Ucaiiliflht. h TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPT. Tillamook Jottings. 27, 1917. »!.5O PER YEAR. Dr. \\ ise will be at his Tillamook j Born, on the 20th, to the wife of Fairview Grange Meets October 11. Circuit Court Next Monday. CELEBRATES ADVENT OF A office Mondays, Wednesdays and I Thos. B. Hyder, a daughter. —o------ NEW INDUSTRY . Thursdays. 4* The October term of Circuit Court Fairview grange will meet on Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler of­ ----- o will convene next Monday, with Light wagon and set double har­ fice from Saturday morning until Thursday, October 11, when the fol­ Judge Geo. R. Bagley on the bench, Contract Signed Up to Build One W. A. Wise, dentist. ness, good as new, for sale cheap. In­ Sunday noon. 4* lowing program will be rendered:— There are 46 cases on the docket Government Vessel at Tillamook. Song by Grange. quire or write Moroney, Manhatten Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo Readings—Frank Bester and Pius made up of actions for money, fore­ Beach, Oregon. closures, divorces and a few cases for sale. Better see us before we send Jacob. Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough On Saturday evening the business Verda Vanderpool, aged 14 years, it to Portland.—Coast Power Co. ♦ Recitations—Mamie Tittle and Mrs. appealed from the justice courts. The Co. • and Merle Vanderpool, aged 12 years, I I t - jury list is composed of Guy Vaughn, men of Tillamook city got together Billings. It is expected that the work of were taken to the Reform School at Songs—Oscar Tittle and Bert Alex McNair, F. S. Schofield, Frank at the Hotel Tillamook for the pur- Money to loan on good security. T. Salem on Wednesday. hardsurfacing the five miles of hard ______ of __ _ a Kumm, S .E. Park, C. A. Elliott, W. pose of celebrating the advent H. Goyne. * surfaced road will commence next Folks. Talks—Wm. Maxwell and Sid And­ A. Williams, Ivan Gist, J. W. McKin­ new industry into Tillamook County Mrs. Otto Konrad and daughter, week. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, ley, Wm. Noriss, R. Stillwell, C. and to show its appreciation to the erson. Cleora, of Chicago, came in Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Wise have returned Cloverdale, Ore. * Five Minute Talks—Grace Bester Shunk, L. D. Krake, Frank Paul, O. Portland Chamber of Commercee for for an extended visit at the home of | from Portland and are located in the and Mrs. Lucas. W. Olson, E. W. Knight, J. S. Diehl, the assistance that that organization Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at James Feeney. Mrs. Konrad is a sis­ Brant house across the street South Songs—Mrs. Campbell and Grace E. H. Lindsey, Arthur Holden. W. gave in helping to secure the contract. ter of Mr. Feeney ’ s. Rialto, Both phones. * of the court house. 2* Jacob. Glick, H. L. Provoost, W. S. Cone, W .D .B. Dodson, Secretary of the Don't forget those busted castings. Chamber of Commerce, Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ Recitations—Joe Donaldson and I. J. Earl, W. H. Kandle, F .R. Beals, Portland Geo. B. Lamb, county school super­ Chas. Blum, Bert Mapes, R. B. Mc- with Mrs. Dodson, were in the city, ware.—R. W. Bennett. * Can be welded for half. Goods sent intendent, was unanimously chosen Dolph Tinnerstet. _____ „ ’ Debate—“Resolved, that the Tilla- Clay, D. F. Thompson, Wm. Tubber- and they were made the honored Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition by parcel post and express promptly as a delegate to the State Teachers guests of the occasion. It was a rep­ Association which meets in Portland "look Granges are not encouraging sing and J. L. George. for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. * returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, resentative gathering of business men ’ ■ *•- holiday ' •’ ■ ■ •________ the co-operative idea as they should.” during the vacation this com ­ There are only two cases that were and their wives, and the gathering Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., Oregon. | Affirmative, Marion Chance and Gus ing winter. ♦ Also furnished rooms. Goeres. Negative, Sollie Smith and P. held over to the grand jury. They are would have been much larger had it L. S. Miller has gone to war—His Rev. Lacy has resigned as pastor of B. C. Lucas. Rev .Father Sherlock who threatened been on any other night than Sat­ entire herd of full blood and grade Garbage gathered free. See M. R. the M. E. Church of this city owing to do bodily harm to Captain S. S. urday. However, every seat in the All members please attend and en- Jerseys for sale. A chance to get Hanankrat, or call Main 6Fu. to throat trouble. There was a union Johnson. Since that time he was large dining room was filled, several some high class cows. Enquire of S. service at the church on last Sunday, joy the meeting. charged with assault and battery on of the young ladies of the city waited R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- M. Batterson, Mohler, Oregon. * with a large congregation to bid the • a person in Portland and pleading at the banquet . pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. Another Divorce Suit. J. H. Ellison has leased his house rev gentleman a farewell. guilty was fined $25. The other case D. L. Shrode acted as toastmaster. Dr. Jack Olson is now First Lieu­ and left for Oklahoma with Mrs El­ is that of C. C. Byers who is accused Sedy Wiedemann vs Carl L. Weide- The enrollment at the public school Mayor R. T. Boals was the first tenant at Camp Green, Charlotte N. C. lison on Tuesday, where they will of embezzling school fund of Rock- in this city is 386, against 379 this mann is a divorce suit filed in the speakccr who advocated the improve­ visit Mr. Ellison ’ s sister, after which aw ’ ay schood district. Will pay you to see Everson tor a time last year. There is a decrease of Circuit Court .These parties were ment of the channel to Tillamook safe investment in city property or they will spent the winter in Cal- eight in the high school owing to the married in Vancouver, Wash., on Ju­ City, and he looked upon this as one ifornia. Judge G. R .Bagley has made an or ­ farm lands. * 10th Company, Coast Artillery, tak­ ly 22 1914. No children have been of the most important things for the der compelling Mrs. Philadelphia Ann born to the union. The plaintiff al­ A card party will be given at the ing that number. development of this city and this The New Edison gets and gives all leges cruel and inhuman treatment, Owens to appear before the Circuit the Artist rendered just as the artist Masonic Hall, October 5th, at 8 p.m. Mi ss Kittie O’Donnel of this city the defendant using intoxicating liq­ Court next Monday and show cause part of the county. gave it. * to which all Masons and Eastern Star and Frank Nolan, of Portland, were Fred C. Baker, President of the Til­ uors to excess while they resided in why she should not be arrested for and their families are invited, Pro- Girl wanted, for general house work ceeds to go to the Masonic and Ci. E. married in Portland on September 4. Portland, who often came home contempt of court. Mrs. Owens was lamook Commercial Club stated that the meeting was for the uprpose of Mr. Nolan is traveling salesman for Inquire of Henry Schild, Mutual S. home fund. Admission 25c. drunk and abused plaintiff, accusing given the care and custody of the showing its appreciation of the assist­ Fleischner, Mayer & Co., of Portland. phone. her of undue intimacy with other children when she was granted a di­ ance of the Portland Chamber of Andrew Christensen was in from Mr. and Mrs. Nolan have the best men. On or about the 15 of August, vorce and to keep them in Tillamook Why not be insured in the best fire Coos county looking after his prop- wishes of many Tillamook friends. Commerce gave Tillamook in secur­ 1915, in Portland, he did not come county where the father could visit ing a contract fyr government ves­ insurance company, it costs no more. erty in this city. Andrew says they the children. One year ago from last Dr. Vernon T. Cooke, of Denver, .home for supper and she phoned to See Everson. * are making rapid progress in cheese sels, and especially to Mr. Dodson, Colo., is visiting at the home of his'a saloon where defendant was accus- August Mrs .Owens took the child­ Now is the time to have your winter making in that county, having near­ sister, Mrs. David Robinson. Dr. tomed to spend much of his time, ren out of Tillamook county, and it its secretary, who had interested him­ self in behalf of Tillamook .This was wood sawed.—Call Ernest Knight ly doubled the output this year. Cooke is greatly pleased with Tilla-I and upon his coming to the phone, is for this that the present suit was Mr. Dodson’s fjrst visit ti iTllamook Mutual phone. ♦ The wet weather is making the mook and was delighted the way the plaintiff could tell he was drunk, and filed. and the best part of Oregon. Edison re-creations sing your fav­ grass grow and there is now consid­ business men got together on Sunday wanted to bring his brother home J. Tone vs. Tillamook Hotel Co. The other speakers were C. J. Ed­ evening. He has traveled extensively with him, also drunk and put him to erable green feed for the dairy herds, orite songs better than you ever wards, Prof. Kirk, R. W. Watson, H. * which will relieve the hay situation. in Europe and other parts of the bed. Plaintiff told her husband to go Action for money. heard them sung. Santa Cruz-Portland Cement Co. T. Botts, S. S. Johnson, Webster There is good prospects of good pas­ world, so is thoroughly conversant to the brother’s own home, and then Rev. R. Y. Blalock has moved his ture for the next two months. with foreign affairs. came home to supper, which was still vs. Bay City, Oregon, a municipal Holmes, J. Feeney, and J. C. Langille, corporation .Action for money. all of whom expressed their appre­ family to the city where they will re- School has commenced. Were your waiting. Defendant finally «.atne home W. P. Hadley moved his household Mrs. E. H .Best vs Alfred Johnson. ciation of the efforts of the Portland side this winter. alone, and drunk and abusive, assail- children backward in their studies goods and family to Tillamook the Action for money. Chamber of Commerce and to Mr. Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay the first of the week. He has a contract last year? If so, it may be due to eye led plaintiff, struck her, tore her hair, E. E. Colestock vs H. Crenshaw, Dodson. Some of the speakers were highest cash price for cascara bark for hauling lumber for the Yellow Fir trouble of some kind. Children can­ and finally endeavored to hit her on sheriff. Transcript from 3rd Justice strong advocates of wooden ships. e arc and empty sacks. * Mill, of Tillamook, and will make not tell you whether their eyes are i*le 'lead with a chair. Plaintiff ran District. Mr. Feeney read a letter stating that to Dr I Hom *be house to a neighbors and right or wrong. Bring them 1 F. D. Small et al vs H. B .Spencer the government had signed a con­ Barney Hansen underwent an op­ that city his home.—Sheridan Sun. Turner and let him examine their ca"ed f°r tbe police. When the po- and E. E. Parker. Action for money. tract for one ship, and this brought eration on Tuesday. Dr. Boals re­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harmon, of Polk eyes and if there is trouble he wijj liceman came, she went home to de- State of Oregon vs James Arrance. forth a vociferous applause. moving, a diseased rib. County, motored to this city and vis­ correct it. If not he will tell you so 0 fendant, and found the door locked, Mr. Dodson was surprised at the - •• ]_ and the defendant sitting at a table Transcript on appeal. I am in the market at all time* for ited with the Rowe family, going as frankly. You owe this to your child- Catherine A. Long, administratrix flattering reception given him. He * with a loaded revolver in his hand, Sour baby calves—Smith “The Calf far as Astoria, but being so well 1 ren. threatened to shoot either her or estate Frank Long, vs A. -K. Case. felt glad that the people of Tillamook pleased with the road in this county Ian,”—Both Phones. Charles Wild is locked up in the the policeman if they entered the Action for money . appreciated the efforts of the Port­ returned home by the same route. Sweeney Construction Co. vs Solon land Chamber of Commerce, for it county jail charged with entering the house. She finally had to go to one of Plasker Bros, have moved into Dr. Turner, the well known eye room of a guest at the Ramsey Hotel the neighbors and stay all night, and Schiffmann. Action for money. their'fine new building on 3rd street was not often that that body received Chas. Ray vs Louise Zurfleuh. Act­ thanks from localities that had been specialist of Portland, will be in Til­ about four o'clock in the morning. thewholc disgraceful scene was in the cast of the Tillamook Hotel. ion for money. lamook again Friday and Saturday, The guest happened to wake up when benefitted by its efforts and for that S. Tomilson is in for a few days September 28 and 29, at Jenkins’ a flash light was flashed in his face, daily papers next day. Wm. Kee vs A. W. Shortridge. reason he was more than pleased to from Hood River, where D. Tomil­ Jewelry store. In Cloverdale Thurs­ and Wild made a hasty retreat. The Jersey Sale of Registered Cattle. Action for money. I know that Tillamook people showed son and family are living. King-Crenshaw Co. vs F. L. Sap­ its appreciation ,for it had been scev- day, September 27. guest called the proprietor and a pington. Action for money. M. D. Ackley received a car load eral years since the Portland Cham­ Mrs. Edward Lee Overman an­ search was made, and Wild was j At the dispersal sale of registeded Petitions for citizenship: Frank ber of Commerce had received any of Fords last week and all of them nounces the opening of her studio thought to be the guilty party. He 'Jersey cattle, consisting of 19 head Tompsett, Frank Suter. were sold before the week was out. such thanks from other localities. for 1 he study of china painting on was arrested and it was found that he of cows, heifers and bull calves own­ State of Oregon vs Mrs. Lulu Mr. Dodson touched on the great was fully armed and prepared to ed by T. Withycombe & Son and auc­ For Sale—New modern residence, Tuesday, October 2nd. All ladies in commit robbery, for he had a revolv­ tioned off to the highest bidder, at Fleck. Transcript from justice court. work the Portland Chamber of Com­ located in best residence district. For tciisted are invited to call. 9 00 a. er, a large number of cartridges, two the County Fair grounds on last Sat- State of Oregon vs Gene Garrett. merce is doing to make this a greater rn. to 5;00 p. m. 5th and l ark Ave sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * flash lights, skeleton keys, cigars and , urday, a large attendance was pres­ Transcript from justice court. Oregon and the development of the A. G. Beals vs G. L. Dick. Action whole state. IJe paid a high tribute Something is going to happen at the a book on white slavery on him. He is ent at this sale and on some of the Free,—While it lasts, 1 lb. G. A. the for money. Gem Theatre next week, when a young man about 20 years of age offerings some very spirited bidding to Janies Feeney who had been most Baking Powder given away with eve­ D. L. Shrode et al vs Emil Hcllen- persistent in his endeavors to secure ry 3 lb. can of' Royal Club Coffee at “Two Little Imps” appear on the and came from Portland, where his was done . buyck and wife. Action for money. Jane and Katherine Lee schecn, with brother reside. _____________ I Col. J. W. Hughes, of Forest Grove, a contract and the success that fol­ Ray & Co. * John Earl vs Thos. Coates, admin- lowed was largely due to him. . the mischief makers. See the Gem ! was the auctioneer and Rollie W. Money to loan on farm lands, from Theatre star attractions on another Tillamook County Wins Prizes at 1 Watson, clerk of the sale. j istrator estate Anna F. Paguet. Fore­ After Mr. Dodson had spoken, the $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate page. the State Fair. The total amount realized on the closure of mortgage. toast mas ter appointed Attorney of interest. We want your business. E. J. Claussen vs F. H .Wilkins. Botts to conduct him to the bead of I 19 head was $3,500.00. The highest Henry D. Davis Lumber company See Everson. * Tillamook County came out on price paid for a single animal was Foreclosure of mortgage. the table, and to show him in a more I iippcilclll appellant I, vs V3 A. F. Coats Lumber — Allan Page has moved his stock company; a case appealed to the Su- top in the cheese contest, winning paiW by Sollie Smith in the sum of | A. D. I.aundagin vs A .de Wilde eet tangible manner how the Tillamook al. Foreclosure of mortgage. export first and second prizes in $4 25.00 for "Tootsie of Deercoombe” Commercial Club appreciated the ef­ from the Patzlaf building to the Wade preme Court from Tillamook; involv­ v _ number _______________ ..... - ....... — ' ■ Nchalen Valley Bank vs J. A. Jen- forts of the Portland Chamber of 279782, This animal building next door opposite the tele­ ing the sale of lumber; opinion by cheese and first in home tpye, the ■ register was^a'be'au'ti'fuY Fontaine cow o “ f"purc e ‘ al. For.closure of mortgage first honors falling to Fairview and 1__ _ '____ .1'.' " . . < omnierce, Mr. Dodson was pre­ ph one office. Justice Burnett, Circuit Judge Bagley | Maple Leaf. In the county exhibits Island breeding. Her dam and grand- | George W. Phelps vs Walter Rambo sented with one of J illamook county’s Wm .N. Bays was in the city on affirmed. for the coast counties Coos was first dam are great cows; her granddam Foreclosure of contract. famous cheese. Saturday peddling booze, but it was W. G. Dwight vs M. H. Dennis. W. B. D .Dodson, secretary of the and Tillamook second. • has a test of over 21 lbs. of butter in I of the loganberry brand manufactur­ I Portland Chamber of Commerce, and Foreclosure of mortgage. Export Cheese. I seven days, and was full sister to TROUBLE S. B. Vincent, as receiver, et al vs BAYOCEAN Mrs. Dodson and daughter, came in 1st, Hugh Barber, Fairview—96 ed at Beaver. NEW. Golden Jolly, who sold for $12,000. ------ o------ on Saturday for a few days .Mr. Dod ­ 2nd, Albert Wade, Cloverdale — 95% I This cow is a heavy and persistent Pearl Alkire. To quiet title.. Henry L. King was up from Bay­ Merchants National Bank vs Walt­ Natatorium Company Sues P j’ter Home Type. milker. Very spirited bidding was in ocean during the week, he is planning I son left on Monday ,and Mrs .Dod­ Realty Company. when this animal was er A. Goss. Foreclosure of mortgage. on moving to the county scat for son will remain for a week at the 1st, Flovd Culberson, Maple Leaf evidence Anna Rutgers vs Derk Rutgers. 95 7-8. ____________ Hotel Tillamok. brought into the ring. the winter. Dissatisfied stockholders in the Gus Peterson was the heaviest sin­ Divorce. Monday evening was the date Natatorium For Sale—By Case’s Garage, One County Court Business. I M. Sue Henderson vs H. E. Carr et Bayoccan C ompany, gle purchaser at the sale. He paying ps 30 horse, 2 passenger Chevrolet whichthe City Council decided to al. Foreclosure of mortgage. through their attorneys, , Ridgeway ----- o — >500.00 for two animals that he pur- ordered Mortgage Company of America vs A Johnson, brought suit iintlie Mult­ auto, new tires and one extra. Price take up the matter of the assessment The following bills were chased. for the sewer system and the pave­ I ' Frank W. Crane et al. Foreclosure of nomah county Circuit cOtirt against if sold at once $625.00. continued: pur- The following is a list of the ment, but owing to Councilman Wheeler Lumber Co................ 10.40 chaser, the name of the animal, and mortgage. *?1C,LB. Potter Realty Company and The Franklin Fish Market is now Christensen and Harris being out of 2.50 the amount paid for eactx: I Tillamook County Bank and Wes­ S. JI. Vincent, its re ceiver, for $70,- Mrs. Don E. Bennell ............. open for business, drop in and look the city, the City Council decided to Melchior ct al, for election. ley G. Day vs E. D. Severance. 090. The officers of the < defendant No. - 1. —Gus ~ Peterson, Pearl of . around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— continue it for two weeks. 72.06 company are charged with fraud in St. Helens Creosoting Co .. Deercoombe 329626 $190.00 Foreclosure of mortgage. F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. 2 60 No. 2. —Will Maxwell, Pearl of L. L. Lee vs T. H. Pitts et al Fore­ the misrepresentation of the value of State Tax Commissioner Galloway Daily Abstract Co.................... property that was turned over in —...... ,------- Forty Acre Ranch, some . bottom has completed a statement of the W'esley Rush ........................... 1550.00 Deercoombe’s King ... 30 00 closure of lien. I L. Hiner and L. Reed vs Solon payment of its share of the stock in land, $3,000; 1 half cash. Quick sale. . taxes penalties and interest due to Hiner & Reed. No. 3. —Sollie Smith, Tootsie In the matter of the application of the natatorium corporation. Don’t write, come and see it. Taylor jg counties of the state in which of Deercoombe, 279782 425,00 Schiffmann. Foreclosure of lien. I Ethel Krugan vs Martin Krugan. It is charged in the complaint that Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale. are situated Oregon & California Ben Riesland for permission to close , No. 4 —P. W. Todd, Toot­ the officers and directors of the T. B. 1 Divorce. sie’s Little Rose 369453 Tillamook County Creamery Asso- grant lands. These taxes, penalties ditch, Twin Rocks, Mrs. F.d.ith Aider­ C. A. Elliott vs R. A. Connell and Potter Realty Company, in promot­ .............................................. 115.00 „„„ .....____ will be paid Within a man was permitted to do so. ciation will have an exhibit of cheese and interest In the matter of cancelling county wife. Foreclosure of mortgage. ing the sale of real estate owned by due Tilla- at the Manufacturers’ Land Rr°duct month. The amount that is for taxes warrants, as advertised, the same No. 5.—Mark Bays , Tootsie’s 75.00 Security Savings and Trust Co. vs I that company at Bayocean, decided mook county is $9,195.48 King of Deercoombe . . Show in Portland Nov. 3rd to 24th were ordered cancelled. James Walton, Jr. et al. Foreclosure to establish a large natatorium at and $1,710.01 penalty and interest. No. 6. —W. S. Booth, Princess In the matter of declaring a va­ that point as a further inducement Io For Sale or Rent.—80 acre, irrigat­ Little Fern 279787 . 390.00 of mortgage . Be sure to kt Dr. Turner show you cancy in the office of county commis­ I Minnie Marfin vs Joseph Martin. prospective investors. The officers ed farm. Alfalfa and stock ranch. the new double vision glasses with­ No. 7. —Arthur lippin, Dora’s and directors of the realty company, Fern 204054 .............. 240.00 Divorce. Terms can be had but no trade con­ out the sightly lines or seams to sioner, it was ordered that S. G. I ! Frank C. Reed vs Alma B. Reed. it is alleged, organized the Bayoccan sidered. Lay & Son, Hermiston, Ore. catch dirt, strain the eyes or come Reed is no longer qualified as such on No. 8.—Gus Peterson, Dora's account of failure to attend to the du­ Natatorium Company with a capital Fern 3rd. 286371 .... 310.00 Divorce. Only Edison re-creations can be apart. One light, solid piece of glass ties of the office, and H. V. Alley was I Citizens Bank vs. J. T. Alexander stock of $150,000 retaining 50 per No. 9.—Theresa M. Ross. mistaken for the original voice. Its that looks like a single pair, yet an­ appointed to fill the vacancy. et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. cent of the stock and the controlling King William’s Lucy rich true tones fill many homes with swers the purpose of two, enabling In the matter of the taxes due from R. E. Wilson vs C. A. Everson ea interest, the remaining 975,000 of 145.00 369454 ......................... you to read or do close work and gladness. Call at Lamar’s Drug Store the government on State Land al Foreclosure of mortgage. stock being offered to the general see distant objects perfectly. Be sure Grants, the Sheriff was ordered to No. 10.—Joe Donaldson, Fon­ W. L. Provoost vs Bay City et al public. and hear one. taine of Deercoombe and see them. Don't forget the date. prepare a statement and make a de­ Representing that the property was 240709 ........................... 300 00 Suit in equity. Frederick H. Wheeler vs c. c. I Eva W. Worthington vs George wortli $75,000, the amount of »io< k mand for the taxes. , No. 11.— Joe Price, Fontaine’s Byers is a suit filed in the Circuit 260 acres Coos County, Oregon, land In the matter of hiring the county s it voted itself, the realty company 35 00 Worthington. Divorce C1 T _______ for certain three miles from North Bend on nav­ King ............................... Court to recover $131.36 I Edgar M. Brown vs Flora Brown. turned over to the newly formed merchandise sold igable channel of Coos Bay, wit.i boat caterpillar engine to the Yellow Fir No. 12—Ed Anderson, Chief’s goods, wares : and — — - company five lots at Bayoccan, a service. 130 acres bottom land which Lumber Co., the same was granted to Wild Rose 200140 105.00 Divorce. the defendant by Lang & Uo. I Hallie Kopieskc vs William Ko- lighting plant and an electric fran­ is dvked and ready for cultivation, haul logs to the mill near Pleasant No. 13 — p. W. Todd, Chief’s For Sale—17 O. I. C. pigs, Ji and 130 acres bench and bdI 'and\ R?c,e Valley, and the company is pay $10 chise, in full payment for its stock. Wild Rose of Fair View 175.00 pieske. Divorce. % full blood. $5.00 each, ready f°r $22 000.00. Terms $12,000 cash, bal­ a day for the use of the caterpillar. I Thornton B. Turney vs John B. The complainants allege that the v I- No. 14 — E E. Allan, Jr., Wild In thr matter of the vacation of the delivery from now to October s ■ • • ance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. Rose of St Lambert .. 155.00 Hall and wife. Foreclosure of mort­ uc of the property so delivr red to the T. Blackburn. Hemlock, Ore. Mutual Price at bed rock as owner must sell plat of Seaport, upon the petition No. 15.— Marion Chance, Toot­ natatorium corporation actual'/ did gage . . „ „ order ------- J— L. S. Morgan vs H. E. Carr et al. not exceed $5,000. They ask judg­ Address W. G. Robertson, Coo,ton, of P. W. Todd and others, an sie King of Fair View. 235,00 phone. was made to vacate the same was No. 1$.—T. McCormick, 1 To quiet title . ment for the difference, or $70,iri made up and sent the following arti- Notice. Ann's Beauty ............... 175.00 where Miss K. Mills will have charge des to the Red Cross Headquarters This is to give notice that I will not No .18.— M. Chance, Muriel of Card of Thanks. of Portland: 12% pairs of bed socks be responsible for any debts contract­ If for no other reason, Chamber- of the cards. We would express our thanks for St. Lambert ............ 200.00 lain'» Salve should be kept in every It is expected that the new cheese 7 dozen substitute handR5rch!ei’f't 1 ed by my husband C. W iedemann, No. 19.—Arthur Tippin, Kof- the beautiful floral tributes and kind- du.t cloths. 4 dozen handkerchiefs 1 after this date. I am able to take care 55.00 |y assistance rendered by members household on account of its great val­ factory, now being built by ran fee King of- Fair View Heyd & Co. tor the Red Clover As- dozen napkins, 1 dozen tray cloths. of myself. ———----- --------- I of the Grange, the G. A. R and W. R ue in the treatment of burns. It allays Mrs. L. Wiedemann. .. IC., and also by other friends and the pain almost instantly, and unless sociation. will be ready for use in 20 hundred gun wipers, « pa."_™ Ranch for Sale. lecent «lipp- rs and 5 ambulance pil- I neighbors, at the death and burial of the injury is a severe one. heals the about three weeks. liws The ladies meet every U ednes- No tic a. parts without leaving a scar. This Including stock and farm equipment our dear husband and father, Salvei s also unequaled for chapped The Tillamook Meat Co will pay * and Fndav, and there is a desire This is to give notice that all per­ containing 24 acres of Wilson river ' Mrs. Mary Weston hands, sore nipples and diseases of toe ior all 10 pound lard pails and • hat more ladiei attend these meet­ sons owing me must settle by the 1st bottom land, to be sold before the 1st Mr and Mrs. Edward Weston the skin. Urice 25 cents. For sale by for 5 pound pails. They must bt re ing, and give a helping hand in this of October, 1917. Mr and Mrs. B. J Cady of October.—Inquire of Paul Erick- Lamar's Drug Store. W. A. Williams. from rust. Bring them in at once an* commendable work. Mr .and Mrs. H. L. Fowler aon, R. F. D. 1., Tillamook, Ore. • get your money.