TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT SEPTEMBER 27, 1917. « news FROM TILLAMOOK BOYS. Thomas Withycombe .Contributes *20.50 to the Company Mess Fund. I Sergeant Irvie E. Keldson returned |jrom a 4 day pass on Monday niorn- Lg bringing a check for *20.50 khich he received on the way to amp from Thomas Withycombe, a brother of the governor, whom he Let on the train from Tillamook. This I,is deposited with the Company Ijless Fund. 5I s Another new program of work has Ln put into force and as a result, he 10th Company and all the other Companies of this Coast Defense are Lrking somewhat harder than here- Lare. A greater variety of work has ten provided, the drill periods being Ltided into sections for artillery Cork and sections for infantry. On tch Wednesday the company takes Like. That of last Wednesday ex- Lidtd over 14 miles of roads. It Ls a delightful day, however, and [« ot the boys felt any ill effects toni the effort; most everybody felt Liter on the return than before feting. ------ o------ Bayonet exercises, signal practice ■d target practice for rifles will be Lluded in the work. Several metn- L of the company have already be- Le proficient in two alin sema- ¡tore signalling; we are now also Lming the International Morse Lie oi wigwagging the flags. These Lo systems form the basis for most ■ the signal work done in the service. I ------ 0------ [private Chester Mills left here a |ort timp ago for the Presidio at L Francisco, where he is now tak- La course in the school for Bakers E Cooks. Chester has written that fe are being sent from the school Lost every day to fill vacancies in Lous companies, there being a Ln demand for cooks and bakers. and hundreds oi other towns and cities have adopted it and could not be induced «to return to the old, re­ jected system. It has been contin­ uously tested in our national govern­ ment since the foundation of the re­ public. VS e elect a president, lay upon hnn the responsibility of choosing his cabinet, and hold his administration undivided and undodgable responsi­ bility. We do not confuse the voters with elections of cabinet members, postmaster, United States marshals and district attorneys. A system that is good for the nat­ ion and the cities will be equally good when applied to state and county gov­ ernment..—Spokesman Review. QR. J. G. TURNER, % * Tfe Tfe <$> * Authentic Styles In * EVE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses <$> ife <$> Why Germany Wants Peace. — OREGON. Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. It will give us great pleasure if you will consider this a PERSONAL invitation to visit our store and see the new styles that are in vogue for Fall and Winter. îfe The showing is very attractive and complete and you may rest assured that every style represented is X authentic and authoritive. Only a visit of inspec- tion can impress you with the splendor of this su- « perb display. So, come and see: be convinced by a personal inspection. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES J ELAND K ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victro.’o» etc. The big German business organiza­ tions all over the world have disin­ tegrated, and the words ‘Made in Germany” on manufactured goods are not going to be a very good sell­ ing argument for years to come, so thoroughly has Germany made her­ * self hated by enemies and neutrals AVID ROBINSON, M.D., alike. We may well believe that Ger­ <» man financial and political leaders are beginning to realize that, what­ ife PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ever the issue of the war, financial % and economic ruin stares them in the NATIONAL BUILDING, face. There probably has never been a time since the war began when TILLAMOOK OREGON. Germany has a whole has been so anxious for peace. The recent utter­ ances of Von Kuehlmann, the new <» J_J T. BOTLJS German foreign secretary, are in ife strange contrast to his predecessor's ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. clatter of the mailed fist. We hear that “a policy based on might alone Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in X*' Ub­ and not on right is doomed to failure Office. id­ from the beginning.” Could there be Taxes Paid for Non Residents. ita a more accurate description of Ger­ ife T illamook B lock , many’s policy up to date? If the Ger­ >1 man leaders have begun to see the <» Tillamook .... Oregon light there may be some hope that Both Phones. to- real peace negotiations will result trist from the pope’s initiative. While the ■i»Si German foreign secretary thus pub­ T. BO ALS, M.D., ¡Remember My Store is i«sr* licly ate humble pie, the statesmen of * ■¡Located in Clough's Old Drug Store Building on First Street the entente allies consulted as to their ,»rV PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. * answer to the pope’s message. And etiM while they consulted, fighting flared Surgeon S.P. Co. |A large problem in the company up violently on every front.—Henry (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) >lu4* L was settled a few days ago Farrand Griffin, in Leslie’s . L Mess Sergeant Myers found Tillamook .... Oregon. ¡¡acquired a 3 oven French Range He Was Game. * [the use of the company. This EBSTER HOLMES, L is adapted for all kinds of They had been married three Tfe king and baking and plenty large months and were having ------ their first <» ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ■ the food cooked here. On Satur- quarrel, which shows that they were ife Itnorning, it was used for the first a remarkable couple. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Kt and cooks Crimmins and Reed "Evidently,” she said icily, “you re­ Lnstrated their ability to bake gret that you have married me. The Women’s FIRST STREET. ■ cakes.” Before noon, Sergeant the step is not irrevocable, however. TILLAMOOK, ltrs had several angel food cakes If you care to be released from your OREGON Shop Ke ovens and it was a settled fact from your bonds”— ■ the range was a success. „ ,'Naw,” he interrupted impatiently. »"p H. GOYNE, I ---- o------- “I’m on no 90-day recruit. I’m en­ he company is indebted to the listed for the term of war.” Kir Guard girls for several boxes ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. She couldn’t think of any retort, SO Kikes and also for a number of she maintained a scornful silence. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , las received recently. The cakes Property. h delicious and the pillows filled Tillamook .... Oregon. ------- o hg felt want. The Honor Guard THROWING THE DART. Notice is hereby given t hat by vir­ Ky City also donated pillows to tue of a writ of execution issued out hoi the members of the company. V»nic« and Cork, For Different Rea­ ■of the Circuit Court for Tillamook QR. L. L. HOY, sons, Observe Thia Old Custom. County, Oregon, on the 26th day of library tent has been erected in In widely differing communities— Sept., 1917, and to me directed, upon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I through the kindness of John r I bmar, it contains a liberal supply Venh e and Cork—there obtains a curi­ a judgment duly rendered, entered I of a record and docketed in and by ' Makes Cubbing Arrangement With kgazines. During rainy weather ous ceremony, thut of throwing the T illamook B lock , said court on the 3rd day of March I [‘off duty” periods, the t‘ library dart 1916, in a certain action then in said | Is well patronized. Tillamook, - - Oregon In the first ease this Is an ancient court pending, wherein D. L. Shrode, I It company has also > received a custom signifying the marriage of the George Williams and Charles Kunze I lini were plaintiffs, and C. M. Martin and ■ JOHN LELAND HENDERSON k of Tillamook t :::_...— cheese which Adriatic. Every year since 1177, on Mary J. Martin were defendants, I much appreciated. Ascension day, Venice has been made said judgment being in favor of plain- , Ie ------ o------ ATTORNEY the bride of the sea, and the throwing tiffs and against the defendants, and | government boat leaves Astoria of the dart Is a picturesque feature of AND by which execution I am commanded 1 [day at 8:15 a. m., which arrives MONG our large circle of readers to satisfy out of the property of said a picturesque ceremony. • COUNSELLOR AT-LAW rt Columbia at 9:35. Leaving there are a great many who are in­ Equally interesting are the circum­ defendants the following judgment: [Columbia the boat daily except T illamook B lock , terested directly or indirectly in Three Hundred Eighty-one and Mays and Sundays at 5;50 p. m. stances attaching to the similar func­ Tillamook - . . • Oregon, fruit growing, dairying and other Biursdays and Sundays it leaves tion on the first Thursday of Septem­ 52-100 dollars ($381.52) with inter­ ROOM NO. 261. ?nl- est thereon at the rate of six per cent KO and 6:30 p. m. On Sundays ber in Cork harbor, Ireland. By virtue branches of farming. All of these II ■orning boat leaves here directly of a clause in the city charter the per annum from October 16th, 1915, naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag­ and the sum of $10.00 costs and dis- 1 ■Mt Ils arrival and does not return. mayor of Cork is constituted admiral C. HAWK, ricultural activities throughout the state; bursements of said action, and I have 1 arp of the port Every three years he must duly levied upon the following de- , and to know about any fight which is being e*i iht Watchman Sandbagged. evidence his Jurisdiction by throwing scribed real property of said defend- ■ waged for the measures Oregon farmers rag PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a dart into the sea. ants, situated in Tillamook County, want and against all sorts of schemes that ied. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the Oregon, to wit: I Watkins was sandbagged and At are detrimental to the people and agricultural Bay City Oregon I of a purse containing over $13 mayor, the town council, all the civic aid Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the southwest interests of this state. and her valuables at the Schiffmann officers and the band of the Cork civil quarter of the northcast quarter, and ( [Wednesday night. About 12 artillery embark on a vessel and pro­ the northwest quarter of the south- I We have, therefore, made a special clubbing J K. REEDY, D.V M., r » [when he and the watchman ceed to a point between Poor head and east quarter, all of Section 5, Town­ arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ i 1 [he Jensen mill were eating Cork head, which is held to be the ship 2 south, Range 10 West W. M. MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, VETERINARY. tIM I ■nch in the boiler room they maritime lioundary of the borough. Therefore, I will on Saturday the ucb who is one of our regular subscribers and who II noise down in the furnace The mayor dons bis official robes and. 27th day of October, 1917, at the and Both Phone«. is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON land on investigating found attended by the mace and sword bearer, hour of 10 o’clock a. m. on said date, dll pen there. When asked what the city treasurer and the town clerk, at the front door of the Court House FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE Tillamook • Oregon. > in pre doing on the premises they likewise wearing their official robes, in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at OREGON FARMER in combination with py were I. W. W.’s. When or- public auction to the highest bidder this paper at the same rate as for this paper ■n’t psay they threatened that they goes to the prow of the vessel and for cash in hand, all right, title and Q’ARL haberlach , no» alone. ■— [be back next daj) and bring launches into the sea a dart made of interest which the within named de­ »« Iwith them and that the mill mahogany tipped and winged with fendants had in or to said real prop­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. on* f* This offer applies to all those who renew or bronze, In this way asserting his «11- erty on or since the 3rd day of nen Be shut down, they then went thorlty extend their subscriptions as well as to all as lord high admiral of the B the railroad track and sat March, 1916, the date of rendering T illamook B rock 10« new subscribers. If you are interested di­ and docketing the above judgment. >»!• pn hour or so later the watch- port.—Argonaut I the shingle mill hearing an Also all right, title and interest of all rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, Tillamook Oregon persons claiming under said defend­ IM. Isound at the Schiffmann mill do not miss this unusual opportunity, but VENOMOUS SEA SNAKES. ants since said date. Said sale will be Ot •er to investigate and found send your order in now. • knocked out. He called made subject to redemptic: as pro­ Gaudy Colored Serpents of the Indian h*» 1 Schiffmann and Dennis and H. T. Botts, Pre«., Attorney vided by law. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm and Pacific Oceana. la • they brought the victim at-I.aw, Dated this 26th day of September. paper which is devoting itself exclusively of k ■ consciousness. Sheriff Camp- Innumerable sea snakes, most 1917. to the farming activities John Iceland Henderson, Sec­ and interests of >14 Bdcputies went to work en the which are highly venomous, infest the W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Oregon. It has a big organization gath- K next evening picked up a waters of the Indian ocean and the retary Treaa., Attorney-ut- Tillamook County Oregon ■ at Coal Creek camp but he western Pacific. ering the news of importance _ ___ to _________ farmers, Law and Notrary Public. ■>is innocenqr. Lated reports ____ differ from the dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and Nearly all of them ) Bt three mfe answering the Notice to Creditors. land serpent» by the laterally flattened poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­ ■on went civer the Seaside ■ .--o and oarlike shape of the tail and ateo tack wrongful methods and combinations and Bursday. j by the »rales of the under surface of In the County Court of the State bad legislation, and support honest leaders When east ashore acci­ of Oregon, For the County of Tilla­ Law, , Abstracta. Real Estate, and beneficial measures. We are confident (ion Government in Counties the bodv. dentally the majority are quite help­ mook:—In the matter of the estate Insurance. Wanted. that our readers will congratulate us on our less and soon die. for they are unadopt­ of Charles A. Seamon. late of the -------o------- Both Phones. being able to make this splendid and at­ [1 service to progress and bet- ed for getting about on land. Three county of Tillamook, Deceased. tractive clubbing offer. Notice is hereby given that the un­ TILLAMOOK—OKEOON. knment was rendered by the species, however, differ from the ma dersigned has, in the above entitled state convention of county jority of the sea snakes. One of the proceeding, filed his Final Account loners when it adopted a res- most common kind is a three foot as Administrator for the Estate Wproving the short ballot snake that lives in the waters from which was of Charles A. Seamon. Imission government for the Bar of Bengal to Oceania. This This late of the County of Tillamook, De­ I County commissioners arc species easily crawls on land and ceased. and that the' Court has ap­ u qualified to pass upon this sometimes makes journeys of a consid­ pointed Saturday, the Third Day ot I They are in constant con- November. 191*. at Ten o’clock in i $ the shortcomings of the erable distance Inland. I ■stem. They know how cost­ Most of the sea snakes hare brilliant the forenoon, for the hearing of Ob­ jections to such Final Account and ly» tern is "to the taxpayers, colorings. They feed on fish and other the settlement thereof. •as inevitably to divided re- marine creatures and areextraordinarl S. M. Batterson, lr active. In length they vary from ■7- disputed authority and Administrator about two feet to as much as ten or Johnson & Handley, Bkirz demand for the short twelve feet. Sea snakes also differ ■ c■ mmission government is from land snakes In the shortnesa of Robert H. McGrath, Attorneys for the Administrator. J»an movement. The reform the tongue. In their natural element fbv President Wilson and thev thrust only the eitreme tip of this Sleep Without Closing Eye«. and their kin are often spoken of as r1’ Taft and Roosevelt. It organ through two small notches In ■ o • For Sale. sleepless creatures, for it is supposed •mended this year by 16 the closed mouth. They have compart, It was commonly supposed that ------ o----- if they lose consciousness they would ■ their messages to their some animals never sleep, but that is promptly drown The elephant, ap­ lively small nostrils, placed