TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 4, 1917. *• SECOND LIBERTY LOAN. ----- o----- To secure these ends I appeal to vais and a fair road was begun, and every man and woman who resides still stands for bout half a mile, up to New Issue For Public Subscription upon the soil of free America and en­ the logging camp of the Brighton joys the blessings of her priceless in­ Mills Co., but the homesteads are all $8,<100,000,000 at 4 Per Cent. stitutions to' join the League of Pa­ further up, my place being two or ----- o----- I three miles further, and there we Last Monday another drive was triots by purchasing a Liberty Bond. meet our heaviest handicap. Our started to raise the second Liberty present county commissioner Mr. About Loganberries. Loan for the prosecution of the war, 1 Reed, with whom 1 have correspond­ ------o------ which is for $3,000,000,000 at 4 per Mr. F. C. Baker, President Tillamook ed, appointed one of my neighbors, cent. Chamber of Commerce, Tillamook, Mr. White, to do needed work on our The First National Bank of Tilla­ road, and Mr. White has very consid­ Oregon. mook will handle the drive in Tilla­ erately confined his repairs to that, Dear Sir: — At the request of Mr. C. mook county. portion directly in front and adjoining | Detailes of the second Liberty Loan W. Miller, we are giving you a review to his own place, and there only. He | of the Loganberry Juice Situation in arc as follows: was assisted by Mr. Holland. My wife | Amount $3,000,000,000 or more,, Oregon. We have operated in Loganberry has been compelled to ride horseback the excess not to exceed one-half of Juice during the past two seasons and to the North Fork road for her mail, the amount of oversubscriptions. for a buggy is of no use, and on one Terms cf bonds—Maturity, 25 years up to the present time, at least, lo­ occasion her horse stepped into a redeemable at the option of the sec­ ganberry juice has been very difficult water-logged chuck-hole, severely in­ to sell. We find, however, that this retary of the treasury in 10 years. juring her, and she has not yet re­ Denominations of bonds—$50 and season the demand is a little freer covered fully from the effects. Eggs, , than in former years as we are get­ multiples of $50. for instance, cannot be carried in any | Interest rate—Four per cent, pay­ ting a few repeat orders unsolicited. vehicle on that road, and such fragil | able semi-annually on November 15 The season of 1918 will be the de­ freight had to be tied carefully on the termining season as to whether lo­ I and May 15. horse’s back to prevent breakage. Terms oi payment—Two per cent ganberry juice will make a place for Last year I fully expected the situa­ upon application, 18 per cent No­ itself beside grape juice and other i tion would be better and went so far vember 15, 40 per cent December 14 fruit juices and, until this can be de­ as to give up my position in San Fran- termined do not think that the pres­ and 40 per cent January 15, 1918. of loganberry i cisco, intending to stay on my place The privilege of converting bonds ent manufacturers with my family, but there was .noth­ of this issue into bonds of any suc­ juice will figure on extending their ing done, and I was again compelled ceeding issue bearing a higher inter­ plants to any great measure. Should to seek employment, Having to write est rate than 4 per cent during the it develop that loganberry juice is a to my old employers to get my place period of the war is extended, and winning proposition there is no ques­ back. I am still hoping to be able to through an arrangement under which tion but that the raising of loganber­ permanently reside on my place and bonds will be printed with four cou­ ries will be highly profitable to grow­ work on it, but what can I do when it pons instead of 50 (to be exchanged ers in localities where crop failure is is unproductive through lack of ad­ at the end of two years for the bonds rare and we understand that your equate means of ingress and egress. I containing the full number of cou­ section is a favorable section for the am forced to continue as I am doing, pons) deliveries will be prompt. In growing of berries of this type. Loganberries are used commercial­ much against my will, and I can quite this manner the issue of interim cer- ly in the shape of evaporated berries. understand why so many of our set­ tificates will be avoided. This year the market is absolutely tlers have had to move away after bare of this item as all berries in the proving up. If the county authorities THE LIBERTY LOAN. Willamette Valley were pressed into will show equal interest towards our ------ o — juice; consequently a price of from district as to all others, and display some enterprise in development of By W. G. McAdoo, Secretary of the 23 to 25 cents is readily obtained. We cannot advise you to go into public necessities we shall soon have Treasury. good roads, good schools, and ample For the purpose of equipping with the growing of loganberries on a population to utilize them. arms, clothing and food our gallant very large scale but would think that I could go into still greater detail soldiers who have been called to the a reasonable investmeent in berries on these matters, but feel that this is field; maintaining our navy and our this season would be productive of enough to give you a good idea of valiant tars upon the high seas; pro­ profitable results. If next season’s what is in my mind; if your and your viding the necessary means to pay. the result is favorable, we would not officials were face to face with such wages of our soldiers and sailors and, hesitate in making liberal contracts conditions you would readily appre­ if the bill now pending in Congress with your growers. Of course, you ciate the difficulties we settlers have passes, the monthly allowance for the understand that it takes from two to to contend against, and I can assure support of their dependent families three years to develop loganberries you that nothing I have related is in and to supply them with life insur­ to their best so that even if you start­ any degree exaggerated, in fact, much ance; constructing a great fleet of ed your loganberry culture this year worse could be told were I to get merchant vessels to maintain the line results could not be expected until down to full particulars. of communication with our brave season of 1919. Thanking you again for all the We find that the average yield in troops in France, and to keep our courtesies I have received at your commerce afloat upon the high seas normal years is five tons to the acre. hands, and hoping you will urg£ the in defiance of the German Kaiser and This result was cut in half this season matter I speak of above to the prop­ his submarines; creating a great fleet and an average of two and a half to er authorities whenever an opportun­ of areoplanes, which will give com­ two and threc-fourths tons through­ ity presents itself to you, and thereby plete supremacy in the air to the out the Willamette Valley is a liberal earn the gratitude of our section, I United States and the brave nations estimate of this year’s outturn of the remain with best regards, fighting with us against the German crop. Yours sincerely, If the information above does not military menace; and for other neces­ Chas Konecki. cover all points that you wish, would sary war purposes. The Congress of the United States be very glad to have you write us and has authorized the Secretary of the we will endeavor to answer all of SLACKERS ARE DESERTERS Treasury to sell to the American your questions to the best of our people bonds of the United States ability. We are much interested in the Government Offers Reward of Fifty bearing four per cent interest, with development of the industry. Yours very truly, valuable tax exemptions, and con­ Dollars for Their Delivery. Allen & Lewis. vertable under certain conditions in­ to other issues of United States bonds Every man who failed to report to that may be authorized by Congress. Road Conditions in Owens District. his local exemption board for military The official circular of the Treasury service when notified to do so is list­ Department gives full details. San Francisco, Cal. Sept. 29th, There is now offered to the Ameri­ Hon. B. L. Beals, County Treasurer, ed in the army draft records as a de­ serter. A reward of $50 in cash will can people a new issue of $3,000,000- Tillamook County, Oregon. be paid for the delivery of any such 000 of bonds to be known as the Dear Sir.—In thanking you for the Second Liberty Loan. They will be courtesy of a reply to my letters in deserter to the nearest army camp or issued in such denominations and up­ regard to the question of a new post. Notification of this reward and in­ on such terms that every patriotic school building in the Owens Dis­ citizen will have an opportunity to trict, yours of the 25th inst, having structions to begin at once a state­ assist the government by lending his just reached me, I would like in re­ wide hunt to round up slackers of money upon the security of the Unit­ ply, to draw your attention to your this type have been received by the ed States Government bond. reference in the eleventh and succeed­ Adjutant General from the Provost It is essential to the success of the ing lines of your letter to home­ Marshal General at Washington. war and to the support of our gallant steaders leaving the district and thus The instructors emphasize that the troops that these loans shall not only depleting it of children for school reward will be paid over upon de­ be subscribed, but oversubscribed- No use. livery of the deserter, regardless of one is asked to donate or give his That very feature has been a sore whether he is able to prove later that money to the government; but every­ point for me for some years, and I his failure to report was not wilful. one is asked to lend his money to the would like to take this opportunity to ■The $50 is to include expenses incur­ Government. The loans will be repaid bring a few facts to your attention, of red in the delivery. in full with interest at the rate of 4 which you may not be aware. As you Though Oregon has a much better per cent per annum. A government very truthfully state, the. residents of record in this respect than most other bond is the safest investment in the the Owens District are ,for the most • states, there are about 30 or about world; it is as good as currency and part, homesteaders, and there are . $1500 worth of this kind of slacker­ yet better, because the government reasons why they moved away _r as deserter! in the state at present, that bond bears interest and currency does soon as they proved up on their that nurr ber of men that were called not. No other investment compares claims. Being one of those home- I having fa led to report to their local with it for safety, ready convertibility steaders who have proved up, and exemption boards. Their quick appre- into cash, and unquestioned availabil­ still have remained in the hope of I hension and delivery to the military ity as collateral security for loans in seeing conditions improve, I feel com- | _________ _ authorities is on the program. any bank in the United States. petent to relate the experiences the I lf jinary methods prove If or< ordinary methods do do not not prove People by thousands ask the Treas­ district has gone through, and to ex- —.---- ------ „ ... adequate to run them down, individ- ury constantly how they can help the plain why so many were compelled to ua and _ ; ] descriptions ______ 2 pictures ___ "i of each Government in this war. Through the move away. * 1 man wanted ............ ' ‘ will be sent out through purchase of Liberty Bonds every As far back as 1911 we began to one can help. No more patriotic duty agitate for a good road to connect the state. To permit one of these de- can be performed by those who can­ with the North Fork road, and at I serters to defy the call to military not actually fight upon the field of intervals ever since then I have ap­ • service would be unfair to every other battle than to furnish the government pealed to the Board of Supervisors, ' man already drafted, or subject to with the necessary money to enable the County Commissioner, and others draft. it to give our brave soldiers and sail­ .in authority, endeavoring to get rec­ | The military authorities are de- ors all that they require to make them ognition for our district, and while at sirous that every police officer and strong for the fight and capable of times there was a semblance of' work individual citizens as well join in the winning a swift victory over our done, it was invariably of a make­ campaign to catch these deserters the military enemies. shift nature, which stood no wear and and turn them over to We fight, first of all, for America’s tear, either from the travel or the authorities for punishment. vital rights, the right to the unmolcst- elements. If you care to look it up 1 Of course, there are some cases ed and unobstructed use of the high _ you will find that I even appealed where failure to report may have seas, so that the surplus products of through the press, having open letters been unavoidable. The Government our farms, our mines and our factor­ published in the Wheeler Reporter in is determined to round up every de­ ies may be carried into the harbors December, 1915, in May, 1916, and serter but it has no desire to be harsh of every friendly nation in the world. again in September, 1916. with men who can prove that their Our welfare and prosperity as a peo­ We have found, from actual exper­ failure to report was not wilful. ple depend upon our right of peaceful ience, that our road can only used i If, after such persons are brought intercourse with all the nations of the by wagons about three months in the to a military authority, say the in­ earth. To abandon these rights by year, and then under difficult condi- structions on this point, it appears to withdrawing our ships and commerce tions. Farmers cannot bring in the the military authority that their de­ from the seas upon the order of a machinery they need, nor can they linquency is not wilful, they will be military despot in Europe would de­ carry out the produce they raise, forwarded to a mobilization camp stroy prosperity and bring disaster hence what inducement have they to and their local board will be given and humiliation upon the American stay and struggle to develop a home­ credit. people. stead, when the county authorities We fight to protect our citizens show such deplorable indifference, I If it appears that the delinquency against assasssination and murder up­ and in fact stand in their own light was wilful, they will be prosecuted on the high seas while in the peace­ by failing to do all in their power to before court martial as deserters. In either case the reward is pay­ ful exercise of those rights demanded develop a district and increase the by international law and every in­ wealth and taxpaying qualities of that able. stinct and dictate of humanity. district. Personally, I have spent We fight to preserve our democrat­ hundreds of dollars each year since I Notice of Hearing of Final Account ic institutions and our sovereignty as located on my place. I have been i a nation against the mence of a pow­ compelled to leave my family from Notice is hereby given, that the un­ i erful and ruthless military autocracy time to time and seek temporary em­ dersigned has filed his final account headed by the German Kaiser, whose ployment elsewhere so as to provide as administrator of the estate of Jes­ ambition is to dominate the world. deceased, in the a living for them, and means to de­ sie V. Embum, We fight also for the noble ideal of velop the place. If I had known years County Court of the State of Oregon, universal democracy and liberty , the 'ago what I know today I should un­ for Tillamook County, and that such right of the smallest and weakest na­ doubtedly have ‘commuted’ after Court has appointed October 13th tions equally with the most powerful fourteen months and moved to some 1917, at ten o’clock a.m., at the court themselves ac- to live and to govern other section of the country, rather room of said Court, in Tillamook cording to the will of their own peo- than spend five years in proving up , City, Oregon, as the time and place pie. on a homestead in a section where for the hearing of objections, if any, We fight for peace, for that just the public officials showed such ab-' to the said account and the settlement agonized solute short-sightedness in the mat­ of said estate. ___ = _ peace which and _____ lasting and tortured humanity craves and ter of making needed improvements Dated September 13, 1917., which not the sword nor the bayonet to encourage bona fide settlers to John Embum, Administra­ of a military despot but the suprem­ lemain. tor of the Estate of Jessie acy of vindicated right alone can re­ V. Embum, Deceased. True, some work was done at inter- store to a distracted world. PHENOMENAL SALE OF ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES’ AUTUMN APPAREL SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS AT BARGAIN PRICES. Window Displays Today) and following Days. VERY woman in this county who has put off, until the present time, the choosing of her New Autumn Apparel now has the most remarkable opportunity of securing her needed wearables at genuinely worth while savings. The entire stock of New Fall models in garments of every kind is offered in a great underpricing event that will appeal to every fashion discriminating and values seeking apparel buyer in this district. Come to the store today, and see for yourself what a feast of Bargains we have prepared for you. Come prepared to purchase for at the prices quoted these lovely garments will not be wanting owners very long, so choose early and avoid disappointments. The various garments have been gathered into groups, and, for your convenience in choosing each garment will bear a Special Bargain Price Ticket. Below are the prices which will prevail during this great underpricing event. Look for the Yellow Tickets—they will tell the story of savings worth making. Remember the sale begins today and as we antici* pate a ready response to these generous savings we urge you to come early. E One One One One One Group at Group at Group at Group at Group at ........................ 913.4.5 ...................... 10.45 ...................... •43.45 ...................... 27.45 ...................... 32.45 Dresses. One One One One Group at ........................ $15.05 Group at ...................... 16.05 Group at ...................... 1 7.05 Group at ...................... . 10.05 Changable Silk Flounce Petticoats, Bungalow Aprons, $2.75 93c. New Silk Flounce Pet­ ticoats in the latest and most desirable shades for wearing with the new colored fabric, Licht and dark shades, Priced speci ally for this Sale 'VPl at Each............... < O Made of good wearing and good looking percales in light colors, greys and blues. Sizes range from 36 to 46 and styles are varied, Priced Specially for this Sale Each ... Rialtc^ Jexflirts ware> Geé penbe Lot for sa Gart Hanar week, meetii Goats One One One One Group at Group at Group at Group at One One One One One One Group at ................... . » 6.65 Group at ................... 7.65 Group at .................... 8.65 Group at .................. .. .9.65 Group at ..................... .. 1065 Group at .................... .. 11.65 at 93c. Clove) ..................... *13.85 ................... »17.85 ................... . 20.85 ................... . 23.85 Six a the r W. to Co the wi Skirts. Ladies’ Sateen Petticoats, $1.33 Very special values are these Rood quality Black Sateen Knife pleated, floun­ ced and pin-tucked style petticoats in various sizes. Priced specially for this Sale at Each .. .. $1.33 New Fall çJWodels in the Famous Dollar Wirthmor Waists Wh insura See E W. Seasid ed to 4 Now, wood . Mutuaf Lan) high i s- and er For fresh Beavei YoJ your f bender 01 1 Pig $5.00 . Addrc Spec 5c. a I price $ V cr [t< Let 1 «agon fame. F II' M 11 . I We for sahUgf it to I ore For locate!’’at The Utmost in Waist Value One Dollar Can Buy. Al way's Correctly Styled Dependably) Made 'and Perfect ■ Fitting. Sheru for $| I -ipb Oreg. [)t0 I I ■un I striped Voile, a new Fall material. The front center is of plain white Voile solidly tucked, lending a most pleasing effect. The large collar, coming to deep points in front and turn-back cuffs are also of plain white Vqile. Sleeves are insert with hem-stitch­ ing. Truly a model that will be much admired. I A simple appealing model that .2. almost anyone, be they large or small, could wear becomingly. 'The front is solidly tucked almost to shoulder seams with tucks of alternating widths. The collar is so fashioned that it is equally attractive when worn upstanding or laying down. Collar and turnback cuffs are outlined with dainty Venice Pico Edging. Two very large Ocean Pearl Buttons are used for fastening. The fabric is of splendid quali­ ty Voile. I Butterick Patterns. The most stylish and up-to- date patterns ferr either ex­ perienced or inexperienced home dressmakers to use. Simple in construction no matter how elaborate the design—easy to follow—cor­ rect in every detail. 10c.~ 15c.- 20c.— 25c. By Mail 2c. Extra. med Blouse. The collar is convertible- can be worn high or low. The front is at- tractively trimmed with pretty embroidery and four full length tucks with short shoulder tucks for fulness. The sleeves are finished with turnback cuffs, cutin pointed effect. Pearl buttons for ornament as well as use give the finishing touch to an already practical, sensible serviceable Waist. I Somewhat more elaborate than •4. the other three models in this group, and a Blouse that has the appearance atjd character of a far more costly model is the one illustrated on the extreme right.i The fabric isofembroidery, the collar being embroidered to match. Hemstitching i’l liberally applied on collar, down fronti fold, and to inset sleeves, lending addedl refinement. A Blouse that will find favoii everywhere. I Atom’s Tillamook City Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose. A splendid quality >' Ladies’ Fibre Silk Stock ings in Black, White, Cham pagne. Taupe, Irish Green Sky Blue, Scarlet. Nav: Blue, Dove Grey, Laved AU size der and Pink, from 8) to 10. Per Pair ........... 75c The Store that Sells Nationally (^Advertised l çyWerchandise. ■ (xten Tai I Ligl ii ■ nrss, g □r ■ quire ■ Hi a. I igb I Moi ■ $500 ._ ■ of int ■ See F I Los ■ small ■ pins, i I Head! I Wa I look i I piano I son’s I Libi I Mal, I «fret. i Co. P I The I full li I ehim-i I Get tl. I Lar< I by th. I line oi I roast. See ‘ your Am?s tost. For lluid, ' Don't Real' For 1 td fa, Term •idere I Cap Mean Medr *o on. lion. rhe L"* fc L Btt y< Kan 1 |h pa ftturr Otegc liv f,i Wil 10 aci stump City, ■ Mr rd ■"..k nil ■ will X SN’T IT Remarkable that these Wirthmor Waists (the Nation’s Standard Dollar Waists) have not advanced one cent in price whilst every other commodity has been advancing by leaps and bounds. Just as Good as Ever —every bit as good as ever are they—for the great growth in sales has offset the increased cost of materials, trimmings and production. See the four new models illustrated above, short style descrip- tions of each being given below : This desirable Blouse is devel- 1.3. A neat, Bemi-tailored model 18 .1. oped in a very pretty fancy this simple and effectively trim R it tsil sale at j il ;1U IL. loti r1 loti II wt ft - He Fr ikii