ftlmnwk TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 11, 1917. Tillamook Jottings. Clove» A.uiSC Rialtc JewÜrÎS wireA Ge| penbe Lot for sa Gart Hanai week, meetii Wil safe il farm I al See Six ai-itf the ro/ W wl to CoS' the wt* Wh-'J insura 1 See E I W. 1 Seasiii I ed to 4 I Now J wood Mutual^ Lam\V highest and err For fresh Beavei YoJ your f bender Pig- $5.00 Add re- Spe- 5c. a I price $ Let > wagon fame. .' We for sab tig 1,101 ore For locate-nla wle at 1 t( Sheri. for $11 ->P’ Oreg. nt0 Wil 10 acr stump city,C4x Mr. _ week f rt will v exten. T Ligl 11 K )r quire Beach igh Moi $500 .. of int See F Los small pins. 1 , Head! Wa look i piano . son's ) l( Lib» - coal. < Co”? 1,11‘ The full li„ ehiner Get th. Lar< by th. line oi roasti See your I Anris 4a< th e ii .•an at yo yl< IJ -1» CO1 to s h fl na tl nt if Si.50 PER YEAR. . Smith "The Calf Man,” will pay J. G. Harris, of Custer Co., Mont, COUNTY ROAD BOND LAW IS g^nentB81p7cpound for y°ur Ev«-’ LOGANBERRY INDUSTRY FOR ated this year by the fact that Oregon r^ce>ved orders to muster in, and in­ . TUlanmOoLa berneS TILLAMOOK COUNTY LEGAL. only had a 50 per cent crop—but stead of going back there he reported even with a full crop total pack of o . heriff Campbell, who sent him to County Court is Restrained from Sei- | ^' bree Hundred ^Acrei^ will^ Insure y A. Wise, dentist. berries could have been sold at prices Mathias Springer and Anna Helge- American Lake on Monday. Several Juice Factory—Will Pay 3J4 cts. yielding the canner a very good mar­ Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough wedln°Oh t°i! Garibaldi- were united in other young men from other states ling Bonds with Commissions Per Pound for Berries. gin of profit. wedlock the ceremony being per- have reported to the local board that Added. If you wish any further detailed in­ f°™ed by Rev. D. L. Shrode at the they have to be examined and instead At the invitation of R. C. Jones, formation as to prices, etc. would be Money to loan on good security. T. oihee of the county clerk. ot returning to the state where they I The suit filed last week to test the County Agriculturist, the county has glad to have your specific inquiries. registered will be examined here. Goyne. • For sale or trade for Tillamook Very truly yours, legality of the county road bond | been visited this week by O. L. Ferris Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, tarm, l room modern house on hard 1, illamook Water Commission measure which was voted upon and of Salem, representing the Pheasant Allen & Lewis. hoverdale, Ore. * surface pavement. Value $3,500. In­ has invested $5,000 of its surplus passed by a large number of votes at Fruit Juice Company of that city. PATRIOTIC WEEK. quire of Dr. C. E. Hawke, Forest funds in the purchase of Liberty the special election, came up in the Meetings have been held at Bay City, Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at Grove, Ore. * Bonds. Before the purchase was made circuit court last week before Judge Tillamook, and Beaver. The object of liilto, Both phones. * however, the council was asked to en- G. R. Bagley, with Attorney H. T. the meetings was to afford the res­ Governor Withycombe Issues Procla­ The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay mation Designating October 14th [ Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- IOC for all to pound lard pails and Sc dorse tbc l°an- The council replied to Botts and District Attorney T. H. pective7 communities an opportunity of becoming thoroughly acquainted to 2<>th. for Liberty Loan Drive. Lre_R. W. Bennett. * for 5 pound pails. They must bt. free the request by passing a resolution Goyne attorneys in the case. unanimously endorsing the loan. The It is a friendly suit and the co in­ with the magnitude of this new in- trom rust. Bring them in at once and Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition Water Commission has over $40,000 Whereas, the American people have was sworn to by Smith W. dustry and with the possibilities of * invested in securities and $3,000’ in plaint L, * get your money. g «ip sale. —See T. H. Goyne. Elliott. Tillamook county and the Tillamook County becoming an in­ set themselves the task of raising a second Liberty Loan of from three O. A. Schultz left on Wednesday on cash besides the $5,000 invested in county officials were made parties to tegral part thereof. Garbage gathered free. See M. R. At the meeting held in the Court to five billion dollars. Twentieth cen­ the suit. It is an injunction suit to re- a business trip to Portland, and while the Liberty Bonds. lanankrat, or call Main 6F11. there he will consult attorneys in re­ 260 acres Coos County, Oregon, land strain the defendants from disposing House Tuesday afternoon Mr. Ferris tury war requires vast sums of money. r . W. Bennett, expert watch re- gard to the action of the city council three miles from North Bend on Nav­ of bonds, it being claimed that the outlined the plan of his company to The requirements are far beyond • airing. S. P- Watch inspector. election was irregular and the encourage new plantings of logan­ what the wealthiest country can on the pavement question. igable channel of Coos Bay, with boat county court had no right that to sell berries in the state and particularly raise by taxation. The great nations I The Kill Kare Klub will meet with service. 130 acres bottom land which For Sale—2 dwellings, Lots 3 and Mrs. Pennington, Thursday, Oct. 18. 4 on 5th St. and Park Ave. Also \SoAyked and ready for cultivation, bonds with commission fees attached. in units of several hundred acres. At of Europe have been at war for three The county court called for bids for certain points where such plantings years. They have floated loan after I Chicken for sale, and want to buy furniture, 1 range, 3 heaters, water­ 130 acres bench and hill land. Price bonds at 5 per cent, but when the are assured the company proposes to loan successfully. It is unthinkable $22,000.00. Terms $12,000 cash, bal ­ Lojersen cows.—Apply to Mrs. Bil- power washing machine, and other bids were opened all the bond buyers locate pressing plants. Besides the that this country should fail with its household furniture. Inquire of Mrs. ance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. added a commission ranging from main plant at Salem, the company second loan, six months after the dec­ fcgs K. White. 44 Price at bed rock as owner must sell. 13,937.50 to $10,440.00 the bids be­ has plants at Woodlawn and Forest laration of war; and Morrison and Kathleen Mills left Address W. G. Robertson, Cooston, ing as follows: Grove, and recently ’the community Whereas, failure to provide the nec­ Don t forget those busted castings. Oregon. L New Mexico last Monday and will Cummins Prudden & Co. $9,780.00 of Orenco qualified and will have a essary money would mean failure k gone about three weeks. Can be welded for half. Goods sent Miss Alice Perry became a ■war Carstens & Earles and John plant when their acreage comes into properly to provision and equip our 7,990.00 bearing. Will pay you to see Everson tor a by parcel post and express promptly bride on Monday when she was mar- E. Price & Co..................... troops. An army insufficiently equip­ 3,937.50 Lie investment in city property or returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, rieed to John Fitzpatrick by Rev. Lumbermens Trust Co.... The offer in this county is to locate ped and supplied is led to unavailing 10,440.00 Halsey Stuart & Co ........... ■rm lands. * Oregon. Father Basil at the Sacret Heart a plant providing at least 300 acres slaughter. We owe to those who are • 4.730.00 can be contracted. The contracts are to do the fighting to stand behind church in Tillamook city, The Morris Bros......................... David Steinback left for Bremerton, 7,825.00 G. E. Miller & Co ............. L. S. Miller has ____ __ _ groom is a member of the third com ­ gone to war—His for five years and call for a price of them loyally, to give them everything lash., where he will work for the 6,900.00 3>4 cents per pound delivered at the which will add to their efficiency and entire herd of full blood and grade pany, U. S. Naval training station at Keeler Bros. ...................... kvernment. take the Keeler Bros., offered to Jerseys for sale. A chance to get Seattle, and was in on a short visit. bring nearer the day of victory. Let plant. Rev. Aug Olson will preach at the some high class cows. Enquire of S. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and bonds with a commission of about This meeting was addressed by Mr. us not fight this war half-heartedly, of the at- $7,000.00 added but some Maple Leaf school house next Sun- M. Batterson, Mohler, Oregon. * Mrs. John Perry. The happy couple Jones who reported regarding the with one hand behind our backs. Let torneys for the bond buyers gave ty, morning and evening. he and us fight it manfully, in a manner C. A. Dunn, who is assistant state have many friends here, who wish their opinion that the law was de­ immense activity which Frank Trout and H. F. Goodspeed worthy the best traditions of the Re­ Girl wanted, for general house work highway engineer, is to survey the them a long life of happiness. fective and would not give a favorable found recently when they visited the public; and hquire of Henry Schild, Mutual other 15 miles of road, as provided in At a meeting of the city council on report, so it was decided to start a Whereas, Oregon’s share of the lone. the state bond measure, which pro­ Monday evening, presided over by test case and take it to the supreme plant of the Pheasant Fruit Juice Co. in Salem. Mr. Jones spoke particular­ fund required is sixteen and a half to Mayor Boats, the matter of the as ­ vides for 20 miles or more of hard court, and this would remove all Elbert Worthington and family sessment for the pavement and sew­ doubt as to the legality of the law as ly of the seeming prosperity of the tweenty-four million dollars. This is we moved to Eugene, where they surfaced road south of this city. loganberry growers of Marion county a sum too large to be raised without erage system came up. There was a hll make their future home. Charley Vogler has rented the large number of persons present. A well as decide the question whether He also pointed out the adaptability the co-operation of the whole people. the county court would be justified in Why not be insured in the best fire store next to Clough's Drug Store petition was presented signed by five selling $200,000 of road bonds at 5 of the uplands of this county to the Every Oregonian with an income jsurance company, it costs no more, and will move the Louvre restaurant litigants and 71 non-litigants asking per cent interest with nearly $7,000 culture of loganberries and he urged should consider it a duty and a privi­ the importance of seizing this oppor­ lege to purchase one or more bonds, e Everson. • there. It is Mr. Vogler’s intention to that the city council not to make the added to them as commission. fit the place up as a first class restau­ assessment. tunity which means the making of in proportion to his means. The gov­ Councilmen Harris, Attorneys Botts and Goyne present ­ Now is the time to have your winter rant, with soda fountains. Burge, Christensen and Page all vot­ ed the case to Judge Bagley last this land as profitable to the owners ernment asks us not to contribute, but ood sawed.—Call Ernest Knight to invest. There is no safer invest­ ing in favor of doing so, councilman Thursday evening, and after looking as are the bottom lands. Married, on Thursday, at the M. E. utual phone. * The meeting was also addressed by ment in the world than a loan to the parsonage in this city, F. H. Illing­ Edmunds being absent, the supreme over the papers he told the attorneys Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay the worth, of Garibaldi, and Miss Alice court having issued a mandamus com­ that he did not wish to hear argu­ M. W. Harrison, F. C. Baker, A. C. United States; Now, therefore, by virtue of the au­ ghest cash price for cascara bark Kennedy, of Newberg, Ore, the cere­ pelling the city council to make the ments as to the legality of the law Everson, R. W. Watson and H. H. d empty sacks. • mony being performed by 'the pastor assessment on the stipulation of the and the election, but they could argue Rosenberg all of whom heartily ap­ thority in me vested, as Governor of proved the movement. A resolution the State of Oregon, I, James Withy- litigants. the matter of selling the bonds in the Thos. Coates Jr., who is a member Rev. Chas. E. Gibson. of endorsement was adopted by the combe, Governor, do hereby pro­ W. C. Rogers was taken sick while manner set out in the complaint. This meeting and a motion prevailed call­ claim the week of October 14th to / Co. M. Third Oregon, paid a visit A letter was received from Fort attorneys did. his parents Friday and Saturday. Columbia, where the 10th Company, cleaning up the office of the Coats the The judge took the matter under ad­ ing for the appointment of a commit­ 20th, 1917 as Patriotic Week. Ore­ Lumber Co. on Tuesday morning, and We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo C.A.C., is located, stating that some when Mr. Miller went into the office visement for a few days, as he wished tee of three by Mr. Baker, as Pres, gon has thus far responded to every r sale. Better see us before we send one had poisoned the water in the he found him sitting in a chair. Mr. to consult some authorities before of the Commercial Club, which com­ appeal.. We have given the flower of to Portland.—Coast Power Co. * reservoir at Ft. Columbia the plot Miller wanted to send for a doctor, rendering a decision, which he did mittee will at once proceed to sign our young manhood. Let us not be a was discovered before any of the Tuesday morning. He decided that up the required acreage and see to sordid people. Let us not place great­ but Rogers said he would soon be al­ the county road bond law was legal closing the proposals of the Juice Co. er store by our money than by our for Sale—New modern residence, boys were poisoned. right. He was driven to his home and cated in best residence district. For Those present at the meeting were men. If our people can only be arous­ Do not forget the performance at laid on the bed. Later in the morning and restrained the county court from treated Lie at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. • generously with this new ed to the necessities of the situation selling bonds with commission fees the Gem Theatre on Monday evening, Mr. Miller made some inquiries "water wagon beverage” and consid­ we cannot fail to have the coopera­ Married on the 4th at the parsonage for the Honor Guard Girls are to re­ about him and he was found dead, added to them. The decree of the court is as fol- erable interest was manifest in the tion which will spell success. the Christian Church, by Rev. C. ceive half of the proceeds for the having expired soon after he was tak­ comprehensive advertising and mar­ In testimony whereof, I have here­ I Curtis, W. A. Makinster and Jen- Company fund. Show your appre­ en to his home. The deceased was lows: It is further by the court ordered keting methods of the company. Most unto set my hand and caused the Seal e Denny. ciation of the home boys and attend born in Henry county, Missouri, in lito- of the State of Oregon to be hereun­ and decreed that the defendants and attractively and handsomely Rev. Father VanClarenbeck came the one entertainment that is provid­ 1858. He has a son and daughter re­ each of them and the officers of Tilla­ graphed advertising material was to affixed, this 10th day of October,, ed. siding at Blaine. Wash. the first of the week for a short mook County, Oregon, be and they exhibited. Phez Pure Juice of the A. D. 1917. Jsit and will leave Friday. He says "Phez Loganberry, Salem, Oregon” James Withycombe, Governor W. E. Noyes had a streak of bad are hereby perpetually enjoined and loganberry is the way the product is 1 health is much better. is the way the Hotel Tillamook reg­ luck last week. One of his teams while restrained from selling or issuing the presented and that the expensive ad­ bonds authorized by the petition and vertising pays is indicated by the Walter Dimick and C. C. McCul- Will receive bids for clearing 5 or ister reads and this is one of the working on the Bayocean road was in election mentioned in the complaint volume of business already developed. I acres of land consisting of small unique publicity methods of O. L. a runaway mixup, and fell with a to Keeler Brothers, or any other per­ Full page advertisements in the Sat­ loug have been designated for the districts and »tups. Apply to Carl Possetti, Bay Ferris, Salesmanager of the Phez Co. scraper hitched to it. Failing to un­ son, upon the bid and offer set out in urday Evening Post, which is prob­ Washington-Tillamook they will hold meeting in this city who has put Oregon on the map by hitch the animal, the horse commenc­ ity, Ore. his strong advertising of this new ed to kick and in doing so injured its the complaint or upon any other bid ably the strongest advertising med­ next Wednesday evening at 7:30 and Lost—Elks pin near Tillamook Oregon product. leg and had to be shot. On Saturday or offer for any less sum or amount ium in the world, has already brought at Nehalem on Thursday evening at than the par value of said bonds as re­ to this company a national distribu­ 7:30. otel. A reward of $10.00 is offered Mrs. John Little, who is now in Mr. Noyes’ team was working on the quired by law. But it is by the court tion, and now shipments are being •r the return of same to Tillamook road near Dick's Point, when sudden ­ Midland, Mich., writes: "Mrs. W. B. Erick Bergstrom Dead. further decreed that the petition de­ made almost daily in carload lots to Sutton mailed inc one of your papers ly a large rock high up on the bluff scribed in the complaint was and is a the many distributing centers of the broke loose. The men working there Myrtle Mills has returned front last week and .any papers from Tilla­ Erik Bergstrom was born in Bergs- sufficient petition to authorize the rtland. She has been in care of an mook are always welcome at our had a narrow escape in being caught holding of the election held as alleg­ country. The company has pioneered all the jo, Sweden, on February 5, 1844. He in the avalanche, but fortunately, man ­ t specialist since last May, her eyes home. As we used to live there for to get away in time. The big ed in the complaint on June 4th, 1917 large eastern markets and the brand came to Illinois, in -870, where he ve greately improved. five years, and wish we were there aged slide of rock caught the team and and that the proceedings had in pur­ named Phez is rapidly becoming a resided for two years, he then moved Free,—While it lasts, 1 lb. G. A. now.” broke nearly every bone in their suance of said petition, including the synonum for Loganberry Juice, it is to Iowa where he lived for some It may interest a large number of bodies. Mr. Noyes had intended to election held thereon, as aforesaid, a standard article just as Welsh’s in years. From there he moved to Brown iking Powder given away with eve- county, Nebraska. In 1891 he moved ’ 3 lb can of Royal Club Coffee at persons to know a large amount of have the team insured, after the first were and are sufficient in every re­ the grape juice line. The company is heavily capitalized to Tillamook where he has lived ever ,»y & Co. » evergreen black berries are being accident, but had neglected doing so. spect to authorize the issuance and sale of the bonds of defendant Tilla­ and is composed of well known Salem since and where he died on Oct. 6, Light wagon and set double har­ shipped out of the county, which mook County to the amount of $412- and Portland business men. The re­ 1917, at the home of his daughter amounts to about 70 tons. 1 illamook ass, good as new, for sale cheap. In­ Honor Guard Girls Meet. 000 at the rate of interest specified sponsibility of the company is un­ Mrs. J. L. Simmons, where he has jure or write Moroney, Manhatten City shipped 59 tons. Bay City 7 in the order calling said election, or questioned. made his home for the past seven tons, and Garibaldi and Miami over each, Oregon At a meeting of the Honor Guard in lieu thereof the issuance of It was explained that small tracts years. His age was 73 years, 8 3 tons. Girls last Tuesday evening the fol ­ County Warrants as provided for by Money to loan on farm lands, from five or ten acres is better and months and 1 day. He leaves two Relative to the proposition of the lowing officers were elected; Leader, section 17 of Chapter 103 of the of up, Good terms. Reasonable rate more profitable than large plantings daughters, Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Ethel Gaylord; Assistant leader, Mrs. General Laws of Oregon for the year Phez Juice Co. it is interesting to J. Berns, both of Tillamook, and a I interest. We want your business. Case; Secretary, Fay Hill,; 1913, and this decree shall not inter­ and they can easily be cared for and b other Andrew Bergstrom, of Iowa. fr Everson. * observe that at the State Fair their Arthur picked by the family rather than hav­ Treasurer, Lizzie Coates. A standing fere with the issuance or sale of said Loganberry Juice captured the Blue The funeral services were held at Ethelyn -mvi»u v Crawford 1 loru is in 1 Portland, uriiduu, Ribbon and this means something publicity committee composed of bonds or warrants except that the ing to depend on outside help. The the home of J. L. Simmons on Mon­ she had her tonsils removed. when it is considered that Oregon is Bulah Sumerlin, Pauline Beals and same shall not be issued or sold for “tips” from which the planting is day, Oct. 7, Rev. C. E. Pearson kp __ one __ “f n, Dr . found . a growth on of the seat of the industry and all the Areta Everson was also appointed. any less price than the par value made are set in rows eight feet apart preaching the sermon. Interment took and every eight feet in the row. ■r tonsils that almost filled her various brands were exhibited. The girls are planning to accom­ thereof and place at the Bay View Cemetery near plish some very worth while things It is decreed by the court that the Posts are set every 32 feet in the Bay City. The Pleasant Valley Grange fOat i'*'e ’s FettinK along nicely. Marriage licenses were issued as now that school has begun and the bid and offer alleged in the complaint rows and two strands of No. 12 gal­ had charge of the services at the Wanted Apartment or small house, meetings can be regular. if accepted and completed according vanized wire are used on which the grave, the deceased being a member „ . •mished or unfurnished. Family of follows: Mathias Springer and Anna Hclges- It was determined to do something to the terms thereto, would amount to vines are trained. It is predicted that of that order. ______ rtt adults .Address, Renter, care that would be of permanent value for a sale of said bonds for less than the because of the special favorable cli­ Onfohn Fitzpatrick and Alice Perry. taillight office. our boys at Fort Columbia, and the par value thereof, and a discount, | matic and soil conditions here that a Water Permits in Tillamook much larger yield can be expected F. H. Illingworth and Alice Kenne­ purchase of an Edison war phono- contrary to law. For Sale—By Case’s Garage, One than in the Willamette Valley where as being And thereupon in open court, the graph was decided upon State Engineer John H. Lewis is­ I horse, 2 passenger Chevrolet dy. — Charles A. O’Brien and Frances something that would be enjoyed by plaintiff gave notice by his attorney it is not uncommon to find growers sued HO permits to appropriate water '•o. new tires and one extra. Price who secure as much as five and six of the camp that the plaintiff appealed from said all and would be part and 10 permits to construct reservoir, '•old at once $625.00. * Hauser. equipment wherever the company decree and all thereof, except that tons to the acre. The general price during the quarter ending Sept. 30, rhe Franklin Fish Market is now Jason Powell and family, who have might be sent. portion restraining defendants from for picking is 1 cent per pound. 1917. These permits cover the irri­ Pm for business, The juice plant will be able to take gation of land aggregating 5,259 ------ , drop ___ p in and look been residing at Buhl, Idaho, for the _____ _ the necessary selling upon the bid and offer alleged Plans ___ for ___ raising -It the tl, .. Old Mil Spanish c___ fl round *nd at Kitchen.— past eighteen months have returned funds were discussed and through the in the compjlaint, to the Supreme i care of the wild evergreen blackber­ acres, the development of 5,116 • Elliott, Proprietor. * to Tillamook and will again make courtesy of the managers of the Gem Court of the State of Oregon, and j ries so that it means more than logan­ horsepower, the construction of 102 their home here. They were accom ­ berries alone for Tillamook. Theatre the proceeds of one night’s thereupon also the defendants by Wanted—To rent dairy ranch of 20 of ditches, and an estimated panied by Tom Van Patten and wife whole proposition sounds good miles cost of construction totaling $155,- more cows for term of years. State who were lately married at Buhl .Mr. entertainment will be donated for this their attorney aforesaid, in open to The Tillamook. It is an opportunity purpose. Special attractions will, be court, gave notice that the defendants 475.00, II Particulars in first letter and and Mrs. Van Patton will visit here presented in addition to the pictures and each of them appealed to the Su­ that rarely comes and should not be During the period 4 permits were lrctt to box 21. Mohler, Ore. * and it is hoped that all will avail them preme Court of the State of Oregon, passed up. Those who will plant and obtained in Tillamook County, as fol­ for a time. to Ranch, some bottom selves of the privilege of a fine en­ from that portion of said decree want contracts should report For Sale— 27 1. acres of rich bottom tertainment and at the same time help which restrains the defendants from either Mr. Baker, Mr. Jones or the lows: J $3,0o0; half cash. Quick sale. - ................... 1 river, To Three Rivers Creamery Associa­ land on South Fork Nehalem t write, come and see it. Taylor one mile north of Mohler, convement a most worthy enterprise of the Hon­ selling the bonds in issue upon the committee. tion, of Hebo, for creamery purposes, bid and offer set forth in the com ­ **' r.sta:e Agency, Cloverdale. or Guards. to school, cheesefactory, Post0,f,ce' the estimated cost of works being A special Edison war machine, type plaint. The Loganberry Industry. For Sale or Rent.—80 acre, irrigat- and railroad. Good gravel road to $1,000. of which the girls expect to purchase, ------ o ------ >.irm Alfalfa and stock ranch. place. Has valuable r.ver frontage^ is now on exhibition at Laipar's Drug Ike F. Quick, of Tillamook, for the Mr. F. C. Baker, President Tillamook As both sides have appealed the !rn" can he had but no trade con- Na better land for dairy purposes. No irrigation of 68 acres from Kilam Store. Go in and see it. Chamber of Commerce, Tillamook, case to the Supreme Court, an effort ,tftd Lav & Son, Hermiston, Ore.* Encumbrances. For price address he Creek, estimated cost of construction Don’t forget the date of the enter­ Oregon. of $1,000. owner. Geo. W. McKimens, Mohle^ tainment Monday, October 15, 1917, will be made to have the case ad- Gibson wife and daughter, ar- Dear Sir: — Following our letter of vanced, and in all probability it will Waiter W. Cason, of Blaine, for the pl on Monday from Albany. Mr. Oregon. yesterday we did not touch at all on be argued next week. irrigation of 31 acres and for domes­ •’on is the new pastor of the M. E. Welding Plant at Feeney-Bremer the question of canned loganberries. George Wilt made an attempt to use. •tch a:.<{ he ¡3 highly recommend- end his life early on Friday n>9^inK ----- o This year there is also a marked tic Wm. Powell, of Tillamook, for the Announcement. Louis Weisenberger. late of Moore shortage in this item in all styles of He used a 22 calibre Remmmgton irrigation of 10 acres from Mills packing; that is to say — No. 2 tins of &• Scotts Welding Co., of Oakland, For Sale—17 O. I. C. pigs, « »"<1 rifle placing the barrel of the gun in Creek. _ ______________ Mrs. J. C. Holden announces that the various grades known as "Stand­ ‘«Il blood. 15.00 each, readv for Ms mouth while he sat on the bed California, has taken over the welding ard, ” "Extra Standard, ” "Extras, ” and Notice to Dog Owners. ^erv from now to October fst. A. The bullet passed back of the eye a d plant at the Feeney & Bremer Co.’s she will open her Piano Studio, Sept. "Special”; also of the No. 10 water on„ th‘ pjlant at Tillamook and is now pre­ 1, for private and class instruction. Blackburn, Hemlock, Ore. Mutual out through the Mrs. Holden is a graduate of the pack- All owners of dogs must get their . . . . . the concussion shattering