in loyalty to it. Half as valuable as a normal hop product. Neither has it the surpassing mette Valley communities and coast crop is the loganberry crop. And flavor. For it takes the rare combina­ counties to assert itself in inquiry and nearly half as valuable as the salmon tion of abundant moisture and climat­ negotiations with the successful, es­ crop of the mighty Columbia. Almost ic mildness to produce the great, per­ tablished juice foctories. It looks half the value of a normal wool crop, fect juicy loganberry, a combination good. Investigate and find out if it is found nowhere else in happy combi­ as good as it looks. And if it is, go **befo’ the wah." nation save near Pacific Northwest ahead. Little risk is involved, as little ------ O— expense or investment is required, Surely, here is an industry that | Coasts. Judge Logan invented a fine berry and that is scattered so it is no great merits attention. It has grown to the , _ point that it commands it. And those I in California. But he builded better burden on any one or any set. who have followed it closely are be- I then he knew. For from that Califor- ginning to see that its beginning is I nia start came the Oregon loganberry And if 10,000 acres can be planted modest indeed compared with its im- I of today, so far beyond what Judge to loganberry culture this season, it mediate and ultimate possibilities, I Logan was able to produce in Califor- will bring cash—millions of hard cash Quick attention this lusty infant in- I nia that there is hardly a comparison, —into our state, from parts that are dustry should have, for its main need I From Judge Logan’s plant the Ore- far off. Our communities need the today is more acreage. Here is some- I gon loganberry was perfected. 1 he money, even our editors need the thing our Willamette Valley commer- I old jurist wizard of berry plants has money, and its worth the thought, en­ cial bodies can take up with a feeling I proven to be one of Oregon’s great- terprise and effort involved in going of certainty, that their efforts will I est benefactors. after it. So get busy, quickly! bring dollars into their communities I ------o------ —bright, new round dollars that I Our Willamette Valley is one. of the More Loganberries. come from afar and enrich farmers I garden spots of earth. and merchants when they come. I Today its fertility is being sacrific- (Salem Statesman) ----- o------ I ed to wheat and other grains, and to The loganberry _ . industry of the Only 2,000 acres are now planted I bulky roughage. Dairying is helping to loganberries. This land is worth I save it, but the acreage in dairy farms state is being called forcefully to the $$50 an acre, or a total of only $300,- I is small compared with that used for attention of the State Fair visitors by means of a large space carrying ex­ ,000. And from this $300,000 worth I products that drain the soil. of land is produced the berries that I The ideal products of the Willam- hibits of loganberry juice by Pheas- bring $2,000,000 into the state. Looks I ette Valley are the tender fruits. The and Fruit Juice Company; and of like a small investment. I moisture is here, and that soft, balmy canned loganberries by Hunt Bros; ------o------ I summer mildness that ripens without and of evaporated loganberries by H. Immediate planting of 10,000 acres I scorching. The Willamette Valley E. Gile & Co. Trailing loganberry to loganberries is what is advocated can be the fruit cannery and juice vines, uprooted for the purpose are by leading manufacturers of the tasty pressery for a world of population. It used effectively for decoration and juice. Demand already established for has all the rich natural endownment, placecards put forth such telling facts this delicious beverage base is what and no other section outside of the as the following: "Oregon is the loganberry center of impels this recommendation. I costal regions of the Pacific North- Backing up its judgment, one of I west can ever compete with it in fan­ the world.” “A natural monopoly with assured tile leading juice manufacturers offers cy-priced, quality production. market.” to erect a local pressing plant in each I ——O------ “A few acres on every farm better community that will put in from 200 I It costs little to plant loganberry to JOO acres of loganberries. And on I acreage. Any farmer can devote an than large plantings.” top of that, will guarantee $70 a ton I acre or two. Cultivation can be mas- "Never a crop failure—always a ior the picked berries, on a long I tered easily, for most Willamette good profit.” term contract. I Valley farmers, or their wives rather, The above statements are generally ----- o------ I understand berry cultivation or can well known truths locally, but the It is only a few years ago that a learn easily from neighbors who have figures named in another card are cent a pound, or $20 a ton, was the made a succss. Our Agricultural Col- somewhat a revelation to most citi- amount paid for picking. The grower lege, one of the best in America, is zens of the state, viz: "An infant industry with $800,000 felt he was doing well to get two ever present to aid the experiment. The heaviest expense i» the picking, capital invested. Estimated sales for cents a pound for his product. And many pickers and growers made mon­ and the picking season comes during 1917 $2,000,000,” With these figures appreciated the ey at those prices, so much so that the the school summer vacation period planting of loganberry acreage was In Portland and the cities and rural needs of such an industry surely communities of the Valley are plenty would command the attention of all extended apace. With the oncoming of prohibition, of pickers. The wages are attractive. and particularly of the farmer to ______ ___ manufacturers I Here are all the elements of building whom the following appeal is primar­ several far-sighted saw possibilities in the sharp taste of up a vast industry at little original ily made: "This new industry needs an im­ loganberry juice to establish a new | cost, ------ o------ mediate planting of 10,000 acres of favorate as a temperance drink. They shipped some juice East, and it made Talking about the farmer's wife, loganberries. How many will you „ has been earning the fam­ plant?” a hit wherever served. As a bar drink, __ she ____ really The permanency of the market for it promptly won a place for itself ily living ___ „ in the valley. And she has artiong light refreshments. At the I been earning it on the few acres loganberry products seems assured soda fountains it established a quick I around the house. The Lord of the and those closely identified with the the present demand. In households, at banquets I household has planted his wheat an- industry realize that and at receptions and dances, it be nually, gets enough out of it to pay planting of berries will, at an early Came a favorite for punch, for unlike taxes and keep up his teams, machin­ date, be entirely inadequate. The na­ anything else that was non-intoxicat­ ery and equipment after a fashion, tional advertising given loganberry ing "it had the punch”. And prohibi­ ami plants the following year and gets juice by one of the above named com­ enough out of it to pay taxes and panies the past two years has tion is spreading. take care of his houses, etc., and then brought a national, yes, even a world - ■ —o------ So two years age one courageous keeps it up year after year, without market to our door. Let us provide the raw material as fast as the market manufacturer undertook national ad­ getting much for a family living. ------ Meanwhile the lady of the house- demands it. Growers are promised vertising on a small scale. The iiyjuiry and interest created was . sufficient J hold (God bless her) has her cows term contracts on the berries, and it that last winter a large advertising and her hens and her „ garden, and appears to be the right time for all campaign was undertaken, Six pages sells enough eggs, butter, cream, and the farmers to provide a few acres of the Saturday Evening Post were a calf and a few pigs and a little wool for a loganberry vinyard. _________ _ one _____ of _ them _______ in ______ folors. from her little flock of sheep in the contracted, The cost was 131,000—a big sum of I woodland pasture, and a little garden State Inudstry Exhibit at State Fair Attracts Hundreds Daily. a tiny infant industry of far-off Ore-I truck, and gets a little cash in right o gon to expend—but the actual de- I along through the year. It’s this lit- Visitors at the industrial section of g ____ J that has paid the mand created as the advertising was I tie cash income run during late spring and early sum- grocery bill, bought clothes and the fair the past few days have in­ many beautiful exhibits and school books for the children and S spected L tner more than justified the expense. ’ i the Perhaps Another manufacturer operating a beautified the home. All honor to the demonstration booths. ~ converted brewery, advertised his Farmer’s Wife—she has really made one attracting more attention than the usual run is the attractively fur­ brand of loganberry juice in daily the living. !_ Of course, since war prices have nished double room home space newspapers of several large Eastern been prevailing for wheat, Mr. Wil­ where I’hez, pure juice of the logan­ cities, concentrating his campaign. lamette Valley farmer has become the berry, is being served in some of the o -. Results—they were ipipressive. Dis- Cock of the Main Highway, for he multitudious ways in whiyUi it is use­ riches to all the persistent growers has taken in enough to buy a family ful in the home. Here one may sit in a richly decor­ Supply of juice was effected into automobile. And there's an auto to­ every part of the country. Carload day in nearly every other farm in the ated room with full home furnishings and partake of such delicacies as ice valley. after carload was shipped East. cream, gelatine, frosted cakes, candies ---- o-— ——o---- As soon as the 1917 crop began to Now we don’t want to go crazy etc., as well as punches and highballs, come in, it was pressed, packed and about the loganberry business, as we in addition to regular service of Phez shipped. Dealers and venders clamor­ did over prunes in the late '90’s, and loganberry juice, and they oftimes ed for more. By autumn, the demand over apples ten years ago. We don’t welcome Phez hot. Instead of stand­ was so heavy it made the manufac­ want to get up a land boom, and ing with the crowd in the aisles and turers gasp. The widespread charac­ bring bookkeepers and schoolteachers listening to a tired demonstrator, here ter of the demand indicated the spec­ here from all over the world to go you step into a parlor, you are shown ial results that came from the national bankrupt vainly expecting to get rich easy chairs and may sit at tables, magazine advertising. from orchards or bushes. We don t you are welcomed and served by hos­ want land to jump up to 8500 and tesses. You carry away with a linger­ Then the military authorities caught 11,000 an acre, based on the big re­ ing taste of Oregon’s new food drink on They, too, discovered what turns that Sam Brown, of Gervais, combined, and a fine souvenir in the charms there were in loganberry our Loganberry King, has secured form of a beautifully illustrated re­ juice as a beverage. At army posts, from his patrimonial homestead with ceipt book, entitled "Phez in the training camps and cantonments, the the aid of auto tractors and auto Home,” It is a very pleasing and rest­ ful innovation and the Phez people soldiers bought loganberry juice from trucks. What we do want is to direct the deserve credit for their splendid con­ their canteens. Prohibition was en­ forced, the army medical authorities attention of farmers now here to tribution to this section of the fair. Joint hostess with Miss Phez Lo­ H can make for themselves thought little of “pop’’ as a health what they drink, and here was loganberry juice, from land they now own by turning ganberry is Miss Jcffy Jell of Wau- a favorite, that was the healthiest their attention to immediate profits keshu, Wis.—Salem Statesman. drink that nature and man had ever in sight from growing loganberries. After our own farmers have been get­ SICK WIFE’S STORY SUR­ produced. PRISES TILLAMOOK So the government tried out a car­ ting the income for awhile and the ■— o------ load. This was followed quickly by industry gets on a sound, permanent ozders for many more carloads. One bases will be time enough to invite The following haa surprised Tilla- man’s wife suffer- Eastern grocery jobber sold ten car the rest of the world in to buy pro­ mook: A business ___ loads of loganberry juice to the gov­ ducing loganberry land at fancy pric­ ed from dyspepsia and constipation ernment on one order. And a carload es. And the chances are that we for years. Although she dieted she costs $9,000. And nearly all the won't have to invite anybody, for was so bloated her clothes would not after the war and the closing down of fit. ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn 19 ,000 comes to Oregon. war-time industries, the land-seeking bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Today,, this fall, the army demand population will be legon in number, Adlcr-i-ka relieved her INSTANTLY for loganberry juice is sufficient to and people will come fast enough to Because Adler-i-ka empties BOTH command all next year’s production. the Willamette Valley, and will en­ large and small intestines it relieves But the manufacturers are wise. They gage in loganberry culture and other ANY CASE constipation, sour stom­ ... —■■■ — —___ —• ____ are > going to continue their _______ national farming as rapidly as they can be as- ach or gas and orevents appendicitis. advertising, so as not to lose the ad- I similated to their own advantage and It has QUICKEST action of any­ vantage of the general market that I the advantage of our valley. thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug- * bas • been created — * all -•• ■' ------- *■ •*-- wc don’t want a loganberry Druggist. through the it-:., Unit* | Notice East Via California Is a pleasant winter route. Travel in comfort through a land where it is always summer. » There’s San Francisco, San Jose, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Santa Barbara, Los Angles, Long Beach, Venice and many other charming re­ sorts, and much beautiful scenery enroute. Three Daily Trains Portland to San Francisco. Standard and tourist sleepers, dining cars, solid steel equipment. Particularly attrac­ tive at this season of the year. Ask your local agent for particulars J ohn M. S cott , General Passenger Agent, Portland. S outhern P acific L ines . FORD Universal Auto Co., Spokane “have been using Zerolene for several months—A-l quality. BLICK J. D. Lauppe, Sacramento we have found Zerohne to be a satis­ factory lubricant for Buick Automobiles. DODGE Eaton Gf Campbell, Seattle our experience with Zerolene has been en­ tirely Mtisfacto**y.” ■ ZEROLENE He Standard Oil for Motor Cars Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors —because the records of their service de- fiartments show that Zerolene, correct- y refined from California asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubrica­ tion—less wear, more pow­ er, least carbon deposit. Desierà everywhere and at our ten-ice stationa. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( California) For tractors. Zerolene Heavy-Duty is e speci­ ali y recommended. STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE. of Sheriff's Sale of Real Property. Notice is hereby given t hat by vir­ tue of a writ of execution issued oat of the Circuit Court for Tillamook County. Oregon, on the 28th day of Sept., 1917, and to me directed, upon a judgment duly rendered, entered of a record and docketed in and by said court on the 3rd day of Marek 1916, in a certain action then in said court pending, wherein D. L. Shrode George Williams and Charles Kunze were plaintiffs, and C. M. Martin and Mary J. Martin were defendants, said judgment being in favor of plain’ tiffs and against the defendants, and by which execution I am commanded to satisfy out of the property of said defendants the following judgment: Three Hundred Eighty-one and 52-100 dollars ($381.52) with inter- est thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from October 16th, 1915 and the sum of $10.00 costs and dis^ bursements of said action, and I have duly levied upon the following de­ scribed real property of said defend­ ants, situated in Tillamook County, Oregon, to wit: Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the south­ east quarter, all of Section 5, Town- ship 2 south, Range 10 West W. M. Therefore, I will on Saturday the 27th day of October, 1917, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. on said date, at the front door of the Court House in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all right, title and interest which the within named de­ fendants had in or to said real prop­ erty on or since the 3rd day of March, 1916, the date of rendering and docketing the above judgment. Also all right, title and interest of all persons claiming under said defend­ ants since said date. Said sale will be made subject to redemption as pr»- vided by law. Dated this 26th day of September. 1917. W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook County Oregon i Notice of Hearing of Final Accouzt ------o----- - Notice is hereby given, that the un­ dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Jes­ sie V. Embum, deceased, in the County Court.of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, and that such Court has appointed October 13th 1917, at ten o'clock a.m., at the court room of said Court, in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections, if any, to the said account and the settlement of said estate. Dated September 13, 1917. John Embum, Administra­ tor of the Estate of Jessie V. Embum, Deceased. Notice of Guardian’s Sale of Real Property. Notice is' hereby given, that by virtue of an order made and entered in the County Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, on the 10th day of October, 1917 authorizing and em­ powering the undersigned guardian of the estate of Reberta Campbell and William Campbell, Minors, to sell at private sale for cash to the highest bidder the real property here­ inafter described, the said guardian, on and after the 15th day of Novem­ ber, 1917, in Tillamook, Oregon, will offer for sale and sell for cash to the bidder, for cash, all the right, title and interest of the said minors, Re-1 berta Campbell and William Camp­ bell, in and to the following.described real property, situated in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 2 South of Range 9, West of the Willamette Meridian. Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this I 10th day of October, 1917. Catharine A. Long, Guardian of the person» I and estate of Reberta and I William Campbell, minors.! Notice to Final Account. flUEX. MeKflIR & CO. GENERAL HARDWARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO TILLAMOOK, ORE. In the County Court of the Stile Stati of Oregon, For the County of Tilla­ mook:—In the matter of the estate of Charles A. Seamon, late of the ■ county of Tillamook, Deceased. ■' ■ . Notice is hereby given that the un­ I' dersigned has, in the above entitled ■ ■ proceeding, filed his Final Account I Thc as Administrator of the Estate ■he ph, which was of Charles A. SeamoaJ Ecompa: late of the County of Tillamook, De­ froice p ceased, and that the Court haa sp- ■»ally , pointed Saturday, the Third Dzy °*| [ r November, 1917, at Ten o'clock i»| F -■ the forenoon, for the hearing of OH [one tc jections to such Final Account Ml f : the settlement thereof. [enters S. M. Batterson, [olitan Administrator [d for r Johnson & Handley, [on, prt Robert H. McGrath, [ice of Attorneys for the Administrator. fw' COI r'atio,, [For tl Notice of Final Settlement. f«ic V. ------ o------ Notice is hereby given, that the un- F° listen • dersigned administrator of the par­ fat con tnership estate of Henry Tohl, dr- H voice eeased, with A. C. Andersen, surviv­ faph. M ing partners of said deceased, whd fadred did business under the firm name *n I hited ‘ style of "Tohl & Andersen,” has filed these with the County Court of Tillamo