TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 4. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............. Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month....................................... Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . All Resolutions of Condolence one month...................................... The criminals will go unpunished of those dynasties retain their power to upset the peace of the world at will. I What Will Won. LETTER FROM THE FRONT ------ o------ Charles R. Parrott Tells a Graphic Story of the Fighting. SOME OF GERMAN KULTUR. | Girls are Hanged by Hands and Head Down and Nailed. It would require a large volume to Jack Jennings has received a letter written by tell the experience of George Ellis, a The war is not to be won in the a|r. from the western front, former private in the Scots Greys, The war is not to be won on the sea. Charles R. Parrott, which makes now liven in Hoboken. Ellis, who OS i The war is not to be won by eco- highly interesting reading. France, August 21, 1917. served months at the front, bears the nomic pressure on Germany. Many thanks for papers at this scars of five wounds. •05 The war is not to be won by a rev­ Incidentally. Ellis tells the secret time, particularly the cigarettes which olution in Germany. for the success of the Canadians, •50 The war is not to be won by our were real treats. Let me get a cigar­ whose exploits in the war have made ette, a good book of verse, and I’ll money or food. famous. The war is not to be won by a sit out a bombardment while hell them "During the first days of the battle THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. miracle, nor by some new and as­ freezes over. Well, by now you have read of the of the Somme,” Ellis says, “we cap­ tounding invention, nor by good luck F. C. BAKER, Publisher. tured a small village. The Canadians or good wishes, nor by waving of "Fall of Hill 70”. There’s not much led the advance, and about the first flags, nor dress parades, nor stump to say, except, Vimy Ridge, the Som­ me, or Ypres were nothing compared thing that met their eyes were five speeches. Canadians, who had been captured by | All these are needed as acessories; to that hell of a place. It was walking the Germans nailed to a barn, stark but the war is to be won on the field into the jaws of death. We took it naked and horribly mutilated. They I of battle by American man power, with two divisions and the Boche had had been crucified by their German Preachers come and go as usual. ' face to face with the man power of seven divisions waiting for us, it was captors and left to hang there in ag­ , the enemy. That is the Gerard mes­ barbed wire and the ungodliest death It appears to be hard to obtain a sage to the people of America. The traps every inch of the way. His ma­ ony until they died. "The Canadians swore they would conviction against those who violate sooner it is understood, the better for chine guns and trench mortars were simply staggering in numbers and never take a prisoner and every Ca­ the fish laws in this county. Probably the republic.—Oregonian. that goes to yet, (don’t forget this) we took it and nadian detachment a largb number of our citizens consid­ er there are too many restrictions on : Shell Demand Points to Great Of­ have got it. The bayonet work and France is bound by the same oath. the “Buttend’’ was plentiful, but God; They live up to it, and the Germans fishing. fensive. how the boys just went at it. "Hell fear them. ------ o------ “In the same village where the Ca­ bent for election” and although, with Bro. Trombley, or to be more cor­ Every indication points to an offen­ ordinary courage and coolness, the nadians found their comrades cruci­ rect, the individual who writes the pavement editorials for the Herald, sive by the allies next spring, which Boche should have held it with half fied, I and the men of my company found a number of young girls nailed keeps shooting it into the non-liti- will make all previous campaigns look his men! Now note this: the few of us who to the doors of their own homes. Ev­ gants. Just wait until the snap shot like child’s play. In this offensive it is man shoots back, for we are going to likely that American troops will take “made” the objective, beat off three ery stitch of clothing had been torn a vigorous part. counter attacks of massed formation, from them. Some were nailed up by pepper Bro. Trombley’s hide most As has already been stated the went out and met them with bomb their hands and others by the feet, unmercifully for allowing those who want “hush money” to control and to British government is asking bids on and bayonet. He drove us back a few head downward. This is the truth, as some 3,000,000 six-inch shells here, hundred yards the fourth time, but, scores of us know. be the brains of his paper. “As we pushed on we encountered I i It is also learnid that Great Britain, that night we went back for keeps. The Holstein Creamery Associa- through the imperial munition board, How the boys did hammer him! His hundreds of women who had been tion is certainly going to put some has resumed purchasing of shells in dead lay in heaps five and six deep, tortured and mutilated. There is not some of them -faught to the last, but a city taken by the Germans where style on its new building, which is to Canada on a large scale. American shell inquiries are on a they couldn’t stop the spirit of the they have not practiced the most ap­ be a fire proof, sanitary building, built of concrete blocks. We want to scale that can only be characterized as boys. A captured officer said ‘J. C.’ we palling atrocities, and, from evidence congratulate the new association on enormous. With the passing of the can throw shells at you Canadians in my possession, I am certain in the pending appropriation measures it is but nothing can stop you, not even if majority of cases the officers were the building such a substantial building expected that the war department will w’e throw the guns first offenders. We found countless at _ you! ”” They „ _ and breaking away from the wood place orders for many millions of structures so common with the cheese shells of all sizes, keeping all avail­ knew the exact time we were going numbers of bodies of young girls lit­ over and were waiting the attack tering the streets of. villages and factories of the county. The new able capacity of munitions plants run­ most confidently, thinking it a great fields through which we passed as we building will be the most sanitary ning full for a year or more. pushed the Germans back. trap. cheese factory in the county. | Munition men suggest that this “The French laugh at talk of an There wasn’t many prisoners, but buying indicates that the allies are had you seen his dead, you would honorable peace. It is not possible to When it comes to getting the latest preparing an attack for next year make peace while such men as these star photo plays and the best star which will be unremitting, blasting think there were no more Germans Boches are allowed to live. players, the management of tfie Gem the Germans out of their trenches left. Ellis has been discharged from the Even the “Anzacs” were betting all Theatre is obtaining the latest star and by sheer weight and meta! inflict­ attractions. To-night (Thursday) ing losses which they will be unable kinds of money "that the Canadians British army owing to the wounds he there will be something doing when to sustain and keep their lines.—Wall couldn’t take and hold Hill 70’. It’s a received and will bring his wife and wonderful position, a great observa­ two children from Liverpool. "Two Little Imps” appear on the Street Journal. tion for miles, and looking right into screen. Don’t miss this laughable Lens. The Boche put up a hell of a photoplay, and those little fun mak- | barrage just before the time to go SOLDIERS’ WILLS Trillions Are Formidable. ers Jane and Katherine Lee. We will , IN ODD FORMS over, thinking he’d get us in the also call attention to the other star trench. It certainly would have meant attractions in this week’s announce- I Unless King Alcohol does some- In Rhyme and Without Reason Brit­ ment. thing soon, the prohibitionists are go­ annihilation, but we were not in the ish Tommies Leave Estates Vast trench, we ’ d "bellied ” our way, in the ing to slay him with statistics, having and Small. There appears to be a good deal of discovered that a pound of figures dark, over the top. Well, I’m through it, but I hope to ------ o------ indignation in all parts of the country outweighs a ton of moral arguments. at the disloyal attitude of Scntor La- Their heavy ammunition is calories. God it’s the last—and yet there comes The "last will and testament” which Follette and several other senators Nobody is much excited over 650 no hope. Maybe the Kaiser thinks the the British private frequently writes Pope can kind of separate the Allies. who have shown a decided pro-Ger- tons of wheat, or even 20,000 bushels into the little army paybook which he man feeling concerning the war. It is but transform it into 1,300,000, and He’s tried all kinds of diplomacy and carries with him wherever he goes, is now he come back to the old art of up to some member of the senate to transumate that into 2,154,735,000 | religion. If we only keep together, an interesting study. Wills ma.,e in the take action, and with a flood of peti­ calories, and the indifferent listener trenches are legal without witnesses, tions and telegrams pouring in, the stirs uneasily in his scat. Follow up j we'll beat him. as sure as God made and the soldier’s own signature is all j little apples, and smash him on the senate may consider that it is forced the attack which something about that is required to make such a will to take action or stand the brunt of 150,000 tons of rye, or calories 487,- Western front, too, even if the East acceptable to the courts. Even if the does fall down. We don't care how signature is lacking the will still may severe criticism from their constitu- 712,352,960; throw in corn, tons 600- , 000 bushels, 20,000,00o pounds many men he piles on this front, in be accepted if there is evidence as to tents. fact, the more the better. Every ob ­ 1,100,000,000, calorics l,90o,442,- the handwriting or intention of the ■o------- jective aimed at this summer by the make a final burst British and French has been taken testator. In every case the war office It is a true saying that one cannot ' 577,000 and of 3,372,448,951,- authorities make every effort to carry tell what a jury will do. A jury at with a total and held, and believe me, they are Cloverdale said a person was guilty 800 calories, and your stupified vic­ wonderful positions. He's drained his out the soldier’s wishes, however and a jury in the circuit court that tim will stagger from your presence, water into our lines and we've stood crudely they arc expressed or how­ tried the same case said the person vowing never to touch the stuff waist deep, through frost and cold ever fantastic they may be. Many of these trench wills have was not guilty. Now which jury was again. He will not hear your ex­ and under observation all the time. right? But here is the funny feature planation that these figures are for Well, now things have changed. In Tommy Atkins' characteristic touch about the case. When the first ballot 1911, and must be cut for later years fact, things are just reversed (thanks of humor. Some are in dialect, some was taken in the last trial 11 were in nor would he understand , if he did a great deal to that “contemptible phonetic spelling. Several have been favor of a verdict nd one not guilty. hear you say malt, 5,662,102564,800 , little army”) Some army, old friend, in cipher, which have taxed the war The defendant certainly had a good calorics, or the breweries using up and one to be proml of! Of course, office experts to solve. Occasionally attorney in the one lone juryman wdio enough to support 5,555,418 hard­ the army, "is the army” and will be they leave purely imaginary posses­ managed to convert the 11 jurymen. working men for a year, or the dis­ much more pleasant telling about it sions to institutiins or fictitious per- tilleries enough to feed 2,000,000 afterwards. You know, there’s noth­ sons. Wills Written in Rhyme. It may take a little more time be­ able-bodied men for a year, provided ing nice about army life. Here is a will in rhyme which was fore a decision is obtained in the that the calorics were “given in I can tell you if the Boche holds out county road bond case by starting it variety.” He may not even have suf­ .through the winter, he’s going to written while the soldier was on duty in the circuit court, but as soon as a ficient preception left to raise a pa­ have one awful time for we’re in the at “a listening post” in No Man’s decision is received that the law is triotic cheer at your cry: "Recr is most splendid position all along the Land: legal, then we should start in and brewed from the very soul of Kaiser- line. And that’s the greatest factor in "1 haven't a sweetheart; I haven’t a mot her; ______________ make a drive to raise the first $200,- ism.” all this year’s fighting, we’ve won all 000 amongst the people of Tillamook the strong positions and that’s as I’ve only one sister, not even a The Boy in The Army. brother; county, so as to avoid being fleeced good as going forward as far as the My sister Susan is all I’ve got, by the bond brokers. For that is what Rhine. (James Babelle. in Life) it seems to us that the bond brokers t The Minister—Trust in God and I don’t think there’s much more So of aught that's mine she can have the lot.” attempted to do and is holding up the make your powder fly. for me to talk about as I know you This will went through the courts county so as to obtain a larger rate His Doting Mother—I wonder h o w get better accounts of things in the without question, despite its unusual papers than I can give you. You can of interest. long before he'll be a general? form. Another will in rhyme, leaving His Militant Father—Bully for him! take one thing from me though for a the money to the “first comer,” is the German-Amcricans are hated in His Pacifist Uncle—Dear me! Dear certainty, and that is: That it doesn’t following: matter in what branch of the service Germany, according to reports from dear me! “Whoever first sets eyes on this that country, because they did not I His Proud Alint—He gets his brave you visit, we are superior. It’s no Gets everything 1 leave, boast, but just the fact. Whether in raise hell in the United States and spirit from our side of the family. For my kith and kin are dead overthrow our government. A lot of I His Little Brother—Gee! 1 wish I the air or whether on foot, we’ve got gone him beat. Our young airmen will them, with the assistance of the Ger- ¡could go. And I’ve not a friend to grieve. tackle him most courageously, no man ami Austrian ambassadores, I His Little ___ _____ Sister—I wish 1 had a matter what the odds anu the man­ There’s a tidy bit in the bank, you'll started in to raise hell in the United dress like that uniform. find, euvering, and the skill of the pilot is States, when they started in to blow , Hi.; Clmm—I hope he pays me that And my army pay, though small; wonderful. You ’ ve seen birds man ­ up ships and munition factories, but five bucks before he goes, euver for position for attack, well, So, stranger, breath one sigh for me, it was short lived, and the German- | ' His ~ Best Girl—Isn't he grand! You’re welcome to it all.” Americans who became traitors to the His Girl's Chum—Oh, you must our "birds” just make your hair stand This will was forwarded by the taken tip that on end. I wish I ‘ had ‘ United State*, had to be rounded up give me a military button for my col­ young sergeant who found it and he it ’ s the only sporting branch, for and placed in detention camps, and lection. shortly afterward received notifica­ The Next-door Neighbor—I sup- chance there is. it is to be hoped that after the war P. S. Couldn't tnail this letter be­ tion that the tide "bit” which turned they will be shipped back to Germany pose they’ll be more stuck up than fore, but it's been through hell fire in out to be a substantial sum of money ever now. my pocket. Please don’t take notice had been deposited to his account. Drill Sergeant — Oh, Gawd! Beer for Tom and Joe. The Crime. of any dates on my letter for I may Still another will in rhyme was writ­ FIR FOR AIRPLANES TO BE write you one minute and no time to The Manchester Guardian calculat­ mail and be up the line again in a hur­ ten by a private who ’had been cut GIVEN TRIAL. es, on the best available information, ry. We're busy now, the ‘busy season' from his comrades for three days that, to the first of last month, nine Million Feet is Ordered by Aircraft as I call it. Yours in the greatest without food or water and probably without sleep for the greater part of and three quarter million men had haste, _____________ Board. the time,, until the greatest desire in been killed in the war, twelve million Washington, Oct. 2—The Aircraft more had been permanently crippled; Production Board having found diffi- JUDGE DOESN'TMINCE WORDS life seemed to him to get a big drink. It was as follows: four and a quarter million were held culty in getting out enough spruce ------ o------ "If I’m knocked out by bullet or as prisoners; one hundred and seven ..... .......... from the _ Oregon and Washington Senators Named as Traitors; Execu­ bomb billion dollar* had been spent by the forests..to meet present drmatlds of tion, Mexican Style, Advocated. Ì I When over the top we go, warring governments; and eight bil­ the United States and the allied ------ o------ lion dollars’ worth of property had countries, today closed a contract for Houston, Tex., Oct.l.—Judge Wal­ A gallon of beer 1 leave to Tom, Another to squint-eyed Joe. been destroyed. a million feet of Douglas fir to be ter R Burns, of the United States Dis­ For three weeks in July, 1914, the used in lieu of spruce. trict Court, in charging the Harris "We’ve born the worst of a soldier's thirst considered Austrian Government Preliminary experiments conducted County grand jury today, after calling Through days and nights of woe; what demand* it should make on Ser­ by the Aircraft Board have indicated by names Senators Stone, of Mis­ bia in view of the probability that the tliat fir is suitable for airplanes con­ souri; Hardwick, of Georgia; Varda­ Give my dad the rest—but if I go West assassination of the Austrian Arch­ struction and the quantity covered by man. of Mississippi; Gronna, of North There’s a drink for Tom and Joe.” duke Franz Ferdinand had been today's contract will be used experi­ Dakota; Gore, of Oklahoma, and La There was some difficulty in carry­ i planned by Serbians. It was well mentally. Follette, of Wisconsin, said: known that Russia would defend "If I had a wish 1 would that you ing out this bequest, owing to the fact If it meets requirements, the Board Serbia's independence. After full de­ indicates that further purchases of fir men had jurisdiction to return bills of that half of the men in the company liberation of Austria made demands will be made as the demand continues indictment against these men. They claimed to have been called "Tom” that no state calling itself independ­ The price at which the government ought to be tried promptly and fairly, and "Joe” by the testator and the ent would have submitted to, except is to buy fir for airplane construction and I believe this court could admin­ whole estate was finally turned over under compulsion; and required abso­ The price at which the government ister the law fairly, but I have a con­ to the father, it being left to him to lute compliance within forty-eight this order is to be distributed among viction as strong as life that this carry out the “two gallon clause” as hours. And in this course Germany Northwestern mil's. Only the best country should stand them up against he would see fit. an adobe wall tomorrow and give acquiesced. grades of fir will be purchased- Deliberately and after full consid­ them what they deserve Notice. eration Germany and Austria took the “If anv man deserves death it is a Ranch for Sale. .. This is to give notice that’ I will not chance of war in order to further a traitor. I wish that I could pay for be responsible for any debts contract­ --------o ■ - dynastic purpose of the Hapsburgs Including stock and farm equipment the ammunition. 1 would like to at­ ed by my husband C. Wiedemann, That is the crime which nearly ten containing 24 acres of Wilson river tend the execution, and if I were in rf’.er this d te. 1 am able to take care million dead men and twelve million bottom land, to be sold before the 1st the firing squad I would not want to of myself. cripples now prove against the Hoh- of October.—Inquire of Paul Erick­ be the marksman who had the blank I Mrs L. Wiedemann. enzollcrn and Hapsburg dvstanies, son. R. F. D. L, Tillamook, Ore. • shell.” I.oo 1917 Gold Coin Found in a Rag Doll I rp\VENTY years ago, a little girl, who is now Mrs i Maggie Doyle, of Fresno, Cal., received from J. her mother a rag doll. One day Mrs. Doyle was goinfc through an old trunk and found the doll, which showed the ravages of time. Upon at­ tempting to mend the doll, shi found $180.00 in gold coin, which was hidden there by her mother. If this money had been deposited at interest during these years, it would have been more than double the amount by the interest additions, The Bank is the safest and best place for money. YOUR SAVINGS CORDIALLY INVITBD AT 4 PER CENT. SAFE DEPOSIT BOX RANT AT A DOLLAR A TEAR. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Established in 1902. Tillamook, Ore. Another Bunch of Wonderful Photo Plays I At THE GEM. —— I I . I FRIDA Y, OCT. 5. "THE CRAB”—5 reel Triangle picture featuring Frank Keenan & Thelma Salter. "THE ROAD AGENT”—a one reef comedy (full of pep) SATURDAY, OCT. 6. “LADY BARNACLE”—5 reel Metro Wonder Picture featuring Viola Dana. "MODERN ROMANCE”—a one reel Rolrno comedy. SUNDAY, OCT. 7. "HEART OF A HERO”—6 reel World feature picture. A vis­ ualization of the life of Nathan Hale, founded on the play "Nathan Hale” by Clyde Fitch featuring as the stars Robert Warwick and Gail Kane. MONDA Y, OCT. 8. “SUNSHINE AND GOLD”—5 reed Pathe Gold Rooster play featuring Baby Marie Osborne. "HEARST-PATHE NEWS No. <1»—showing following T. R. greets Belgians, Defending the coasts. Civil war veterans Re­ union in Boston for their fifty-first annual encampment. TUESDA Y, OCT. 9. “TRILBY”—World feature picture starring the popular Clara Kimball Young. Trilby moves through a scries of exquisite sets and glorious .exteriors—scenes in Paris, and touches of Bohemian life that makes one long for a share of its fascinat­ ing frivolity and delightful friendship. WEDNESDAY, OCT 10. “THE CLOCK”—Bluebird feature, sec screen for announcement THURSDAY, OCT. 11. "TO HONOR & OBEY”—W illiam Fox feature .picture with Gladys Brockwcll in the leading role. Adults 15c. children 5c. admission to each of the above programs Helping the Harvests IN both producine and marketing, the facilities and services of the First National Bank —and its Mem­ bers are at the disposal of our patrons. We feel that in lending our support to that which supports the community and its industries, we also add to the welfare and prosperity of the bank as well as depositors. DIRECTORS : A. W Bunn. Farmer. p. Heisel. Farmer. C. J. Eduards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. TILLAMOOK OREGON DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon. First Class Job Printing, at the Headlight Office