Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 20, 1917, Image 8

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A petition numerously signed was
presented to'the Lincoln county court
asking that a special election be held
for the purpose of voting on a propo­
sition to bond the county for $200,-
000 to build roads.
Affairs of State Have Been
Principal Events of the Woek The chief of engineers instructed
the district engineer at Portland to
Entrusted to Five Members
Briefly Sketched for Infor­ proceed at once with the work of
deepening the locks at Oregon City,
. of the Cabinet.
mation of Our Reader*.
for which work congress recently ap­
propriated $80,000.
Petrograd. — Russia has been pro­
The Jackson county fair opens Sep­
That the fire which has been just
claimed a republic, according to a pro­
tember 18, at the natatorium in Med­ halted in the Fort Rock section after
clamation issued by the provisional
burning over 20,000 acres of yellow
Walter E. Keyes, mayor of Salem, pine, was undoubtedly of incendiary
The provisional government an
and Miss Ida Helse, were married at origin, is the decision of C. J. Buck,
nounced that all the affairs of state
assistant chief forester.
had been entrusted to five members
A return of $115 from an acre of
At 9 o'clock Tuesday 7400 acres of
of the cabinet.
peppermint is reported by E. F. Martin land known as the Benham Falls
Premier Kerensky’s attempt to form
of Eugene.
segregation and located in the Bend.
coalition government failed, but the
Elevator operators in Portland, of Alfalfa and Powell Butte vicinities, In
crisis has been solved temporarily in
whom there are about 75. have organiz­ Crook and Deschutes counties, was
the form of a cabinet reduced in size
ed a labor union.
opened for homestead filing.
and of virtually non-party character.
Construction work on the Douglas
Admiral Capps has informed Sena­
After the surrender of General Kor­
county unit of the Paclfio highway tor Chamberlain that the shipping
niloff and the completion of the new
will begin shortly.
board is considering the proposal of
cabinet, Premier Kerensky in an inter­
The pioneers of Jackson county Robert A Miller, of Portland, to build
view said:
held their annual reunion in Llthia ships of concrete but is not yet ready
"Announce that the Korniloff ad-
park in Ashland Thursday.
to enter into any contracts.
now is completely at an end
Beal Gaither, 20, was crushed to
Dr. F. M. Brooks, of Portland, form­
and there is no prospect whatever of
death between two large spruce logs erly of Silverton, was appointed by
Senator Simmons, of North Caro-
at the Bade mill at Toledo.
Governor Wlthycombe to succeed Dr. ••ns, who had charge of the revenue his adherents or of other parties at­
tempting to revive it. Virtually all
Miss Martha Bechen has been ap­ M B. Marcellus as a member of the bill in the Senate.
the chief movers in the revolt are in
pointed county agent for Hood River, state board of health. Dr. Marcellus
hands and the matter may be
Wasco and Sherman counties.
resigned to enter military service.
considered settled.
Captain Lenua G. Krook, acting quar­
Pendleton leads the cities of the
"Our immediate problems are politi­
termaster at Fort Stevens, committed state in contributions of books to the
cal and I hope they will be settled sat­
suicide by cutting his throat with a war library, according to a statement
isfactorily and peaceably. We must
made by Miss Cornelia Marvin, state
think of reorganization at home and
Fire entirely destroyed the Glenada librarian. That city has given 462
the conduct of the war.’’
shingle mill and a large quantity of volumes and about 2000 magazine*.
An extraordinary tribunal will be
Washington.—The price of $2.20 a
shingles that were on hand ready for
No more commitments to the state
sehool for feeble-minded will be receiv­ bushel for wheat fixed by President appointed to try the officers arrested
The southern Pacific company re­ ed from the state at large until all Wilson will be maintained, it was in connection with the Korniloff revo­
ported to the public service commis­ feeble-minded wards of the state now made clear by the food administration, lution. The sessions will be open to
sion a net shortage on its Oregon lines in other institutions are cared for, despite isolated protests from farming the public and the chief witnesses will
of 1021 cars.
the state board of control has ruled. Interests that the figure is too low. be Deputy Lvoff, who acted as Kor-
During the month of August 4897
President Wilson has sent to the Virtually the only objection of any nlloff’s intermediary in demanding the
warrants were issued by Secretary of senate the following nominations: consequence, it was said, has arisen resignation of Kerensky; Acting War
State Olcott, the largest number in Collector of customs, Oregon district, in North Dakota, where the crop was Minister Savinkoff and Filonenko,
commissioner of the provisional gov­
the history of the state.
Portland, Will Moore of Pendleton, unusually poor.
North Dakota farmers are demand- ernment at the headquarters.
That the bean crop of DouglaB coun­ Or.; United States marshal, district
ty this year will exceed $100,000 Is of Oregon, George F. Alexander of Ing $3 a bushel for their wheat and
are asking for removal of the food
the statement made by J. C. Hurd, Portland.
county agricultural agent.
W. E. Flnzer, for nearly 12 years administration’s regulations designed
Oregon's greatest agricultural and adjutant general of the Oregon Na- to prevent speculation. They particu­
Industrial exposition—the 56th an- tlonal guard, has been appointed * larly object to restrictions against
nual state falr—will open at Salem major in the United States army and elevators storing grain more than 30
September 24. for a week.
ordered to report at once to Camp days.
The result of the price fixed, food
Washington.—General Alexieff's ap­
Secretary Olcott has issued a state- Lewis. American Lake, for service
administration officials say, is that pointment to supreme command of the
ment showing that on July 1 there with the new national army.
were $11,929.63 in unclaimed bank
This year's Pendleton Round-up, the farmer will receive about 33 per Russian armies will be followed by a
deposit* tn the banks of the state.
September 20, 21 and 22, is expected to cent more a bushel than last year. On general reorganization, in which old
Between 6,000,000 and 6,000,000 break all records, both In attendance the other hand, through arrangements generals will give place to new ones.
pounds of prunes is the estimate of I and in the quality of the contests and made for the elimination of specula­
First definite news of the reorgani­
Douglas county's present crop as made exhibition. The people of Pendleton tlon and to control distribution, the zation was received at the Russian
by the buyers who are In the field.
are making arrangement* to entertain consumer should, they contend, obtain embassy in dispatches from Petrograd.
of at least $3 a barrel on Confidence of the troops is being re­
Governor Wlthycombe has lifted the 75,000 people for the three days.
proclamation issued by him several
Circuit Judge D. V. Kuykendall of flour, or 20 per cent under the average stored by the removal of the former
weeks ago closing the hunting season Klamath Falls has decided in favor of the last four months.
generals, the dispatches said, and the
in the timbered area because of forest of the state in the last of seven cases
situation is rapidly clearing.
The Korniloff uprising seems to
against F. A. Hyde and his associates MAKING OF WHISKEY STOPS
The ■tato highway commission haa to recover lands which the state
have been quelled without bloodshed
now under way 30 projects of con­ claimed, were acquired fraudulently. 600 Distilleries Are Closed and 8000 and Russian officials here say that •
struction. the total estimated and con­ The seven cases involved approximate­
Men Lose Their Jobs.
the government now is stronger than
tract prices of which approximates ly 40,000 acres. All but one were decid­
Washington.—Manufacture of whis­ ever.
The military situation is said to be
ed in favor of the state.
key ceased throughout the nation at
Soldiers who have been guarding
Wheat that grows over five feet high 11 o'clock Saturday night, when the progressing satisfactorily and the
the forests of Oregon with orders to and produces from 100 to 150 bushels prohibitive clause of the food control armies’ are fulfilling their task of
"shoot to kill'' all persons detected to the acre Is on exhibition at the act became effective. Importation of keeping as many Germans as possible
tn the aot of setting fires, hare been Medford commercial club. It is th whiskey also stopped.
on the Russian front. This is indi­
I property of E. P. Hughes, of Josephine
Millions of bushels of grain which cated by the report that the Germans
So great is the scarcity of mon in county. According to Mr. Hughes, food officials say would otherwise be now have more troops than ever on
the John Day valley that nearly all of this is a Russian wheat of unknown ground up for whiskey will thus be the Russian lines. During the last
the women at Long Creek are now name, originally sent to a farmer at released for food.
five days the Russian troops have re-
working with their husbandH in the Holland, Josephine county, by Con­
From one end of the country to the gained seven miles.
harvest fields.
othar men are affected by the drastic
gressman Hawley, four years ago
The Oregon Field Trial club has
Lane county is building twice the order. Over 6D0 distilleries and 8000 PRICE PUT ON AMERICANS
completed arrangements for the ru n- amount of road this year expected men will be oat of business. There
ning of its thirty-second annual trials when estimates were made this spring are 202 registered distilleries in Ken­ German Officer to Give 400 Marks for
September 16-17, using grounds near but expenditures for roads have not tucky. 165 in California, 68 in Penn­
First Foe Taken.
Orsnco station.
increased. The cost of construction sylvania, 44 in Ohio, 28 in Maryland
British Headquarters in France and
There have been no fires other than has been reduoed by replacing teams and Missouri, and 20 in New York—
Belgium.—German military authori­
6bo*« started by lightning in the Cas and wagons with a great caterpillar the states hardest hlL
ties on the western front have shown
cade national forest this summer, is tractor and trains of cars. The 75-
concern about the imminence of the
the assertion of Clyde B. Seitz, super­ horsepowsr engine, in a single load, Smith Wants San Francisco Cleaned.
American army’s entry into the fight­
visor of the forest.
hauls 32 square yards of gravel, equal
San Francisco.—An affidavit nam­ ing by offering rewards for the pro­
I^ena Haye*. 9-year-old daughter of to average loads for 20 teams of ing about 100 hotels In San Francisco
duction of the first American prison­
Mr and Mrs Robert Hayns. of Walter- horsna, and travels over the road at alleged to be used for immoral pur­ ers. The general commanding the
Ville. was drowned when she fell Into about the same speed.
poses was sent to Governor Stephens eleventh reserve division recently put
the Eugene municipal power plant
The tan men selected for commis- by the Rev. Haul Smith, president of the price of 400 marks on the first
«anal, near that place.
aious ae second Lieutenants in the the State Law Enforcement and Pro­ American soldier brought dead 01
Nearly $40,000 is the amount appor­ I Ruled States army by President W. tective league.
alive, into his lines.
tioned to the state of Oregon by the J. Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural
This information has been disclosed
federal government to be used In the eoMege are. Lloyd D. Yates. Milton; New Revolution is Launched In China. by the diary of a Prussian sergeant of
construction of trail* and foreat roads Charles A For tig. Hood River; Fre-
Pekin.—Dr. Sun Yat Sen has been the twenty-third reserve infantry reg­
during th* coming year.
moat W Walton, Salem, William V. designated cominander-in-chief of the iment. He wrote at the end of July:
A field geologist of the United Clarke. Portland; Cyril L. Myers. army and navy of a new military gov­
“We are supposed to have had Amer­
States geological survey will be sent Portland; Darrel D Johnson, Cor- ernment in China proclaimed by 70
icans opposite us for some time now,
to Oregon to look over the prospects vallls; Norval C. Carote, Chicago; members of the disbanded Chinese
and two divisions of Portuguese on
for oil and natural gas, at the solici­ William J. O’Neil, Cloquet. Minn.; parliament meeting at Canton.
our right. The man who brings in the
tation of Representative McArthur.
Vernon I. Basler. Grants Pass; Will­
first American, dead or alive, to head­
The biggest automobile show ever iam J. Averill, Corvallis
Mails May Close to Disloyal Citizen*. quarters has been promised the iron
held ia conjunction with the Oregon I Superintendent Churchill has re­
Washington.—('losing the mails to cross of the first class, 400 marks and
state fair is to be staged on the state ceived reports from several school disloyal citizens is under considera­ 14 days’ leave.”
fair grounds north of Salem from Sep boards that teachers are resigning tion by the postoffice department and
tsmber 24 to 29, inclusive, this year.
without giving the notice required by the department of justice as another
Price on Kaiser’s Head.
The Ashland city council haa pur­ law. This notice must be given prior step in the government's campaign to
Minneapolis, Minn.—Labor's Loyal
chased 920 nerve of timber land in the to 30-day period before the opening of wipe out disloyalty and sedition.
Legion, recently organized here, will
Ashland creek canyon as a matter of school, and under a new law failure to
pay 11000 to the American soldier who
protection to the watershed of Ash­ give such notice is cause for revoking
French Gain at Verdun.
may succeed in capturing, dead or
land creek, which ts the city water a teaching certificate. No certificates
Paris.—The French troops made alive, the Kaiser or the Crown Prince.
have so far been revoked, but Super­ gains on the right bank of the Meuse, This was decided at a meeting of the
Baker county has petitioned the intendent Churchill Is writing to the Verdun sector, occupying important executive committee here.
state highway commission for the sur­ teachore warning them to fulfil their positions and capturing more than 500
vey of tw* road* from Baker, one to contracts er such action will be taken. prisoners, according to the announce­
Submarine Rumors Discredited.
Cornucopia and one to Unity. The
Because *f the urgent need of com- ment of the war office.
Washington.—The navy department,
county will appropriate $1(1.000 to­ plettug rock work on the Siskiyou
after as complete investigation as is
ward the construction of the Cornu mountain grade of the Pacific highway
possible, is satisfied there is no foun­
copta road and $4.000 toward the oon and that part of the McMinnville-Tilla
dation for reports of a hostile sub
Structlon of the Unity road
uiook road near Sheridan before the
marine off the New England coast last
Wheat—Club. $1.96; bluestem, U; week.
The 80 correspondence course* of the fall rains set tn. the state highway
University of Oregon In high school commission, at a special meeting in red Russian. $193; forty fold. $1.98.
Barley—No. 1 feed. $45 per ton.
and colleg* subjects have been opened Portland, decided to put Into effect
Shell Just Misses Sayre.
Hay—Timothy. $27 per ton; alfalfa.
to soldier* who are citizen* of Oregon temporarily a ten-hour day on these
Paris —Francis B. Sayre. President
Stationed In any part of the world as two job* However, the basic day's I! 124.
Wilson s son-in law, has just returned
Rutter—Creamery, 43c.
the result of a ruling by Attorney work I* to remain eight hours, as at
from a trip to the Italian front with
Egg» Ranch. 38c.
General Brown that the extension present, and double time is to be paid
other American and British official»
Wool—Eastern Oregon. 60c; valley. of the Y. M C. A., after having es
courses may be offered to citizens be­ the workmen Cor the additional two
yond the borders of the stale.
caped a six-inch shell by only 40 feet
Announces today the Fall
Opening of the
Millinery Department
Under the Supervision of an Expert
Trimmer from the famous wholesale
Milliner^ House, Muller
OU are cordially invited to come to the
Store and view the lovely new Fall Milli­
nery, Shapes and Trimmings now being
shown in the windows and on the Balcony.
In-as-much—as the Hats, Shapes and Trim­
mings now on display were not chosen until
afterthe new season’s styles were established the
authenticity of our showings can not be ques­
The dept, is under the supervision of an ex­
pert trimmer of many years experience, and
the services of the dept, and staff are entirely
at your disposal no matter how small your milli­
nery needs may be.
Handsome Coats
For Milady’s Fall Wear
at Prices from
$15.00 to $35.00
ISS DE PAR would be glad to give you
the benefit of her help and advice in
making your choice of a Coat from the
handsome distinctive styles now being shown
There are Coats conforming to fashion’s
very latest dictates in Velvet and Wool
Velours, Btirrella Cloth, Broadcloth, Pom
Pom, Kersey, Melton, Tweed Mixtures and
Plaids, the color selection including such
choice shades as Burgundy, Beetroot, Wis­
teria, Taupe, Bottle Green, French Blue, Seal
and Havana, as well as Black and Navy Blue.
New Fall Suits,
$21.90 to $35.00
Stylish Separate Skirts
$5.95 to $17.50
With Military Heels.
OME in and choose your style today.
Among the many new models in the Red
Cross Shoe now on display here is your I
Just'that model which gives your foot the
charm and daintiness you want it to have, and,
thanks to the special Red Cross "bends with
the foot process’’ you will find every step easy,
graceful and wholly comfortable.
Red Cross Shoes with the New Military Heels
are shown in Black with Battleship Grey Top,
Black with Champagne Top, Dark Brown with
nigger brown Top at prices
$8.00, $8.50, $9.00
9’ inch Top Red Cross Shoes with Louis
Cuban Heels are shown in Black Kid with light
grey top, Grey Kid vatnp with light grey top
and Battle ship Grey Kid vatnp with grey top
at prices
$10, $11. $12.
Pa items.
Have Your
Wiring Done by
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