* ¿tatòlialjt I Ji TILLAMOOK. OREGON. OCTOBER 18. 1917. I1.50 PER YEAR. Subscribe for a LIBERTY BOND ! HURRY UP! Old v Bossy to Help * Can iftriAviT is ti Going ’ — the —” Kaiser ““"Tnke Off Your Hnt to 5Yilli2.ni Mnxwcll, the pairview Dairyman, who, with a Patriotic Smile, Subscribed $800.00—Bully for Fair­ view and Bully for Tillamook Dairymen !—$25,000 More Needed in the County t0 “elP »»in the War—Show Your Patriotism and Buy a Bond Right Now. hirst National Bank Hits the High Mark with $10,000 and A. F. Coats Lumber Co. Next with $3,000—Why Is It Your Name is Not in List ? Another effort is being made to Fred C. Baker ...................... 100.00 raise 13,000,000,000 Liberty Bonds, Lena Gilbert ............ I am in the market at all times for W. W. Ridehalgh, of Bay City, Card of Thanks. 100.00 your baby calves—Smith “The Calf came near being killed on Wednesday and the government is now making W. J. Gilbert ...................... 100 00 Man.’’—Both Phonos. He was on the dock at Bay City an appeal to the people of the United Bird L. Beals ............ We wish to express our sincere 100.00 o- States to respond for financial help Laura V. Buckcley 100.00 F. H. Mathews, and Ben Egge re­ when it gave way and he fell with a appreciation and heartfelt thanks to in the great crisis. Especially is the 1st Sgt. John T. Higgins ... 100 00 W. A. Wise, dentist. • turned on Friday from American large amount of lumber on top of him. the many friends for the kind ex­ Fortunate someone was near and pul­ pression of sympathy in our sad government appealing to the farmers, N. Hanson ............................ 100.00 Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Lake where they had been employed led him out. He is now in dock for bereavement in the death of our dear for they did not participate in the Geo. W. Morgan .................. in constructing the cantonment. 100.00 repairs being bruised up considerably. beloved husband and father.. Also * first issue as those living in the cities. Marion Hare .................... 100.00 Co. Attorney Oak Nolan has appealed The snap shot man is now going to J. L. Lawson ........................ 100.00 The Honor Guard Girls raised for the many beautiful flowering of­ Money to loan on good security. T. the final settlement of the Hadley ferings. appeal to the dairymen df Tillamook Mrs. E. M. Bales ................ 100.00 H. Goyne. • case, and appealed from the order of $57.10 at the benefit show which M. F. Leach .......................... County to do their bit and come for­ Mrs. H. F. Parke, 100.00 they gave M the Gem Theatre Mon- S. E. Parke. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, the county judge to the circuit court. day night. This amount will more ward and subscribe for the bonds. W. J. Stephens ...................... ____ 100.00 Mrs. F. S. Schofield, They are able to do so financially, Mrs. Hanna Hanson............ 100 00 Cloverdale, Ore. For Sale or Rent.—80 acre, irrigat­ than pay for the Edison War Phono­ * Mrs F. E. Bushnell. and should do so cheerfully., in fact, Mrs. W. J. Peterson............ 100.00 ed farm. Alfalfa and stock ranch. graph which they have purchased for Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at Terms can be had but no trade con­ Tenth Company Coast Artillery, the are better fixed financially than farm­ John Aschim .......................... 50.00 * Death of James Hughey. to __ ... sidered. Lay th Son, Hermiston, Ore.* members of which are all Tillamook 50.00 Rialto, Both phones. ers m in other part of • the state. As we - Thos. Hamilton .................... live in peace, prosperity and happi- , E; M. Condit ........................ County Boys. The Honor Guard 50.00 Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ H. H. Rosenberg and family drove Girls are to be highly commended for James Hughey, who has been a less in Tillamook County, what a ( ' ir8‘* Nlagarell .................... 50.00 ware.—R. W. Bennett. * to Salem, and while there inquired into the splendid work they are doing, as settler of lillamook county since narked contrast to the slaughter, T “*■ “f'by............................ 50.00 the logauberry industry, and he well as the management of the Gem 1874, passed away on Tuesday even­ Lots in Block 3, Miller's Addition 50.00 iloodshed, devastation and frightful- i von, ^nH. .......................... . ~ - * came back with a lot of useful infor­ Theatre. ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 50.00 1 for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. less that have been going on in Bel- ' Dorothy Kirk ........................ mation. 50 00 1 ium, France, Russia and the other j ........................ S. G. Reed, ex-county commissioner Sarah Rush, on the Wilson River. Garbage gathered free. See M. R. 50.00 ' Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. Attorney H. T. Botts left for Salem was in last week to dispose of his The funeral services are to be held to­ ountries at war, all brought about by f rembley .................... 50.00 1 on Wednesday, and will appear be­ stock, etc., at the Neah-Kah-Nie day (Thursday) and the enterment blood-thirsty monarch like the Jb ,........................ R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- 50.00 fore the Supreme Court in two cases, mountain farm. He is now in the ship will be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. user and his war lords, lillamook Kathryn I.qmb .. . pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. 50.00 Janies Hughy was born in King the county bond case and the Tilla­ building in Texas, and he informs us ounty's young men have readily re- , Mrs. B. C. Lamb . 50.00 Chicken for sale, and want to buy mook Hotel case. they are having the same trouble County, Canada, May 1, 1844. His jonded to the country’s call for men, I D. D. West .......... 50.00 two Jersen cows.—Apply to Mrs. Bif­ father, William Hughey, was born in id now the government appeals to Miss Lora Sheets For Sale—17 O. I. C. pigs, Ji and there as we are having in Oregon Ireland, and after his marriage to a $ 50.00 lings. with the ship carpenters. He is of the ie people, especially the farmers, to R. A. Leonard ... Ji full blood. $5.00 each, ready for 50.00 S. A. Moulton .... propaganda daughter of Erin came to America, ke up these Liberty Bonds, the The first frost of the season made delivery from now to October 1st. A. opinion that German 50 00 J. E. Rooney ........ have something to do with the strikes locating in Canada, where he died oney to be used to. help prosecute T. Blackburn. Hemlock, Ore. Mutual its appearance on Wednesday morn ­ j when James was a mere boy. He re­ 50.00 ie war and rid the world of Ger- Geo. R. McKimens phone. * for 5000 men, headed by two German ceived his elementary training in the 50.00 ing. and one of Swecdish nationality, any’s war lords and militarism. As Keneth Murphy .. 50.00 For sale or trade for Tillamook walked out in Texas. R. Y. Blalock .... north, and in 1868, when twenty- Will pay you to see Everson tor a result of the war the dairymen are 50 00 safe investment in city property or farm, 7 room modern house on hard D. Martiny ............ four years of age, went to New York The Shakespeare Club met on Fri ­ wiving war prices for their cheese F < poweii 50.00 farm lands. * surface pavement. Value $3,500. In­ day afternoon for its regular annual City, and embarked for San Francis­ id surely they should respond lib- I Rt:in\hp co, by way of Panama. Coming di­ quire of Dr. C. E. Hawke, Forest 50 00 Blanche McNair .. . Why not be insured in the best fire Grove, Ore. ally to the new Liberty Loan. But i 1 Capt. John Groat .. ♦ meeting, the hostess on the occasion rect to Oregon, he located in Mc­ 50 00 being Mrs. Henry Crenshaw. The of­ insurance company, it costs no more. ere are others of our citizens who Rose V. Clough ... 50.00 C. F. Stone vs. Fred C. Feldschau ficers elected for the ensuing year Minnville, where his first wife, Jane * e well able to take up more bonds, W. H. Hoskins .... 50.00 See Everson. (Orr) Hughey, died leaving two is a suit filed in the circuit court to re­ id, no doubt, they will do so. Liber- Now is the time to have your winter cover $176.75 for certain goods, are: Mrs. H. T. Botts, president; Mrs. small children, William and Sarah, O. A. Schultz, vice-president; Mrs. Bonds are good investments and wood saw^d.—Call Ernest Knight Royal Club Coffee Free. wares and merchandise furnished the W. L. Campbell secretary. The invit- now Mrs. Wesley Rush. Subsequently >od collatoral. Every dairyman in Mutual phone. * defendant. ed guests were Mrs. Everett Hall, Mr. Hughey went to Panther creek in is county should buy a Liberty | Moore's valley, and engaged in saw- Read over the postal card jye mail- will pay the Lamb-Schrader Co., ond, and now is the proper time to ed you if you find the word that was The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay Mrs. Ira C. Smith, Mrs. Clent King, I milling, his partners being Messrs. for cascara bark highest cash price Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Harford and Mrs. ) so, by going to either the Tilla- misspelled mark the word on the 10c for all to pound lard pails and 5c. I Jones and Adams. In 1874, with the ook County Bank or the First Nat- postal card and bring to 41s and we and empty sacks. for 5 pound pails. They must bt free Hayes. The decorations were dahlias profits of the sawmilling business he artistically arranged, and the hostess inal Bank in this city, or the banks will give you lib. can of Royal Club Marriage licenses were issued to from rust. Bring them in at once and purchased a farm of onc hundred and * served a dainty lunch.| t Cloverdale, Bay City and Wheeler, Albert Cable and Mrs. Mary E. get your money. I forty-six acres in Tillamook County Coffee free. nd they will furnish the proper Pilkington. Edna Hill vs. W. H. Hill is a and engaged in the dairy business. In Ray & Co. L. S. Miller has gone to war—His lanks. Tillamook county should Commencing Monday, October 20, entire herd of full blood and grade divorce suit filed in the circuit court. 1889 Mr. Hughey married his second rake up to the seriousness of the aw- Special Offer. the barber shops will close at 7 p.m. Jerseys for sale. A chance to get These parties were married at Van­ wife, Myra Smith, a daughter of il conflict that is now going on and except Saturday. *2 1 some high class cows. Enquire of S. couver, Wash., on the 9th of Novem­ Hiram Smith, who was the first white elp stop it, and this can be done by ber, 1915. The plaintiff alleges that woman to settle along the Ncstucca M. Batterson, Mohler, Oregon. We are now offering the Tillamook C. B. Wiley and wife left on Friday uying a Liberty Bond. defendant took her to reside with a river. She died some few years ago. Headlight for one year and the Ore­ to visit relatives in Yamhill county County Judge A. M. Hare and com- sister-in-law, and then to a rooming i gon Farmer for three years at the missioners Owens and Alley left 'house in Portland, where he left her 13 COUNTY CLERKS FAIL TO There was a public meeting at the : and at The Dalles. Wednesday for Astoria, where they for two or three days with nothing to I ity Hall on Wednesday evening, but price of $1.50. That is a most liberal OBEY LAW. P. Schranz and family left for Hills ­ you cannot afford to miss. The will confer with the county court of j eat, and without money to procure I le attendance was not as large as it offer ____ o Oregon Farmer is a splendid agricul­ boro this week to visit with relatives Clatsop County about the road lead­ light have been, for the hall should ■ food, and she became dependent up- Neglect to File Statement Required tural paper with plenty of valuable in­ for a week or ten days. ing into the county. on the landlady of the rooming house ' . . _ ive been packed to its limits. The and . are - Subject to Removel formation in it and the Headlight is Lloyd Edwards left the first of the sdy of the hall, however, was well I Salem, Or., Oct. 13—Because they For Sale—2 dwellings, Lots 3 and to escape starvation. About the mid- . the best home newspaper, and the week for Newberg, where he will re­ lied, and those present took a lively newspaper that has boosted for 1 illa- 4 on 5th St. and Park Ave. Also die of last February defendant aban- have failed to comply with the law iterest in the meeting. It was called furniture, 1 range, 3 heaters, water­ doned plaintiff. ' 30 "" years. Send e —J : in i or sume his studies at the college. ' passed by the 1917 legislature impos­ ntook county for i order by Thad Robison, of the Til- renew your subscription at once. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunstan will power washing machine, and other The new cheese factory for the ing upon them the duty of filing cer­ mook County Bank, the speakers of household furniture. Inquire of Mrs. and leave tomorrow for Portland, Holstein Dairymens Association, Fac­ tain data with the secretary of stale, i K. White. 4» tory No. 1, is now under construction. no less than 13 Oregon county clerks ie evening were Oscar Furuset, of ; may visit relatives in the South. Change in Postage Rates. ortland; Walter Dimick, of Oregon The motor . boat we have nave a a. ...................... , . of the Life Saving The building will be 40 by 90 feet are subject to removal from office by We 75 .................... to 100 light dinamo ity, and Mayor R. T. Boats.. Mr. I and boiler room 20 by 4 0 feet. The the governor. The counties in which On *•••« and — after - Nov. IC3L1UU - - 2nd, . ’ 1917, . all for sale Better see us before we send Station having been condemned, the uruset took up the bond question . .............. io rvii>a»u ____ C Co. — * lillamook Commercial Club will take i material used for the building will be the clerks are delinquent are. Benton, first class mail will tje _ ___ increased one h it to Portland. __ — C«-.. Coast ~ Power id fully explained every < detail, ’ the matter up with several members hollow brick tile laid in black mortar, Clackamas, Clatsop, Crook, Curry. cent per ounce, or F*"* w----» —- fraction thereof. , hile Mr. Dimick reviewed the £ his- Iviiu For Sale—New modern residence, of the Oregon delegation to see it having concrete floor and founda­ Deschutes, Harney, Jackson, Jeffer­ d the That is all local letters, either drop, iry of the war, the cause an located in best residence district, r or w-hether another motor boat can be tion and the petitions will be built son, Morrow, Tillamook, Umatilla u.a.uy o me war wa. by the rural or star route bearing the Ulla- sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * obtained. ■utality of , conuucung conducting the with tile plastered on the interior with and Dhecler. per aiser and his war lords. He made a t mook address, will je | The law demands that within 10 Will receive bids for clearing 5 or rong appeal to the audience to do ounce or fraction thereo , an< a For Sale—27 acres of rich bottom white enamel plaster. The capacity of the factory will be 30,000 pounds days after October 1, beginning this 10 acres of land consisting of small ’ ' help the government. > side letters 3 cents per ounce or frac- IT) If land lanu Oil on South iJUUltl Fork 1 VII JK Nehalem ClldlV III JIVCI, river, ieir bit and stumps. Apply to Carl i ossetti, ay I ; une Onc mile of Mohler, convenient of milk per day, and equipped with year, and every quarter thereafter iijiiu north nur in ui aviuiiiur, convunieni ayor Boats thought the kaiser was , tion thereof. i the latest approved machinery for the clerks must file the following The rate on postal cards will be 2c. City, Ore. ' to school, cheesefactory, postoffice, I Uy. I making Tillamook County’s famous statistics among other items: . . , W A. Williams who disposed of and railroad. Good gravel road to cheese and will cost in the neighbor­ | Number of law actions filed in the As a result _____ of the meeting over in future. All letters dropped in office, with ­ »». Has. valuable river frontage. his business in this city, left on Tues- . P^ce. frontage, hood of $8,000. f,000 worth of __ Liberty _ Bonds were I circuit court, equity suits filed aside Id, bringing the : amount up to out return address short of postage day, and will probably locate in Na better land for dairy purposes. No __ _ _. -__ from divorces, divorce suits, number Supreme Court at ... the - -- request will be marked postage due and held encumbrances. For price address the of The 19,450.00 Montana. Attorneys"r. IL^Goyrie"and 1’1. T. criminal cases, civil cases tried by owner, Geo. W. McKimens, Mohler, William Maxwell, the Fairview at place of address for postage. jury, criminal cases tried by jury, con­ pree,—While it lasts, 1 lb. G. A. Oregon. 2* i Botts, advanced the county road bond liryman, was the biggest individual Baking Powder given away with eve­ measure case that was argued before tested law actions tried by court ind buyer at the meeting, who, with Resolution of Sympathy. ry 3 lb. can of Royal Club Coffee at AAAr* Don’t forget to consult Dr. 'judge G. R. Bagley last week, who without jury, a statement relative to good patriotic smile, took $800.00 I Turner, the well known eye i held that the law was properly enact­ proceedings in the probate court, cost Whereas, the reaper of death has Ray & Co. orth of bonds. of maintaining juries in circuit court Light wagon and set double har­ specialist, of Portland, at Jenkins' ed, but restrained the county court and for general jury work, cost of The citizens are asked to come for- entered our midst and removed there- Jewelry Store, Tuesday and Wednes­ commission ard at once and purchase more of from our brother Horace E. Weston, ness, good as new, for sale cheap. In­ day, Oct. 30-31. Headaches relieved, from selling bonds with charges added. The case will come witnesses, cost of juries and bailiffs 'tse Liberty Bonds. It is a patriotic who was a member of Fairview quire or write Moroney, Manhatten cross eyes straightened, satisfaction up in the Supreme Court for argu- in the county court. Beach, Oregon. Uy we owe to our country. $25,000 Grange, No. 273; guaranteed. Dr. Turner is a specialist ment today (Thursday) when Attor­ ore is needed. Won’t you help? Resolved, that we cherish in our Money to loan on farm lands, from I of experience and standing and you ney H. T. Botts will appear for the When shown the above news item memory and appreciation, the good $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate will make no mistake in consulting plaintiff and District Attorney Goyne County Clerk Harrison said he bail Following is a list of those who’iijgj ]C has rendered the order; that | he of interest. We want your business. him about your eyes and glasses. and Senator Fulton for the defend­ been endeavoring the past week to Resolved, as a token of respect for See Everson. 'vc subscribed in Tillamook for the Don’t forget the date. • ants. This, however, is a friendly suit, prepare the report, but the attorneys our brother and as an expression of tond Liberty Loan, The taxes collected by Sheriff Cam ­ brought to decide two points—the here were up in the air and could not Mrs. Francis M. Lamb who spent the 10 000.00 sympathy for the family, a copy of pbell, for the last half, a™“"‘ed ,t0 summer here is making an extended legality of the election and selling give him much advice about the law. nt National Bank .. 5000.00 I these resolutions be sent them, a copy $159,313.18, and about >400.00 de­ llainook Water Com visit with her son, Dr. Ernest D. bonds for more than 5 per cent inter­ 3000.00 sent to the local papers and one to be linquent the last month. F. Coats Lbr. Co. . YOU CAN EARN »200. Lamb at Union. Her son was a grad­ est. The law specifies the maximum spread upon the minutes of the 1000.00 C. Ellis ................. uate of Oregon and later received a amount of interest which is 5 per cent. each month selling "Wear-Ever” District Attorney T. H. Goyne left 800.00 GrBert?e Tinnerstet, Rose Crawford, county. C. m- Maxwell ............. Middlings $45.00 per ton, 85 lb specialties in Tillamook on Wednesday for Salem, where he diploma at the Portland Medical 500.00 • S. Hays................... Lewis county, Irvine Armstrong, School. Mrs. Lamb will return to Eu­ sack, $2.10. will argue the county bond case be ­ and Frank D. Bester, committee. 500.00 wry A. Ely............... Washington, averaged $275 per gene about the first of November, Shorts, $37.00 per ton, 80 lt>. sack, fore the Supreme Court. 500.00 month in July and August. A recent n. F. Worthington . after a brief visit with relatives and $1.50. 500.00 For Sale—By Case’s Garage, One friends in Portland. atilt \\ orthington . . A. G. Beals Meets with Accident Bran, $35.00 ton. 60 It>. sk $1.10. month's commissions of 1 . J. 1’ellow, 500.00 30 horse, 2 passenger Chevrolet Astoria, Oregon, were 1364. Do not n McNair ............... ----- o— Process rolled barley, $2.10 sk. 500.00 auto, new tires and one extra. I rice 260 acres Coos County, Oregon, land T. Boals ................... apply unless you arc exempt from A. G. ___ Bealsjnet .«¡ ‘h a rnost ... serious » met V» sv> « Wheat 100 |b. sk $3.75 | three miles from North Bend on nav- 250 00 accident on Tuesday that will prob­ if sold at once $625.00. * Williams ............. White River Flour, $10.50 bbl., army draft, can furnish references I igable channel of Coos Bay, with boat 250.00 •- crir- i'ppt hTm'f'oV life. He was and have funds to pay expenses for *ry Rogers ............. ably '- 1 ’ ; " ’ f " r ,,fe The Franklin Fish Market is now $2 75 sk. service. 130 acres bottom land which 250.00 W. Watson .... st'ing in in moving a catterpdler from open for business, drop in and look | is Try a sack of Campbells best patent one month. Successful applicant will dyked and ready for cultivation, . sistinK 200.00 'ad Robison ............. be selected in few weeks after per­ railroad truck at the depot. A stag 200.00 1 a i.. had been fixed with plank with around at the Old Spanish Kitchen. * >130 acres bench and hill land. Price flour at $2,85, equal to the best sonal interview with our sales super­ -„A J- McGough .. $22,000.00. Terms $12,000 cash, bal­ brands of Minneapolis flour. F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. ing 1-- . 200.00 Rosenberg......... ks under it, it. It seems as the ma- , All brands milk 2 for 25 cfs.; $5,75 visor. For particulars write to The 200.00 blocks under A Edwards ............. Wanted—To rent dairy ranch of 20 ance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, lj taken from the car it gave case. chine was rock as owner must sell. Price at ‘ bed 200.00 B. Aiderman ......... Try our 5 lbs for $1,00 Carocol Portland, Oregon. a ‘ sudden jolt on the G. Robertson, Cooston, Address W. 200.00 M. Hare ................... thought the plank would brace itsen iull particulars in first an. Oregon. Coffee. 200.00 against the car. but instead of doing direct to box 21, Mohler, Ore. Plank................. Notice to Dog Owners. Best fancy creamery butter $1 00 150.00 B Hays .............. At a meeting of the preferred stock­ this being the highest price at which the other end of the plank sudden­ Fr.rtv Acre Ranch, some bottom 150.00 holders of the FeeneyA Bremer Co., "Rosenberg......... ly teetered with great force. Bea s All owners of dogs must get their 100.00 was standing on the plank as was aL land, $3,000; half cash* Quick sale on Monday afternoon at the room of we ever sold butter. ’I Haugen............. dog license at once. If your dog is Pink, Bayo, Lima and red Mexican 100 00 ,o Bob Watt a few minutes before, Don’t write, come andr?ee 7ay,Or the Tillamook , Reedy................... Commercial Club beans 9 tbs for $1.00 while they last. missing look for him at the City Re- 100 00 but fearing an accident hef stepped off Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale. A Olson ................. which was for the purpose of electing 15 lbs. best Jap rice $1.00 while it I corders' office. If your dog is held loo.oo ’’J J Cone ............... I more than four days he will be dis­ Don’t forget those busted castings. two directors. Dr. R. T. Boals and H. lasts. The sudden teetering of the p. nx 100 oo threw Beals 20 feet in the air and he H. Rosenberg were unanimously elect­ •m Harrison ........... 5 tbs. Goldengate Baking powder posed of. 100 00 landed head downward Hs head and Can be welded for half. Goods sent ed, and they will look after the inter­ 9 McGhee............... . Smith "The Calf Man,” will pay . by parcel post and express promptly ests of the business men who pledged $1.75. 100 oo »Vi cents per pound for your Ever­ !pret Coates ......... shoulders striking some lumber. He Cane best sugar $7 95 sk. 200 00 was rendered unconscious and was returned. Hiner A Reed, Tdlamook. their financial support to the new green Blackberries delivered at G. A Edmunds, 100 00 I shipbuilding industry. toi Durvall ............. .^mediately rushed to Dr B~ls . Tillamook. Tillamook Mercantile Co. Oregon. 100 00 afl Bowman ........... I hispital. Beals is badly shaken up. *100.00 Gilbert................. Tillamook Jottings. J' . , <»■ .•■» ■>' -¡x s,“5