TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,JI917. BILLS ALLOWED BY COURT. Preston Marolf 102 00 R. C. Wilson ........................... 19.90 Will Harris Notice of Sheriffs Sale. and specifications, and any person, A ROMANCE OF TRADE. 94.50 W. A. Williams ...................... 1.00 Beu Darby............. Road District No. 1. firm or corporation having objec­ 16.50 J. M. Weiss ............................ 201.64 Notice is hereby given: That by tions to file to the final payment on ioe Vermilyca ........................ I .72 Zeno Bizcr .. The Start and Rise of 5.62 th» Famoua Mutual Telephone Co.............. .60 virtue of a writ of execution issued said contract may do so within two G. \\. W ilks ............................ .78 Ray Edgar ............ 8.25 Mallory and Jenck, bridge.. 772.93 Krupp Gun Work». out of the Circuit Court of the State weeks from the date of the first pub­ A. M. Myers ............................ .75 Ray Hamond ........ 66.00 The famous cannon foundry of Mallory and Jenck, bridge .. 853.65 of Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ lication of this notice. W. H. Sales ............................ 79.50 Clarence Davis 16.50 Krupp, at Essen, was established In W. H. Kandle .......................... 1.65 mook, dated September 3rd, 1917, in Erwin Harrison, County Clerk L. C. Walker .......................... 30.00 D. B. Darby........... 48.00 Gilbert and Sons...................... 29.74 1811 by Frederick Krupp, who aban­ the cause wherein Citizen’s Bank, a First publication, Sept. 13, 1917. W. M. Raney ..................... 61.50 Hull Johnson .... 55.12 J. C. Foster .............................. 7.70 doned a successful grocery business at Corporation, was Plaintiff, and J. T. Last publication Sept. 27, 1917. Jasper Walker ........................ 31.50 Mat Webber .......... 54.75 E. F. Carter ............................ 11.55 the Instigation of two brothers uamed Alexander and Ada Alexander, his Turner ... Albert Smith .......................... 36.00 Bos 9.00 A. C. Danel .............................. 50.00 Von Kechel In order to devote himself wife; Blanch Clark and Earl A. Oral Barner ............................ 159.00 N. J. Dye ............. 0 . 144.0 Cloverdale Merc. Co................ Notice of Final Account. 7.61 . to the manufacture of cast steel. Clark, wife and husband; Oscar F. Oscar Hanson ........................ 150 00 36.00 B. R. Raney .... Q. Pangborn........ I The process was then unknown In Mann and E. P. McCroskey were de­ L. H. Kinney .......................... 12.00 C. 150,00 ' Total ........................... . $6,646,87 Germany, and the article Itself weDt fendants, upon a judgment rendered Notice is hereby given that the un­ M. Huggctt .... L. L. Smith ............................ 108.00 150,00 General Fund. Neigcl ............... I under the name of "English steel" be- in said Court and cause on the 27th dersigned has filed his final account 102.00 O. Noble .................................. 84.00 J. Surveyor's office engineering 422.04 ' cause It was imported from England. day of August, 1917, in favor of said as executor of the will of John Guest, C. 30.00 Ole Womer hauling cement.. M. R. Kerns ............................ 102.00 A. Wyss ............. / 2.00 plaintiff and against said defendants deceased, in the County Court of J. H. Walker............................ 24.00 Mrs. C. C. Curtis .................... 57.00 A. Neilson ............. 5.00 Krupp bad money, and the Kechels in the sum of ($700.00) Seven Hun­ Tillamook County, Oregon, and said I bad or pretended to have technical 75.00 Coast Power Co....................... L. C. Calvin ............................ 39.00 G. J. Nails ............. 25.56 dred Dollars, with interest thereon at court has appointed Saturday, the 72.00 E. C. Colestock ...................... A. Buckles ................................ 4.50 B. Higgenbotham . 1.50 knowledge. The firm started Its op­ the rate of 6 per cent per annum from 29th day of Septembar, 1917, at 10 Wheatley .......... 61.50 H. J. Langley .......................... 94.50 N. Burl Clements ......................... 4.00 erations In an old water power mill the first day of March, 1916, and the o’clock a.m. at the Court House, as Wagner ............. 91.87 Coast Power Co...................... W. H Sales............................. 25.65 34 44 at Altenessen. Tbe experimenta of further sum of $9.27 taxes with in­ the time and place for hearing objec­ Guy Alimon .......... 91.87 W. S. Coats ............................. E. A. Worthington ................ 78.00 1.20 the Von Kechels were unsuccessful terest at 6 per cent from and after tions to said account and the final 4.50 C. O. Dawson .......................... Ralph Easom .......................... 30.00 Wm. Tinnerstet .. 10.00 For nearly two years they did their September 21st, 1916, and $9.48 settlement thereof. N. W. McRae ........ 32.00 Feeney and Bremer Co......... 223.48 best, but all their efforts to produce taxes with interest at the rate of 6 J. S. Walker ............................ 7.50 Dated this August 30th, 1917. 42.60 The Frederick Port Co........... E. H. Lindsay.......................... 4.50 Alex McNair Co. .. William Henry J. Guest, 7.57 “English steel" failed. In the end per cent per annum from and after Kathleen Mills .... 1.00 District Atty, office Expense 223.15 Kropp decided to get rid of them after March 10th, 1917, and ($100.00) Jack Leslie .............................. 105.00 Executor of the will of King-Crenshaw Co. ” »» »> If 125.61 65.25 O. A. White ............................ John Guest. Deceased. 40.00 having spent one-half of bls fortune In One Hundred Dollars, with interest Ben Jacobs ............. »» »9 »» 1 00 E. A. Worthington................ 102.00 30.00 experiments and took over tbe manage­ at the rate of 6 per cent per annum »» 9» if 15.60 A. Finley ........ .......................... 24.00 Hiner and Son ....... from August 27th, 1917, Attorney’s Notice of Hearing of Final Account 42.00 ment of the work himself. Frank Heyd and Co................ .50 A. H. Gaylord, insurance ... Fred Kebbe ............................ 126.00 Fees, and the further sum of ($40.20) 72.00 For a long time be bad no luck, and F. C. Feldschal, on pavement Herbert Thompson ................ 30 00 M. E. Gruber ......................... Notice is hereby given, that the un­ 4.00 I It was only after some years of disap­ Forty and Twenty-hundredths Dol­ contract ............................... 1250.29 Glass & ___________ L. Thompson ........................ .. 4.00 lars, costs and disbursements, which dersigned has filed his final account 56.82 Prudhomme ............ satlsfae- Fred Lange ............................... 21.00 F. C. Feldschau ..................... 136.02 Howard Cooper Corporation 185.91 pointment and labor that a judgment was enrolled and docketed as administrator of the estate of Jes­ tory metal was produced. It wan un- in the Clerk’s Office of said court on sie V. Embum, 1.50 Frank Heyd & Co................... deceased, in the 64.50 J. M. Edwards......................... Fritz Rust ................................ 60.69 der bis son Alfred that the buslnesa August 27, 1917. 102.00 Frank Heyd & Co. County Court of the State of Oregon, 6.00 Frank Dye ..................... F. L. Burch ...................... Co ................... 52.30 . 60.00 Frank Heyd & Co................... E. Braumsseter ................ Therefore by virtue of said judg­ for Tillamook County, and that such 35.25 A. T. Dolan ............................. 3.75 ¡ first really began to flourish. Its ex- F. R. Cardiff........................... 72.50 Dr. L. L. Hoy ......................... hiblt at tbe London exposition of 1851 ment and execution and in compliance Court has appointed October 13th C. J. Hanks ...................... ... 120.00 5.00 48.48 Court House improvements. 848.12 revealed to the world that a little with the commands of said writ, I 1917, at ten o'clock a.m., at the court 34.50 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co............... E. I. Bartrow .................... 31.75 E. Harrison, express .............. H. S. Brimhall .................. 24.00 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co............... .54 known German flrm was producing will on Saturday the thirteenth day room of said Court, in Tillamook 7.50 Irwin Hudson Co..................... 12.00 City Transfer Co.................... E. Worthington ................ .48 j iron and steel that could not be bet­ of October, at 10 o’clock a.m., at the City, Oregon, as the time'and place .92 Irwin Hudson Co............... R. Crawford ...................... 6 00 Pauline cBals ...,................... 6 58 tered by the Industry of auy other front door of the Court House in for the hearing of objections, if any, 26.15 District Sealer ........................ 94.50 Joe Blaser ............................... C. Haybarker .................... 8.27 country. Orders from the I'russlan Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ to the said account and the settlement 3.00 Bayocean road contract .... 638.14 Lamb Schrader Co.................. Paul Wabbie ...................... 3.00 government followed, and the name lic auction, to the highest bidder for of said estate. 86.92 Expense Dist. Atty, office .. Dated September 13, 1917. Emil Schollmyer .............. 4.50 A. G. Beals Lbr. Co................ 12.00 and fortune of the firm were made.— cash in hand, (subject to redemption) Jim Barger ............................. 62 50 all the right, title, and interest which John Embum, Administra­ A. L. McCarty ........................ 100.00 Philadelphia Inquirer. 2.25 J. I. Spencer ...................... Bayocean road contract ........ 1965.95 the within named defendants had in tor of the Estate of Jessie W. L. Newcomb ...................... .75 Chas. Stephens ................ .. 138.00 Geo. Wilt ................................ 10.00 and to the following described prop­ V^Jimbtnn^leccased. 33.00 The Oregonian, pub. notices G. W. Zaddach ................ Tillamook Iron Works ........ 10.57 l sale of bonds 6d lines 4 LIGHTS OF THE NIGHT. erty situated in Tillamook County, Fred Zaddach .................... ... 77.00 Summons. Oregon. .85 i times ........................'............. 33.12 30.00 Tillamook Feed Co................... Harry Wyld ...................... ------ o Henry Simmons ..................... 3.00 .The San Francisco Examiner The East Half of the North-East Th» Haavana 8hlna aa Ever, Whila Thia Elmer Easom .................... ... 18.00 Star Garage ........................... Quarter, the South-East 28.65 Quarter, In the Circuit Court of the State of Old World Chang»». pub Bond Sale notices 84 ... 87.00 E. A. Worthington .......... Standard Oil Co...................... the South Half 12.15 of the Oregon for Tillamook County. lines 4 times .................... 67.20 Night is the astronomer's accepted and F. H. Zaddach .................. ... 57.00 Southern Pacific Co............... 146,86 J. . Y. Powers Hallie Kopieske, Plaintiff vs. Wra. 20.35 time. He goes to his delightful labors South-West Quarter, of Section 36, 15.00 T. A. Emery ...................... ... 43.98 when the busy world goes to its rest. Twp. 3 South of Range 8, West of Kopieske, Defendant. 102.00 Oregon Portland Cement Co. 1828.50 pac fel "Co” Albert Easom .................. To. Wm. Kopieske, the above nam­ 6.00 Dr. David RobinsoA’i"” 5.00 A dark pall spreads over the resorts of the Willamette Meridian, containing 96.00 W. E. Noyes ........................... W. P. Walker .................... ... 1.00 active life; terrestrial objects, hill and 320 Acres more or less, together with ed defendant: 26.00 Margaret Coates................................ 92 C. B. Stanley ...................... Warren Easom .................. In the name of the State of Oregon, 5.20 valley, and rock and stream, and the tenements, hereditaments and appur­ E. W. Stanley, justice .... 60.00 Mark Hobson .................... Total ........................... »10,533,04 I. C. Smith .......................... 1.65 abodes of men disappear; but the cur­ tenances thereunto belonging or any- You are hereby required to appear in 79.50 A. J. Krumlauf.................. ... the above entitled court, within six wise«appertaining. I Mutual Tel. Co..................... Road District No. 3. 7.40 79.50 E. Kraumlauf .................... To satisfy said execution, judgment, weeks from the date of the first pub­ .. 73.12 Tillamook Herald .............. 22.25 tain Is drawn up which concealed the 80 25 Wm. Langley ..... John Paquet ...................... lication of this summons, and answer Interest, Costs and accruing costs. . 73.50 Frank Taylor, justice........ 8.65 heavenly hosts. 78.00 E. Petite ............. Menlo Beaman .................. .. the complaint filed by the above nam­ Dated this 4th day of Sept., 1917. There they shine and there they . 76.50 Frank Taylor, justice ..... 38,10 78.00 Jas. Emlah ............ A. J. Baier.......................... ... W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of ed plaintiff against you in the above .. 16.00 Tillamook Garage .............. 83.75 move as they moved and shone to the 78.00 M. A. Mattis......... Sam Johnson .................... Tillamook County Oregon. entitled matter; and, if you fail so to . 69.51 P. W. Todd ........................ 15.38 eyes of Newton and Galileo, of Kepler 79.80 Paul Laferty ........ Tom Brearey .................... .. appear and answer, for want thereoef, . 72.73 P. W. Todd .......................... 45.76 and Copernicus, of Ptolemy and Hip­ First publication Sept. 6, 1917. Sam Tomlinson ................ .. 161.25 H. Petite ............... the plaintiff will take a decree against Last publication October 4, 1917. . 52.00 A. J. Heater .......... 36.75 Tillamook Headlight ........ parchus — yes, as they moved and shone ... 34.88 G. E. Cox ............................ you for the relief prayed for in her P. W. Todd ......................... . 21.37 A. Tom ............... 12.28 when the morning stars sang together 63.75 Edd Tomlinson ................ said complaint, to-wit: That the . 60.37 Tillamook Water Co........... 6.00 and all the sons of God shouted for Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. 63.75 L. Tom ................... bonds of matrimony now existing be­ Wm. Tomlinson .............. 12.00 P. W. Todd .......................... 1.00 J. R. Bidgood ........ ------ o ------ ' 73,85 tween you and said plaintiff be for­ Fred Papuet ...................... .. Joy- « , 12.00 ■ Tillamook Iron Works ... 19.22 Chas Murphy .... of In the Circuit Court of the State 120.00 ever dissolved and that she be given J. B. Langley.................... Aii has changed on earth, but the , 153.00 I Frank Taylor Justice .......... 16,60 Guy Mattoon ........ Oregon for Tillamook County. the care and custody of Florence Tom Purvis ........................ .. 126.00 glorious heavens remain unchanged. 7.50 , 151.00 Premium on Reedy bond ... 138.75 John D. Wilson ... Kopieske, your minor child. H. Benson ............................ The plow passes over the site of Mortgage Company for Ameri­ , 140.25 Elmer L. Webb .................... 1.00 Geo. Johnson ........ ca, a corporation, Plaintiff 60.75 This summons is served upon you A. Finley ............................ mighty cities; the homes of powerful . 118.50 Elmer L. Webb ...................... 1.00 Loyd Kellow ........ vs. by honor of the Honorable A. M. 62.25 Elwood Finley .................. .. nations are desolate; the languages Frank W. Crane, Bertha Grace , 112.50 ' Bushong & Co ........................... 39.56 Claud Lewallen ... Hare, County Judge, of Tillamook 75.00 J. V. Springer .................... . 75.37 ! Dr. R. T. Boals ...................... 114.00 they spoke are forgotten, but the stars Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane County, Oregon, in the absence of the 31.50 Jay Davis .............. Victor Crane ...................... 1 that shone for them are shining for us; , 67.87 i Bram-Knecht Herman Co. .. 51.50 Roe Balmer, Ernest C. Crown judge of the above entitled circuit 13.50 Fritz Drebert........ M. R. Kerner ...................... .. I the same eclipses run their steady clr- . 111.12 ¡The Bond Buyer, adv. sale Emma Crown, E. J. McHugh, court, dated the 31st day of July, 94.50 F. J. Ayer .............. , €. E. Allen .......................... .. . 72.00 I of bonds ......................... 46.20 ■ cle; the same equinoxes call out the Lizzie McHugh, F. R. Beals 1917. 52.00 J. D. Pearson........ Mrs. C. E. Allen .............. . 96.00' 'N. W. Barker .................... 50,00 and Mary Doe Beals flowers of spring and send the hus­ Date of first publication, Aug, 9, 40 50 Guy Mattoon ........ 1. M. Worvland ................ . 67.12 I County Poor. Defendants 1917. bandman to the harvest; the sun passes 28.00 James Petite.......... C. M. Ross .......................... . 36.75 I ■ H. Mason & Co................. By virtue of an execution, judgment 10.95 at either tropic as he did when his Date of last publication, Sept. 20, 76.50 James Sorenson ... A. L. Scloth ........................ . 99.00 Mrs. Marie Kamm .......... 35.00 course began, and sun nnd moon, and order, decree and order of sale issued 1917. 6.00 Claude Lane .......... Ocsar Natcmeier .............. . *99.00 Coats Lbr. Co..................... 8.75 planet and satellite, and star and con­ out of the above entitled court in the Albert N. Minton, 3.00 Geo. Lane .............. Wm. D. Shafer.................. 2.40 stellation and galaxy, still bear witness above entitled cause, to me directed . 9.00 i Crystal Laundry .............. Attorney for Plaintiff. F. E. Cross .......................... . 189.00 Leo Norwert ........ 42.00 . Mrs. F. P. Hobson.......... and dated the 20th day of August, 50.00 42.00 Gus Leno .............. to the power, the wisdom and the love Emil Larsen ........................ 1917, upon a judgment rendered and Notice to Contractors. . 46,87 Dr, L. L. Hoy.................... 35.00 80.00 Ernest Copeland .. Geo. Cook ............................ —io------ . 37.50 G. A. Jones ........................ 9 55 which placed them In the heavens and entered in said Court on the 20th 31.87 Martin Hartless .. H. M. Cross ........................ upholds them there. — Everett day of August, 1917, in favor of Notice is hereby given that the . 80.50 Schwab __________ 3.10 & Poland _ ............ 44.50 A. E. Meyer .......... John Anderson .................. Mortgage Company for America, a County Court of Tillamook County, , 52.87 I J. S. Stephens & Co. 15.00 48.00 Harold Scherzinger E. Brammister .................... . . 2.25 Tillamook - - - corporation, plaintiff and against Oregon, will, until 10 o'clock a.m. on Th» Judge Silenced. Feed - Co. 5.10 42.00 James Sutton ........ E. J. Bartrow ...................... Tn the famous trial of the dean of St. Frank W. Crane and Bertha Grace Sep. 14, 1917, receive sealed pro­ . 12.00 D. S. Boyakin ......................... 11,30 Fred Scherzinger .. H. K. Thompson .................. . 99.75 Asaph, Mr. Erskine, the great English Crane, defendants, for the sum of posals for constructing a concrete Mother’s Pensions. 3.25 P. C. Meyer .......... Warren Easom ...................... 95.25 Mary Burmesterm ................ 25.00 lawyer, put a question to the jury rela­ $3,570.68 with interest at the rate of viaduct over Beaver creek in the town 7.20 Arch Meyer .......... Oregon Box Mfg. Ct>............ 44.62 Anna Herchenheim ................ 17.50 tive to the meaning of their verdict. 8 per cent per annum from the 1st of Beaver, according to plans and 8.00 Frank Nelson ........ Jas. Pallen .............................. . 47.62 Irene Eadus ............................ 17.50 Justice Buller objected to its propriety. day of April, 1917, and the further specifications on file in the office of John Redburg ........ 25.65 W. H. Sales ............................ 17.50 The counsel reiterated bls question and sum of $300.00 with interest at the the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ 48.00 Johanna York.......... E. J. Idding .......... 37.66 Tohl and Anderson.............. 25.00 demanded an answer. The judge again rate of 8 per cent per annum from ty. Each proposal shall be accompan­ 48.00 Lizzie Armstrong .. 17.50 Jas Trent ................ Tillamook Iron Works ........ 25 00 interposed his authority in these em­ the 20th day of August, 1917, and ied by a certified check, cash or bid­ . 81.00 Elizabeth Gilliland . Ola Redburg .......... 42.80 the further sum of $7.30 with interest der's bond payable to Tillamook U. S. Steel Products Co. ... 32.50 phatic words: 21.75 Florence M. Baker . .90 Ernest Winzent ... from the 20th day of August, 1917, County, equal in amount to 5 per cent Joe Vermilyca ...................... . 25.00 57.75 lvell V. Gillam .... Earl Porter ............. ‘ ‘ Sit down. Mr. Erskine. Know your 78.15 and the further sum of $125.00 with of the total amount of the bid. All Anderson Bros.......................... 17 50 23.62 Ruby C. Brooten ... 16.25 Russ Tatro ............. Jim Bayer Jr.............................. 17.50 duty or I shall be obliged to make you interest from the 20th day of August, proposals must be made on form fur- , 12.00 Sarah E. Hatch .... Gilbert Rock .......... 1917, and for the further sum of ...shell nished by the County Clerk. Brighton Mills Co.................... 135.50 55.87 Laura E. Winters .. .25.00 know It.” .91 Richard Miles ...... Mr. Erskine, with equal warmth, re­ $47.25, costs and disbursements and The C< County Court reserves the Pauline Beals.......................... 38.05 Emma A. Crown .. . 17.50 Lee Lyster .............. 5.05 plied: “I know my duty as well as your the costs of and upon this writ com­ right to reject any or all bids. Frank Barnes .......................... 32.63 County Offices. Chas. Baker ............ 36.15 Erwin Harrisin, S. M. Batterson ...................... 273.33 lordship knows your duty. I stand here manding me to make sale of the fol­ 32.63 Clerk’s office ........................ 20 00 Alvin Curl ............... County Clerk, H. A. Bell ................................ as the advocate of a fellow citizen, and lowing described real property, to- 285.88 23.63 Sheriff ’ s office ..................... 1.00 B. B. Dunham ........ wit: First publication Aug. 30, 1917. D. S. Boyakin .......................... I will not sit down. ” 185.00 1.50 Assessor ’ s office .................. The East half of the East half of Last publication Sept. 13, 1917, W. F. Cane .............................. 102,00 Curt Holgate .......... 133.33 58.50 School Supt. Office............ The judge was silent, and the advo­ the Southwest quarter and the West A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................ 134.43 Roy Blanchard ....... 83.33 48.75 cate persisted in his questions. — Lon ­ Treasurer's office ................ half of the West half of the South­ 8.40 Ted Lyster .............. City Transfer Co...................... 108.00 don Opinion. 39.00 County Judge ....................... east quarter of Section 35„ in Town­ .91 Henry Ely ............... 125.25 Margret Coates ...................... 24.00 Commissioner Owens ........ ship 2 North of Range 10 West of 28.70 Lee Lyster .............. DR. WISE W. F. Cane .............................. 70 00 9.00 T. E. Epplett ....................... Human Horns, the Willamette Meridian, less one 2.00 Chas Baker .............. Geo. Cook ................................ 6.00 In the anatomical museum of the acre sold to Fred Kabkee by deed of Roy Braden ............. 54.95 F. E. Cross .............................. 15.75 Can be Found on Are You Looking Old? Edinburgh university four horns are date Feb. 2 8, 1903, and recorded in 20.00 Roy Blanchard .... F. R. Cardiff...................... . 18.00 preserved which had grown upon b ii- Book Y, at page 271 thereof, of the M. Beckwith ............ 185.91 Howard Cooper Corporation 42.00 MONDAY AT TILLAMOOK Old age come quick enough without man heads. One of these is about records of deeds for Tillamook 15,75 Mary Beckwith .... C. J. Hanks ...................... 17.12 inviting it. Some look old at forty. County, Oregon, less 20 acres sold to White .............. seven inches long, as thick as the little J. L. 10.83 TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE Hiner and Son .............. 27.00 That is because they neglect the liver J. G. Balmer by a deed dated Feb. 13, 2.80 Deell Penter ............ J. G. Jassmann ................ 9.00 and bowels. Keep your bowels regu­ finger and crooked in shape. A label 1912, and recorded Feb. 23, 1912, in Ball ................. Alva WEDNESDAY at TILLAMOOK 11.55 24.00 lar and your liver healthy and you attached to it bears this inscription: Book 22 of Deeds of Tillamook Coun­ King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. 3 00 John Weiss .............. Lamb Schrader Co........... 36.00 will not only feel younger but look ‘‘This horn was cut by Arthur Temple, ty, Oregon, at page 127, the said THURSDAY AT TILLAMOOK Craven ............ 1.00 Clare 9,00 younger. When troubled with consti­ chlrurgeon, out of the head of Eliza­ property being situate in the County Kathleen Mills .. Cal Parker ........ ” 107.35 beth Low, being three inches above the 42.00 FRIDAY AT TILLAMOOK Alex McNair Co. . pation or biliousness take Chamber­ of Tillamook and State of Oregon, 31.00 W. H. Kandle .. 28.50 lain’s Tablets. They are intended es­ right ear, before witnesses, the 14th of and containing 59 acres, more or less. N. W. McRae .... SATURDAY AT WHEELER 36.50 Ralph Welsh ... A. Batzner............. 18.00 pecially for these ailments and are May, 1071. It was a growing seven Now therefore, by virtue of said W. H. Doering . 2.25 excellent. Easy to take and most yeares. Her age is fifty yeares." execution, judgment order, decree »6,500.48 Leslie Jensen ... Both Phones, 21.00 agreeable in effect. For sale by La­ Total The three other buman horns also and order of sale and in compliance Fred Scherzinger 74.75 mar's Drug Store. graced the beads of ladles. with the commands of said writ, I Road District No. 2. R. B. McClay ... 3.00 will, on Saturday, the 29th day of 73.50 John Dyke ........ T. Haugen .................. Best Treatment For Burns. 72.00 September, 1917, at 10 o'clock a m. at Shaksapcar» and th» Ro»». 66.00 W. Sappington .. v. Kinnaman ............ -----o 28.87 the front door of the County Court The rose must have been Bhake- ............. 57.75 Geo. Kellow .... A. Tohnson ................ If for no other reason, Chamber­ apeare'a favorite flower, if one with ao House in 13.50 Tillamook, Tillamook 66.00 M. Butts ............ J. Honey ..................... lain's Salve should be kept in every 33.75 County, Oregon, sell at public auction catholic a taate can be aald to have ............ 78.75 Orley Church ... C. Christensen .......... 47.63 household on account of its great val­ (subject to redemption), to the high­ ............ 51.00 J. T. Davis ........ 15.75 ue in the treatment of burns. It allays favored one above another. He apeaka est bidder for cash in hand, all the 36 00 Ross Schoppart . E- Hess ...................... 81.00 the pain almost instantly, and unless of it at leaat eighty time», using it in right, title and interest which the 45.00 Chas. Waight ... A. Finlavson .............. 5.63 the injury is a severe one, heals the several cases ss the aymftol of perfec­ within named defendants Frank W. 22.50 Jim Bodyfelt .... J- Woodward ............ 6.00 parts without leaving a scar. This tion, as where Ophelia describes Ham­ Crane, Bertha G. Crane, J. G. Balmer, 3.00 F. L. Braden .... Arbury Shaw.............. 36.00 Salvei s also unequaled for chapped let as ’’th» 'rose' of the fair stat».” Jane Doe Balmer, Ernest C. Crown, 63.00 Lee Lyster ........ Ç. S. Wells ................ 41.00 hands, sore nipples and diseases of Emma Crown, E. J. McHugh, Lizzie 61.50 Fred Lyster .... H. Wilks .................... .......... Ai Hi Golfad. 31.50 the skin. Urice 25 cents. For sale by McHugh, F. R. Beals and Mary Doe 76.50 Jas Sperry .......... Ike Wells .................. .......... iLamar ’ s Drug Store. “ I just now met Blobeon. He said be 51.00 Beals, or either of them , had on the 48.00 Carl Curt ............ A. Darby .................... .......... was going out to play a little golf.” 40.00 1st day of October, 1913, the date of 48,00 John Dyke.......... E. C. Nielson ............ ........... , 12 00 Constipation the Father of Many Illa “He probably told the truth. Blob- the mortgage foreclosed in said de­ DONE RIGHT 49.50 A. Swartz .......... D»n Bristo.................. 36.00 son can go through more motions and cree or since that date had in and to 9.75 M. Swartz .......... Ed. Davis .................... 15.00 Of the numerous ill that affect hu­ play lens golf than any other man of the above described property or any at 1.50 Alva Butts ........ Wm. Banki{................ .......... 30 00 manity, a large share start with con­ my acquaintance.”—Birmingham Age- part thereof, to satisfy said execution, ............ 27.00 O. Kellow .......... Jess Saw ver . 2 25 stipation. Keep your boweTs regular Herald. judgment order and decree, interest, RIGHT PRICES. 22.50 Chester Jensen ... wm. Peuy costs and accruing costs. 75.00 and they may be avoided. When a .......... 63.00 Walter Sedore ... Dated this 20th day of August, 1917. ■ H. Leach............... 31.50 laxative is needed take Chamberlain’s Cynioal. 12.00 A. L. Stein ............ Leslie Lee .................. vf. L. Campbell, 15 00 Tablets. They not only move the Ornamental Fire Placea Built milieux — Bo you think their friend ­ 15 00 A. Norwert .......... E Himes ..................... Sheriff of Tillamook 54.00 bowels but improve the appetite and of Brick and Stone. All Fira I ship will end In marriage, eb? Cynlcua .......... 33 00 Geo. F. Baker .... J Himes...................... County, Oregon, 44.00 strengthen the digestion. For sale by Placea absolutely guaranteed —Ye». 1 guess that will be the end of Last publication Sept. 27, 1917. . 49 50 Wm. Peacock .... k Leach ...................... 14 .62 Lamar’s Drug Store.______ not to smoke or money re- I ft.—Town Topics. 18 00 David Holmes .. M Abplanalp ....... 8 62 funded. | 78 00 Joseph Langley .. R Stillwell ................ How to Give Good Advice. 6 00 Brick work of all kinds dona 63 00 Tames Imlah ........ Notice of Completed Contract. Starting Her. L Anderson .............. .......... The best way to give good advice 27.00 on short notice. o Judge — Madam, have you anything to is to set a good example. When Dolph Tinnerstet .... .............. 150 00 Gilbert Belleque .. 13.50 We make a specialty of re­ 82.25 Peter BcTleque ... Notice is hereby given that the p- c. Vaughn ............ 3 00 others see how quickly you