TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 4, 1917. What the Editors Say. ------ o Goethe was the wise prophet who once said, “The Prussian is born cruel and civilization will make him a savage," Many less wise who read the statement in the past doubted its correctness.—Telephone Register. o May heaven pity the old man with a ditty tongue who befouls and be­ smirches the pure minds of the young. He is like a rotten sore tainting everything in which he comes in con­ tact. No disease is more dreadful; no disease more contageous.—Sheridan Sun. ------ o------ Stripped of all cant and hypocrisy, the side issues raised to befog the public mind torn aside, there is but one question for the honest working man to ask hirnself, and that is, "Do I owe allegiance first to my govern­ ment or to my Union?”—Financial Chronicle, Seattle. ------ o—— After all, the young married man is in a duce of a fix. If he claims ex­ emption, he is called a “slacker.” If he does not claim exemption, there is danger of the neighbors intimating that there are some things he deems worse than war and you know what General Sherman said. So there you are.—Newberg Enterprise. ian railroad, with its single tract, of­ fers a decidedly doubtful means of transportation for a force of the mag nitude that would be necessary. The Russians themselves suffered a great disaster when they attempted to car­ ry on their late war with Japan with this railroad as the only means o( transporting troops and supplies. It quickly proved totally inadequate to meet the emergency and it is a very sure thing the Japs will profit by Russia’s dearly bought experience and will not invite a repetition of it to themselves. Of course Japan could send troops to assist the allies, either ! on the French, Italian or Serbian | fronts, with little less than the U-boat menace to contend with, but these fronts are not where tney are needed. It’s in Russia, to stiffen the backbone of the raw Russian troops, they are wanted, but how to get them there— even if Japan would send them— which is still a question, is a hard problem to solve.—Seaside Signal. It’s Distribution. B DR J. G. TURNER, Notice of Sheriff! Sale. Notice is hereby given: That by virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ I mook, dated September 3rd, 1917, in the cause wherein Citizen’s Bank, a Corporation, was Plaintiff, and J. T. Alexander and Ada Alexander, his wife; Blanch Clark and Ea Earl A. Clark, wife and husband; Oscar F. Mann and E. P. McCroskey were de­ fendants, upon a judgment rendered in said Court and cause on the 27th day of August, 1917, in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants in the sum of ($700.00) Seven Hun­ dred Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the first day of March, 1916, and the further sum of $9.27 taxes with in­ terest at 6 per cent from and after September 21st, 1916, and $9.48 taxes with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from and after March 10th, 1917, and ($100.00) One Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from August 27th, 1917, Attorney’s Fees, and the further sum of ($40.20) Forty and Twenty-hundredths Dol­ lars, costs and disbursements, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s Office of said court on August 27, 1-917. Therefore by virtue of said judg­ ment and execution and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday the thirteenth day of October, at 10 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the Court House in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, (subject to redemption) all the right, title, and interest which the within named defendants had in and to the following described prop­ erty situated in Tillamook County, Oregon. The East Half of the North-East Quarter, the South-East Quarter, and the South Half of the South-West Quarter, of Section 36, Twp. 3 South of Range 8, West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 320 Acres more or less, together with tenements, hereditaments and appur­ tenances thereunto belonging or any­ wise appertaining. To satisfy said execution, judgment, Interest, Costs and accruing costs. Dated this 4th day of Sept., 1917. W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook County Oregon. First publication Sept. 6, 1917. Last publication October 4, 1917. Some weeks ago we referred to the vital problem of distribution of going hand in hand with that of conserva­ tion and production. Every farm gar­ den and orchard yields more (Jian the family can use and a great part of this excess production is lost. At first thought it is the farmer’s loss but the city consumer also sus­ ■ —o------ Do you ever hear of any one going tains a loss. The loss is partly con­ to Germany to better their living cealed in the higher prices paid for conditions for themselves and their the products actually used or in the children, to enjoy more freedom, to limited use of fruits and vegetables have a chance to prosper and ride due to the lack of money to buy and around in automobiles? No! We use in liberal quantities. The transportation of agricultural should say not. What has Germany done for you? And as Americans done products is the important thing with a nation in peace or war times, if the for you?—Banks Herald. people are to be adequately fed at ------ o----- We glory with the farmer who reasonable cost. The imperative need of the hour as gets $2.20 for his wheat until we have to pay ten cents a loaf for our we view it, is not only production, bread. France gets 35 ounces of not only conservation, but the trans- bread for 9 cents and England pays i portation of food from producer to II cents for 32 ounces of bread. consumer as quickly and cheaply as Another lesson America must learn possible. It is essential that the State Col­ from the war is that civilization does not include the food speculator. Eng­ lege and the County Agriculturists land and France are getting most of I should get busy and form themselves their wheat from America, and 'Amer­ into organizations or direct certain ica pays close to three times as much forces that will, promote better dis­ for the bread that is made from it.— tribution at cheaper rates. Producers and consumers are Oregon City Courier. friends by nature. Why is there not We have heard of “clean up” week, better co-operation between them?— “dress up” week, “old home” week, News Reporter. “go to church” week and numerous other varieties of special week, but Truth for Germany. there is a brand new one. The “Mer­ Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Real ------o------ chants Trade Journal” has inaugurat­ Property. Says a returned war correspondent ed a national “pay up” week. Sounds - —o------ good to us! Likewise, we expect it who knows Germany extremely well: Notice is hereby given t hat by vir­ sounds good to our creditors. If every "President Wilson’s indictment of the one will pay us up we will be able to German government will be a hard tue of a writ of execution issued out puli off our official stunt and keep blow to the kaiser and severely shake of the Circuit Court for Tillamook the money in circulation. The way it the existing governmental system. It County, Oregon, on the 26th day of works according to the sponcer, one will be a revelation to the German Sept., 1917, and to me directed, upon $5.00 bill travels all the way from people—if it reaches them in a cor­ a judgment duly rendered, entered of a record and docketed in and by Maine to California, paying debts all rectly translated form.” The German people he explains, said court on the tne 3rd ->ra day aay of or iviarcn March along the line. Let's get in the line of march and help along a good cause.— have had it pounded into them by the 11916, in a certain action then in said government controlled press that court pending, wherein D. L. Shrode, Mt. Scott Herald. "coalitions were being formed to George Williams and Charles Kunze ------ o------ We read in various parts of the crowd them out from equality with were plaintiffs, and C. M. Martin and country laboring people are striking other great peoples.” They have been Mary J. Martin were defendants, for higher wages when they are get­ led to believe that they are literally said judgment being in favor of plain­ ting the highest wages ever paid. In fighting for their national existence, tiffs and against the defendants, and too many cases those employed do that their enemies are seeking to tear by which execution I am commanded not consider the interests of those Germany to pieces and deny them to satisfy out of the property of said employing them; they see but one economic opportunity, and that the defendants the following judgment: side. In a great many businesses to- United States has lent itself to this Three Hundred Eighty-one and 52-100 dollars ($381.52) with inter­ day the men drawing the wages are “plot.” It will indeed be a revelation to making more clear money than the est thereon at the rate of six per cent boss and have not the worry of keep­ learn that they themselves have been per annum from October 16th, 1915, ing the business going. The wage­ spending their blood and treasure to and the sum of $10.00 costs and dis­ earner, if he would do himself good, further an evil plot for extending bursements of said action, and I have would do well to take as much inter­ the dominion of their imperial mas­ duly levied upon the following de­ est in his employer’s business success ters and riveting their own politicaj scribed real property of said defend­ as if it were his own. This is particu­ shackles tighter; and that they may ants, situated in Tillamook County, larly applicable to the smaller busi­ have the peace they so ardently de­ Oregon, to wit: ness. Too many are interested no tur- sire, with assured equality in the Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the southwest to draw the Saturday's family of nations, if they will only quarter of the northeast quarter, and open their eyes, oust their criminal the northwest quarter of the south­ temizer. leaders and establish an honorable, east quarter, all of Section 5, Town­ government, with ship 2 south. Range 10 West W. M. The Hillsboro-Beaverton road is an representative object lesson of the old, wasteful plan which the allies may safely deal. Therefore, 1 will on Saturday the It may startle them into realization 27th day of October, 1917, at the of building through highways now happily superceded by a permannt of the true state of things—if they hour of 10 o’clock a. m. on said date, plan by the adoption of the road read the president’s reply to the pope. at the front door of the Court House bonds. At great expense to the two But there’s the rub. in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at How can they read it, with the public auction to the highest bidder districts and the county a continuous stretch of macadam between the two boundaries of the German Empire for cash in hand, all right, title and towns was completed last year. It sealed against truth from the outer interest which the within named de­ was good road and pleasant to travel world, with a governing class whose fendants had in or to said real prop­ while it lasted, but it was obliged to continued authority depends on its erty on or since the 3rd day of carry practically all the winter travel keeping the truth from the people, March, 1916, the date of rendering between Hillsboro and Portland and with a constitution which makes it and docketing the above judgment. it is worn out. As a side road with impossible to change that government Also all right, title and interest of all only a reasonable proportion of the except by the voluntary consent of persons claiming under said defend­ travel by automobile, it might have the kaiser, and with a press that thus ants since said date. Said sale will be lasted long enough to repay its cost, far has submitted with shameful made subject to redemption as pro­ hut it proved what was already known servility to the dictates of the im­ vided by law. —that macadam will not carry a perial freebooters who made the war? Dated this 26th day of September, It is said that only one German " heavy and continuous automobile 1917. newspaper ever printed a full and traffic.—Hillsboro Independent. W. I.. Campbell, Sheriff of President accurate translation of Tillamook County Oregon Wilson ’ s war message to congress, in ”1 speak from the viewpoint of the which he stated our reasons for en ­ foreign born. 1 and millions of others THAT KNIFE-LIKE PAIN. like me came to this country alone, tering the conflict. It is considered ------ o — without money and without friends. unlikely that any German newspaper We sponged on all that America had will print the recent message to the I* Only One of Nature'* Warning* of Weak or Disordered Kidneys. —her free lands, her free schools and pope, except in some garbled and Have you lame back, aching day and above all, her spirit of openhearted perverted form devised by the Prus­ night? Do you feel sharp pains after comradeship. She owed us nothing, sian authorities. but gave us all. We swore allegiance Our government, however, is tak­ stooping? Are the’ kidneys sore? Is to her flag, her Constitution and her ing pains to see that some Germans, their action irregular? Use Doan's laws. We would be recreants, ingrates, at least, become acquainted with the Kidney Fills—the medicine that is perjurers and curs if, in the hour of truth. Careful plans are being laid for recommended by so many people in her need, we concealed with her distributing copies of the message in­ this locality. Read this Hillsboro res­ enemies and were disloyal to her side the German lines by means of ident’s experience. Mrs. A. R. England, 728 W. Oak cause."—Chief Justice Andrew A. airplanes and “underground” routes. Bruce of the North Dakota supreme It is hoped that thus, little by little, St., Hillsboro, Ore., says: “Two years court. And yet some are all this and the facts will penetrate to the con­ ago I had such a bad attack of lum­ bago that I wasn't able to get up or more, too—in high plac s and in low sciousness of the German public. places they toil ceaselessly to repay When they do penetrate, we may down stairs. When I sat down on a our generosity and our hospitality by reasonably expect a revolution in chair, I could hardly straighten up. conspiring with our sworn enemies Germany. The Teutons cannot be so Sharp pains, like a knife sticking me to destroy our institutions. Eugene utterly different from other people in my back, nearly killed me at times. Guard. that they will tolerate continued ty­ I could hardly drag myself around, as ——o------ ranny, suffering and disgrace when I felt so completely played out. I bad It’s an opinion quite often heard ex­ their plight is made plain to them and taken only a few doses of Doan’s pressed that Japan should send an they see an honorable way of escape. Kidney Pills when my back com­ army to Russia. Those who express They c->piete Set of Abstract^Bock« in Office. J ohn M. S cott , General Passenger Agent, Portland. Taxes Paid for Non Resident*. T illamook B lock , TillamooK S outhern P acific L ines .... Oregon Both Phones. T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) .... Oregon. Tillamook Red Crown is not a mixture. It has a continuous chain Z of boiling points. Standard Oil Company ^^EBSTER a (California) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 2 Ci/i' Trfie HOLMES. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, rp H. OREGON GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. not a mixture STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook - Oregon, 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. J OHN LELAND FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO. TILLAMOOK, ORE. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Oregon, Tillamook - ROOM NO. 261. c- HAWK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON < Iregon Bay City J E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook - - - Oregon. haberlach , QARL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock Tilla mook flbEX. JVIcNflIR & CO GENERAL HARDWARE Ritehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Oregon - - H. T. Botts, Pres. Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstracts. Real Estate, Insurance. •Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OREGON- Have Your House URMB-SCHRflDER co . Wiring Done by WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Coagt poWßfßo- CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West. Tillamook. Or. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES- a 'it t lech • I,.