LTH, w. ING, •N. f bat the Editors Say. ----- o----- Speaking of higher education it is w Charley Chapin says, "there is no gH «dacating an ignoramus, for he is • bigger fool when you get through him than when you began."— jheridan Sun. o----- When this war is over, the made-in- Germany imprint on any article will gill its sale and we may expect stores v emblazon on their fronts, "No German-made goods on sale here.— The Sentinal. ------o----- When Adam sinned he wasn’t given the second chance. Neither does the Eugene Guard intend to give Allen Eaton, University of Oregon profes­ sor, the second chance, having once shown his pacifist tendencies.—Sheri­ dan Sun. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 18, 1917. and patriotic. If the success of the hei'r InUf1 Cnda"Kere<1 through their indifference, the failure would be as much a menace to the farmer as to any other class. Every farmer and°hPOSS‘bly Ca" ,hou,d bu* a bond and have a part in this great’.patriot c "'ovement of the American peopfa euar^ni11 back the 80vcrntnenl in guaranteeing future oeace to the world.— I clephone Register. the factories, or on the farm, can still do something more— we can make it damned unpleasant for sedition. WILSON CLAMPS FOOD LAW ON ALL DIET ESSENTIALS. Manufacture, Storage and Distribu­ tion to be Under License. NEXT WEEK IS EDISON WEEK Washington, Oct. 10.—Government control of foodstuffs is extended to take in virtually all the essential ar­ ÌOX The government was not a minute ticles of diet by a proclamation issu­ too soon in stifling the malodwous to ed tonight by President Wilson direc­ conspiracy of the 1. W. W. The pro­ ting the food administration to licen­ gram of tne organization was incredi­ se, after Novernier 1, the manufacture ile. bly traitorous. Kerosene was to be storage, importation and distribution poured into bakers' v-ens, emery of 20 prime commodities. ss. powder was to be thrown into the Many small dealers are exempted, gears of all sorts of machines, loco­ as are farmers who were especially motives were to be disabled and ren­ excepted in the food control law. dered useless. Meaning Fully Defined. In a letter written to one Rowan to The proclamation says: o----- Haywood on August 2 it declared usici! When that Kaiser thing stuck his “It is essential, in order to carry same Ij face to within 4 inches of Ambassa­ that the old bugaboo of ‘patriotism’ into effect the purposes of said act, dor Gerard’s face and made his bluff is being preached on all sides. We to license the importation, manufac­ meed, statement, no doubt Mr. Gerard have the good will of the German ture, storage and distribution of nec­ struc- wished it happened in America. He people here, and we feel that they are essaries to the extent hereinafter would have knocked that kaiser things in sympathy with our cause. We are specified. “All persons, firms, corporations block off his shoulder. It plainly going to carry our points if we have the showed the low down principles of to stop every industry on the Pacific engaged in the business of either (1) Coast. lalk about copperheads! Why operating cold storage warehouses (a high the big bluff.—Banks Herald. they never dreamed of such propa­ cold storage warehouse for the pur­ tro'oi pose of this proclamation being de­ The law tolerates no form of gam­ ganda as this. But the leaders of the wreckers fined as any place artificially or me­ bling and violators of this prohibition take grave chances unto themselves. have been indicted. The machinery of chanically cooled to or below a tem­ The sport of tossing coins in denomi­ the law will get them, traitors alike perature of 4 5 degrees Fahrenheit nations ranging from the lowly penny to their own associates and to their 1 in which food products are placed ¡ON t. the quarter, either at lines or for country. Before we get through with and held for 30 days or more); (2) matching, is to the thoughtless youth some of these people, even Benedict operating elevators, warehouses or an innocent pastime. Nevertheless it Arnold may appear to have been but other places for storage of corn, oats, fa a form of gambling and comes a meek and mild traitor in compari­ barley, beans, rice, cottonseed, cotten- seed cake, cottonseed meal or peanut GON. within the law, and the streets are-no son.—Philadelphia Evening Ledger. meal, or (3) importing, manufactur­ places to tempt the leniency of a pub­ ing ( including milling, mixing or BULLETS FOR TRAITORS. lic officer.—Sheridan Sun. packing) or distributing, (including ----- o----- ----- o buying or selling) any of the follow- We glory with the farmer who gets New York Father Suggests Treat­ ing commodities: |2.!9 for his wheat until we have to ment for Sedition. “Wheat, wheat flour. ks in I pay ten cents a loaf for our bread. ----- o----- "Rye or rye flour. France gets 35 ounces of bread for In every state in the union, includ­ “Barley or barley flour. line cents and England pays 11 cents ing Washington county, fathers and “Oats, oatmeal or rolled oats. ___ nts. far »> ounces of bread. Another les­ mothers who have sons in the army “Corn, corn grits, corn meal, hom­ son America must learn from the war will echo what Lemuel E. Quigg has iny, corn flour, starch from corn, is that civilization does not include to say in the New York Tritvne con­ corn oil, corn syrup. egoD the food speculator. England and cerning sedition and traitorous move­ “Rice, rice flour. France are getting most of their ments aimed to prevent further en­ “Pea seed and dried peas. wheat from America, and America listments and to encourage slackers. E are one of several thousand business concerns "Cottonseed, cottonseed oil, cotton­ pays close to three times as much for He advises bullets as a remedy, which seed meal. the bread that is made from it.—Sea­ is a preception which appears to fit that will observe the week of October 21st to "Peanut meal or peanut oil. side Signal. the case. His letter follows: “Soy bean oil, soy bean meal, palm- JN October 27th in commemoration of Thomas 15.___ ----- o----- The mouth of sedition should be oil or copera oil. Better catch up with your belated shut by a bullet. son ’ s invention of the incandescent electric light. We “Oleomargarine, lard, lard substi­ c.rrespondence before November 1st. I am not boiling with rage, Mr. tutes, oleo oils or cooking fats. are licensed distributors of Mr. Edison’s favorite— Commencing on that date the postage Editor. I am not even excited. The “Milk, butter or cheese. and greatest invention. rgonl «■ letters will be three cents and on point is this—my son, my only child, “Condensed, powedered of evapor­ post cards two cents. It will also in prompt response to his country’s ated milk. cost more to send a telegram, use duly sounded call, is today headed “Fresh, canned or cured beef, pork the long distance telephone, ride on a for the French trenches, there to be or mutton. passenger train, receive or ship goods the target for German bullets. Every “Poultry or eggs. by parcel post, express or freight. voice raised at home to discourage "Fresh or frozen fish. Even the moving picture shows will others from going to him increases “Fresh vegetables or fruit. G, “lhe Phonograph with a Soul probably be compelled to raise their the chance, already considerable, that "Canned peas, dried beans, toma­ One million people are employe^ wonderful new Phonograph, admission price to meet the additional he may never come back to his moth­ toes, corn, salmon or sardines. cost of films and the war tax on ad- er and me. I think that voice ought to in the various industries fouuded which we are licensed distributors “Dried prunes, apples, peaches or ; goj I missions. Everybody will have to be stilled before his has been. But raisins. by Mr. Edison Think of that, if It is known as the “ New Edison” help pay the cost of licking the this view is the very least of it. The “Sugar, syrups or molasses. you will. At least five million hu­ and is the’inatrument that the New great thing is that until the world Kaiser.—Itemizer. Exceptions Named. man beinga are dependent for their York Globe called "the phonograph rids itself of nations organized into "Excepting however the following: ----- o----- livelihood on industries created by with a soul” and of which the New It is pretty hard at times to draw beasts of prey, no man’s home is “Operators of all elevators or the inventions of one msn. Of all York Tribune said ” Edison snares the line between over-zeal and niis- worth building. No man’s business is warehouses handling wheat or rye aarriage of justice. If a Sheriff could worth pursuing. No man’s wife nor and manufacturers of the derivat­ his inventions, his favorite is the the soul of music.’ (irsi st all times tell what a jury would do, his cradled baby is safe from rape or ive products of wheat or rye, who have already been licensed. he could ait in his office and adminis­ death. I have often heard it remarked that “Importers, manufacturers and re­ ter the law without resort to legal mchinery, thereby saving much ex­ this war is unpopular. What war ever finers of sugar and manufacturers of pense. For example: A doctor left was “popular” except to the greed, sugar syrup and molasses, who have for the best advertisement com­ once and get instructions, Polk County for Chicago a few weeks lust and ambition that caused it? 1 already been licensed. posed by »mature of quotations provide yon with a reprint of what ago. The next day the wires burned What war was ever popular with peo- "Retailers whose gross sales of food from the articles which the great the music critics have said about EOl until he was taken off a train in Idaho | pie who want to live in the enjoyment : commodities do not exceed >100,000 music critics have written about the the New Edition. We alao furnish _ . per annum. s«4 brought back to answer the of peace, order and liberty? The use of the word "popular in i "Common carriers. New Edison. It costs nothing to a sample advertisement already charge of illegal operation. The fact "Farmers, gardeners, cooperative that he returned willingly might have connection with the war is despicable. compete. Come to our store at pasted up in proper form. The con­ tent closes October 27th. his degree of guilt, or, But never before has there bcm a associations of farmers or gardeners, 'g°4 iadicated mther the lack of it. A jury last week war where the principle of individual including live stock farmers and other said he was not guilty. The expense liberty, the right to go about freely, persons with respect to the products to do one’s lawful business without of any farm, garden or other land !S(>I bill has been fattened however, and interruption, to protest one . women owned, leased or cultivated by them. that is something.—Oregonian. “Fishermen whose business do not and children against lust and murder, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ■ o----- It is to be hoped that before a sec­ has been so definitely presented to extend beyond primary consignment. "Those dealing in any of the above the American people. ond quota of the draft is ordered ad­ The reason we are standing these commodities on any exchange, board vice of local exemption boards all •ver the country that all able single taxes, the reason we are handing of trade or similar institutions, are de­ by section 13 of the act of Aug- ■e* be taken before those with fam­ guns to our young men, is because fined tlO, 1917, to the extent of their ilies are drawn will be heeded. Un­ after patience against provocation un­ us der the first drawing selection rested exempted in history, aftei- hopes cre­ dealings on such exchange or borad trade. entirely upon chance and the results ated one day only to be blasted the of "Millers of corn, oats, barley, wheat, was that in some districts married next, we have at least become con­ rye rice operating only plants of a men have predominated while many vinced that the object for which the daily or capacity of less than 75 barrels. without such responsibilities have German armies were sent against Russia “Canners of peas, dried beans, corn, France and Flanders and beet left free to go about their usual tomatoes, salmon or sardines, whose ?"Jnd avocations. It is true that district means not their gross production does not exceed boards were given power to grant ours also—means that if that end is 5000 cases per annum. successful in Europe it is an everlast­ •cemption where there was depend­ ing "Persons slaughtering, packing, menace to national organization ency. but the theory was wrong and distributing fresh, canned or cured a* it has turned out it would have and individual liberty everywhere on beef, pork or mutton, whose gross beet wiser to have first called the un­ £aWhat is the use of trying to earn a sales of such commodities does not married men and have only called exceed >100,000 per annum. those with wives when there was ab- living that will content your wife and "Operators of polutry or egg pack­ educate your children if you have to F salutely necessity.—Independent. spend haH of what your labor earns, ing plants, whose gross sales do not ------o------ exceed >50,000 per annum. Official Germany is aroused to pro- and to the interruption c your busi­ “Manufacturers of maple syrup, ma­ ness. spend years of your >' ‘ e crea ^« **t by the fact that French airmen ple sugar and maple compound •g* have dropped bombs on open towns, military services in ordertobe r dy “Ginners, buyers, agents, dealers or to beat some ravenous beast tnai is •ad asserts that these efforts can on­ watchfag for the right time to spnng other handlers of cottonseed who ly be considered the outcome of a handle yearly, between September •lead desire for destruction. It is sig­ ’‘TlKGerman people are responsible. and August 31, less than 150 tons of nificantly added that “by such bar­ They don't have to have the Hobcnr- cottonseed. barities the will to preserve can only ollerns and the German mfatary aris­ Must Secure License. be strengthened among the German tocracy Those not excepted "are hereby re­ unless they mean what their beopte,** But for years the Germans quired to secure on or before N ovem­ rulers mean. hsve been practicing every form of godless No blacksmith ever shod a horse, ber 1, 1917, a license, which license Mrkarity their officers could devise. will be issued under such rules and Haarmed liners have been sunk and n° uVti anWgot wieVour presided regulations governing the conduct ot bsadreds of women and children business as may be prescribed. drowned. Open town in England and "Applications for the license must be made to the United States Food 1 hospitals in France have been bomb­ 'd time and time again. Wells in the Administrator, Washington, D. L., rslinquished part of France have Xy have permitted their armies to license division. been poisoned. Frightfulness has be sent out must be definitely aban- "Any person, firm or corporation or association, other than those here­ been reduced to science. Do the Gcr- military autocrats have the ef­ d500C or •eoorage of God?—Oregon Register. imprisonment of not more than two Both phone». A special plea is made in the second yeari. -- bhberty bond campaign to farmers to Ornamental Fire Place. Built ■vest in bonds. Heretofore the in- of Brick and Stone. All Fira Tfotments have been made for the An Example for Canadia. Place, absolutely guaranteed •’” part by townspeople, and it is dent Wilson, less than four months Canadian public men have much to later he had declared that a state of ISS 8ALENA DICK, not to .moke or money re- ••Ped and expected that the farmers learn from American public men, who TEACHER •JU respond more generally this time. war existed between the United * Brick work of all kind, dona ■ i."1 r* in the war, have shown a readiness States and Germany. What a tempta­ T'we t i is ---------- -------- -, should, ihe reason .. why they tend to increase the OF and a determination to sink party tion to his political adversaries to on .hort notice. 1 **verament has guaranteed them a Wires that our nation must now We make a .pecialty of re­ ng that are admirable in The NEW EDISON «2000 IN CASH PRIZES LAMAR’S DRUG STORE NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Winter’s Flour OLYMPIC FLOUR, $11.00 bbl., $2.90 sk Olympic Flour is the Best. Golden CROWN FLOUR, $10.80 bl., $2.75 sk Hard Wheat High Patent. PURE CANE SUGAR, $8.25 sk. COUNTRY SHORTS. $40.00 ton, $1.80 sk. MIDDLINGS, $50.00 ton, $2.40 sk. | We want your business. J RAY & CO., TILLAMOOK, ORE., Sanitary White Store. I M 1 RALPH E. WARREN, ? '