TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 4 When The Kaiser Quits. The Standard Store Golden’s (By Charley L. Grant.) Me name is Mikey Finning, In This Town have me fighting band and we’re to lick the Kaiser and ye bet we the sand, There’s mesilf and Mich­ ael Murphey, Ted and Timmy Flynn, Pat Gallegher and O’Grady, and we’rx goin’ in to win. There’s some of us from County Cork and some from Donnegal, but there’s not a single It will give us great pleasure if you will consider this a PERSONAL invitation to zfo slacker to be found amongst us all, for we ripresent auld Ireland, the land visit our store and seethe new styles that are in vogue for Fall and Winter. The niver diees, and we’ll sing the showing is very attractive and complete and you may rest assured that every 1 the River Shannon while the kaiser’s bul­ style represented is authentic and authoritive. Only a visit of inspection can I let flies on the red hot field of battle I impress you with the splendor of this superb display. So, come and see; be con- where the mighty cannon roar, we vmced by a personal inspection jT? will stand and foight as fearlessly I as Brennon and the Moor. We have the auld shilalley and we’re in the bat­ tle line, and we’ll foight our way through Berlin 'till we reach the riv­ er Rhine; we will stay in the battle and we’ll niver quit begob, "till the <$> submarines are vanquished and the * kaiser quits his job. Now, here is Tim O’Brien and there is Burke and Shea who are always I rough and ready for most any kind of fray when a foreign foe is shootin' at the little isle so green, and killin’ I babes and women with the cursed submarine. Sure, I says to Dan Me- , Caulley and to Kelley and O'Rourke: “We will show this BiH Hohenzollern I some moity fancy work in the way of puttin’ powder uider-neath his sub­ marine—and we’ll drink all the lager in the kaiser's auld shebeen.” Says smoilin’ Dennis Grogan: “Shure its ! ' just like shooting shnipes, and we’ll march forth to the music played by j , Scotty on his pipes, for the bonnie lads of Scotland they are wid us in ' the fray, it’s a long way to Berlin, . but begob we’re on the way and we’ll teach the saur krauters that it's whit- ’ in' for them to rob and we'll never • end the lesson ’till the kaiser quits Remember My Store is Located in Clough’s Old Drug Store Building on the job.” Come brawny lads of Uncle Sam, ' First Stree, Tillamook. we’re wid ye through and through. ‘ Though green our color, still we love 1 the Red and White and Blue—the, flag for all humanity on every land and sea, the flag which Captain Ho- j pan says will set auld Ireland free. 1 That shpalpeen of a kaiser, shure he ’ Women’s don’t care where he shoots, he’s a bad hog in the pertatie patch and don’t 1 care where he roots, for he wants our ' Shop land and money and he'll murder' slay and steal, but we're going to en- 1 Watch Our Ad Next week, Big Surprise for Everybody, Very Interesting. J? tertain him with a good old Irish reel ( when we’ll dance around his body while the Scottish pipers play: "It's! a long way to Berlin, but begob we’re I on the way,” With MacDonald as the 1 piper and MacGregor keeping time 1 and everybody steppin’ in the ranks 1 long the line, and we’ll never quit the ( battleuntil every German slob begs the Irish for bologna and the kaiser J quits his job. We’ll stand by Woodrow Wilson, shure he is a fightin’ man, he's the grandad of Mike McAdoo, the uncle ! Indiana Lady Describes Condition, of McCann, he’s a croney of Maloney ! and McCormick and McPhie, and a 1 HUDSON— H. O. Harrison Co., San FrancBco— Which She Says Was Due To friend of Timmy Regan and of Mike ; “Many owners of Hudson Super-six cars use O'Rafferty. Woodrow’s not a tyrant, a Constipation and Tells of Zerolene. We hear nothing but praise for it.” but he has the fightin’ jaws, and they J FORD — Fahy-Atterbuty Sales Co.. Loe Angeles— Relief Obtained From say he’s some relation to the Dooleys I “we recommend Zerolene for the lubrication and McCraws. He was never known I Black-Draught. of Ford cars.” to weaken, but is always standin’ pat I and the kaiser’s sure to find that he is I MAXWELL.— J- C. Phelan, Fresno— Scottsburg, Ind.—Mrs. Annie Johnson, “Casey at the bat." Come all ye I “Zerolene is giving us the best of satisfac­ foightin’ Sammy boys and join the I tion.” of this place, writes: *‘I well remember big parade and we'll march upon the I I suffered for a long time with constipa­ kawer with the Irishmen’s brigade HUPMOBILE— Manley Auto Co., Portland— tion, which would get me down. I took we will jine wid Dan McCarthy, wid Il K “we are convinced that Zerolene is giving i LUA uniformly satisfactory results.” 1 I doctors’ medicines and any number of Mac Dougall and wid Weir, who will purgatives. They would leave me in a hold the fightin’ kaiser while we worse condition than 1 was before taking, whisper in his ear, and if he doesn’t listen we will smash him on the gob and my stomach so upset... I know for the war will not be over ’till the once I suffered . .. from constipation, J kaiser quits the job. Womens Reliable in Quality) Reliable Methods Beautiful Coats, $11.90,15.00 17.50, Up to 45.001 Makes Clubbing Arrangement With Sensible Favorites in Velore, Broadcloth, Bolivia and Silk Plush | The Oregon Farmer Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers 2 MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are in­ terested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and other branches of farming. All of these naturally wash to keep in close touch with ag­ ricultural activities throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agricultural interests of this state. A 1 It Pays to Buy in Our Store Because We Save You 1-3 in Price. Ask Dad, He Knows Our Tailoring Department is Open For Your 1 , Service We Make to Your Order Exclusive Styles in COATS, SUITS * AND SEPERATE SKIRTS I This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their subscriptions as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested di­ rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity, but Bend your order in now. We Make Suits For Men Tailored in Our Store 2 On Premises. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gath­ ering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­ tack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legiskition, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and at­ tractive clubbing offer. When You Think About COATS, SUITS OR SKIRTS See Us Golden’s TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr $ 1 50 OREGON FARMER, 1 year - $1.00 STOMACH TORN UP ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Carr^ Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors Ji —became the records of their tervice depart menu show that Zerolene, correctly rehned from California asphalt - base crude, gives perfect lubrication -less wear, more power, feast carbon deposit. ‘Dealers every* aere and at our service stations STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) niHiiitniifniMmuii For fracton, Zerolrne Hrary-eDaty is especially recommended STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE Machine« Shop, Polytechnic Engineering College, Oakland, Cal. Machanics and Automobile Men Wanted by the Thousands Young Men The of opportunity i* here now. All v. " day * Cl V " r ■ x-r | # “onths course in Machine Shop and Automobile Engineering 11 this College will you ¿mediate emp'oyme.ri at ___ ____ fages. WHY WASTE THREE YEARS AS APPRENTICE mechanic in hen this Collccp can turn vou out <»u» a* an expert --------- * months We are demonstrating this every day at the Poly tebnic College where actual engineering and mechanical work ew t Best*“« AMa AA • College went of Chicago—Most Practical School nd in the United Statea-Write for catalogue- Homelike accommodations. was so ill we had to have the doctor, just so nervous and feverish. The doctor said I would have to quit medicines, my i stomach was so bad ... My husband was reading and found something about Thedford’s Biack- Draught and brought me a package to try. 1 used it regularly at first until I be­ gan to feel better, then I used just a dose occasionally. I was cured of this con­ stipation and am sure the Black-Draught j did it.” If your stomach is out of order, you will suffer from such disagreeable symp­ toms as headache, biliousness, indiges­ tion, etc., and unless something is done, serious trouble may result. Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, help­ ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse the bowels of impurities. Try Black-Draught. EB-15 Whore trained specialists with HM.dera lab oratories and adequate equipment five in ■trurtioB leading to collegiate degrees in the following schools: AGRICULTURE, with 15 departments; COMMERCE with 4 departments ENGINEERING, with 6 depwtinenU. In eluding Civil. Electrical. Highway Indnetnal Arts. Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering; FORESTRY, isrluding lagging Engineer iag. HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart- mente. including training in the Practice House MINING, with three departments, iaelaA* lag Chemical Engineering; PHARMACY I THR SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offers instrwo- tfon in the principal departments of vocal and instrumental music THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT. »nroUed 1015 cadets in ISIS 17, and won ri'nmmrn- dotion for O A. C. from the Western Deport­ ment of the r S War Department as one of the fifteen "distinguished institutions' ’ of higher learning All end»ta will be furnished complete uniforms by the U R Government and the junior and senior eadwtn, enrolled >• u. a -- O. - T. -- C.. will be given commutation for ------ ■■Uwl'M, •« Iks sis vwks' SsniBSr mb , BCOISTBATIOM BKOIWS OCTOBIB S. 1,17. IklsrasUM M rn«* ASSrsss, BseMrsr, Oi AArieslsusl CrvUl.*. Orss j >2.50 By Our Clubbing arrangement, both for ,,•••••• $1.50 FRANK HEYD&CO General Contractors and Builders. Estimates & Plans Furnished I SEE OUR Special WWW •- » »1 _a-'— Polytechnic Buainew College Oakland, California Six months at th*» Coll*«e will prepare you for a tood poanoo at $75 to $100 per month The Oregon Agricultural College We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ MER whereby any fanner or fruitgrower, who is one of onr regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. Stenographer* and Typewritera are in neater demand at any any tiw time in in .... th« lu«tory of the world. The than 1 al ------- -— U. S. Government »5 paying *75 to $100 per month fot brgin- nrrr in civil ternce drpt. Th« Commuwe ha* given u* thit information c.nd denree to have u* prepare a large number of beginning st^negrapber* at once. Buunea* and profeMion*l men. railroad rompnnie*. corporation*, every department of public and private bnai- net* i* crying for help. "We want stenographer»” is the cry everywhere. The Polytechnic College will spec in lire in helping young men and women take this course the coming year. Homelik« arrrenmodstion* and low rate* ar« odrred a* well a* a Call at our plant and get prices, save you money. ONEQBLOCK WES7 Ob P.O Both Phones. Ornamental Fire Placet Built of Brick and Stone. All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to amoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. Position Guaranteed WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TOWER’S FISH BRAND P orti REFLEX SLICKER and O ffick : 1110 Wiu ox B ld . is a corker For stay in a DR. WISE Canche Found on MONDAY AT TILLAMOOK TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE WEDNESDAY at TILLAMOOK ^ bbm * THURSDAY AT TILLAMOOK -¿JrJL FRIDAY UalerptvoTAbsolutely. : Satisfaction Guaranteed . - _ DEALERS EVERYWHERE A. J. tower co . ! AT TILLAMOOK SATURDAY AT Both WHEELER Phone*. ralph T warren , TILLAMOOK ORE Notice of Pinal Account. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has filed his final account as executor of the will of John Guest, deceased, in the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and said court has appointed Saturday, the 29th day of Septembar, 1917, at 10 o’clock am. at the Court House, as the time and place for hearing objec­ tions to said account and the final settlement thereof. Dated this August 20th, 1917. William Henry J. Guest, Executor of the will of John Guest, Deceased.