TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. PURE BRED DAIRY CATTLE IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY . Maple Teaf Chief, the Jersev bull Notice of Sheriffs Sale. °wned ty Wm Williams has three $0c.; Class B., 1st, Meltha Dingess, o theB^UrS ln ‘te honor roll and is $1.00; 2nd Christina Olson, 50c. (Continued from 2nd page.) Patches—Class B, 1st, Alice Carter, Notice is hereby given: That by Mmidt* ent,t ed 10 be placed ,here $1.00; 2nd Agusta Edwards, 50c. virtue of a writ of execution issued mind and plan to be there. Raffia basket—Class A, 1st, Fran­ out of the Circuit Court of the State This industry will mean ces Tone, $1.00; 2nd, Asbury Shaw, of Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ Thousands of Dollars to Tillamook TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR 50c.; Class B, 1st, Nina Vetsch, $1.00 mook, dated September 3rd, 1917, in County PREMIUM. 2nd, Kenneth Elliott, 50c. the cause wherein Citizen's Bank, a and will not interfere with the other Best display of vegetables for chil­ Corporation, was Plaintiff, and J. T. industries now under way, as it will This concludes the names of Alexander and Ada Alexander, his under 9—1st, Vernonr Jensen, the dren come almost altogether from land $1.00. wife; Blanch Clark and Earl A. Prize Winners. that is at present non-productive. You Clark, wife and husband; Oscar F. Spelling,—Class A, 1st, Ozclla ----- o----- WT1ITE— J. F. Hickey Motor Car Co.,Tacoma— are paying t axes on that land right Mann and E. P. McCroskey were de­ Hart, $1.00; 2nd. Marie Remer, 50c.; ART DEPARTMENT. “no oil on the American market that is better for now and not getting a cent back. Class B, 1st, Gladys Kinnaman, $1.00 fendants, upon a judgment rendered . Amateur Photography White cars than Zerolene.” This is not good business. If you have in said Court and cause on the 27th Landscape—1st, J. W. Edwall, . 25c. 2nd, Catherine O’Hara, 50c. all you can tend to with your dairy FORD— Francis Motor Car Exchange, Portland— day of August, 1917, in favor of said Ciphering—Class A, 1st, Edwin Manne view—1st, J. W. Edwall, ~ ' herd, make an offer to someone who 25c. Cameron, $1.00; Class B, 1st, Gladys plaintiff and against said defendants “it has proven an economical and efficient oil.** does not have so much income and in the sum of (.$700.00) Seven Hun­ Klinehan, $1.00; 2nd, John Geinger, i c°r. tr 1 a i t ~ 2 . nd * A,ex Walker, 15c. STUTZ — Latham, Davis & Co., San Francisco — give them a chance to make good on 50 c. dred Dollars, with interest thereon at I Still life — 1st. Alex Walker, 25 c “we are always glad to recommend your product. the land that is doing you no good. the ifete of 6 per cent per annum from Declamation—1st, Eugenia Smith, Animals — 2„d, Mrs. Ethel Curtis, Meeting dates will be announced 2nd, Esther Mills. the first day of March, 1916, and the OVERLAND — Chico Overland Co., Chico, Cal___ $100 St 2 C °a e r tl ?v~i St ’ Alex Walker, later. Watch for them and come. further sum of $9.27 taxes with in­ Speed Contests. “•» • large uaer of Zerolene I take pleasure in recom­ $1.00; 2nd, J. W. Edwall, 50c. Running. terest at 6 per cent from and after mending it to Overland owners.** Oil Paintings. Tillamook Cow Testing Association Boys under nineteen 1st, Edwin September 21st, 1916, and $9.48 Landscape — 1st, Ethel Curtis, 75 c .; Report for August. Cameron, $1.00. taxes with interest at the rate of 6 4nd, Mrs. H. H. Rosenberg, 50c. Boys under fourteen, 1st, Wesley per cent per annum from and after View—1st Mrs. Ethel Cur­ Tippin, $1.00; 2nd, Peter Hoffart, 738 cows were on test in the Asso­ tis, Manen March 10th, 1917, and ($100.00) 40c.; ciation for the month of August. Of ./lowers—1st, Mrs. Ethel Curtis 50c. One Hundred Dollars, with interest this number 112 produced over 40 75c.; 2nd Mrs. Ethel Curtis, 50c Girls under fourteen—1st, Caroline at the rate of 6 per cent per annum Portman, $1.00; 2nd Pauline Geinger from August 27th, 1917, Attorney’s pounds butter fat and 4 4 qualified fori Fruit . ,ull — — .urs Ethel clne. Curtis , 1st, Mrs. 40 c .: 50c. Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors I fl Mrs. \4 »a L Ethel a L. —1 Curtis ' nr Fees, and the further sum of ($40.20) the honor roll of 45 pound cows. . 2nd 25 Girls under ten—1st, Pauline Aus­ because the records of their service departments show This contrasted with last years Aug-! Animals a -:— 1- — *>_ j Mrss .. ' ’ .. Ethel Curtis, Forty and Twenty-hundredths Dol­ 2nd, tin, $1.00; 2nd, Lois Knight, 50c. that Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt­ lars, costs and disbursements, which ust report of 193, 40 pound cows and 25c. base crude, gives perfect lubrication — less wear, more Jumping Contests. judgment was enrolled and docketed 75 over 45 pound seems to indicate Collection—1st, Mrs. Alvina Storni­ power, least carbon deposit. Running jump—Boys under nine­ in the Clerk’s Office of said court on that little improvement is being made er. $1.00. teen 1st, Edward Cameron, $1.; 2nd, August 27, 1917. Dealers everywhere and at our service •rations. unless conditions are understood. HAND PAINTED CHINA. Leo Wheatley, 50c.. Therefore by virtue of said judg­ Last year, grass conditions were at STANDARD OIL COMPANY Three plates—1st, Mrs. E. T. Hal­ Boys under fourteen—1st, Wesley ment and execution and in compliance (California) their best and there was consequent­ tom, 75c.; 2nd, Arnie Jenkins. 50c Tippin, $1.00; 2nd, Hugh Gale, 50c. with the commands of said writ, I ly little difference between the pro­ 1st* Mrs. E. L. Overman, Standing Jump—Boys under nine­ will on Saturday the thirteenth day duction in August and May, usually 75c.; 2nd, — Mrs. E. T. Haltom, 50c. teen, 1st. Leo Wheatley, $1.00; 2nd, of October, at 10 o’clock a.m., at the earlier than usual, found a majority Three cups and saucers—1st, Mrs. Hugh Gale, 50c. front door of the Court House in the best month. The dry weather, E. T. Haltom, 40c. Boys Under fourteen—1st, Wesley Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ coming at it did, this year, a month .«Vase—4st, Mrs. E. L. Overman, Tippin, $1.00; 2nd, Jess Shortridge, lic auction, to the highest bidder for earlier than usual, found the majority 40c.; 2nd, Mrs. L. E. Overman 25c. i50c. cash in hand, (subject to redemption) of the farmers unprepared with green Pen and ink drawing—2nd Alex Boys under ten—1st, Kenneth Ma­ all the right, title, and interest which feed or silage to supplement the Walker, 15c. han, $1.00; 2nd, Guy Thomas, 50c. the within named defendants had in short pastures so that many other­ Original cartoon— 2nd, Alex Wal­ Poultry Division. and to the following described prop­ wise patriotic cows were forced for ker, 15 c. Pen Rhode Island Reds—1st Helen erty situated in Tillamook County, the time being, to become slackers. FLORAL DEPARTMENT. Barber. $1.00; 2nd, Guy French, 50c. Oregon. The recent rains will probably save Asters—1st, Mrs . Hans Hanson, Plymouth Rocks, white—1st, The East Half of the North-East the day for all pastures and with the $1.00; 2nd Mrs. Anna Rowe, 50c. 3rd Jim Pen Watson, $1.00. Quarter, the South-East Quarter, better production in the spring Eva Wheeler, ribbon. Pen Black Minorcas—1st, Mary and the South Half of the months the Association should have a Dahlias—1st, Mrs. D. Billings $3.00 $1.00. South-West Quarter, of Section 36. better average than last year, in spite 2nd, Mrs. Jennie McGhee, $1.50; 3rd Enzler, STAR GARAGE. Pen Brown Leghorns— 1st, Mar­ Twp. 3 South of Range 8, West of of the dry weather. Mrs. Hans Hanson, ribbon. garet Ross, $1.00. the Willamette Meridian, containing TILLAMOOK GARAGE The grain question is getting to be Gladiolias—1st Mrs. Hans Hanson, Pen Silver Laced Wyandottes—1st 320 Acres more or less, together with a serious one. Prices have almost $1.00 2nd, Mrs. D. Billings, 50c. Thelma Blackburn, $1.00; 2nd, Bea ­ tenements, hereditaments and appur­ doubled over last year at this time. Lillies—1st, Hope Watson, $1.00; trice Blackburn, 50c. tenances thereunto belonging or any­ Farmers, without silage or roots have 2nd, Mrs. Hans Hanson, 50c. Pen, White Leghorns—1st, Archie wise appertaining. depended quite generally upon beet Pansies—1st, Mrs. Hans Hanson, Mattoon, $1.00; 2nd, Oral Ray, 50c. To satisfy said execution, judgment, pulp but find that it will cost up to _ 50c. Pen, Anconas—1st, Ethel Ray, $1. Interest, Costs and accruing costs. $40 per ton this year, and only a lim- j Roses—1st, Mrs. D. Billings, $1.00; Pen, Bantams—1st, Jesse Short­ Dated this 4th day of Sept., 1917. ited supply at that, where last year it t ! 2nd, Mrs. Hans Hanson, 1 50c.; 3rd ridge, $1.00. W L. Campbell, Sheriff oi was secured at $25 to $28. It is hop- i Mrs. F. B. Stranahan, ribbon, Pen, Brown Leghorn Bantams—1st Tillamook County Oregon. ed that the price of mill feed will be | Sweet peas— .................... WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1st, Mrs. Hans Han­ Donold Tone, $1.00; 2nd, Edwin First publication Sept. 6, 1917. materially reduced as a result of the son, O(JU, $2.00; ., lu, I¥lI3 2nd, Mrs. . j. J. c,. E. n.ccuy, Reedy, Glad, 50c. Last publication October 4, 1917. feed control bill. The feeds generally $1.00; 3rd Mrs.’ M. A. Wheeler, rib- CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND Fawn Indian Runner Ducks—1st fed here with the present local prices , bon. Schuyler Fletcher, $1.00; 2nd, Edith arc as lollows: bran $42, shorts $44, | Display other flowers—1st, Mrs. Fletcher, 50c. BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. ----- o----- barley and oat shorts $43 and alfalfa ' Hans Hanson, $1.00; 2nd, Mrs. D. Vegetable gardening (Club)—1st SMITHING COAL. molasses feed $36. In the Circuit Court of the State of Billings, 50c.; 3rd Mrs. M. A. Wheel­ Chester Jensen, $3.00; 2nd, Mila and 1 Oregon for Tillamook County. At the Tillamook County Fair, just | er, ribbon. Alice Carter, $1.50. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook, Or. Mortgage Company for Ameri­ closed, Association members were | Hanging basket—1st, Fay Hill, Pig feeding (Club)—1st, Curtis ca, a corporation, Plaintiff strong prize winners, one member $1,00; 2nd, Mrs. Hans Hanson, 50c.; Garner, $3.00; 2nd, Wesley Tippin, vs. took home $170 in prize money and 3rd, Mrs. D. Billings, ribbon. $1.50. Frank W. Crane, Bertha Grace two others about $150 each. First Special Dahlia Prizes. Dairy herd record—1st, Dillow Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane and second in the milk production Cactus—1st, Mrs. Paul Schrader, Smith, $3.00. Roc Balmer, Ernest C. Crown contest went to Mr Kunze, president 50c. Baking (club)—1st, Lucy Daniels, Emma Crown, E. J. McHugh, of the association. It might be said Peony flowered—1st, Mrs. Paul $3.00; 2nd, Cordia Blalock, $1.50. Lizzie McHugh, F. R. Beals that Mr. Kunze has two fine bull Schrader, 50c. Home canning, (club)—1st, Clara and Mary Doc Beals calves for sale from these two cows. Decorative—1st Mrs. Paul Schrad­ Ward, $3.00; 2nd, Marion Davis, Defendants Both cows are two year olds, one er, 50c. $1.50; 3nd, Margaret Armentrout, By virtue of an execution, judgment having an association record of 47 lb Special Sweet Pea Prizes. $1.00. order, decree and order of sale issued fat in her fifth month after calving. White, cream, etc—1st, Mrs. Hans Sewing, (Club)—Division 1. 1st, out of the above entitled court in the The other one, Mcchthilde Pontiac Hanson, 50c.; 2nd Mrs. H. Booth 25c Leona Rupp, $3.00; 2nd, Christina above entitled cause, to me directed Longfield, is making a creditable Red, crimson, scarlet, etc—1st Mrs. Olson, $1.50; Division II. 1st, Edytha and dated the 20th day of August, record in the association. This cow’s Jennie McGhee; 2nd, Mrs. H. Booth, Brown, $3.00; 2nd, Mary Ward,' 1917, upon a judgment rendered and dam has a semi official record of 25c.; 3rd, Mrs. Hans Hanson, ribbon. $1.00. entered in said Court on the 20th 1033 pounds in a year. The follov ' *g schools for booth ex- Pink, salmon, etc.—1st, Mrs. Hans day of August, 1917, in favor of The high herd fat average for the Hanson, 50c.; 2nd, Mrs. H. Booth, hibits: Mortgage Company for America, a month is held by Cary & O’Brien 25c. District No. 2 .................... . $5.00 corporation, plaintiff and against 5.00 with four cows producing an average Blue, lavender, etc.—1st, Mrs Hans District No. 8........................ Machince Shop, Polytechnic Engineering College, Oakland, Cal. Frank W. Crane and Bertha Grace 5.00 of 798.25 pounds milk and 44.33 tbs. Hanson, 50c.; 2nd, Mrs. H. Booth, District No. 9....................... Crane, defendants, for the sum of 5.00 fat. The highest milk average goes to 25c. District No. 10 .................. $3,570.68 with interest at the rate of 5 00 Nehalem dahlia display—$5.00, Cha» Kunze with a 965.24 tb. average District No. 21 .................. 8 per cent per annum from the 1st SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. District Nos 25 and 28 ... ... 5.00 for 34 cows. The lowest herd made day of April, 1917, and the further an average of 499.9 tbs. milk and 22. Hubbard squash—Class A 1st, Miles District No. 57 .................... . 5.00 Young' Men :—The day of opportunity is here now. Six sum of $300.00 with interest at the ... 5.00 68 lbs. fat. This again shows the con­ Blalock, 75c.; Class B, 1st, Willie Academy .. of 8 per cent per annum from months course in Machine Shop and Automobile Engineering rate trast between good breeding and non­ McClay, 75c.; 2nd, Merle Jensen 50c. the 20th day of August, 1917, and Stock Pumpkin—1st, Miles Blalock, Summons. at this College will give you immediate employment at good the further sum of $7.30 with interest descript breeding. The high herds are the results of years of careful selec­ 75c. wages WHY WASTE THREE YEARS AS APPRENTICE from the 20th day of August, 1917, tion, through testing, and the use of Cabbage—Class A 1st, Ingve Erick­ In the Circuit Court of the State of when this College can turn you out as an expert mechanic in and the further sum of $125.00 with son, 75c.; 2nd, Jim Watson, 50c.; sires from high producing ancestry. Oregon for Tillamook County. six months. We are demonstrating this every day at the Poly­ interest from the 20th day of August, In the latter case a pure bred sire has Class B, 1st, Theodore Liisberg, 75c. Hallie Kopieske, Plaintiff vs. Wm. 1917, and for the further sum of technic College where actual engineering and mechanical work $47.25, never been kept and this is the first 2nd, Deagle Smith, 50c. Kopieske, Defendant. costs and disbursements and isi being done. Potatoes — Class A, 1st, Walter year of testing. To. Wm. Kopieske, the above nam­ the costs of and upon this writ com­ Best equipped College west of Chicago — Most Practical School The Association average for the Heisel, 75c.; 2nd, Dillow Smith 50c.; ed defendant: manding me to make sale of the fol­ of its kind in the United States—Write.for catalogue— month was _ 777 690 tbs. milk and 31.1 tbs Class B. 1st, Carl Geinger, 75c.; 2nd, In the name of the State of Oregon, lowing described real property, to- Homelike accommodations. I fat. Mary Fitzpatrick, 50c. You are hereby required to appear in wit: Onions—Class A. 1st, Miles Blalock the above entitled court, within six The following herds averaged The East half of the East half of 75c.; Class B., 1st Deagle Smith, 75c. weeks from the date of the first pub­ ovei 35 pounds fat: the Southwest quarter and the West lication of this summons, and answer No. Avg. Avg. 2nd, Geo. Zirr, 50c. half of the West half of the South­ Table beets,—Class A. 1st, Alta the complaint filed by the above nam­ Owner Fat east quarter of Section 35„ in Town­ Cows Milk ship 2 North of Range 10 West of Cary & O'Brien .. 4 798.25 44 33 Galloway, 75c.; 2nd, Marie Dürrer, ed plaintiff against you in the above 43.82 50c.; Class B, 1st, Agnes Zirr, 75c.; entitled matter; and, if you fail so to the Willamette Meridian, less one Mike Seifer ... 10 . 850.95 . appear and answer, for want thcreoef, acre sold to Fred Kabkce by deed of J. T. Woodward 8 .. 771.12 . 39.84 2nd Hattie Zucrcher, 50c. Table carrots—Class A, 1st, Mane the plaintiff will take a decree against date Feb. 28, 1903, and recorded in 818.01 _ . 39 79 Jos Dürrer .... 40.. _____ Book Y, at page 271 thereof, of the C. A. Swenson .28 .. 870.77 .. 38.04 Dürrer, 75c.; 2nd Dillow* Smith, •* c. you for the relief prayed for in her records of deeds for Tillamook Chas Kunze .. 34 965.24 .. 37.49 Class B. 1st Theodore Liisberg 75c.; said complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing be­ County, Oregon, less 20 acres sold to August honor list of cows produc- 2nd Willie Plasker, 50c Stock carrots—Class B, 1st Gladys tween you and said plaintiff be for­ J. G. Balmer by a deed dated Feb. 13, ing over 45 pounds fat. ever dissolved and that she be given 1912, and recorded Feb. 23, 1912, in Pct. tbs. Klinehan, 75c. lbs. Parsnips—Class A. 1st, Miles Bla- the care and custody of Florence Book 22 of Deeds of Tillamook Coun­ Owner Fat Fat Milk ty, Oregon, at page 127, the said Mike Abplanalp 1596 5 ..4 3 ..68.65 lock, 75c.; 2nd, Ingve Erickson, 50c ; Kopieske, your minor child. This summons is served upon you property being situate in the County 5 2 ..60.45 Class B, 1st, Leo Plasker 75c. 2nd, Chas Kunze .. 1162.5 by honor of the Honorable A. M. of Tillamook and State of Oregon, Jos. Dürrer ... 1178.0 ..5 1 .60.08 , Willie McClay, 50c. Bagas—Class B, 1st Jim Watson, Hare, County Judge, of Tillamook and containing 59 acres, more or less. 6 8 59.06 Mike Seifer ... 868.0 County, Oregon, in the absence of the Now therefore, by virtue of said Chas Kunze ... 1736.0 3 3 ..57.29 execution, judgment order, decree Stock turnip—Class A, 1st Chester judge of the above entitled circuit 6 7.. 56.08 Jos. Dürrer ... 873,0 THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN dated the 31st day of July, and order of sale and in compliance Chas. Kunze .. 1302.0 ^4.3 55 99 Jensen 75c.; Class B, 1st Mary Fitz­ court, with the commands of said writ, I 55.92 patrick, 75c.; 2nd. Merle Jensen 50c. 1917. Chas. Kunze . _______ 1271 0 .4 4 THE COUNTY. Date of first publication, Aug, 9, will, on Saturday, the 29th day of J. I - Wdodward 806.0 ..6.8 54.81 String Beans—Class A, 1st . Ella 1917. September, 1917, at 10 o’clock a.m. at Jos. Dürrer ... 976.5 ..5.5 .53.71 Davidson. 75c; Class B 1st Mary Date of last publication, Sept. 20. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere the front door of the County Court 53,32 Fitzpatrick, 75c.; 2nd, John Geinger, Carl Hunt .... 620.0 .,8.6 1917. House in Tillamook, Tillamook Mike Scifer ... 1116.0 ..4.7 52.45 50c. Albert N. Minton, County, Oregon, sell at public auction Cucumbers—Class A, 1st, Ingve 52 00 Mike Scifer ... 945.5 . 5.5 Attorney for Plaintiff. (subject to redemption), to the high­ Jos. Dürrer .... 1224.5 . 4.2 5143 Erickson, 75c; 2nd, Chester Jensen, est bidder for cash in hand, all the 51.38 50c.; Class B, 1st, Agnes Zirr 75c.; Mike Seifcr . .. 1007.5 .5.1 Notice of Final Account. right, title and interest which the [Wm. Maxwell . 1131.5 ..4.5 50.92 2nd, Merle Jensen, 50c. Gwendolyn within named defendant*; Frank W. ----- o ■ — _ __ , 1st, Cake — Class _B,_ 1 _ 50 89 1038.5 ..4.9 iWm. Maxwell . Crane, Bertha G. Crane, J. G. Balmer, Notice is hereby given that the un­ 50.45 Harris, Ç $1.; 2nd, Evelyn Dougherty, i, ¿s* Kunze 1 1,ZrV • .. • • 1441.5 ...5 Jane Doe Balmer, Ernest C. Crown, dersigned has filed his final account J- I. Woodward 930.0 > .5.4 .50.22 50c. Emma Crown, E J. McHugh, Lizzie ... Ist, Guy as executor of the will of John Guest, A, Bird house — Class 50.11 5.3 Csry Çary O’ Brien .. 945.5 McHugh, F. R Beals and Mary Doe — , f 2nd. George Davis, deceased, in the County Court of J Mike . Abplanalp \ r___ 49.48 rrenen French, »*. $1.00; 5.7 868,0 Beals, or either of them , had on the Tillamook County, Oregon, and said 49.38 50c.; bvc.; Class via»» B. *-*■ Ist. -••• Theodore •-------- Liisberg rn Cary O’Brien ... 914 , 5.4 I 1st day of October, 1913, the date of court has appointed Saturday, the 49.29 $1 00 2nd Flovd Cameron. 50c. utn, Williams . 930.5 . 5.3 the mortgage foreclosed in said de­ Loaf bread—Class A. 1st Lucy 29th day of Septembar, 1917, at 10 48 75 L G. Scifer ... 1317 . .3.7 * - cree or since that date had in and to o'clock a m. at the Court House, as 48.48 Daniels $1.00; 2nd Wilma Mike Seifer ... 1054.0 . .4.6 the above described property or any time and place for hearing objec­ [Frank Blaser .. 1007.5 . 4 8 48 36 50c; Class B. 1st. Ellen Glad. $1.00, the part thereof, to satisfy said execution, tions to said account and the final Wm Maxwell . 682.0 . .7.0 47.74 2hd, Mabel Harrison, 50c ! judgment order and decree, interest, fruits and vegetables -Lias' settlement thereof. [Wm. Maxwell . 883.5 . .5.4 47.71 A. Canned ; costs and accruing costs. Dated this August 30th, 1917. 1st, May Nevman $100. 2nd r- G. Beals ... 899.0 . .5 3 .47.65 Emma Dated this 20th day of August, 1917. William Henry J. Guest, Groat 50c.; Class B. 1st Dos. dürrer .... 899.0 . 5 3 .47 65 W. L. Campbell, Executor of the will of Carter $1.00. Bos. Dürrer .... 992.0 . 4 8 47.62 Alice Sheriff of Tillamook John Guest, Deceased. reHy—Class A. 1st. May Neyman. 5.2 47 55 $100 P. Fitzpatrick . 914.5 County, Oregon. Class B 1st. Mabel Harrison, ■J- G. Boquist .. 1054.0 4.5 47 43 $1 00; 2nd. Alice Carter 50c Last publication Sept. 27, 1917. Constipation the Father of Many Ills 47.06 4 4 pas. Kunze__ 1069 5 Dress-Class A. 1st, Marie Dürrer ----- o----- It -r* B°quist .. 1147.0 . 4 1 47.03 $1 00 2nd. Emma Groat. 50c. . Of the numerous ill that affect hu­ Wanted. [*, L Woodward 976.5 . -4 8 ..46.87 Apron-Class A. 1st. Manon Davis a large share start with con­ I, A. Swenson . 686.0 . 5 4 ..46 87 $1 00; 2nd Astrid Larson. 50c Class manity, stipation. Keep your bowels regular 3 8 46,53 G. Scifer ... 1224.5 . One dealer only in each town to B. 1st. Mabel Galloway. $1.00; 2nd, and they may be avoided. U hen a Iv *?■ Boquist .. 945.5 -..~- . 4 9 . .46.33 handle a High-Grade Automobile laxative is needed take Chamberlain s Christina Olson, 50c. Iu> G Boquist . 1131.5 .4.1 ..46 29 Tire. Darning. 3 pieces—Class B. st. Tablets. They not only move the Inm Mut'weïl ■" ------ .5.5 ..45 99 TILLAMOOK, ORE. 837.0 Delion Tire Sales Co.. Dorothy Vaughn. 8’.00; 2nd, Mar bowels but improve the appetite and k G. Boquisl . . 1116.0 ..4.1 ..45.<6 81 Fourth Street, ., strengthen the digestion. For sale by h g . Beals ... 1085.0 4.2 ..45 57 I caret Armentrout, 50c. Portland, Oregon. Nightdress-Class A. 1st. Ast nd Ras Kunze .. 1333.0 3.4 ..45,32 1 Larson. $1.00, 2nd,, Edith Myers, Lamar’s Drug Store. I Ira J. Wolf, Tester. no better oil ZEROLENE ZXe Standard Oil for Motor Cir.r LflMB-SCHRflDER CO. I Machanics and Automobile Men Wanted by the Thousands flbEX. MeWAIR & CO GENERAL HARDOUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. FISHING R OPS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO I