TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 11, 1917. I whom the Oregon Voter is grooming those who go into, the industry. To pledges are entitleed to membership ADVERTISING RATES. for Governor, and at the same time make a success of the loganberry in­ window- cards, which will be delivered Legal Advertisements. I has a fling at party advocates. Well, dustry, vines must be taken proper upon receipt of the signed pledge. First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 Bro. Chapman isn’t much of a proph­ After signing the card they arc mail- care of and properly cultivated, for Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 et on the political horizon, but he may that is the secret of growing logan­ ed with the usual material through Business and Professional cards be swelled up some in that respect. berries. Those who have been raising the postoffice and franked without one month....................................... i.oo We’ve got our opinion of those non- loganberries in this county have gone cost. Mr. Fred Locklay, a prominent i partisan Simon pure politicians, who, through the experiment stages, and Locals per line each insertion... 05 down in their hearts, are free trade it is claimed that every acre properly writer of northwest affairs is pub- Display advertisements, an inch Democra.s, but who pose as non-par- cultivated should produce from five licity manager for the state of Ore- and Lodge Notices, per line . •.05 tisans. to six tons of berries. We believe it gon, Mr. Arthur M. Churchill being ------ o------ will be no trouble in Tillamook coun­ the state chairman and Rollie W. All Resolutions of Condolence local county campaign Who said the pupils of the high ty to raise that amount, for this is a Watson, one month...................................... •50 school were going to make an ever­ most favored section of the state for manager. green blackberry drive next Saturday loganberries. Volunteers for this work during the week of October 21st to 28th will was *’— ----- THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. : and the domestic science class going to put them up into jelly for We feel compelled to take up the please be so patriotic as to offer their F. C. BAKER, Publisher. the 10th Company C.A.C. Well, no challenge of that unpopular individual services at the office of Rollie W. one said so but the snap shot man at the city council meeting on Mon­ Watson. ______ thought they could not be more usc- day, who undertook to besmirch the ful employed. If they can’t rustle the character of the snap shot man. So i Hoover. , jars and the sugar the snap shot man we feel justified in making a fight. will pitch in and help them, with an­ He accused us of having switched and ------ o ---- (By Charley L. Gant) There’s a feller name o’ Hoover, If Germany is now reducing the other suggestion: Sell the surpuls in favor of saloons. We will recite a amount of food, how is it going to l berries and with the money .buy the few facts. It was the snap shot man, , who is pesticating ’round, but he sure sugar. It’s as easy as falling off a who, single handed, and without the is not well posted on the grub of Pu­ pull through the winter? log. backing or support of any of our citi­ get Sound, else he never would advise The press is called upon to help in zens, who started the fight against a us for to eat a lot of fish; must think Wonder what the kaiser thinks of wide open gambling town. They were a man’s a sucker for to pay a plunk a the second Liberty Bond sale, and, of course, it will do its bit, t as usual, that little contemptible British army put out of business as a result of the dish for a sockeye or a humpy or a that is giving the German army a fight we made and the county re­ silver or a spring. Nonsense, Mr. without hope of reward. severe trouncing and gradually driv­ mained in the "dry” column for near­ Hoover, for the salmon is a king. No ------ o------ It takes a little hustling to raise ing it back? Germ ray is going to col­ ly seven years. At the same time we use to talk of fishes though a million money to pay state, city and county lapse from physical weakness. Every put a nail in the coffin of the old rule do abound they’re worse than Mary’s taxes, but we are all wondering how fight she gets into weakens her man or ruin faction. For the first few little lamb at thirty cents a pound. hard the government is going to tax power and the way the Tommies have years under local option local condi­ My woman is a Hooverite and fol­ been fighting makes the man power tions wonderfully improved, and a lows Hoover’s plan and soon it will us the next few months. of the German army that much weak­ good many of the business men behoove her for to get another man, German troops have a perfect dread er. It will not be long now before thanked us, amongst them, we re­ for I'm weary of these beefless days oF the shells that are hurled at them United States troops will be on the member, was F. R. Beals, who told us that Hoover beefs about and another from the English artillery, and well firing line, fighting by .lie side of the if we never did another lick for Tilla­ week of Hoover and I think I’ll peter they might, for German prisoners de­ Canadians, an MONDAY, OCT. 15. “THE NEGLECTED WIFE.” Bathe serial picture featuring Ruth Roland. Miss Roland will remembered as the star in “WHO PAYS” where she pleased every one so much with her ability as an actress. The theme of this serial is not of the ordinary type of serial picture, but treats a question which we have before us in every day life, “LONESOME LUKE’S MONEYMOON,” tworeels of comedy that cannot be imitated, put on in the usual pleasing which LONESOME LUKE presents all his works. Bathe News No. 71. On this night we are to give to the HQN0R GUARDS of our city and county, a benefit out of the re­ ceipts of the evening, to pay fora phonograph to the Till­ amook Coast Artillery Co., stationed at Fort Columbia. You should turn out in un-limited numbers to support this move. Our company of Boys are the only ones who do not at the present time have one of these Phonographs, Admission, Adults 20c. Children 10c. TUESDAY, OCT. 16. “WHOSE WIFE” featuring Gail Kane. A triumph of love over treachery ir. which a spider is caught in its own web. WEDNESDAY, OCT 17. “LITTLE MISS NOBODY.” Bluebird Photoplay featuring \ iolet Mersereau. It is hard to find any one who does not like this little star. Dont fail to see her in this pleasing program. A BOOB FOR LUCK,” single reel comedy featur­ ing Gale Henry and Wm. Franey. THURSDAY, OCT. 18. ‘“INNOCENT SINNER,” William Fox featuring with Miriam Cooper in the leading role. A picture of the INNOCENT country girl and her "young man from the citv. Pontlis *orkec Li ----- L¡=«i.-a-. -LSKÏS ¡I1; aS 3. n Q TOT ---- . •ar J-J J ■t J UtU J y ___ Helping the Harvests I i IN both producing and marketing, the facilities and services of the First National Bank—and its Mem­ bers are at the disposal of our patrons. We feel that in lending our support to that which supports the community and its industries, we also add to the welfare and prosperity of the bank as well as depositors. tig . ... „ DIRECTORS: A. W Bunn. Farmer. p. Heisel. Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. B. C, Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. TheHrst National Bank First Class Job Printin. at the Headlight Office '« won Uh bei tna< tople. : "«land Jd ther ¿"ere si fliberat plette: Mnot p [hen a PTwht rheeler _?"« th “Ur du k bloo< ,Te con (*—hav fbaritv «". chi] nner G !?’’ are ■ have Waved *ners. « the ( m tl • »» w .•atne ¡ “itions thei 1 boar- '.been "d. The tha