TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 13, 1917. — - THROWING THE DART. AMERICA’S GREAT NEED. OUR NATIONAL FORESTS, Vsnica and Cork, For Différant Rea­ son», Observa Thia Old Custom, Toaohing That Will L,ad to Content­ ment and Stability. Th«y Are 153 In Numbar and Ara Scat­ tered Over Nineteen States. No steam boiler Is safe without its provision against overpressure. A per­ fectly even application of its power to the work it Is doing is not possible. All through mechanics runs this same necessity of safeguarding against the surplus of force which must be generat­ ed to accomplish the work which the machine Is set to do. The safety valve for steam power and the fuse for elec­ tric circuits are mechanical essentials. Sanity, national as well as individual, demands balance. It demands men and women who unite with special practical efficiency in producing an equal skill and wisdom in using products. The most vitally important question of our Immediate future 1 b not what wealth and leisure can we achieve as an aver­ age for our people, but what shall we do with the wealth and leisure which as an average we do secure. It is assumed in our educational thought that with more money and leisure will come more contentment and stability. These will only come to a people prepared to secure and under­ stand them. Unless our schools give their pupils this preparation we shall some day need a cataclysm to show us the eternal fitness of things.—Ii«x:hester Post-Express. Under authority of an act of congress passed in 1891 the president of the United States is empowered to set apart public lands bearing forests as public reservations. The primary pur­ poses of the national forests are to in­ sure continuous production of timber and favorable conditions as to flow of water. As means to these ends strict supervision is maintained over the sale of mature timber, and the forest areas ■re guarded against fire. These areas are much used by camp­ ers, hunters and fishermen. "Recrea­ tion maps” are issued, which not only present maps of many of the national forests, showing towns, streams, roads and trails, but contain Information per­ taining to camp sites, fish and game, and campers’ registers are kept at the headquarters of the forest supervisors. The national forests, 153 In number, are scattered over nineteen states, Alaska and Torto Rico. All but two of •these states, Florida and Michigan, lie west of the Mississippi. The total area of national forest land, excluding that of other lands within national for­ est boundaries, is 244,189 square mile«. This area is nearly as great as that of the state of Texas, or of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Co. lumbla, Virginia and West Virginia combined, or of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin combined. In widely differing communities— Venice and Cork—there obtains a curi­ ous ceremony, that of throwing the dart. In the first case this Is an ancient custom signifying the marriage of the Adriatic. Every year since 1177, on Ascension day, Venice has been made the bride of the sea, and the throwing of the dart is a picturesque feature of a picturesque ceremony. Equally Interesting are the circum­ stances attaching to the similar func­ tion on thé first Thursday of Septem­ ber in Cork harbor, Ireland. By virtue of a clause in the city charter the mayor of Cork is constituted admiral of the port. Every three years he must evidence his jurisdiction by throwing a dart into the seat. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the mayor, the town council, all the civic officers and the band of the Cork civil artillery embark on a vessel and pro­ ceed to a point between Poor bead and Cork head, which is held to be the maritime boundary of the borough. Ttie mayor dons bls official robes and, attended by the mace and sword hearer, the city treasurer and the town clerk, likewise wearing their official robes, goes to the prow of the vessel and launches Into the sea a dart made of mahogany tipped and winged with bronze, in this way asserting bls ali­ tbority as lord high admiral of tile port.—Argonaut VENOMOUS SEA SNAKES. MEANING OF HORSEPOWER And How a Person In Lifting Weight May Expend That Fores. It has been estimated that to lift 550 pounds on« foot In one second requires what is known as one horsepower. Similarly a horsepower Is able to raise twice that weight one foot in twice the time or one-half foot in just that time. Moreover, It can raise half 550 pounds one foot in half a second or two feet in a second, and so on. Therefore, if you lift one-quarter of that weight, 137*4 pounds, four feet in one second you are exerting a horsepower. Accordingly, when a person who weighs 137*4 pounds runs upstairs at the rate of four feet a second he is ex­ erting the equivalent of a horsepower. For a man weighing twice that much, 275 pounds, It would be necessary to climb at the rate of only two feet a second to exert a horsepower. It is poesibls to do much more. As a matter of fact, a horse often exerts many times a horsepower. The aver­ age horse can draw a wagon tip a hill where a ten horsepower engine with the same load would fall. A horse­ power does not represent the greatest momentary strength of the average horse, but is a measure of the power which he can exert continuously.— Syracuse Herald. EAT ORANGES AT NIGHT. Then You Will 8loop Soundly and Rise Happy In the Morning. II—— S % « <3> .1- ■— — Did Visit You Golden’s Shop? A Complete Line of Beautiful $ <& Fall and Winter Styles in % COATS AND SUITS % For Ladies, and Misses' Ready to Wear WE SAVE YOU 50 Per Cent * <$> On Every Garment Bought in Our Store We Also Make to Your Order Exclusive Styles <$> * <$> * % i n * <$> & $ ♦> * Coats, Suits and Separate Skirts Satisfaction is What We Offer Youl and $ Values in Money Saving is What We are Giving You We Make Suits For Men, Tailored in ♦) If you are troubled with sleepless­ ness or if you are restless at nights, eat oranges before retiring. Oranges are Innumerable sea snakes, most of the best sedative in the world. A man which are highly venomous, infest the located in Clough's Old Drug Store Building on First Street on the orange diet will never get rheu­ waters of the Indian ocean and the matism, and be will have no appetite western Pacific. WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT COATS, SUITS OR SKIRTS * for alcoholic liquors. Both apples Nearly all of them differ from the oranges cure the liquor habit. land serpents by the laterally flattened Oranges, eaten before retiring, and oarlike shape of the tall and also make you sleep so soundly that by the scales of the under surface of arise In the morning invigorated the body. When cast ashore acci­ refreshed, with the notion that dentally the majority are quite help­ Women’s have been drugged with some potion less and soon die, for they are unadapt­ that makes life all the happier and joy­ ed for getting about on land. Three ous. The acid of the orange will help Shop species, however, differ from the ma­ purge you in case you need purging, jority of the sea snakes. One of the and the sugar of the orange win sweet­ most common kind Is a three foot First en your breath and your whole body. snake that lives in the waters from Street The coolness of the juice will reduce the Hay of Bengal to Oceania, This the fevers of your digestive tract, and species easily crawls on land and you wlU be 1,000 per cent better off for sometimes makes journeys of a consid­ the orange diet erable distance Inland. Orange buds and orange leaves steep­ Most of the sea snakes have brilliant Bad Advertising. ed In hot water and made into a tea colorings. They feed on fish and other are also splendid sedatives. The Butte Daily Post in an editor­ marine creatures and are extraordinari­ The orange was originally a berry in ial says: “Under the impetus of a ly active. In length they vary from Asia. It was brought Into Europe by payroll almost wholly connected with about two feet to ns much as ten or Alexander the Great, and It has been the shipbuilding industry, Portland is twelve feet. Hea snakes also differ greatly Improved since Alexander’s making a brave effort to hold its own. Washington's Tomb. front land snakes in the shortness of At the late date of 1827 a wish ex- time, especially by the horticulturists Until the recent revival of ship build­ the tongue. In their natural element ing, Oregon's chief city had been go­ pressed by General Washington In his of California. they thrust only the extreme tip of this The oranges are not growing here for ing from bad to worse. Its principal organ through two small notches In will was obeyed. He had called at- nothing. They thrive here because na­ industry, lumbering was crippled .by the closed mouth. They have compara­ tent Ion to Ills selection of a spot for ture intends them to be used by you as legislation enacted by a democratic tively small nostrils, placed on top of a new tomb for himself and family congress; other tariff schedules a food.—Los Angeles Times. the snout and furnished with a valve and those of the family already burled seemed to discriminate against the in the old vault The old tomb was tlmt *------------- ------ - not only the si>ot, but also dimensions party which Included Charlie Mitchell, and low prices for farm products, Silsnt Wisdom. the prizefighter. Mitchell made some Keep still. When trouble Is brewing, and materials. According to these, his remarks derogatory to John L. Sullivan, helped to make times dull in Oregon.” Young Men The day of opportunity is here now. This is a good illustration of the keep still. Even when slander Is get­ own plana, a tomb was built, and his to which Brodie rejoined with some dog with the bad name. This state months course in Machine Shop and Automobile Engineering ting on his legs, keep still. When your and Mrs. Washington’s bodies were sarcastic observations on the sprinting started the famous ‘Oregon System” at this C ollege will give you immediate employment at good feelings are hurt, keep still till you transferred to ft along with the re­ ability Mitchell displayed while in the some years ago and by the time the mains in the old vault of other mem ­ wages. WHY WASTE THREE YEARS AS APPRENTICE recover from your excitement at any were ring with Sullivan. This angered the experimentor and politician rate. Things look differently through bers of the family. The latter were prizefighter, who knocked Brodie flat. through wc were placed before the when this College can turn you out as an expert mechanic in burk'd together within the vault, out six months. We are demonstrating this every day at the Poly­ an unugltuted eye. As he scrambled to his feet Mitchell world as the home of freak laws and Dr. Burton relates how once in a or sight, while the bodies of General made another rush at him, but by then high taxes. Single tax was voted on technic College where actual engineering and mechanical work commotion he wrote a letter and sent and Mrs. Washington are in stone cof­ Brodie had a pistol in his hand and, at six different elections together is being done. it and wished he had not. “In my later fins above the ground, wlthiu plain thrusting It under Ills assailant's nose, with numerous other measures hav­ Best equipped College west of Chicago—Most Practical School of its kind in the United Statea—Write,for catalogue— years,” ho said, “I had another com­ view between the slender bars of a remarked: “You think you're gotn' to ing an equal tendency to frighten Iron doorway. It Is for this grated capital. They were voted down. But Homelike accommodations. motion and wrote a long letter, but make a reputation off lickin’ Steve Bro­ wc got the name and in the meantime reason that the most Illustrious of our life had rubbed a little sense Into me, die, don ’ t you? Well, you just hit me and I kept that letter in my pocket dead has so simple a mausoleum— once and there'll be a lot in the papers business lagged and the state suffer­ ed. Recently shipbuilding has helped against the day when 1 could look it obedience to his wish. about It, but you won't read it" That pull Portland out of the hole and has over without agitation and without closed the iucident. ECONOMIC A ND MILITARY benefited the w-holc state. Now gen­ Neighborhood Socioty. tears. I was glad I did. Less and less eral labor troubles are hurting all "Oh, mother,” cried Mabel, who had It seemed necessary to send It I was PREPA REDNESS yards. Let us all pull together to cor­ Watch««, Thick and Thin. not sure it would do any hurt, but in never visited in the country, "1 have rect this trouble ami place Oregon in Although some of the early watches niy doubtfulness 1 leaned to reticence, Just had a letter from my schoolmate the proper light.—The Manufacturer. and eventually it was destroyed." Inviting me to spend two weeks on her were very small in circumference, they were thick, and the front and back father ’ s farm! ” In addition to complote courses In general and Time works wonders. Walt till you The Farmers’ Party. Mabel's mother look«! up languidly. fairly bulged so that they were more scientific education, offers full opportunities in «■an s|>eak calmly, and theu you will o- ---- the shape of an apple than a cookie, "Yes, dear,” she remarked, “and not need to speak, maybe. MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIENCE Adding to its political confusion, what does she say about the society which they renlly resemble today. The ARTS AND COMMERCE waferlike watch is an invention of the State of Oregon is soon to hear in the neighborhood? Does Bhe men ­ Children's Prattle. Plan for effective future service. Your country very recent times, and the process of a new voice in its inharmonious chor­ tion nny one?" "••ds It. Sen« ter free Illustrated booklets.“Train At times It cannot be denied the us. The Farmers’ Non-Partisan "No.” answered Mabel thoughtfully, thinning it is even now going on. The League, which has practically taken the Brain for Peace or War” and “The Woman and questions of children become Irksome, obvious advantage of the thin watch the University." Addraas RogMrar, possession of the public offices in the but who would wish a child to ask no "but I've beard her mention the Hol­ Is that it can be placed in the belt or State of North Dakota, has been in­ questions? Julius Sturm tells in one stein« and Guernseys.” UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eineae. OreiM "Oh, well," said tier mother. “I pre­ pocket without making a bulge. If dorsed by a substantial number of of bls pretty fairy tales how a grand- watches had always been worn round sume they are pleasant people. ” — Ex farmers and labor organizations in father, driven into Impatient by the the necks they might still be spherical Oregon, and will probably have a coustant questionings of his grand­ change. rather than dlakllke in sbai>e. — Ex­ ticket in the field in the next cam­ child, exclaimed, ”1 wish your tongue change. paign. The prapaganda work, for the organization may acquire any im­ 8tory of a Lion. Notice to Dairymen. were out of joint!” But when unex­ present, is likely to be directed to­ portant influence in Pacific coast One of Str Charles Wakefield's pred ­ pectedly his wish was fulfilled and the states is a question; a question that I have for sale three Registered ward state owned elevators, packing Climbing ths Ladder. child became dumb how he joyfully ex­ ecessors In office, while In the Arabian The prudent, pennlleaa tieglnner ta plants and warehouses, state super­ may become important in Washing­ Guernsey Bull calves. They are G ot - changed one of the two years which an desert, came face to face with a lion the world labors for wages awhile, vision in marketing farm products, ton politics.—The Post Intelligencer enor of the Chene and Yeksa breed­ angel bad prophesied be whs yet to of parts. Ihiwn on his knees went the saves a surplus with which to buy state insurance and the guaranty of ing. I won three first out of four en­ live for the privilege of hearing the worldly knight in fervent prayer. The tools or land for himself, then labors bank deposits. tries iti the cow classes Senior and Woods Moss. lion understood — or did not — and re ­ little one's prattle again!—Exchange. Grand champion cow at Oregon The Oregon situation is very dif­ o treated aupperiesa. Thereupon the pil­ on his own account another while State Fair 1916. ferent from that in North Dakota Joe—Don't tell all you know, keep grim came home and gave 1200 to the and at length hires another beginner when Correspondence solicited. These the league commenced its work. a little for seed. A Bad Css*. to help him. This Is the just and gen­ calves are priced to sell. The cynical man was staring through Church of St Katherine Cree. Leaden- erous and prosperous system which Oregon has, for many years, enter­ Dave — One squeeze finishes a lem ­ the window at the chenty man swing­ ball street where the Mon sermon is opens the way to all, gives hope to all tained at active propaganda for pa­ on but it only gets a girl interested. . W. A. Goodwin, Cornelius, Wash­ still preached on each anniversary of ington County, Oregon, Owner and ternal and socialistic government, ing down the »trwt “Doe« Cheery loo many people spend their time and consequent energy and progress know anytbingF* asked his compan­ the escape, Oct 16.—London Chronicle. and Improvement of condition to all.— and not many "reforms” remain un­ condemning the conduct of others breeder of Rose City Guernsey Herd. discussed. North Dakota has a farm­ ion. of spending it in improv­ Lincoln. Volubility. ing population, while Oregon’s urban instead Ranch for Sale. •* ing their own. “Know anything!" said the cynical Mabel (studying her leeeoni-Papa. vote is more important than that of - O- '■ '■ Bert—Be - careful ..VW how juu you Jg give ad- ■nan. "He doesn't even suspect any- Man Classified. Including stock and farm equiptnc*1* the prairie state. It was to remedy the what Is the definition of "volubility?” somebody might take it thing.”—New York Time«. ratriot—One who goes with his wife alleged abuses directed against the vice, .Mabels Father—My child, volubility Is F — - E . r.’-n.k. lir 2__ _ **eeP *** the heart containing 24 acres of Wilson river bottom land, to be sold before the '• fanner that the league wa$_organized. of every so called woman a distinguishing feature of your mother to buy a hat and enjoys himself. Wsst,d Energy. Martyr—One that goes with her, but In North Dakota the movement be­ is a longing to have some hater there of October.—Inquire of Paul Eric»' It la none of our business, but It docs wheu on account of urgent business af­ falls asleep in the store. woman pct son. R. F. D. 1„ Tillamook. Ore. _ gan with a campaign for state owned him. fairs 1 don't happen to reach home un­ •earn that a porch climber waste« a Coward-The sneaky character that elevators, and the scope of propagan­ til after 2 o'clock In the morning. For the latest style in sideburns. lot of energy when he might Just as H. T. Botta, Pres.. Attorney always remembers he has an engage­ da work was gradually enlarged to see Rev. Northup. include state control or ownership of well get in by a window on the first ment.—I’enn Froth. at-Law. Ladies beware—Elliott, the ladies’ It’s Use. every instrument for marketing crops man, is in town. floor.—Arkansas Gaietto. "Maud has a very engaging person­ John Leland Henderson. Sec-1 and for supplying farmers with their Barney to Dave-"I see you She Wasn’t Old. ality." retary , Treas., Attorney-at- commodity needs. A. C. Townley, No Gloves For Her. ’There’s no use setting your cap for the head of the North Dakota League c eamng house." "Yes” says Dave "Yes. That's how she's managed to Law and Nqtrary Public. Flatbush—Am! are Mr. and Mrs. Car- get so many diamond rings."—Balti­ Mr. Gotrox, dear, lie's an old woman I there s nothing like moving things’ contends, curiously enough in these | around once in a while. Why I ¡„st nisee working hand an TILLAMOOK, ORE. „X % ■■ ■ Machanics and Automobile Men Wanted by the Thousands THE UNIVERSITY OF, OREGON Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. dispe consi feed ditior trict •he n count sition •hose a pro« more in a b it is S< more •he co »ext si , Gene lion to Patient » ‘ •he he Am firing ]j •hought remi JnK mac “and.” ( Phrased America not be *n solem nntimely •imely a Perfectly more wa .,rror tha '?'• thor ”»>> lead *tll says ■nsufficie, Ui' comb« * mistake •'.onably f .l"hed St “ w«ll cut bV° exe ?P**"ing J"<*ng fc