TILLAMOOK. OREGON. SEPT. Report of the Condition of the J. R. Harter is back again for a 1 short time. Mrs. Walls and son, wife of Lieu­ tenant Walls of the 10th Company toast Artillery, was in for a few- I days, and reports that the boys are doing well. 20. 1917. |i.5O PER YEAR. The post office ot Bayocean has Statement of Condition of been discontinued until the 1st of -May. Taxes become delinquent on Oct­ At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of ober 6 and a penalty of five per cent business, Sept. 11th, 1917, will be charged. diseases ! Osteopathic Specialist in ______ RESOURCES. J. S. Lamar, who had planned to go I of women and children at DeLillies i At the close of business, September 11, 1917. to the Round-up this week, had the ; apartments. Consultation free. Loans and discounts ........................... misfortune to drop a case of ice on •••-$ 323,838.34 RESOURCES. Married, at Astoria, Oregon, by his foot, consequently was unable to Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . 4,169.21 Justice of the Peace J. F. Carney, go to Pendleton. Bondsand warrants.............................. Loans and Discounts .......................................... 25,772.38 $272,204.31 Phillip E. Walker, and Goldie Ste­ Don t forget those busted castings. phenson, both of Tillamook county. Stocks, securities, judgments, etc.. United States Bonds ............................................ 8,203.00 25,000.00 Furniture and fixtures........................ Can be welded for half. Goods sent Stock in Federal Reserve Bank....................... 900.00 6,500.00 Last night somebody knocked the Other real estate owned.................... by parcel post and express promptly nGht watchman of the Wheeler Lum­ Municipal Bonds and Warrants ..................... 52,260.58 13,478.47 Due from banks (not reserve banks) returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, ber Co.’s saw mill over the head, and Furniture and Fixtures.......... .... ............... 7,695.08 4,221.30 Due from approved reserve banks.. Oregon, • District Attorney Goyne and Sheriff Cash on hand, in banks and due from Fede­ 134,669.44 ’ Campbell and Deputy Sheriff Stan­ Checks and other cash items............ ral Reserve Bank........................................ 123,774.92 131.77 Frank K. Strueby, of Garibaldi, will ley left this morning. It is thought Exchange for ciearing house.............. 905.00 be at Tillamook, Saturday, Sept. 22, to be I. W. W.’s who attacked the Total $481,834.89 Cash on hand........................................... with a load of full cream Oregon watchman. 22,986.62 Other resources....................................... Swiss Cheese and will sell it at 341.89 LIABILITIES. The boys and girls who will go to a reasonable market price. 2» the Stite Fair on account of being Capital Stock................................. Total L. S. Miller has gone to war—His winners in Industrial Club work are $25,000.00 $545,217.42 entire herd of full blood and grade Chester Jensen, Dellow Smith, Lena Surplus and Undivided Profits 10.920.74 LIABILITIES. Jerseys for sale. A chance to get Rupp and Christna Olson, for four Circulation...................................... 25.000.00 some high class cows. Enquire of S. days, and Gladys Klinehan, Pauline Deposits .......................................... 420,914.15 Capital stock paid in ............................................. $40,000.00 M. Batterson, Mohler, Oregon. * Geinger and Marie Geinger, of the Surplus fund............................................................... Canning Clubs, for two days. All Total .............................................. 6,000.00 Lost—Sun blast breast pin, set with $481,834.89 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes pearls and dimond in center, on Tues­ their expenses are paid while at the State Fair. day at the Fair Grounds. Finder will paid............................................................................ 2,728.83 please leave same at King-Crenshaw Mrs. W. J. Reichers returned from Due to banks and baukers................................... 608.34 Hardware store. Suitable reward. Alberta, Canada, on Saturday, where Postal savings banks deposits.......................... 443.02 Dr. Turner, the well known eye she had gone on account of the sud­ Individual deposits subject to check................ 348,912.92 specialist of Portland, will be in Til­ den death of her sister, Mrs. Cleo Demand certificates of deposit........................... 5,356.78 lamook again Friday and Saturday, Budd. She was taken with an attack Certified checks ........................................................ 1,257.00 September 28 and 29, at Jenkins’ of appendicitis, and the local doctor notice when anyone will send canned of the young people came in to offer Time and Savings Deposits................................ 139,910.53 Jewelry store. In Cloverdale Thurs­ failing to properly diagnost the case, clams from San Francisco to Tilla­ congratulations and best wishes. left it too long before an operation day, September 27. * Sheriff Campbell and District At 4:00 p. nt. Mr. and Mrs. Atkin­ was performed, and it was this delay mook. Total The insurance in the sum of $15,- . . $545,217.42 that caused her death. The deceased Attorney Goyne made an investigat­ son left for a short trip by auto. They 000.00 covered on the hay of Christ­ lady visited Tillamook last year and ion of the clam mystery, and found will later go to their new home in State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. ensen and Hathaway which was made the acquaintance of a number what they had surmised a jug of South Prairie. They have been pop­ whiskey. They decided to leave the 1 in the community and many re­ I, Thad Robison, Cashier of the above-named bank, do burned last week, was adjusted on of our citizens, who were shocked to package in the express office, and a ular , grets will follow the leaving as well Saturday evening, just four days after hear of her death. solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of the fire. This insurance was carried deputy sheriff was appointed to keep as . l‘ the heartiest good wishes for Charles Finch vs. Miami Valley watch on the "canned clams,” which 1 their r future life together. my knowledge and belief.—Thad Robison, Cashier, in the Watson Agency. Creamery Co. is a suit filed in the he did , for Tuesday a woman went Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Sept., 1917, C. B. W'iley who has a dairy ranch Circuit Court to recover $400.00 to the office and asked for the can­ Marriage Licenses C. A. McGhee, Notary Public. north of Tillamook city, will make damages. Plaintiff was the cheese ned goods. She was immediately ar­ My Commission expires Sept. 18th, 1920. $175.00 from each of his cows this maker at this factory and he claims rested and brought to this city and ' Marriage licenses were issued to: Early in the spring he bought the company employed him for a pleaded guilty to violating the pro­ Correct Attest : M. \V. Harrison, C. Haberlach, H. T. Botts, year. two cows and added them to his herd, period ofi ten months at $70.00 a hibition law and Justice Stanley fined Frank Dunn and Nita F. Bonde, Vil- Directors. paying $115 for them.. These cows m onth, and at the rate of $3,00 a her $10.00 and costs. The package ot Vogt and Josephine Laugher, will not only pay for themselves this day during the winter season of 1917 was addressed to Oscar Fanning and Frank Laugher and Mary Emmer- year but will make $235.00 besides. and 1918. He remained in the service the woman’s name was Mrs. Mary egger, Charles McCann and Ada L. I am in the market at all times for Mr. Wiley takes his milk to the of the company until August 24, Konecki, who told the prosecuting Bair. Phillip E. Walker and Mrs. your baby calves—Smith "The Calf Maple Leaf Creamery. 1917, when he was discharged with­ attorney that her husband was a sal­ Goldie Stephenson, Frank L. Martin and Laurel J. Winters, James A. Mc­ Man,"—Both Phones. Be sure to let Dr. Turner show you out any cause, and was refused per­ oon keeper at San Francisco. After Donald and Mabel Ciair Barber. ------ o------ mission to perform his part of the the justice had decided the case the the new double vision glasses with ­ We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo contract, and that by the wrongful woman wanted the whiskey and cried W. A. Wise, dentist. * for sale. Better see us before we send out the sightly lines or seams to action The Paving Controversy. of the company he now when she was told she couid not have it to Portland.—Coast Power Co. * catch dirt, strain the eyes or come Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. ♦ claims the above amount. it. She claimed it was for medicinal An adjourned meeting of the City For Sale—New modern residence, apart. One light, solid piece of glass Hoofror-Remedy at C. I.. Clough located in best residence district. For that looks like a single pair, yet an­ C. C. Byers, who was school clerk purpose, a doctor some year ago hav­ Council will be held next Monday ing advised her to take whiskey for the purpose of two, enabling of Rockaway district for over four evening, when the matter of the as­ sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. *■ swers Co. * __________ * you to read or do close work and years, was arrested on Friday and her ailment. sessments for the sewer system and For sale or exchange, for R. I. Red, see distant objects perfectly. Be sure locked up in the county jail charged Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ pavement will come up again. The NOTE INDICATES DEATH. terns. * one fine O. A. C. stock Plymouth and see them. Don’t forget the date. with embezzlment of school funds of City Council deferred this mater for ------ o ------ A modern house for rent,—See Rock Rooster. Inquire at this office.* Mrs. Lem Parker, of Bay City, en­ that district, his shortage amounting Message from Mrs. Graham Washed two weeks to give the property own­ ers time to consider what is best to Shrode. >—^4 Married, on the 17th of September, tertained a few friends from Tilla­ to over one thousand dollars. He Ashore. waived elimination and Justice Stan­ do, and they are invited Monday Money to loan on good security. T. by E. W. Stanley, Justice of the mook at her pretty tent villa on last ley placed his bail at $3,000,to ap­ evening. The litigants and the Con­ H. Goyne. * Peace, Charles McCann and Ada L. Tuesday afternoon. The tea table was pear before the grand jury. Since A note washed ashore at Manzan­ struction Co. entered into a stipula­ Bair. decorated with Japanese designs and then Byers has turned over property ita on Thursday indicated that E. R. tion to compromise the suit, the lat­ Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Mrs. Rhodes, of Bay City, was in after the repast the guests were in­ at Rockaway and in Multnomah Viers and Mrs. W. A. Graham, of ter to pay the litigants $27.000, re­ Cloverdale, Ore. * the city on Monday, and she is mak­ vited out in the beautiful w'oods that county to his bondsmen that will cov­ Dallas who disappeared from Garibal­ duce the cost of the pavement 25c surround the tent home, where other Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs ing preparations to move to Belling­ features filled the day until "going er the shortage, whereupon the just­ di were washed out to sea and drown­ per yard, and maintain it for another ham, Wash. ice reduced his bond to $1,000, and ed. The note came ashore in a hairpin five years, and it was upon this stip­ home” time was announced. at C. I. Clough Co. * this being furnished he was liberated box, and was signed, "Mrs. W. A. ulation that the Supreme Court act­ Money to loan on farm lands, from School has commenced. Were your from jail. Graham, at sea.” It read: Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate ed and returned a mandamus com­ “We left Garibaldi this morning to pelling the City Council to make the Rialto, Both phones. * of interest. We want your business. children backward in their studies The piano recital given by Miss go crabbing and as we were crossing assessment. Now a number of the year? If so, it may be due to eye * last Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ See Everson. trouble of some kind. Children can­ Salena Dick, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. the straits the tide was going out and litigants object to that kind of a E. E. Koch, at the city hall on Friday ware.—R. W. Bennett. * Married, on the 13th of Septem­ not tell you whether their eyes are _ it ______________ carried us out ______ to sea, , __ and _ as the was well attended and prov­ ocean is rough, I don’t thing we will settlement, and the non-litigants, ob­ For Sale—Driving horse, buggy and ber, by Rev. A. F. Lacy, pastor of right or wrong. Bring them to Dr. evening ject to it also, for the reason that ed a real treat to all lovers of music. the M. E. church of this city, Frank Turner and let him examine their ever sec land again. Our boat is sink­ they feel that it is not right for the Harness.—C. B. Vantress. Dunn and Ninta Bonde. eyes, and if there is trouble he will Miss Dick is certainly a gifted pianist ing now.” litigants do dictate what settlement and her playing delighted the aud­ Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition The note was picked up by Hazel they should make, and without be- For Sale—By Case’s Garage, One correct it. If not he will tell you so ience. Her first two pieces were Pre­ Spencer, granddaughter of F. Spenc ­ for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. frankly. You owe this to your child ­ ing consulted. 30 horse, ‘ 2 passenger Chevrolet lude op. 3 No. 3, and “Love’s Dream” er of Manzanita. Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., auto, new tires and one extra. Price ren. There appears to be a strong sent- followed by a violin solo "Lucia Di ♦ 260 acres Coos County, Oregon, land Lammermoore, fantasie,” „by Mr. iment amongst the property owners, if sold at once $625,00. Also furnished rooms. rendered Jury List for October Term of the to settle this vexed question, and to The Franklin Fish Market is now three miles from North Bend on nav­ Koch. Miss Dick then Garbage gathered free. See M. R. pay the Construction Co. what the channel of Coos Bay, with boat “ . March Wind” "Witches Drcam” and Circuit Court. open for business, drop in and look igable Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. pavement and sewer system is worth, service. 130 acres bottom land which “Valse Poctique” and Mrs. Koch ------ o------ around at the Old Spanish Kitchen. — For Furnished Rooms at reasonable is dyked and ready for cultivation, sang "O Losing Heart, Trust On.” The jury list for the October term but here is where trouble is liable to F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. * *2 130 acres bench and hill land. Price Miss Dick closed the program with of the Cir.cuit Court, which convenes bob up arriving at a just valuation, price, See Mrs. E. Plank. Attorney Oak Nolan, who made $22,000.00. Terms $12,000 cash, bal­ sextet from Lucia and Rhapsody No. on the 1st of the month was drawn for some of the property owners al­ R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ several attempts to secure money ance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. 2. All the players came in for a gen­ last week. Thus far there are not low their prejudices to control their pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. from the Hadley estate, has appealed Price at bed rock as owner must sell. eral applause. many cases on the docket, as Judge better judgment. Rollie W. Watson is having the proceedings of the City the final settlement of the estate. Address W. G. Robertson, Cooston, Wanted—Position as bookkeeper. The Holstein breeders in the vicin­ Bagley has disposed of a good many Council printed when the matter was Everett Hall and W. F. Baker left Oregon. ity of Fairview have decided to erect cases in frequent visits here. The list taken up two weeks ago, and it is his Address O. F..— P. O. Box 226. of the a cheese factory, to be used exclusiv­ is as follows. on Tuesday to take in the Pendleton The monthly meeting intention to have these circulated Dr. and Mrs. Wise have gone to his Round-Up, Mrs. Baker accompanying Shakespeare • Club ___ ____ met last Fridey at ely for milk from Holstein cows, and Guy Vaughn, farmer, Tillamook. office in Portland for about ten days. them as far as Portland. th‘e“"home 'of. Mr’s. Webster Holmes, to organize a new co-operative asso­ Alex McNair, merchant, Tillamook. between now and next .Monday. It is a little hard to tell what the at Hobsonville, when another pleos- ciation. There is more or less differ­ F. S. Scofield, laborer. Bay City. Will pay you to see Everson tor a Forty Acre Ranch, some bottom property owners or the City Council lafe investment in city property or land, $'3,0°0; half cash. Quick sale. ant day was spent with the hostess, ence of opinion between dairymen as Frank Kumm, farmer, Beaver. will do next Monday in the matter. the members and guests leaving on S. E. Park, merchant, Tillamook. farm lands. Don’t write, come and see it? Taylor the morning train. A dainty noonday to the intransic value of Holstein and C. A. Elliott, farmer, Bay City. milk from other stock for cheese H. Mason & Co., has taken over the Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale. lunch was served. Besides the mem­ making purposes. It will be remem­ W. A. Williams, merchant, Tillamook Prize Winners in Races at the Standard patterns formerly sold by County Fair. bers the guests present were, Mrs J. bered that the Holstein breeders had Ivan Gist, farmer, Cloverdale. Only Edison re-creations can be ------o------ Lamar’s Variety Store. mistaken for the original voice. Its C. Holden, Mrs Carl Schultz, Mrs an experiment at the Fairview Dairy J. W. McKinley, farmer, Bay City. Running race 2 and 3—Gladoli, William Norris, merchant, Nehalem. Albert Byers, Mrs. A. K. Case and Association ’ s factory for six months, John Feldschau, Concrete contrac­ rich true tones fill many homes with when all the milk from Holstein Robert Stillwell, farmer, Tillamook. ridden by Edwin Glad, first; Midget, tor, concrete silos built. All work gladness. Call at Lamar’s Drug Store Mrs. Thad Robison. ridden by Elmer Williams, second; $ua-.antccd.Both phones. Owing to the heavy rains last Fri­ cows were kept separate apd placed Charles Shunk, timberman, Wheeler. and hear one. Trotting race 3 and 3-Robert Wert­ in one vat, and the experiment prov­ I. . D. Krake, farmer, Tillamook. day, which was the date set for the The New Edison gets and gives all zel, driven by Geo. Ethell, first; For Sale—Team, heavy ed satisfactory to the Holstein breed­ Frank Paul, farmer, Tillamook. Homesteaders ’ Fair given by the the Artist rendered just as the artist harness. Team weighs about 13000 Robert N. driven by Walter Sever­ ers, the Holstein Breeders Associa­ O. W. Olson, farmer, Tillamook. ance, second; Midget, driven by L. Save it. lbs. and in A No. 1 condition, sound Nestucca grange, it was postponed tion decided to build a new cheese E. W. Knight, farmer, Tillamook. until Saturday when there w-as a McCormack, third. Girl wanted, for general house work and will work on anything.— L. U. good display and a large number of factory to be used exclusively by J. S. Diehl, farmer, Tillamook. Running race—Boby A ridden by E. H. Lindsey, farmer, Mohler. Holstein breeders. Inquire of Henry Schild, Mutual Smith, Bar View. from that vicinity, persons present from Jimmy Anderson, first; Ethel B. rid­ Arthur Holden, farmer, Tillamook. 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and Quite a 1. phone. number of persons in this —.— The arrival of "Hell Morgan’s William Glick, farmer, Cloverdale. den by Edwin Glad, second. Why not be insured in the best fire stump puller, with rigging, for sale, city had made arrangements to at- Girl” at the Gem theatre, September H. L. Provoost, merchant, Bay City. Trotting race— Salute, driven by Fair on Friday and were or trade for auto or motorcycle in Al 26 will mark an unusual event in lo­ W. S. Cone, cruiser, Bay City. •isurance company, it costs no morc^ tend the F. “ John Kunzi, first; Baby Reis driven on account of the condition, balance cash. Address Box disappointed cal photoplay annals. Without being I. J. Earl, farmer, Tillamook. by Walter Severance, second; Dock See Everson. 576, Tillamook, Oregon. heralded as the “greatest ever" or W. H. Kandle, farmer, Meda. weather. S., driven by Sam Petty, third. I Editor Taylor, of the Cloverdale ’ For Sale—17 O. I. C. pigs, X and Running race—Midget, ridden by Rev. R. E. Jope, who tendered his guaranteed to embody all the reforms F. R. Beals, real estate, Tillamook. Courier, was in the city with his fam- Elmer Williams, first; Baby Mine, U full blood. $5.00 each, readv for resignation as pastor of the Roseburg and dogmas of civilization, the play Chas. Blum, farmer, Cloverdale. ly on Monday. ridden by Sam Petty, second. delivery from now to October 1st. A Christian church two w®ek’ *g0’115 ' will afford stirring scenes and a grip­ Bert Mapes, farmer, Tillamook. Running race 2 and 3—Bob Roxy For Wolverine Soap that washes T. Blackburn. Hemlock, Ore. Mutual considered his action and at the closi ping interest that has seldom been re­ R. B. McClay, farmer, Beaver. ridden by ........... Edwin Glad, first; , Gray ithout rubbing, go to Larson s, the phone. of the services Sunday morning and flected upon the screen. Its scenes D. F. Thompson, farmer, Mohler. are laid in San Francisco at a period Wm. Tubbesing, farmer, Nehalem. Eagle, ridden by Chas. Fleck, second. announced that he would remain to indy maker. For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke just preceeding the great earthquake Black Hawk jumped the fence. Now is the time to have your winter to work single or double, weight 1000 fill the pulpit for another term. Much and consequent fire. This catastrophe J. L. George, farmer, Hebo. Trotting race 2 and 3- I—Robert N., pressure was brought to bear upon >od sawed.—Call Ernest Knight driven by Walter Severance, first ; pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. him to remain, not only by a large is used as the climaxing incident of a Atkinson-Whalen. utual phone. Baby Reis, driven by Geo. Ethell, majority of the members of his series of sensational events that lead F. D. Tillamook, Oregon. . 2* second. church, but the business men ofI the to the Presidio, where refugees con­ Edison re-creations sing your fav­ Trotting race 2 and 3—Robert On Tuesday, Tuesday. September 11, the ite songs better than you ever The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay city generally. -Mr. Jope was former gregated in thousands after the night ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. ly pastor of the Christian church in of terror and destruction. Dorothy home of Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen, Wertzel, ridden by Geo. F.thcll, first; ard them sung. Phillips, one of the most famous of Sandlake, was the scene of a pretty Salute, ridden by John Kunzi. second. For Sale—Row boat nearly new. for 5 pound pails. They must bt Jree this city. emotional stars the screen has ever wedding when their daughter Miss Running race Elmer Williams, from rust. Bring them in at once and Mr and Mrs. F. M Lamb and introduced, will play the leading role, Nellie became the bride of Joel At­ first; Baby Mine, Wallace, second. ill sell cheap if sold at once.- -Aî; get your money. daughter Vida, who spent the sum­ the daughter of "Hell’ Morgan, keep­ kinson. y to Mrs. John Sheets. Miss Dick is now ready to accept mer vacation here, arrived at their of one of the most notorious spots The bride was charmingly dressed Men Wanted—At $3.00 per day for a limited number of pupils at the home in Eugene last week after a er BLACKBERRIES WANTED in San Francisco’s B»rMry Cail in a gown of shadow lace and wore hours. State Highway work. In- home of Mr E. E. Koch. Primary fo« days visit with relative, and Her leading man will be William carnations and the vows _ were given ire of F. C. Feldschau. I am buying all the blackberries work a specialty. Prices very reason­ friends in Portland. Upon her .arrival Stowell, and Lon Chaney, a clever under a curtain of carnations. I can get for the Forest Grove home Miss Vida has been the in actor of villainous parts, will provide Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay *he able. The Misses Oneita and Letha soiration for several dinners and card Fruit Canners Ass’n, and will Pay [host cash price for cascara bark The first regular meeting of the parries Miss Lamb has taken W the counterbalance to Stowell s man­ Whalen, bearing flowers, accompan­ you *%c. per lb. cash, for them liness in the principal role. ied the bridal couple. d empty sacks. Ladies’ Guild will meet Tuesday, charity work among the h.gh schoo I will run my auto truck and The ceremony was performed by A suspicious package arrived at Married, on the2nd of September, October 2nd at the home of the pres­ girls, and many of the yo^ger sets gather up your berries, phone me noon Rev. R Y. Blalock, at high ' 1 Rev. F. T. Paul, Herman King and ident, Mrs. Bales. All members and arc taking up the work with great en Nehalem addressed to Oscar Fanning After the ceremony a wedding dinner and make arrangements for pick­ friends are earnestly invited to at­ thusiasm instead of so much red cross and was marked "canned clams. •na Herchenheim. ing. Both Phones. tend. A new secretary must be elect­ work, the older girl, attending to That was a dead give away, for it was served. Smith "The Calf Man." In the afternoon, the many friends Mrs. Homer Mason and Miss Mas- ed to fill the vacancy, caused by Mrs. made the people look up and take • left last week for California, where that. I Youel’s leaving town. *7 are visiting relatives. TILLAMOOK COUNTYY BANK, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK, ORE., Increase in deposits since September 12,1916, #209,499.01. Tillamook Jottings.