Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 11, 1917, Image 3

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f hat the Editors Say.
womanhood and the milt
against any nation, both from the
viewpoint of humanity and efficiency.
i™. s‘taPry'ix.du",“,'L,,rd
I revious generations have regarded
The Mayo brothers, of Rochester, -SeSeSigW
the level nf ,h l 111
■ " themse
to ' infant mortality from a fatalistic
Uinn. have devoted their lives to sav-
point of view, as something which can
g the lives of others, and that their
not be helped and which it is there­
work may not die with them they
fore useless to struggle against. But
endowed it with their life’s savings of
Why Bread is Cheap in England.
modern science knows better. “Infant
over a million dollars.—The Sentinel.
mortality," says Sir Arthur News­
------ o------
holme, "is the most sensitive index
Emperor William still insists that tin, 8 1 farmers approximately the we possess of social welfare and of
God is on his side. He says so every sa ne price for wheat that the Ameri- sanitary administration especially un- i
time he speaks and every time he harvet H11“ u" 1S pa*in8 ior the 1917 der urban conditions,” How, judged ,
writes a note. Wilhelm should look harvest the British consumers are to by this test does the United States I
about him. That’s what the ex-czar of have a four pound loaf for 18 cents a stand among the nations of the world?
the Russians used to always say.— two-pound loaf for 9 cents and I We are not the worst country, though
Telephone Register.
pound loaf for 5 cents. These new we are a long way from being the
bteVaedrnXni Pr‘CtS are f0r pure *heat best. With a national infant mortality
Senator LaFollette says he is going bread, not lor mixtures, but the Brit­ rate which, so far as the statisticians
to sue a number of newspapers for ish retailers are allowed to charge a can determine, is 124 per 1000, our
libel. A majority of the publishers are trifle more where bread is sold on record is just a little better than Ser­
bia’s. Nations that surpass us are
far from rich, but if any of them have credit or delivered.
damaged Bob’s reputation they will R,! h C| p5rJlnent Question arises, if Scotland, Finland, England, Denmark
probably be able to pay all that a jury B itish bakers can sell 16 ounces of Ireland, France and the Scandinavian
will find it was worth.—Oregon Reg­ wheat bread for 5 cents, with wheat countries. The nation that makes the
over there at the same price as in the best showing is far away New Zeal­
----- o-----
United States, why should the Ameri­ and, a new and growing country like
Why is it? Some stores get $11 a can baker go on charging 10 cents for our own, which loses only 51 per
pair for shoes made on the regulation a lb or even 14 ounce loaf? Labor 1000 of her infants. The most neg­
army last. Yet when manufacturers costs may make some difference, ligent country is Chile, which losses
offered the same shoe to the govern­ though wages have risen greatly in almost exactly one-third of her babies
ment for $6.50 a pair, the bid was re­ England since the war, and a thor­ In all these melancholy statistics
jected and the army got its footwear ough inquiry would probably’ show there is only one grain of consolation
for the United States—our record is
at $4.75. Why is it? The government little difierence now in labor costs.
buys them in quantities; so do all the
One reason, probably the controll­ much better than that of the nation
merchants of the country buy enor­ ing one, is that the British govern- with which we are now at war. The
mous quantities of shoes. But why
hand on the product strangest paradox presented by Ger­
such difference in price?—News Re­ all the way from the farm to the re- many is her excessively high infant
tailcr s counter, while our govern- mortality rate; this 192 per 100 for
------ o------
ment takes its hand off at the mill, the German empire and 146 for Prus­
The war is every man’s business, leaving the jobber, the retailer and sia. Here we have a nation that boasts
and the sacred obligation resting up­ the baker entirely uncontrolled.— that she has no slums and that her
sanitary and general living conditions
on him as a citizen is to do his part ¿spokesman Review.
surpass those of any other people.
to the best of his physical and finan­
Yet an indispensable accompaniment,
cial ability. This is a definition of pa­
Report At Once.
of kuliure is evidently widespread
triotism that can not be successfully
mortality among babies.—Burton J.
attacked. The man who withholds his
Only a few of those who could do
service as a soldier when the given of so bought Liberty Loan bonds during Hendrick in Harper’s Magazine.
them involves no grave sacrifice and the first campaign.
imposes no grave burdens upon de­
All those who did buy bonds and PAPER MAKING BY NATION IS
pendents is no more of a slacker, can buy more will buy more during
however, than the man with money this campaign. That is, except a few
who refuses to employ it in the ab- who arc worried through non-receipt Senate Printing Committee Reports
vantage of the country.—Itemizcr.
of the bonds themselves, not realizing
Defiant Attitude of Print Paper
----- o
that their payments are in even safer
Say what you will of Colonel form than if they had possession of
----- o-----
Roosevelt, he is one man in public their bonds.
Washington, Oct. 7.—A report rec­
life who has not qualified nor shilly­ But many people who bought bonds
shallied and has struck straight from are not yet in a position tp buy more. ommending Government operation of
the shoulder at those who have We know of a number who not only the print paper and pulp industries
sought to becloud the position of the invested savings, but discounted their during the war and arraigning what it
United States in the war. What we futures in order to respond to the call calls the defiant attitude of print pa­
per producers, was filed today by the
need is a regiment of Roosevelts that of our country.
Senate printing committee. It will
will invade all sections of the coun­
1 he main field of the present cam­ await action at the December session.
try and smoke treason from its holes, paign must be among those who
The report says the Federal Trade
stiffen the spines of those who are bought no bonds during the first loan.
perched carefully in the center of the It will not be easy to reach them all, Commission’s findings “show beyond
fence and hammer home a patriotism but every effort must be made, for it any question that the print paper in­
that means America over all and not is a big loan that must be subscribed dustry, in its desire for its excessive
profits, had imposed a most unjust
loyalty to some other country while this month.
burden on the American press, which
prospering under the institutions of
To that campaign work every pa­ faces a serious disaster if relief can­
the United States.—Hillsboro Inde­ triotic. citizen must dedicate many not
speedily be had from the oppres­
days or evenings to service during sive price now exacted for print pa­
the balance of the month. All the per.”
On October 15 every American work is voluntary. No one, except a
Relief Not Obtained.
merchant vessel of more than 2,500 few headquarter clerks, is being paid
It adds that the commission, in its
tons dead weight capacity available
Oregonians, volunteer and report! recent investigation, exhausted every
for ocean service will be requisitioned Report for duty at once to your local resource at its command to obtain re­
by the government. Such ships total committee, whether they have been lief for the publishers, but has been
•lightly more than two million tons. able to commandeer you or not. able to get only a small measure of
Some have already been taken over Your country needs you. Report at relief, owing “to the defiant attitude
for the army and navy. Except where once!—Oregon Voter.
assumed by the present producers of
required for government service the
print paper and lack of authority of
[ships will be turned back to the own­
the commission to enforce its finding
ers for operation on government ac­
as to fair and reasonable price.”
count. Within less than six months
Under a resolution introduced by
It makes one’s blood boil to read Senator
virtually all of the 438 American ves­ such
Smith, of Ari zona, and re­
sels now available for ocean service, Hoboken recovering from five battle ported by the committee for passage,
including regular lines, will be either wounds, gives of devilish cruelties the Trade Commission would be em­
powered to control the production
supplying American troops and war­
by Germans upon victims and distribution of print paper and
ships abroad or in the trades consid­ practiced
who have fallen into their hands, and mechanical and chemical pulp in the
ered vital to the conduct of war.— yet this but confirms othur reports by
United States. All print and pulp mills
Telephone Register.
other witnesses. He says that certain and agencies will be opeerativc on
I The opening -----
of 0-----
school has empha­ of their comrades who had been cap­ Government account and their pro­
sized to many a head of the family the tured, horribly mutilated and then ducts pooled in the commission’s
increase in the price of shoes—which crucified and left to die in agony, hands during the war emergency and
is by no means confined to the foot­ “swore that they would never take a equitably distributed at a price based
gear of the youngsters. This is one of prisoner,” and that “they live up to on production an$l distribution cost,
fhe anomalies of wartime. Since the that oath and the Germans fear them" plus a fair profit-per ton.
Imports to be Limited.
k»r began the slaughter of cattle in Mr. Ellis adds that he and the men of
Provision is made in the resolution
this country and in South America his company "found a number of
►as increased by more than 30,000,- young girls nailed to the doors of for co-operation with the Canadian
POO head; in the United States alone their own homes, some by the hands government and for limiting imports
F, 000,000 more cattle have been lais- and some by the feet, head down­ into the United States during the war
M in the three years since August, ward.” He adds that German officers to shipments for government account.
pl4, than in the three years previous participated in these atrocities, and The committee report points out that
a result of the commission investi­
Submarine warfare has caused the there is evidence that the kaiser’s of­ as
seven leading news print
Pow of South America hides to Eu- ficers acquiesced in similar conduct of gations
manufacturers have been indicted for
FOpe to be diverted to America ports; the Turks in Armenia.
violating the Sherman anti-trust law,
fnd imports of hides via the Pacific
If this is the result of "kultur,” has
the commission has entered for­
►ave also increased. Yet the price of it not progressed far enough? The and
mal complaint against the book paper
poes shows no sign of coming down ethics of the original American In­ manufacturers’ bureau of statistics
k even
of remaining stationary, dians are to be preferred. Since, the and 23 member companies of that bu­
►hoes are as necessary as bread; and time when the word “vandalism was reau, but that up to this time neither
F the price of bread can be regulated, derived from the conduct of the Huns the indictments nor the complaints
f"y not the price of shoes?—News Goths and Vandals, ancestors of Wil­ have afforded any measure of protec­
helm’s soldiers of today, there has tion to the publishers.
Newspapers Need Relief.
I Confidence in human nature cer- been little change in the race that is
more than skin deep. It is not appar­
Most of the newspapers of the
Pjoly received an awful bunt in ent that vandalism was any more de­ country, the report says, are now up
rheeler this week when that peer of structive of evidence of art, architec­ to the point where they must soon
p dead beats, James McDaniels, and ture or civilization in ancient Rome renew contracts, and if adequate re­
i” family made their get-a-way. This than it is today where the Prussians lief is to be had it must be without
ptfit has been here a couple of have had po-session of the territory waiting for the prosecution of the in­
Ponths or more and McDaniels has of their neighbors, nor have any sav- dictments and complaint.
[worked ever day at $3.75 or better ages ever been more wantonly cruel
“The committee,” it concludes, "sub­
led so far as investigated has never to non-combatants and others than mits to the Senate whether it is bet­
P*d out a penny. Grocers, doctors, some of these modern Huns —Oregon ter to safeguard the continuance of a
rFggists, landlord and all are hold- Register .________
free press in this country by assuring
M the sack, while it is known that
it an adequate supply of print paper
re woman carried out over $100 in
at a fair and reasonable price, or
Our Waste of Babi»s.
►»h besides the baby whose coming
whether to permit a further increase
----- o-----
P* made the excuse to gouge our
Nearly 2,500,000 babies are born in in the excessive profits of the paper
r°ple. McDanielswalkcd out toward the United States every year, of industry, which the Federal Trade
prtland a day before the woman left whom 300,000 die before they reach Commission declares is about to ex­
I’d there was no way to stop them. their first birthday. Apparently, this act $17,500,000 more in excessive
i»eu should be a law to catch such is one out of every eight babies that profits from the American publishers
------o —
fhberate beats and brand them with first sec light on American soil is who are loyally and patriotically sup-
For those who are in need of a
their Government in this
f* letters. There are times when men sacrificed to the unfavorable C'^utn- porting
remedy for kidney troubles and back­
Rinot pay their just debts, but now, stances surrounding its birth. Appar­ fateful hour.”
ache, it is a good plan to try Doan’s
Pen a man has his health and jobs ently, too. our first year of existence
Kidney Pills. They are strongly re­
[erywhere there is no excuse.— is the most dangerous in the whole
To Live the Clean Life.
commended by McMinnville people.
Iheeler Reporter.
human cycle. A man 70 year, oM
Arthur Branson, 339 B Street., No.
stands a much greater chance ot
Over 1200 officers of the reserve
|One thing that has struck us
---- as pc-
reaching 71 than a baby porn today officers’ training camp at Presidio, McMinnville, Ore., says: “About six
or eight years ago, I had rheumatic
flur during this war is that while has to reach his first anmversarj. San Francisco, signed tliis pledge:
r* blood-mad Germans of Europe 10 years to'populatc'a city as h£e£
We undertake to maintain our part pains in my back and legs so bad that
rTt committed all manner of cruel-
of the war free from hatred, brutality I wasn't able to do my work. At
times, it was all I could do to get
seemingly gone back to
or graft, true to the American pur­ around.
neariy thejotal
Sharp, shooting pains caught
fbarity in their treatment of wo- Jcrsey,
or ?o
to make
make Sp
up neariv
pose and ideals.
f*' children and prisoners, those
Aware of the temptations incident me in the small of my back and for a
rncr Germans, who are now Amcr-
to camp life and the moral and social minute I could hardly move. When I
are among our gentlest citizens
wreckage involved, we covenent to­ got down to do anything it was all I
gbav- none of the characteristics
gether to live the clean life and seek could do to straighten up as my back
P**ycd by their war-mad European
to establish the American uniform as felt so weak and stiff. After I had
phtrs. All of which goes to show
a symbol end guarantee of real man­ taken six or eight boxes of Doan’s
Kidney Pills I was cured. Since then
the Germans are not naturally
haven’t had any rheumatic pains
P« People. They make the best cit-
If we - ------- ------ .
fj* in the world under conditions
our example and our influence to and my kidneys have been as strong
J® 15 we have here and would be
make these ideals dominant in the as ever.”
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t
*P^ne in Europe under the same
American army.
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
i®tions. Militarism has simply rc-
them temporarily to a condi-
I am in the market at all timea for Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
f boardering on savagery. They
your baby calves—Smith "The Calf Mr. Branson had. Foster-Milburn Co.
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
M*.“cen crazed by the shedding of
Man,"—Both Phone«.
They have been granted such
‘"“S' “
FX that they have lost respect for
Winter’s Flour
OLYMPIC FLOUR, $11.00 bbl., $2.00 sk.
Olympic Flour is the Best.
Golden CROWN FLOUR, $10.80 bl., $2.75 sk
Hard Wheat High Patent.
PURE CANE SUGAR, $8.25 sk.
COUNTRY SHORTS. $40.00 ton, $1.40 sk.
MIDLINGS, $50.00 ton, $2.40 sk.
We want your business.
TILLAMOOK, ORE., Sanitary White Store
Both phones.
Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells,
Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc.
Our flies are known to the
Sportsmen and are reorginized
the finest and best made flies
in America.