TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. Pure Bred Dairy Cattle in Tillamook County. There never was a more natural land of this type in the country that 9. W. S. Ha-e. Tillamook. By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. in the county, 21 Holstein, 19 Jersey, more recently and has not had a berry country than this. Eyery piece would produce far more income from 11 Guernsey, 1 Ayrshire and 1 Red chance to prove itself here, but the in. Wm. Maxwell. Tillamook. of logged off and burned over land berries than it will from any other Until recent years very little atten­ Poll. Lists of these breeders follow young stock coming on looks very 11. H .A. Springer, Tillamook. comes up thick with wild berries of crop or from dairy cows. There are 12. Eric Glad. Tillamook. tion was given in Tillamook County, this article and if any have been omit­ promising. The Jersey breeders all kinds, even the timber itself is full hundreds of acres of hill land ad­ to the improvement of the dairy cow. ted it is wholly an unintentional brought in a car of cattle of excellent 13. C. W. Tilden. Tillamook. 14. Leonard McCormack, Tilla of them. It has been demonstrated by jacent to Nehalem, Wheeler, Bay The first step came in the introduc­ oversight. breeding from the Zorn and Mc­ small patches that the loganberry is City, Tillamook, Beaver and Clover­ It is impossible to write here of Arthur sales this summer. tion of a few pure bred bulls. The mook. especially prolific even on our thin­ dale that are at present non-produc­ Tillamook Cow Testing Association each one’s foundation stock so will 15. Carl Possetti. Bay City. The Holstein men have been very ner, more or les: rocky upland soils. tive besides all our prairie land that 16. Albert Johnson. Bay City was organized in 1910 and its opera­ only mention, in a general way, some­ active in the past three years. In the Fred Skontp, of Sagrada Bend, on is low in production. The ownets of 17. Carv & O’Brien, Bay City tion, since that time, has emphasized thing of the breeding of the stock of winter of 1914 they purchased a car the Trask River, can well be said to these lands will do well to study this the difference in individuality of cows the various breeds in the county. of cattle at the Portland sale and last 18. W. B. Ford, Bay Ocean. be the pioneer loganberry man of the proposition carefully and be ready to and done much to show the value of With the Jersey breeders the blood of ( year another car was brought from 19. L. S. Miller. Anglersvale. county. On that rocky upland he has come together to discuss it pro and such bulls __ as ___ St. _______ Mawes, , Maple Park I Wisconsin. The heifers from the bulls ___ _____ __ ------------ the registered sire. about two acres set out that yielded con. Guernsey Breeders. With the registered sire and the Chief, Golden Glows Chief and Gam- | bought in the first load will be com- Nearly everyone to whom the sub­ easily 10 tons of berries this year in 1, James Williams, Tillamook. association records, interest in breed­ boges Knight have been most prom- i ing fresh next spring, and from all 2 Homer Mason, Tillamook. ... . spite of the dry season. Al Bunn, ject has been explained becomes en­ ing has been stimulated until, in the inent in the development of the breed I appearances at this time, it is safe to Bob Richard:, and Dad Bays, of Bea­ thusiastic over it. With the idea in 3. Joseph Durrer, Tillamook. past few years, many have become in­ in the county. There are some six or say they will be a credit to the breed. ver, each have several acres on upland mind of getting everyone familiar 4, John Morgan. Tillamook. terested in breeding pure breds. In eight bulls of St. Mawes breeding Years records were what the Holstein soil, and last year, the second year of with the possibilities a series of April, 1914, when my knowledge of here and all are giving good accounts men wanted to back their foundation 6. Berns Bros., Tillamook. bearing for the plants, obtained yields meetings will be held early in Octo­ the county began, if I mistake not, of themselves. Maple Park Chief, a stock and years records they got. 6. Gus Goercs, Tillamook. of from 2% to 3 tons per acre. This ber, at which the subject of logan­ there were only nine herds of pure Hood Farm Bull belonging to Wm. Many of the bulls and some of the 7. Jonas Olson, Tillamook. 8. Geo. Williams & Son, Tilla- year their yields were considerable berry growing will be discussed in all breds here. Wm. Williams, Morrison Williams, has stamped all his daugh­ cows arc backed up with records of higher. This county has sufficient its phases. The representative of the Mills, T. H. McCormack, and Andy ters as large producers. Mr. Williams’ from 700 to 1200 pounds of butter mook. moisture so that with clean cultiva­ Pheasant Cainpany will be present Hess had Jerseys; B. D. Hathaway, herd of thirty cows averaged 325 in a year. It takes time 9. Geo. Tinnerstet, Tillamook. to develop tion and good care a failure of the and if possible, the loganberry man Schild Bros., and W. E. Noyes had fat in the testing association last year new herds, but the Holstein men have 10. W. H. Hoskins, Tillamook. crop is almost impossible. from O. A. C. Keep these meetings in Holsteins; E. Atkinson, Ayrshires; and the smallest record was 257 tbs. the right kind of blood and the spirit 11. Rudolf Zweifel, Mohler. Hundreds of Acres Adapted. and R. C. Magarell, Red Polls. Today fat. The blood of the other two bulls that is going to push their breed to (Continued on 3rd page.) There are hundreds of acres of Ayrshire Breeders. there arc over fifty pure bred herds has been brought into the county the front. Watch the Holsteit\ men Eugene Atkinson, Sandlake. go. - . ---------------------------------------------------- 7- Guernsey cattle have come to the Red Poll Breeders. front rapidly in the last few years R. C. Magarell, Reaver. and are gaining steadily in popularity in this county. One year ago there were no pure bred females here and Dairy Cattle at the County Fair. today there are over thirty distribut­ This year's dairy cattle show at the ed in eleven different herds. The County Fair, while not so large in Guernsey enthusiasts also had long numbers as some years, 1 believe time records in mind when thev went stands out as the best one ever held after their foundation as is shown by in the county. In the first place, the the backing of some of their animals. cattle shown were of excellent quality, May Rose Starlight No. 24803, own­ then too, the owners had taken a lit­ ed by Jim Williams, is a grandson of tle time and pains to fit them up and Florham Daisy with 747.7 tbs. fat get them into show shape. Improvc- and Lily Ella with 782 tbs. fat, and men can still be made along this line his sires sister, Dollie Dimple, made but so much has been made during 906.8 tbs. fat at a three year old. His the history of our fair that it deserves seven nearest dams average over 630 attention. tbs. fat in a year. Bulls like this can The livestock judges, Messrs, New­ not help but breed for production. ell, Carmichael and Fitts all s_poke of The young bulls brought in from the excellent quality of the stock ex­ Wisconsin last spring, also combine hibit. They also commented on the some of the best blood of the breed. good sportsmanship of the exhibitors. The Guernsey men have the interest Unfortunately there is only one blue their breed at heart and believe in ribbon in each class and someone has Raymond’s Athlone of Walnut Ridge, No 58251, of letting people know they are awake. to be disappointed. It takes a good Canary Fobes May De Koi, No. 330077, 1st Cham­ owned by Mrs. W. H. Hoskins, Grand Champion They had thirty entries at the County sportsman to congratulate the winner pion and Grand Champion Tillamook County Fair. Fair this year and are sending a car with good grace w'hcn deep down in Guernsey female at Tillamook County) Fair. Two year old heifer owned by) R. W. Watson. load of the best ones to the State his heart he perhaps believes that his Fair at Salem. cow should have been at the top. The Mr. Atkinson, of Sandlake, secured judges gave excellent reasons for the foundation stock from J. W. Clise their placing and so far as I could of Redmond, Wash. Mr. Clise has one hear everyone was pleased with their of the most noted herds of Ayrshires work. 1'5* ■ * in the United States, and Mr. Atkin­ The grand champion Holstein bull, son reports that he finds the cattle Mutual Ormsby Prince owned by well adapted to conditions in his part Noyfolk farm, has been shown at the of the county. fair for three years. This is the first Mr. Magaroll’s Red Polls catlie year that he has showui championship ‘with him from Iowa, and, while the form. The bull has developed wonder­ special purpose dairy breeds are fully since last year and well deserv­ probably better adapted to the strict­ ed the honors won. This emphasizes ly dairy farms of this county, we can the fact that one should not get dis­ not help but admire the uniformity couraged from showing an animal be­ of his herd. It is also safe to say cause he is turned down once or that he is doing better with them twice. A little more maturity together than are many of our farmers who with feed and care often works won­ arc still using bulls of nondescript ders so come back and give your an­ breeding. imals more than the one chance to make good. Six breeders exhibited in THE TILLAMOOK BRAND i ne Holstein classes, a total of about 40 I.on King Noble of C. C. Farms, No. 39715, owned by G. stamps the best cheese in the United entries. Exhibitors should study Tillamook Easter Piebe Fobes De Koi, No. 209945. reco States. It is the aim of our breeders Williamj' Son, Junior Champion at Tillamook to make it stamp the best pure bred their catalogue a little more closely dam Four months old bull owned by) R. W. Watson. making up their show herd so as to 103.' County Fair. His seven nearest tested dams aver­ dairy cattle in the country as well. in Tf With this idea in mind the advocates fill all the classes possible. Several aged 695 pounds fat. mon of our three leading breeds have exhibitors by bringing one more head could have entered in the herd groups with formed breeder’s clubs. of 7! The Tillamook Holstein Breeders and thus have a chance to take home more prize money. The bill" ribbons fat. 1 Association has for its president Chas Kunze, and for its secretary W. E. were well s.attcrcd among the differ­ Chas ent exhib- ’ ers and the classes were Noyes. Joseph Durrer is president of for 3 an av the Guernsey breeders and Homer all close enough to make the judging very interesting. 68 th Mason secretary, while Morrison The Guernsey show of thirty head Mills captains the Jersey club and W. trast exhibited by eleven breeders was re ­ Maxwell keeps the records. The aim descri of these clubs is to promote the in­ markable from the fact that one year the n ago there was not a pure bred female terests of their breeds in the county tion, and to develop them to such an ex­ in the county. Here, as with the Hol­ sires steins the ribbons were well scattered tent that the whole world will be In the looking for Tillamook quality cattle. among the breeders, the four cham­ never pionships all going to different men. All you need to do is to become a year < member is to use a pure bred bull of On account of shortage of labor The these Guernseys were all assembled that particular breed and to become month 'at the fair grounds about ten days be ­ enthusiastic in seeing the breed go fat. forward. Mr. Dairyman, you should fore the fair and a man put in charge The of fitting the herd. As a further step affiliate yourself with one of these over 3 Tillamook Hengerveld Vreda, owned by F. R. Be air. organizations and help boost our in­ in cooperation the prize money was applied to defray expenzes. Had this 1st prize Holstein Heifer Calf, Tillamook dustry. Owner cooperative movement not been pos­ Fair. Cary Ä May Rose Starlight, No. 24803, owned by James Our cheese industry this year, will sible there would not have been many amount to about 81,000,000.00. Let’s Mike S Williams, Grand Champion Bull atTillamook Coun­ make our sales of cattle equal that in Guernseys at the fair as everyone was J- T. « busy, and, with only a few head, no Jos Du ty Fair. His seven nearest dams averaged over a few years. Some Wisconsin coun­ one thought it would pay to fuss. ties sell over a million dollars worth C. A. S The one weak spot in the whole 630 pounds fat in one year. of stock each year and we have bet­ Chas K cattle show was the failure of our ter conditions than they do. We arc . Augu missing our opportunity if we do not Jersey friends to make a good show­ |ng ove ing. This seemed to be due to a com ­ push this breeders game. Wc canpot make this amount of money from bination of circumstances ‘and not to scrub stock nor from the best of cat­ any ill feeling. They should take the tle if wc give them scrub care. Some lesson from their Guernsey brothers $30,000.00 has been spent in the past and next year have a good herd at three years in the purchase of found­ the fair. The idea of the fair is to ation stock and now we need the best stimulate better breeding through care in the development of this stock friendly rivalry, and to advertise the to realize the best returns on our in­ stock and resources of the county. vestment. This we will do for we This is also the object of the breeders have pure bred breeders dacked up by clubs, so fall in line, Jersey men, and pure bred bankers, breeding pure bred do not hide your good Jersey cows under a bushel next year. Itairy Cattle, a sure combination, If all hands start now to plan for a ----- o------ good fair next year wc will have one Tillamook County Holstein Breeders that will outdo anything in history. Lady Queen Johanna, No. 332873, owned by F. 1. J. H. Hathaway, Tillamook. .S Beals. Junior Champion Holstein Female at 3. John Schilds, Tillamook. mook County) Fair. Granddaughter Calantha 4th AGRICULTURAL NOTES. 3. Novfolk Farm, Tillamook. o------ 4. Chas. Kunze, Tillamook. Johanna with 1,247.8 lb. butter in one y)ear. By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist, 5. J. J. Rupp, Tillamook. A Guernsey) Calf Herd at Tillamook County Fair that L t . w ; o------ 8, A S. Mapes, Tillamook. |(x, r v would be a credit to any) show. 7. Gottlich Hanncnkrat, Tilla- A New Industry for Tillamook. |Mike Al,, tnook. Tillamook County can well be proud |Iar_v ( PR 8. Adalph Schilds. Tillamook. of her three leading industries, name­ I W>n \\j¡ 9. Peter Schranz, rilfamook. ly, cheese, timber and salmon, but she 10. Nielson Rros., Tillamook. lU l G Seif S ei : should not go to sleep in self satis­ IM.k. 11. Ebinger & Son, Tillamook. faction and say there is no room for R|a 12. F. R. Reals, Tillamook. more. 1 do not believe that she has I,"'” Max 13. I.. D. Smith, Tillamook. gone to sleep for the leading men of ¡""’l- Max 14. Fred Klinchan, Tillamook. this county arose to the occasion this |A. G. Rca 15. R. \V. Watson. Tillamook. summer and made a ship building BOs f>urr< 16. B. L. Reals, Tillamook. plant possible. Durre 17. A. J. Rogers. Tillamook. Loganberry Industry. V J?,zPat 18. Ernest Geinger, Tillamook. L ' ' Boq; .Another industry is now knocking 19. W ill Robitsch, Bay City. t"as Kun. 20. W. Kuppenbcnder, Nehalem. at our doors to get in and all it needs !V g Roqi is a little better understanding to 21. K. Scovcll, Nehalem. have it gone after with the customer}- ■ o------ : * Wool Tillamook enthusiasm that accom­ - A. Swer Jersey Breeders. plishes what it sets out for. The !• G. Seife 1 Wm. Williams, Tillamook. y Pheasant Fruit Juice Company of .■ G. Boqu 3. Morrison Mills. Tillamook. ,\ G. Baq, 3. T. H. McCormack, Tillamook. Salem offers to put a loganberry King Ormsby Repeater of Tillamook, owned by F- juice plant in the county provided we Maxv 4. A. Hess, Meda will guarantee 300 acres of berries Beals. Junior Champion Holstein Bull, Till*^0 G. Boqu 5 Ed. Anderson. Hemlock. set out next spring and offers to con ­ •G Beai- « F. D. Bester, Tillamook. County Fair. His five nearest tested dams A Group of Prize Winning Guernseys at the Tilla- tract the product for 5 years at three "4s Kunz 7. W. A. Clark, Tillamook. and one-half cents per pound. age 944 lbs butter in a year. , mook County Fair. 8. A. G. Beals, Tillamook. G UERNSE YS HOLSTEINS