TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 18, 1917 J ADVERTISING RATES. | tion shall be administered, executed, I and enforced by the Commissioner of Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............ $ .IO Pensions.—Passel by the Senate and House of Representatives, and ap- Each subsequent insertion, line. ■05 • proved by the President, October 6, Business and Professional cards 1917. o----- one month..................................... We believe the loganberry industry Locals per line each insertion... is a safe and profitable industry for Display advertisements, an inch anyone to engage in, and it takes but and Lodge Notices, per line . little money to plant five or more acres. But we would not advise our All Resolutions of Condolence one month.................................... •50 citizens to convert good pasture land in the county into loganberry patches. There are thousands of acres of land THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, that can be used to raise loganberries F. C. BAKER, Publisher. t which should be bought at a low fig­ ure, especially the logged off land. It 'I took __ a ...... . ____ ........... to _ obtain a ship little hustling building plant and we believe the I business men should get behind the loganberry industry as well. We be- | lieve several hundred citizens could ------ o------ Iowa has gone into the "dry” col- be added to our population if some unm, which should help the loganber­ plan could be worked out so that land ry booze to take the place of the could be bought at a low figure and tanglefoot booze. I offered to new home seekers. It is a I question in our minds whether it ------ o----- Those who advocated lc. letter would not be more profitable to postage may not have gained their grow loganberries on some of the point, for it is going to take lc. prairie land than yellow weed. It is more for letters and postcards. i not a question of the amount of land, ; for there is an abundance of non­ Amongst the articles of food that productive land in the county that the government is going to control is would make good loganberry local­ cheese, and we quite anticipate that a ities, but obtaining sufficient acreage, fixed price will be the result. That it to warrant a pressing plant that is will be far below 26c., the price needed. In the vicinity of Bay City, cheese is now selling, and will drop the foot hills, Long Prairie, Netarts, to somewhere near 20c. is what is Sandlake and the south and north generally thought. That will make a parts of the county all of which have material difference, but why not bring hundreds of acres of land that is now down the price of other food stuffs? idle. Why not make this land produc­ All food stuffs have been going high­ tive? We believe one can make good er and higher, not because of a money putting this land into logan­ shortage but because it became cus- berries and disposing of it when the toinery for everybody to jump their vines are bearing. Two thing are in­ products lip to the highest mark, and sured and these are exceedingly im­ cheese also took a jump, yet not in portant, the climatic conditions are the same proportion as other food ideal for loganberries, with an assur­ stuffs, which have more than doubled ance of a good crop ev^y year, and in value. I the assurance of good prices for the j first five years after the vines begin Picking evergreen blackberries in to bear. We are not advising anyone Tillamook county the past few weeks to set out large tracts, but would ad­ have created quite an interest among­ vise a large number of tracts from I st the women and children, which one to five acres. Set out one acre if have given them a large amount of you have land more suitable for lo­ pin money. Should the weather con­ ganberries than dairying. The Tilla­ tinue favorable for a few weeks, 310,- mook Commercial Club is exceeding­ 000.OU will have been earned by the ly anxious that the citizens take hold women and children. Some of the of this matter in that way, and those women have earned 35.00 a day and who decide to do so should let the it is reported to us that five women committee know at once how many made 325.00 each in a week. The acres they will plant. wild evergreen blackbery which is ---- —---- — most prolific in Tillamook county, never received much attention before, La Follette Found Wanting in the Balance. only a few local people using them for jelly and home made wine. Not withstanding that nearly 100 tons 1 Note the shiftness of La Follette’s have been picked this year, had there speech. The sharp and increasing de­ been pickers that could have been in­ mand for his expulsion dates from creased several hundred tons. Now the delivery of his disloyal St. Paul that they have been used commercial­ harapgue. Prior to that, while the ly it is more than probable that next country’s patriotic citizen felt that his year there will be a bigger demand utterances were harmful, his asserted I privilege of opposition was generally for them than this year. tolerated. ------o----- Below is a clipping from a paper I But his St. Paul utterances put him published in Ohio, and we respectful­ visibly over the line that divides loy­ ly refer the same to our democratic alty from disloyalty, and a shocked and indignant public sprang to pro- friend, Bro. Trombley: "Understand now; be reasonable, I test. On that speech La Follette evaded and acknowledge that the "poor man’s dinner pail” is not today a matter of the issue. He dealt with criticisms of ‘‘Republican Protective Tariff,” nor himself in general. Asserting an air of is it a matter at all chargeable to the martyrdom, lie falsely constructed his Republican party. The Republican Saturday speech around the unwar­ party is out of that deal just now. In ranted assumption that himself and 1912 the Democratic party campaign­ all his associates peace-at-any-price ed on the "poor man’s dinner pail,” and kaiserite defenders have been de­ and the “high cost of living," charg­ nied a fair hearing; that their case has ing the then trivial distress (in com­ never gone to the great American parison) to the Republican Protective jury. 3 he truth is, and all observers know Tariff. The Democratic campaigners promised—begged—that if the people it, that the LaFollette doctrine was "would only give their party the kept noisily, theatrically and continu­ chance, the high cost of living would ously before the public from the be­ be reduced to a nominal standard.” ginning of the world war in August, You "Poor man’s dinner pail,” know 1914, down to the hour of our own the result of the democratic victory entrance into the conflict. For more in 1912. To fill your dinner pail than two years the American public costs you three times more than it listened patiently and reflectively to did under the Republican regime every argument put forward by the pacifists and pro-kaiser clement. For ever.” two years leaders like Roosevelt, The business men who gave their Root, Garrison (when secretary of financial support to the new ship- war in the Wilson cabinet) and Sena­ building industry, have elected two tor Chamberlain of Oregon were bit­ directors, and it is now up to them terly, vituperativcly and persistently to assist in making a success of the assailed by the pacificist clement un­ new industry, not only so but every­ der the leadership of men like La Fol­ Journals which advocated rug­ body, should do their bit to make it a alette. I success. The two directors will have ged Americanism were falsely attack­ to use good business judgment and ed as bought organs of the munition tact, and if this is done wc have no makers. Every anti-American utter­ fear but what there will be a good ance in Berlin was echoed ad libitum business understanding between all and ad nauseam by the pacifist cle­ parties. What everybody should strive ment in this country. Finally the case went to the jury, for is to make it a business and finan­ cial success, and if that is assured, it {and, as La Follette admitted Saturday is safe to say that the shipbuilding all but six of the 96 senators and all industry will become a big industry hut about 50 of the nearly 500 repre­ and mean a big pay roll. There is one sentatives in congress voted for the thing that the County Court can help declaration of war on the president’s in and that is to have the road to 1 clearcut statement of the nation’s pur- Editorial Snap Shots. I I I I) / i I I ) used. It is very unfortunate that so much delay have taken place in push­ ing the Bayocean road through, but its no use complaining, it is action on the part of the County Court to help this new industry. Everybody should do their bit to help make it a success, and we hope no business friction or petty jealousies will bob up to retard its progress. Re a booster for the new ship building industry, not a knocker. Before Congress adjourned it did one good thing in raising the rate of pensions for women, whose husbands took part in the civil war and in the war with Spain. We quote the section of the law: Section 314. That from and after the passage of this act the rate of pension for a widow of an officer or enlisted man of the army, navy, or marine corps of the United States who served in the (. ivil \\ ar, the war with Spain, or the Phillippine Insur­ rection, now on the pension roll .or hereafter to be placed on the pension roll, and entitled to receive a less rate than hereinafter provided, shall be 325 per month; and nothing herein shall be construed to affect the addi­ tional allowance provided by exten- sion pension laws on account of a helpless child or child under sixteen years of age: Provided however, 1 hat this Act shall not be so construed as to reduce any pension under any act. public or private: And provided fur­ ther, That the provision of this sec- of LaFollette’s labored assertion that I President Wilson overstepped the 1 bounds of the constitution and usurp­ ed the constitutional functions of con­ gress. Under the false plea of championing free speech and free press. La bol- lette ran amuck before the senate Saturday and assailed every possible authority and patriotic element in the nation He slashed at the president, the cabinet, congress, loyal governors of loyal states, the court and even the men in the khaki. Here in America, where the facts are known and well weighed, his speech will have slight or no mis­ chievous influence. But read abroad it will hurt. The kaiser’s very active publicity bureau will attend to its circulation throughout Germany. Aus­ tria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria and will give it widespread distribu­ tion in Russia, Mexico and South America. For that reason La Follette should be removed from the senate. Not in a spirit of vindictiveness, but solely as a defensive action to help quicken the victory ami make les» difficult the grim task to which we have set our armies and navy. 1 For Sale. SO acres, unimproved Alfalfa land, under government ditch, four miles from Hermiston—For further infor- mation address (owner) P. O. Box 46, Lafayette, Oregon. TO OBERT H. M c G rath , X C ounsellor - at L aw , FAIRVIEW GRANGE CONTEST) o — — Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Worthing- ! ton Are Captains. Fairview Grange has decided to have another contest and Mrs. Craw­ ford and Mrs. Worthington were ap- | pointed captains. The following rules , and points to be observed: Points. Attendance all day ........................ 15 Afternoon only .............................. 5 3 Mo. dues paid in advance........ 20 On time with program .............. 20 Perfect entrance in 4th degree .. 50 Recitation ........................................ 10 Reading ............................................ 5 Song .................... . ........................... 10 Instrumental music ...................... 10 Song and music .............................. 20 Charade ............................................ 20 I 3 minute speech on important topic of the day .......................... 30 Surprise ............................................ 30 Button sewing contest, men .... 20 Nail Driving Contest, women ... 20 Foot race .......................................... 10 Tug of war ...................................... 10 1 ime for each program 1 hour and I 15 minutes. New members secured or reinstated old members, 50 points. Persons securing new members or reinstated old ones to have them on their side, also points for same. Contest to commence Nov. 8, 1917 and closes Mar. 14, 1918. Husband and wife on same side«- Each side to be prepared Nov 8, as these points will be divided equally between the two sides. were The following members chosen. Mrs. Crawford’s Side. Mike Abplanalp and wife. C. Ackley and wife. D. Billings and wife. Hugh Barber. A. G. Beals. M. Chance. W.Campbell. F. Davidson. E. Donaldson. A. Erickson. L. A. Edgar. Guy Ford. G. H. Foland Gus Goeres E. Geinger. W. Hare. H. Hogan. Ben Jacobs. L. S. Johnson. John Kunzi. P. B. C. Lucas. Tom Lyster. James Murphy. Web Maddux. Geo. Olson. Henry Olds. Jack Rupp Will Robitch. J. A. Smith. Henry Schilds. Dolph Tinnerstct. C. E. Trombley WillWilliams. Jim Williams. If A. G. Williams I. G. Weiss. ■' • Kasper Zweifel H. M. Bibberstein Rose Crawford. Joe Dürrer. Helena Dürrer. Elsie Glad M. E. Holden E. Harrison. I Pius Jacobs. M. Mills. A. Nielson. Mrs. M. Paul. L. A. Springer. K. Schlappi. O. Swenson Gus. Wicklund. Mrs. I. Quick. Mrs. Worthington’s Side. S. Anderson and wife. M. D. Ackley and wife. Frank Bester. Jacob Breeden. Harrison Booth. Fred Burton. H. Crenshaw. W. W. Conder. Joe Donaldson. Connie Dye. Geo. Ethel. J. M. Furrer. B. A. Folks. Erick Glad. Will Goeres Pete Hciscl. E. Herring. Vincent Jacobs. Roy Jones. Henry Landolt. L. S .Maynard. John Morgan. Arthur Mapes. John Naglli. Geo. Olds. Albert Phelps. Cyrus Randal: Sollic Smith. Adam Schmelzen John Schilds. Oscar Tittle. C. W. Tilden. Geo. W illiams. Alva Williams. Chris Weiss Frank Worthington, loe Blättler. J. S. Diehl. Geo. Dürrer. John Ebingcr. L. Gruttner. Anna Holden. G. T. Jenkins. Ben Neilson. Albert Olds. Esther Paul. Mrs. T. Ross L. D. Smith. Jennie Sheets. Freddie Shaw. Walter Severance. Paul Werner. Anv member knowing themselves be behind in their dues, please pay up and start this contest with a clean slate. Announcement. ■ —o------ Mrs. J. C. Holden announces that Mrs she will open her Piano Studio, Sept. 1, for private and class instruction. Mrs. Holden is a graduate of the Dunning Improved System of Music Study and will establish classes in this method. Anyone desiring further particulars may call at any time. Men Serving the Colors I 7E offer free our Safe Deposit service to men in / the training camps or at the front. Before leaving home, every man shohld bring his valuables or important papers, keepsakes, cor­ respondence and other precious possessions to this Bank and we will arrange the space for keeping them safe during the owner's absence without charge. There is always danger of loss, when valuables are kept at home. IV ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING TILLAMOOK, OREGON. • P orti and O ffice : 1110 W ilcox B ld . !D r J. G. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND DEPOSITS OF MONEY ARE ACCEPTED BY MAIL: AND MEN IN THE SERVICE ARE INVITED TO SEND DEPOSITS BY MONEY ORDER. - OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK UNEXCELLED ON WEST COAST OF STATE. Tillamook, Ore. Some Splendid Photo Plays At THE GEM. 7 Interesting Programs. "POOR LITTLE PEPPINA”—5 reel Paramount Picture feat- turing Mary Pickford. Don’t fail to see “Little Mary” in «his one. PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chisago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victro'oe etc. J~^AVID ROBINSON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , SATURDAY, OCT. 20. .... Oregon Both Phones. Tillamook "GREATEST POWER”—5 reel Metro Picture featuring the very popular Ethel Barrymore. An interesting story and picture, as it deals with the development of a very high ex­ plosive, of great value to any of the warring nations. SUNDAY, OCT. 21. "LOVE DOPE”—1 reel Metro comedy. "MAN’S WOMAN”—5 reel World Clayton. picture featuring Ethel T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon "^^yEBSTER HOLMES, MONDA Y, OCT. 22. "NEGLECTED WIFE”—Episode No. 2. We have never had the pleasure of offering a more interesting serial picture than this one. It is going big everywhere it is running, don’t miss following the continued and illustrated chapters each Mon­ day night, in two reel installments. "LUKE’S LIVELY LIFE”—a two reel Lonesome Luke Com­ edy. Just as lively and just as funny as the one we offered you last Monday night. "HEARST-PATHE NEWS”—showing all events of interest. Note:—The proces on this program are just the same as our regular programs. Adults 15c. Children 5c. TUESDA Y, OCT. 23. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, ’"p H. . OREGO GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt Hoes Tillamook - Oregoi QR. L. L. HOY, "MUTUAL MASTER PICTURE”—Watch the screen for slide advertisement. PHYSICIAN AND SURGE01 T illamook B lock , WEDNESDAY, OCT 24. Bluebird ELAND K ERWIN- T. Bona FRIDAY, OCT. 19. ‘TREASON ’—5 reel Wilson. J Photoplay featuring Lois Tillamook, Orego J OHN LELAND THURSDAY, OCT. 25. WIFE NUMBER TWO”—5 reel Fox picture featuring Vales­ ka Suratt. Some men are lucky to have one wife, while others are lucky to have no wife at all. It is hard to tell the circumstances that a man would be placed in, with “Wife Number Two” Better come and see it for yourself. HENDERSC ATTORNEY AND CO U NSELLOR-A T-L A W T illamook B lock , Tillamook ROOM NO. der t eatin was nei c - hawk , ■ witho I bee. »roc» PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I board Oregi > «emi Bay City «cy. M It bee. J E. REEDY, D.V M„ ■arri, those VETERINARY. 1 Minte Inviting Your Patronage WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF CALL­ ING YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AF­ FORDS EVERY DEPARTMENT OF BANK­ ING ; that it is a Member of the Federal Reserve System ; and, Appreciative of the Patronage of Firm; Household and Person. DIRECTORS : A. W. Bunn. Farmer. p. Helsel. Farmer. C. J. Eduards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. Off, t«*t l> Oregi Tillamook • Uve i *•4 ai ly be QARL HABERLACH. bliad , •¡ficai, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. barine be atr T illamook B bock People Orel I bare h Tillamook I barbar I Ussrir I basire I drown, 1 bsspits i f4 tim, I telinqu I been I been re I *” m I Contar I bsade I •'•»on the 1 •Hoie Ketrag Both Phones. Have Your House Wiring Done DR. ELMER ALLEN DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. Dentists. DONE RIGHT National Building. Tillamook, Coast power at Oregon RIGHT PRICES. m J*”' .Obert y ■»eat i ’’•tmer ■Ht pj *»Pe4 1 ÿl res, There ii f’eran •beat f «»sider n»r, a( •'ll cot '••liied *« Of I ’** the •btoi'rs