Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 13, 1917, Image 3

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SEPTEMBER 13, 1917.
into this industry as soon as possible, REPORTS SAY EDISON HAS
Ex-Ambassador Gerard, says in the
$ .10
■articles appearing in the Oregoninn:
I believe that today all the bitterness “We Now Have all the Rebellious
Elements Under Control.”
1 of the hate formerly concentrated on
England has now been
Orange, N. J.—Here is the wonder­
trated on the United States. The Ger-
man-Americans are hated worse than ful war mystery. More thrilling than
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the native Americans. They have French capture. More important than
"Paper manufacturers are beginning deeply disappointed the Germans; wheat. More romantic than air duels.
to feel the competition of the North- i first, because, although German- More engrossing than these and all
50 cliffe mills. Reports are that a break , Americans contributed enormously the rest, because it is still a mystery.
What is this mysterious secret in­
in the market is at hand. News print i toward war charities,the fact of the
is said to be selling in some quarters contribution was not known to the vention Edison, America’s wizard,
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. at $3, and whispers are abroad that recipients in Germany. Money sent to has perfected to destroy the U-boats?
some publishers have made contracts i the German Red Cross from America This is the big question mark of the
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
at $2.75. The Federal Trade Commis­ was acknowledged by the Red Cross, entire world war.
sion fixed $2,50 at a fair price. ”
but no publicity was given in Ger­
Here are the facts:
Every newspaper man in the north­ many to the fact that any of the mon­
Almost a year ago it was widely
west is praying earnestly for paper at ey given was from German-Ameri- announced that America’s electric
this price but the paper trust is still cans. Secondly, because the German- genius had a marvelous scheme by
robbing the newspaper men and it is Americans did not go to Germany, which electric rays would set off ex­
One can hardly believe, with so time the federal government had the ! as they might have gone through plosives at a great distance.
many states in the “dry” column, paper trust in jail. The paper trust is neutral countries with American pass­
Several months ago a leading mem­
that more whiskey is being manufac- making newspaper men cough up ports and enter the German army, ber of the naval consulting board of
$6.75 instead of $2.75 for every 100 and thirdly—the most bitter disap- I experts announced that American in-
tured and sold.
___ ' _ genius
' s was about to turn
pounds of newspaper.
pointment of all—the German Amer- | ventive
¡cans have not yet risked their prop­ against Germany a mysterious des­
Germany is wanting peace. When
Some business men over in Me- erty and their necks, their children’s tructive agent that would rid the sea
that country gets out of Belgium,
France and Russia, then, and not be- Minnville have hit on a plan for do­ future and their own tranquillity by of U-boats.
July II Edison himself in one of
fore, should the allies be willing to ing a cash business. They are grocers taking arms against the Government
and have started what they call a of America in the interest of the his rare statements, issued to his
talk peace.
"Groceteria.” Customers go into the Hohenzoilerns.
subordinates, said cryptically: “We
now have all the rebellious elements
That ought to satisfy prohibition- "Groceteria,” select the things they
The County Court appointed H. V. under control. Today will be remem­
ists. No more whiskey is to be manu- want to buy and pay for them when
factured until after the war. Yet for they leave the store. These two Mc­ Alley county commissioner, and did so bered as the time when we removed
have no doubt, from Mr. Alley's experience , the last jinx from the record.”
ail that the fellows who tipple will Minnville grocerymen must
A Way To Detect a U-Boat.
gone through the credit mill and be­ in road work and county affairs. Mr.
get plenty to drink.
July 20 the navy department
come wise, hence their effort to do a Alley proved himself a good county
----- o-----
The snap shot man isn’t taking any cash business by the new method. commissioner and to him belongs a mitted the announcement that a de-
credit for the rain that pattered down The grocerymen of this city who great deal of credit for road improve­ vice to detect U-boats 10 miles away
last week. A dairyman told us we were haven’t been overly cautious in giv­ ments in the north part of the county. ' was nearly perfected.
_________ official said
too slow in praying for rain, for we ing credit and have a whole lot of un­ One thing that the appointment will 1 A high government
should have done so a month before. paid accounts on their books might avoid, that is a factional fight. It is only a few days ago that Edison had
take a business wrinkle out of what is fortunate for the county that this is just completed a task that v.
We will remember that next year.
.. —o-----
being done in McMinnville.
avoided, and the next best thing to do tnake him the greatest man in the
----- o------
Now that Tillamook is in the ship
is to get behind Mr. Alley and the world.
The Westinghouse company, lead­
Those who had the management of County Court. If we have to insist
building business, the two govern­
ment vessels is only a starter. This is the horse racing at the Tillamook upon road work being pushed along ing makers of electric appliances, is
an industry that is come to stay and County fair are deserving of a good more promptly in the future, and al­ enlisting 1000 men willing to be ab­
will make a good pay roll for this city deal of credit for the large amount of so insist upon the County Court get­ solutely locked in from the outside
We wish the new enterprise success. enjoyment and fun they gave the ting busy this winter in planning world, holding no communication
people for so small amount of money. next year’s road work, Mr. Alley will with it, for 10 months, making “war
----- o-----
Don’t tell the barbers of this city This goes to prove what we have al­ have to take that in good part, for munitions.”
Edison, white haired, had been
that the Portland shavers are charg­ ways contended, that there is no need there is some criticism in allowing
ing 20c. to have your face scraped, to spend large sums of money for work to poke along so long. There is working for months, 16, 18, 20 hours
for they may be inclined to scrape outside attractions, for there is plen­ always more or less men needing em­ a day, in a veritable frezied debauch
an additional five cents from the ty of brains, originality and ability in ployment early in the spring, and the of sleepless nights and days, on the
jeans of Tillamookers. There’s this Tillamook people to provide plenty County Court can’t get started any submarine problem before he made
safety of attractions at the fair. Give those too soon on road work. Next year his electrifying announcement.
No government official will say a
who managed the horse racing a will see considerable road improve­
little more money and a little better ment in the county, and if possible word.
Do your bit, if you are a dairyman, track and that would add to the at­ the court should have the main high­ i Now—what is the conclusion?
Was the announcement of the new
to improve your Stock with register­ tractions of the county fair, but first way through the county fixed before
ed animals. We want to preach the thing to do is to improve the race the summer travel commences, cs- rays of remarkable power somebody’s
gospel for more blooded stock in the track and provide more seating ac­ pecially the Three Rivers road.
Was the naval consulting board ex­
county. Did it ever occur to the commodations, the latter to be free.
---- o ■
either a liar or a maniac? The]
dairymen, with the scarcity of food
School opened on Monday in the pert
in Europe, what a tremendous shrink­
Talk about overworking a free county, and the announcement is board is not made up of that kind of ‘
age there is there and the large de­ horse, amongst our correspondence made that teachers’ institute is to be men. Furthermore, Edison’s state-'
in one day were letters from differ­ held next week, which will close up ment was not denied.
mand for good stock after the war.
Did Edison boast wildly when he .
ent departments of the government the schools for a week, just as they
H. F. Effenberger says he is going and other organizations, asking us to are getting started. From a business said he had solved the last war puz- j
to remember the snap shot man for publish the same free of charge. The point of view the system is wrong, zle? Well—you can number 100 :
publishing those letters last week. contents of these letters would have but it is a law that the pedagagues magical inventions from Edison’s
Wonder whether it will be a bouquet filled a little more than four pages succeeded in railroading through the brain. Can you number one boast? _
Was the navy department talking •
he will remember us with or intends of the Headlight. That is only one state legislature. Suppose the ship-
to bequeath something to us in his day's mail, and not a day passes now I building yard which started up work I through its hat when it said U-boats'
10 miles away?
■will. We hope he will pass in his but we receive more < ‘
on Monday, closed down next week were un-masked
May Be Like Well*’ Idea.
checks quick if he intends to remem­ with a reminder that the patriotic so the contractors could talk “shop”
Is the high government official who
ber us in that way.
press should publish them. It is all ■ with other shipbuilders, we would all
very well to appeal to the patriotism think, and think rightly, that the con­ said Edison had finished a job that
--------- o---------
’ Automobiles are responsible, to of the newspaper men, but they know tractors should have knowledge and would
„ “make
, him the world’s greatest
some extent, for the shortage of mon­ full well if they undertook to publish experience in shipbuilding before they , .
. Westinghouse
ey in the northwest. Every auto sold all matter that is now finding its way took contracts. We don't think it is
s the
into a prison because
on this coast means from $500 to to the newspaper office, it wouldn't giving the taxpayers a square deal to
$2,000 sent back East. Well, the auto be long before the country editor start school for a week and close it believes that will attract labor in
craze is here to stay, and a lot of per­ would be going through the bank­ them down the following week for a these times of labor shortage?
Why doesn’t some high official put
sons are purchasing them who have ruptcy court, so as to unload himself teachers' institute, and there are a
these speculations to rest by an offi­
not the means. It is time that bankers of a big debt.
good many teachers that would pre­ cial
denial of them all?
all over the western country refused
fer being in their school rooms than
Isn't it plain that, instead of more
It’s really too bad. A German news attending the annual teachers’ insti­
to loan money to persons to pur­
paper says the American people are tute. And the taxpayers and the par­ than the facts being revealed, there
chase automobiles.
a "corrupted herd." And the “corrupt­ ents of the pupils think about the exist more facts than have ever been
This is one instance where every­ ed herd” thinks that the war lords of same as the snap shot man does in hinted at?
Jules Verne predicted the U-boat.
body in the county agrees with the Germany were war chazy when they this matter, in allowing 2000 pupils
John P. Holland built it.
snap shot man. The road work should plunged that industrial country into to remain in idleness for a week
H. G. Wells in his “War of the
be started earlier in the year and war and started out on the most bru­ while the teachers talk shop.
Worlds” told how the invading inhab­
Completed as early in the summer as tal, murderous war in the history of
■ - o-----
possible. .Ml kinds of road work is the world. This is what the Neues
There is one way to settle the pav­ itants of Mars used against the earth
going on when the fall rains come, Pester Journal, in commenting upon ing dispute, and that way is to ap­ folk a powerful light ray that burned
and, of course, there is complaint. President Wilson's reply to Pope i point a committee of level headed, everything in the path it swept.
The solution to this is for the County Benedict’s peace note says: “God (unbiased business men who have no I Is Edison ready through a Wcst-
Court to get started earlier in the preserve the peace of peoples from : prejudices and who will give the i inghouse machine, to turn this light
year. Don't blame the contractors if America’s peace mediation. The ■ dem- property owners as well as the con­ ray on the German sharks?
The wonderful war mystery is the
road work is going on now.
ocratic principle lias become the struction company a square deal.
w rorst corruption in the United States I That is what should have been done most gripping war thought today.
It will be the greatest world news
In the matter of improving the where
rherc millions are spent in every in the first instance, but some of our
dairy stock of Tillamok County, more presidential election in buying votes. worthy citizens wanted to get into an item tomorrow.
Wouldn’t you like to know in ad­
improvement have been made in the Every pro-monarchial man has long expensive law suit and did so, but
_ ______
past few years than in any period of known that no wholesale effect on , now want to get out of it now that a vance, just what it is?
the dairy industry of the county. This the present was to be expected i money consideration is offered them.
Holstein Breeders' Meet.
is to be accounted for in some meas­ from that corrupted herd of North I It may be that other properaty own­
ure by the activities of the County America, sunk to the profoundest dc- ers who are interested in the pave­
A meeting of the Holstein Breed­
Agriculturist, who has given the K radation.”
ment arc threatening to bring suit,
dairymen valuable assistance in selec­
but it is our opinion that they will go ers’ Association was held on Saturday
----- o-----
ting registered stock, and furnishing
through the same experience blowing presided over by Chas. Kunze.
Several bills were ordered paid and
them with useful information.
The snap shot man is always glad in a big pile of money iawing and
to see the first fall rain come after a then find themselves in the same the balance of the prize money cov­
The Mutual Telephone Co. has ap­ spell of dry weather. It is a most place as the litigants. The snap shot i ering the Wisconsin cattle prizes
plied to the Public Service Commis­ anxious and critical time for the man has always believed that the were turned over to the treasurer.
In „'he matter of sending Holstein
sion for permission to raise the tele­ county at the end of the summer, property owners will have to pay for
phone rates of that company, owing when conditions are favorable for the pavement, notwithstanding that stock to the State Fair, the associa­
to the high cost of labor and material. forest fires. Other counties have had the litigants made the boast that tion thought best not to do so, al­
If the Public Service Cimmission is considerable fires this year, and we they would not have to do so. To our though it was suggested that those
wise it will order the two telephone in Tillamook can congratulate our­ way of thinking, the best way to who wished to do so could do so.
In the matter of constructing a
companies to combine, for there is no selves that we have escaped fires this overcome the disagreement is to ar­
need whatever for two telephone sys­ year. This is due to the vigilence of bitrate the matter along the lines we Holstein factory, a constitution and
tems when one is all that is necessary, the fire wardens and careful precau­ have suggested, hut it will be a long by-laws were adopted, and a commit­
if the high cost of labor and material tions taken by the citizens in all parts time before the pavement controversy tee composed of B. L. Beals sr., J. J.
w ill bring this about so much the bet- of the county in their endeavor to is settled if prejudiced and unreason­ Rupp, John Schilds and Charles
prevent fires getting started, and we able persons and those who are to re­ Kunze, was appointed to solicit sub­
want to express our hearty apprecia­ ceive “hush money” want to dictate scriptions and the number of cows to
We are inclined to think that those tion of the co-operative spirit that ex­ terms. Th we is another phase that be pledged to the Holstein Associa­
land in Tillamook isted this year, and we hope the same should not be overlookcsf. Suppose tion factory.
who own prairie
Following is the telegram sent to
County could make more off of the community spirit will exist in future the city council refuse to abide by the
land raising loganberries than they years in everybody doing their bit to mandate of the supreme court the Herbert C. Hoover food administra­
can pasturing it to cows. The fact of prevent ilisasterous and destructive construction company will probably tor at Washington, D. C., by the as­
the matter is this: The yellow weed fires in this county. It is gratifying to sue the city. Should it win the ex­ sociation :
“We need grain feed for our cows.
have crowded out the grass on the know that no timber or other proper­ pense of the pavement will fall on the
prairie land and it is no longer fit for ty was destroyed this summer by fire. city and not upon the property own-
own­ Crops in the northwest are short and
pasturage. Something needs being
by by-products from wheat are our only
ers whose property is benefitted
done to obtain more revenue from
Surely there should not be any the pavement That would be an in- source of supply. We urge that you
have alt the wheat milled in the
this land. There is not much doubt trouble in securing 300 acres of land justice upon the city.
northwest that our mills can possibly
but what loganberries would bring in Tillamook County to insure a
more revenue.
loganberry juice factory when there
This was the reply:
is so much non-producing land in the
----- o-----
“Your telegram to Washington for­
We will gamble that if a "Groceter­ county. There is a whole lot of land
One dealer only in each town to warded here. We are doing just what
ia” was started in Tillamook, with that is more adapted to loganberry handle a High-Grade Automobile
you desire, that is encourage all the
goods sold at elose margin, it would raising than dairying, especially in
production of flour in the country
get a large patronage. Somehow we the Long Prairie district, the foot Tire.
Dclion Tire Sale* Co.,
possible, and one of the objects we
have very little sympathy with busi­ hills and other places, and if-those
81 Fourth Street,
had in deciding on this policy was it
ness men who lose money when they who have land of that character will
Portland, Oregon. would enlarge our supplv of dairy
allow every Tom. Dick and Harry to get into the loganberry industry it
get their auger into them. The groc- will mean that the crop is insured for
President Wilson says he feels that
erymen of Tillamook should change the next five years at 3'4 cents per the war in Europe is going to do this
their wavs and do business on a cash pound for the berries. That is a good country a great service. Going to! It
----- o-----
basis in future, and that would allow revenue, especially as four to five has already dragged the business of
I am buying all the blackberries
them to sell their goods cheaper, for tons of loganberries can be gathered the country out of the industrial de­
I can get for the Forest Grove
somebody has |o pay for bad debts. from one acre of land. It is a..good in­ pression into which it was thrown by
Fruit Canner* Asa'n. and will Pay
---- -O '■■■
vestment for anyone to put in from the Wilson-Underwood Tariff law. It
you 8*ic. per lb. cash, for them
The snap shot man could make five to ten acres, and the money in­ has afforded the Democratic adminis­
I will run my auto truck and
some spicy reading matters from let­ vested in doing so is smalT in com­ tration a pretex for a “prosperity”
gather up your berries, phone me
ters and inspired editorials that ap­ parison to what it takes to purchase claim. What more docs President
and make arrangements for pick­
peared in the Herald when the pave­ registered dairy stock. Sec Mr. Jones, Wilson ask or expect it to do.—\\ ood
ing. Both Phones.
ment controversy was at melting heat. the county agent, if you want to get Stock (III.) Republican.
Smith "The Calf Man."
Legal Advertisement*.
First Insertion per line ...........
Each subsequent insertion, line.
Business and Professional cards
one month...................................
Locals per line each insertion...
Display advertisements, an inch
and Lodge Notices, per line .
All Resolutions of Condolence
one month.................................
Well, we will hold our whist for a
while and not dwell on "coughing
up,” the poor widows, etc., for we do
not want to create any personal strife
and are anxious for the good of the
city to see the pavement matter set­
tled. But we know we hold a trump
hand if it comes down to another
newspaper fight.
Editorial Snap Shots.
A G ood P rovider for
the H ome
WIDOW in speaking of her late husband
said: “He was always a good provider.’’ In
the mind of this bereaved woman, this was a high
tribute to her husband’s character. It is often true
that the best husband is the man who saves a part
of his income for the future. By this plan he is
able to provide all necessities and many of the
luxuries; but constantly accumulates money and
property that will safeguard his family against
want when he is unable to work or after hie death.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Accounts and
Equipment Equal to any in Western Oregon.
Tillamook County Bank
Safe Deposit Vault Service.
Tillamook, Ore.
Program for Gem Theatre
“BRIDE OF HATE"—5 reel Triangle feature picture featuring
Frank Keenan and Margery Wilson. A picture of Slave
times in Louisiana.
“PIPE OF DISCONTENT”—One reel comedy.
“SOUL OF A MAGDALENE”—One of the ever popular Metro
pictures featuring the screen favorite Mme. Petrova.
"WINNING AN HEIRESS"—One reel Metro comedy featur­
ing Ralph Herz.
"PAGE MYSTERY”—Be sure to get one of the Heralds at the
show Saturday night.
“NINA THE FLOWER GIRL”—Triangle picture featuring
Bessie Love.
“PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY”—with Hearst Pathe news
“PL’LSE OF LIFE”—Bluebird Photoplay in 5 reels and a
single reel comedy. Watch the screen for further announce­
“THE SIREN”—Fox Feature Picture with the stylish Valeska
Suratt in the stellar roll. A picture worth your while.
Admission for adults 15c., children 5c. every night, unless
otherwise advertised, for some special feature picture.
THRIFT- that symbol of careful savings—judi­
cious spending—is but careful thought upon the
part of those who make business, household and
personal expenditure. By the aid of a Checking
or Savings Account at the First National Bank
—tt zvill be found easy of practice.
A. W Bunn. Farmer.
p. Heisel. Farmer.
C. J. Edwards. Mgr C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres.
B. C. ¡Mmb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
tV. J. Riechers. Cashier.
The First National Bank
Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells
Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc
Our flies are known to the
Sportsmen and are reorginized
the finest and best made flies
in America.