TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 4, 1917 Tillamook Jottings. SuBndray,a giri.*^' °f J°hn Weber- °n 1 »1.50 PER YEAR. I am in the market at all times for FISHERMEN AT NEHALEM SUIT TO TEST LEGALITY OF | al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Sale l? Ur„ calves—Smith “The Calf COUNTY ROAD BONDS HAVE TROUBLE. Mrs. C. w. Miller is in from Port­ Man. I confirmed. —Both Phones. ------------- — land visiting her husband. L. Hiner and L. Reed vs Solon Brought in the Circuit Court to Re­ W. A. Wise, dentist. Union Fishermen's Co-Operation to t*le wife of Fred Robison, Shiffmann. Foreclosure of lien. De­ Mt?1' A "*!*’ a S’“b wil1 meet wi,h on Friday, a girl. strain County Court from Selling Compny Brings Restraining Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Friday Ifteinoln cree for plaintiff. ’ Bonds. A marriage license was issued to W. Suit. Ethel Krugan vs Martin Krukan. ------ o------ Co. A. Makinster and Jennie Denny. A friendly suit was filed on Tues­ Divorce. Granted. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dickie left on Money to loan on good security. T. Union Fishermen ’ s Co-operative C. A. Elliott vs R. A. Connell and The Women’s Relief Corps will day by Smith W. Elliott against the Saturday for Dallas, where they will H. Goyne. * make in K. P. hall Saturday evening Company vs. F. Bolle, Albert Craw- County Court of Tillamook County wife. Foreclosure of mortgage. Con­ _ 1. home. * make their their future for