TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. ADVERTISING RATES. We think our Methodist friends PEDAGOGUES IN SESSION. l<............................. should be a little more interested in Legal Advertisements. improvement, for, somehow, the Tillamook County Teacher’s Asso­ First Insertion per line ........... $ .10 civic sidewalk, or lack of sidewalk, in ciation Have Interesting Meetings. 1 Each subsequent insertion, line. •OS front of the M. E. church property is Business and Professional cards sadly out of accord with the other The Annual Teachers’ Institute of one month.................................. 1.00 property. If the good brothers would Tillamook County commenced at the I go down in their jeans and pull out Locals per line each insertion... os enough “dough” to fix the sidewalk | High School Building on Monday, Sept. Display advertisements, an inch as they should do, it would be a good 17, for a three davs’ session, This is and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 improvement. But are they waiting ’ the great annual event for the teachers , for the dear sisters to raise the mon- of the county and the session which All Resolutions of Condolence | ey? The point we want to raise is closed Wednesday was one of the best * <$> one month................................. .50 i this, suppose somebody stumbled i and broke their leg, they would come ever held in the county, both in point $ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. back on the city for damages. So if of attendance and value of work given. I the city or the church wants to avoid 1 The weather has been ideal, so much F. C. BAKER, Publisher. an expensive damage suit the best so, that those instructors who came to * - - way to do so is to fix the sidewalk in $ our county for the first time have gone i conformity with the other sidewalk, j $ their homes, ■------- feeling that Tillamook and after these few remarks we are | i to ------------------ - ------ ------------ sure the good brothers will dig up ■ is one of the best counties in the state. ~ liberally for the long delayed ini- The institute came earlier this year lhan ugygi, ^ut the teachers will have D? Is there a nigger in the wood pile provement. ----- OH— in disposing of the road bonds? Our big industries: Dairying, him-, all the longer tin e to put into practice, Bering and fishing. Two new indus- 1 those precepts and examples which How many acres of loganberries are you going to plant on that poor tries can and will be added to these— they gathered from the diecussions and shipbuilding yards and loganberry . lectures to which they so earnestly producing land? factories. Our citizens should wake I ' listened. Our worthy County School ■ o----- Cloverdale has lost its pastor, for up to the importance of the logan- ; Supt. George B. Lamb, On Every Garment Bought in Our Store D. ueseryeu deserved much mucn , the reason funds were not forthcom­ berry industry. To insure 300 acres : 1_. the ___ ___ institute ___ ’¡r- ing to pay a living salary. We hope it is only a small affair if everybody i credit for securing for is not because some of the Clover­ would get interested and invest in j such an able corps of instructors. We Also Make to Your Order Exclusive Styles dale people have become tight wads. from five to ten acres of loganberries. I The first thing on the program Mon­ If those who own land that is not | day morning was an address by H. C. ----- o----- The new county commissioner is adapted for grass or dairying, fail to Seymour, of Corvallis, State Leader telling a joke on the county court get a move on and do something I <3> with regard to road work. It is as fol­ that will make the land valuable, Boys and Girls Industrial Clubs, whose lows. The County Court dashed up to they had better sell out and allow' subject was "Industrial Club Work. the depot in a tin lizzie just after the others to make a big pile of money Mr. Seymour, who comes every year to train had left, and someone said they growing loganberries. There is land our county fair, is a favorite with the to | did not drive fast enough. The county . in . the . county - that is not adapted -------- judge hit the mark when he said “We | .'lal1ryln.f1 made ,va,uabk Values in Money Saving is |What We are Giving You and will bring large sums of money ! didn’t get started soon enough.” whenever it is planted to loganber- • % State Fair next week and Tillamook I f*®s> d°n t you know loganberry urged every teacher to take an active will be there with the goods to carry juice factories are taking the place j part in the club work the coming year- | 7S off the prizes, that is if this county °* distilleries and breweries. The can get a square deal. Most of us whisky manufacturers and brewers • Following Mr. Seymour came M. S. z4> haven't forgotten the shabby treat- made piles of money and now the j Pittman, Head Rural School Depart- ment the Tillamook County Cream- loganberry juice factories are going ment Oregon State Normal, Monmouth. ^¿7, cry Association exhibit got at a pre- lo *1° the same. Of course, it would who is perhaps the only instructor who Located in Clough’s Old Drug Store Building on First Street vious State fair when a “big hog” I be better f°r I illamookers to own has ever succeeded himself in crowded out of the Dairy Building. ‘heir own plant and market the juice county for five consecutive vears. ----- O----- and we are inclined to think this WHEN YOUjTHINK ABOUT COATS, SUITS OR SKIRTS $ The political pot is beginning to would be the proper thing to do. Pittman has a way about him that boil. With scarcity of labor and with | But it is worth serious consideration, dears him to every teacher whom he <#> ----- o----- good paying jobs everywhere, we meets, and his problems being those of iD, ..... be K ..... _ of Some suppose ...... there will plenty can- newspapers are claiming that the rural school teacher, make his ad- - dïdatë? who think they 'are’ just cut | Jhe editors^ of Oregon and Washing­ dresses more interesting and instruc­ out to run for public office at)d I ton are a better, more religious class <$> serve the dear people. Well, any fel­ of men now than they were 20 or 30 tive. Women’s This year, the editor of the Oregon low who has made a failure in busi­ years ago. We disagree with that idea. It is better moral conditions and cn- ness can run for office, and they often Teachers’ Monthly, Chas, H. Jones, I vironments in both states that have who most always attends the county Shop get elected. I improved, brought about by th I do not sec much difference between agent for the paper. His first address Tillamook, Well our county officials did a little rubber necking _ of a clam I the editors who attended the State was on the subject of Grammar, giving than the teachers many good points in the character and found the canned goods I Editorial Association today _ contained a nice little jug of whisky, I those who attended 30 years ago. teaching of the subject. Next on tha which, of course, they destroyed I They have always been persistent after the case was tried. But that I boosters for the state, not only along program was an address by Miss A-I Next on the program was an able one ot the finest ever given in the city. This was a splendid discourse. wasn't a nice way to treat a lady I industrial lines, but moral and rclig- Grace Johnson, Home Economies De- discourse by Earl Kilpatrick, Exten­ The assembly hall was filled with lov­ Mrs. Ruby Brennan was next intro­ I ious lines as well. It may be that the partment, O. A. C., who talked on the bootlegger. duced, talking on “Primary Work. ers of good music, and the manner in sion Service, University of Oregon, I editors used to be invited to partake subject of Food Conservation, Her ----- 0----- Prof. Pittman led the singing this Wonder what the political slogan I of a "nip” before opening their mect- talk was very instructive, Mrs. John- who addressed the teachers on “Some which each number was received was Aspects of the Teachers’ worn con­ indicated by the applause which fol­ year, which was very animated. is going to be next year. When we | ings, and sundry "nips” at other Miss A. James of Chicago, repre- look back and see the freak political I times, but now some prominent son was followed by E. F. Carleton, 1 cerning the war in Europe. In the lowed each exercise. It was the first schemes of the office seekers we are clcrgyaian, or the Association’s chap­ Assistant State Superintendent,, who first of his remarks he gave a vivid appearance of Mr. South in the city, sented the Normal Instructor publisb- wondering what have become of lain, is asked to invoke the Divine gave a very interesting talk on State account of the calamity that befell the and we can truthfully say. that by giv­ er. statement No. 1, the sovereign rule blessing on the Editors. So if there is Dept. Work. Mr. Carleton being un­ ing this recital, he has won a warm A county teachers association was 1 ■ Wes of the people and the Oregon | any moral improvement in Oregon able to remain longer than the first town of Wendling. Oregon, which was place among the teachers of the coun ­ editors it is because the state has ad ­ formed with the following officers. nearly all destroyed by a disastrous 9 grea System. Well, it is about time the Pres., C. E. English; Vice Pres., B politicians concocted another system vanced morally and spiritually as a day, again addressed the institute in fire. Such a calamity or even worse, ty, especially those who love high class result of their persistent effort in the afternoon on the subject of What to fool the people, for the political Mrs, Hanson; Secretary, Leola Dun­ . B - is now befalling many countries of music. 9 This freaks in Oregon haven’t turned in bringing about better conditions. As to Read. This address was followed Europe, and our own beloved country Wednesday morning, the session was bar ; Tress., Claudia Brown. an illustration of this: The wide open 9 f. their checks yet, So, beware of freak j saloon and gambling town is a thing by Mr. Pittman on Some Troubles of is now taking part in this great con­ opened with an address by Pres. L. T. Eighty six teachers enrolled for the B politicians. the Rural Teacher, while Mr. Carleton flict. The speaker urged upon every Pennington, who spoke on the subject institute, which was one of the best of the past, never, wc hope, to return. - o 1 B .. ■' It was a hard long fight some met with others of the institute in a 1 teacher the importanc of being a good of “Attention.” His talk was timely best ever held in Tillamook. Telegraphic reports from the west­ editors 9 had on their hands, but they Round table talk on questons pertain ­ ern front give this bit of startling in­ won out and in every city is better for citizen and the need of setting a good and to the point. Miss Julia Miller of 9 ''*■r ing to his department. This closed ' example before the pupiis in our the Tillamook High School was next B formation: "The General command­ Notice of Completed Contract 9 1 rail ing the Eleventh Reserve Division I the riddance of a whole lot of bad the first days session; but all came back charge. ----- o----- introduced and spoke on the subject of rubbish. recently put the price of 400 marks I to the High School building in the eve­ Notice is hereby given that the 9 * - At this time Prof. Brumbaugh again “Food Conversation.” Her remarks on the first American soldier There is a desire on the part of the ning and greatly enjoyed an entertain­ County Surveyor of Tillamook Coun­ B ■' anil addressed the teachers on the subject were well received. brought dead or alive, into his lines.” property owners interested in the ty has filed in this office his certifi­ fl' ment given by the teachers of the High it is safe to say that when Uncle I Following Miss Miller came Supt. R. cate of completion of all work under B i of Keeping Order in School.” The dispute and the Construct­ School faculty. Sain’s boys get on the firing line this pavement 1 Prof, is a native of Indiana, and a typ­ W. Kirk of the Tillamook Schools, who the contract of A. Arstill, for the con­ B' ion Co. to settle their differences, but general will find that a large number a large number of the litigants, as On Tuesday morning the session op­ ical “Hoosier.” His address was full spoke on the subject of “The Import­ struction of Garibaldi-Wheeler road, B ll’l 9 north, of Huns dead and alive will fall into as the non-litigants, are oppos­ ened with short addresses by Miss of his experiences as a teacher, ana the ance of Habit Formation.” Mr. Kirk Sec. 5, in accordance with the plans fl their the hands of the Americans, with no well ed to the agreement entered into by Johnson and Mr. Carleton, who had to way he met many difficulties that he handled his subject splendidly and and specifications, and any person, ■ sition reward offered. firm or corporation having objec­ B miilia controversy out . of .. the j thanked the teachers for the good time ers, will greatly help them in matters points from his talk. ..... judgment the United States, which is one car way if good .- Next on the program came Prof. weeks from the date of the first pub­ ■ of government or discipline. Each is used, other­ cheer for every 24 persons in the country. I l * it will entail another expensive they had had at this institute and teacher, said the speaker, should live Kilpatrick, of Eugene, who addressed lication of this notice. fl river b Oregon has 46,545 automobiles, I wise ?. v.:" cr.tr.:'. wished them success in the year ’ s work. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk fl ftiled t on a high professional plane, and be the convention on the subject of, “The which is one to every IS persons, and I law suit and another delay, for there ■ ¡"ft tin Tillamook County has 511 cars, otic are attorneys who want to start pro­ Mr. Pittman came next on the pro­ very thoughtful of their personal and War and the Year’s Work.” Mr. Kil-, First publication, Sept. 13, 1917. Last publication Sept. 27, 1917. fl< to every 16 persons. Of the automo­ ceedings. However, something will gram and delivered one of the best ad­ social attitude. Patrick is a forceful speaker and at ■ v I c] biles in Tillamook 40 per cent are have to be done shortly, either a law dresses of the institute, taking as his Mrs. Ruby Shearef Brennan, Prim­ this time was at his best. He exorted or a committee to arbitrate the Ranch for Sale. Bv"'i Fords. It would be interesting to I suit topic The One Room County School. ary Instructor m the Portland Schools, every teacher to be fully awake to B f ' ou n know the first cost of these machines matter with the Construction Co. Including stock and farm equipment flhol chi and the yearly up-keep and running We believe the latter is the wisest We will not go into detail, but will was next introduced and talked on the their duty and opportunity regarding and best plan. Here is the trouble in frankly say that this address should be »»,<„», neaumg ner containing 24 acres of Wilson river fl< ' li expenses. That it is a big sum no one a nutshell right now. The litigants, subject of “Primary Reading.” Her the war. telling them that the public printed in all the papers of the state addregg wag ful) of Kood pojntg for school had a work to perform that no 1 bottom land, to be sold before the 1st ■s’ory o can doubt. as well as the non-litigants, strongly .'of October. — Inquire of Paul Erick ­ flE< Jif e ----- o - and read by every citizen,^ especially every teacher of primary grades. Mrs. one else in the community could do. son, R. F. D. 1., Tillamook, Ore. The county officials laid a trap to object to accepting the terms which every member of a school board. His fl voluti they had no voice in and by those 3 Brennan is a great favorite of the Prof. J. F. Brumbaugh of O. A. U. ■"ent fr< catch a gang of boot loggers at Ne­ talk was along four general lines, who arc to receive ¡large sums of ■1855, lo '* teachers of Tillamook County. was next on the program with an able halem, and much to their surprise Notice. money. If the property owners want which are these : First enlarge the tax fl> farm, trapped a woman. And when the wo­ ’ i On Tuesday evening at the High address, taking for his subject "The This is to give notice that all per ­ a settlement, and we believe they do, unit and make the funds fluid. Second, l’ _____ ____ __ _____ fl- came man, after paying the fine, pitifully School ______ Building, Chas. South, _ of Port- Mechanics of Ideals.” He was follow­ then it is just as well to get down to sons owing me must settle by the 1st ■he serve cried for her jug of whiskey, they enlarge the unit of administration aud (and agglgted by Salena Dick and Mrs. ed by Prof. Kilpatrick who spoke on brass tacks at once and appoint a of October, 1917. ■( 'iiipatr had to deny her. No doubt the trap put work in the hands of experts. K oc h r Edwa: there was a large number of candi­ but that will not bring about a set­ to bask in the sunshine on the top of tlement, so, for the time being, it is fith admi dates, he made a whirlwind campaign old Mt. Hood. In closing bis ad­ well for all to get together and foracc E in a few weeks, being a close second dress he urged upon every teacher the bring about a fair and square adjust ­ Inlisted in in the race. No one knows how many importance of attaining the following ment, for that is what it seems the ►nsin Vo aspirants will shy their hats into the property owners want. heights: ►o years ring, but there is no denying the fact 1. The height of personal character. louisville, that he will be a formidable candidate, pldicr in for in Multnomah county lie will 2. The height of professional prep­ Ornamental Fire Places Built f fought poll a big vote. As president of the aration. ►“th Car, senate he made many warm friends. of Brick and Stone. All Fire 3. I Personal achievement. ►tes, tak Placet absolutely guaranteed 4. Professional Ambition, fter the Were E. R. Vicrs and Mrs. Graham Fine farm not to smoke or money re­ drowned? To our way of thinking 5. Intellectual impress upon ►her up t there is a possibility that . it was a pupil. funded. and well planned run away, for it looks a Height of Success of Character fl of the little remarkable that all trace of Brick work of all kinds done building. P the otl them was lost immediately after they Following Mr. Pennington came J. F. on short notice. Rstitutior left Garibaldi and the finding of the Brumbaugh, Professor of Psyochlogy. Merminde boat and letter at Manzanita. It We make a specialty of re­ p, and he Oregon Agricultural College. Prof. hardlv looks credible, but it is re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. P"ge. Sir markable that the boat and the let­ Brumbough's address was upon the pn and r ter should be thrown up on the beach subject. "Lessons from an Educational pember, at Manzanita about the same tune. Junk Heap. His subject was deep snd M’ically, | We do not know how Mrs. Graham very interesting and he gave to every M associat canic to have a hair pin box with her teacher something to think about and I" Pierce TILLAMOOK ORE pencil and paper, and this causes mediate upon. hfried A cl some suspicion. "ennsylv I I# Did You Visit ♦ Golden’s Women’s Shop? • $ f $ A Complete Line of Beautiful! Fall and Winter Styles in COATS AND SUITS Editorial Snap Shots. For Ladies, and Misses’ Ready to Wear WE SAVE YOU 50 Per Cent I Coats, Suits and Separate Skirts Satisfaction is What We Offer Youl and¥ We Make Suits For Men, Tailored m«» Our Store onr Pemises, % Golden ’ s TILLAMOOK, ORE One car Registered JERSEY CATTLE on Exhibition at the Fair Grounds RALPH E° WARREN, TO MORROW, FRIDAY, and SATUR DAY, until the Public Sale