Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 06, 1917, Image 5

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Thanks the County Court.
Mr. F C- Baker, Tillamook, Ore.
My Dear Sir.—I, and several real
property owners, were at Bayocean
this summer. We all wish to thank
through you, the Tillamook County
Court for their interest and work on
the auto road leading to Bayocean.
\\ e feel that the road means pros-
perity for Bayocean and that may
__ 7
a|so assist in thc development of still
greater business for Tillamook. I
have visited all the other Seaside re-
sorts and think Bayoccan by far the
best. If the element which only tries
to destroy could be exterminated I
believe Bayocean would flourish like
a "green bay tree.” I think your ed­
itorials on Bayocean were timely and
Yours truly,
Cornith L. Crook.
---- o-----
Heirs in Henry Tohl Estate Petition
that H. F. Effenbergeer be Re­
£ Did You
t Visit
Sevilla Ha, a Treasure Houee Packed
With Authentic Facte.
Golden’s Women
Shop? s
In the historic Spanish city of Se­
The heirs in the estate of Henry
ville, near the famous cathedral and
Tohl have petitioned the County
occupying a frontage of about 200 feet,
Court for the removal of H. F. Ef-
fenberger, the executor, whose de­
<$> stands a building that la of paramount
luterest to the people of practically all
position was taken on Tuesday.
* the American republics. Because of
----- o
Two letters were placed on file on
the contents of this building Seville is
Tuesday, which have some connec­
becoming the Mecca of American bla-
tion with the petition for Effenberg-
! toriaus.
er’s removal. They are as follows:
' The structure is a veritable treasure
Nehalem, Ore. Aug. 11, 1917.
house of authentic facta concerning
Attorney H. T. Botts, Tillamook ,Or.
! the colonial period of all the Spanish
Dear Sir:—Am herewith enclosing
speaking countries of the new world
check for $1,350.00 in full payment
as well as a mine of information rela­
of amount due you as per our agree­
tive to the early history of a very
ment. I trust this will appease your
large part of the United States.
anger and restore your nervous sys­
The house is known as the Casa
tem to a normal state, although mine
Lonja, and the treasures It contains
Homesteaders' Fair.
For Ladies, and Misses’ Ready to Wear $ consist
is somewhat shattered due to too
of the general archives of the
dealings with the legal lights at
The annual Homsteaders’ Fair will
..... much
indies, that wonderful collection of un­
the county seat.
be held on Friday, September 14, at
published, unedited and for the most
Now that this matter is settled
the Magarrell place on the Blaine think kindly of me in the event that 1
part even uuindexed original docu­
road. The paratie will start at 10 should pass
ments, reports, letters, etc., which prac­
my Vincivi
checks Uli
and place
. -- in
... ...J
o'clock in the morning and at 11 a.m. flowers to brighten the pathway
tically embrace the administration of
there will be songs and speaking, those with whom you may have of
the colonies under the dominion of
after which there will be the regular casion to
Spain in all the Americas.
-- deal hereafter,
__ _k...
picnic dinner. In the afternoon there
Thanking you ' for the courtesy
* The mother country kept In very
will be bicycles, horse and foot races. tended me in this matter, 1 am,
close touch with her children across
We Also Make to Your Order Exclusive Styles in
Following are additional preti iunis:
<s> the sea, and these detailed reports,
Largest Pumpkin—1st, 75c.; 2nd,
contracts, cedulas and legal documents
H. F. Eifenbcrger.
25c., by H. T. Botts.
of every kind, as well as thousands
Largest kale plant—1st, 75c.; 2nd,
of letters of officials—private and con­
August 13, 1917,
25c., By Smithy’s Variety store.
Mr. . ...
<$> fidential as well as of a public charac­
H. F. EtTcnbergcr, Nehalem, Ore.
Best display of vegetables by a I Dear Sir.—1 am pleased to acknow­
ter-form an almost inexhaustible mine
-- —1st, |2.50;
**> 8" 2nd,
•’ ' $1.50; I | •
Satisfaction is What We Offer Youl and
ledge the receipt of your check of
of historical facts.—Exchange.
3rd, $1.00 cash by Tillamook Meat August 11th for $1,350. I assure you
that my nervous system has not been
Largest Cabbage—1st, $1.00 by affected by this, although it has an­
Values in Money Saving is What We are Giving You
Bennett the Jewler, 2nd, 50c. by the noyed me that you have been so di­
They All Knaw How to Land Whsn
latory in carrying out your plain
Best decorated animal or vehicle in agreement. I think that your own
Cast Adrift Upon th, Waters.
the parade—1st, sack of flour, by nerves might have been in better con­
I took a large spider from bls web
Standard Feed Co.; 2nd, $2,00 by dition had you not tried to delay per­
under the basement of a mill, put him
Grange; 3rd, $1.00 by the Grange.
forming your contract. However, as
Our Store on Premises
on a chip and Bet htm afloat on the
to this particular matter, we will re­
<$> quiet waters of the ¡Hind. lie walked
Mrs. Isabel Aiderman McLees.
gard it as a closed incident.
all about the sides of hla bark, survey­
Now, as to thc future 1 will say that
«V* ing tile situation very carefully, and
The funeral of Mrs. Isabel Alder­ I don't want to have to wait until you
* when the fact that he was really afloat
man McLees, wife of Mr. J. C. Mc- pass in your checks before I can
and aliout a yard from shore seemed
Lccs, of Bend, Oregon, was held from throw some bouquets at you. I would
to be fully comprehended he looked
the Methodist Church, Lafayette, on like to present some flowers of ap-j,
* out
for the nearest land.
nrcciatinn for
(nr good
rrnnA conduct
- — —J-- *■ to - you
last Sunday afternoon, conducted by prcciation
This point fairly settled upon, he
Rev. Bruce J. Giffen, pastor of the while you are alive to receive them. I
Immediately began to cast a web for
McMinnville Presbyterian church. certainly don't intend to give you any
It He threw It as far as possible In
Mrs. McLees was a sister to W. B. afterward if I don’t feel like extend­
the air and with the wind. It soon
Aiderman, of Tillamook, A. L. Aider­ ing them before. I think that’s the
reached the ahore and made fast to the
man, of Asotin. Wash., and Mrs. best time for these things to be done
spires of grass. Then he turned him­
Mary A. Bird, of McMinnville and while the receipient can have the full
self about and In true sailor fashion
Mrs. Emma Duncan, of Salem. Her benefit of everything that he is en­
parents we're among the seven fami­ titled to, but I must say that so far
began to haul in hand over hand on
lies that first settled in the region of you haven’t given me a very good op­
bls cable. Carefully he drew upon It
Tillamook, and their descendants portunity to do anything of this sort <$>
until his bark begun to move toward
have had an honorable part in the for you.
the shore. As It moved the faster he
making of Western Oregon. Their
the faster drew upon It to keep his
For some reason which I don’t
names were Isaac and Harriet Alder­ know, but which I presume appeals to I
hawser taut and from touching the
man. As a young woman Mrs. Mc- you to be sufficient, you haven’t felt
water. Very soon he reached the shore,
Le«s spent some years in Lafayette, very friendly towartis me. Of course, I
and, quickly leaping to terra firm*, be
Bosnia's jitney back to camp.
and was married May 22, 1902, to J. that is your privilege whether you ed by failure on your part so to do. I Commercial Club.
A library tent is to be erected in sped hla way homeward.
The chairman appointed a commit­
C. McLees at Pendleton. Only recent­ have any good reason for it or not,
Yours very truly,
Thinking that be might be a special
ly they made their home at Bend,
H. T. Botts.
I want to say that I have not in- I
expert and an exception in that line
the Food Administrator, asking that,
and there she was taken sick with but
to give you any reason for Second Annual Live Stock Breeders’ as much wheat be milled in the north­
of boatmanship to the rest of his com­
The Pendleton Round-Up.
pneumonia and passeil away Friday, tended
thinking that I have ever mistreated
panions, I tried several of them. They
west as possible so as to leave the by­
August 24th.
and I don’t intend to mistrust
The Pendleton
ndleton Round-U|
Round-Up will take all name to shore in like manner.—Vir­
products for our cattle feed.
----- o-----
Besides her husbantl and two sisters you,
in the future, but we are still go­ By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist.
and 22, ginia Pilot.
The meeting broke up and it is place on ! September 20, , 21 __
and brothers, Mrs. McLees leaves you
to be brought into relation with ' On Tuesday night of Fair Week I hoped that next year a similar ban­ and this is the genuine and original
nephews and nieces to mourn her .loss ing
each other in some business matters the second Annual Breeders’ Banquet quet will be held where the looser in round-up that attracts people from all
and to pay tribute to her memory. and
Radium Curas Cancar.
the best way for us to get along took place at the Presbyterian Guild the show ring can congratulate the parts. It will be unusually attractive
She was a good woman, reared in the in that
Practically ell experimenters have
Hall. The ladies of the Guild fur­ winner and advise him to look for
Christian faith, and serving her day
one basic fuct— that ra­
want three days of real enjoyment demonstrated
and generation with faithfulness and ' thing. I don’t intend to call on you nished a sumptuous repast for the his laurels another year.
dium does destroy cancer cells without
devotion. The world is poorer be­
hundred people in attendance, after
producing any disintegrating effect
cause of the passing of such sons and do anything else so far as you arc . which short talks were given and
News From Tillamook Boys.
upon normal tissue. The radium mole­
daughters of the race, but the world concerned.
general good time enjoyed. Mr. Chas.
----- o-----
cule Is the only agent known to man
In the Tohl estate my connection in Kunze, president of the County Hol­
is richer too, because of the heritage
Another Lieutenant was added to
which suiveeds In doing this. Of that
I am buying all the blackberries
of the service and memory of such the future will be, so far as I know, stein Breeders' Association, acted as the list of officers of the 10th C om-
supremely important fact there Is no
I can get for the Forest Grove
solely in behalf of my clients, and for toast master and explained the object
lives lived among us.
Fruit Canners Ass’n, and will Pay
longer the slightest room for doubt—
¡them I shall expect you to fully re­ of the meeting as that of smoothing pany this week, 2nd Lieutenant V. V.
Mills having been assigned to the
you 9%c. per tb. cash, for them
that is to say. If the radium rays could
Rev R. E. Jope, Pastor of Roseburg spect their rights at all times. If you over any jealousies that may have company. Lieutenant Mills was re­
I will run my auto truck and
be brought* to bear upon every cancer
don't do it voluntarily, I shall feel arisen during the fair and starting
Christian Church, Resigns.
cell this scourge would vanish from the
' obliged to take the necessary steps every breeder off with a firmer de­ cently commissioned after having at­ gather up your berries, phone me
and make arrangements for pick­
j to compel it, and in order that this termination to come next year with
world. The reasons that its use does
(Roseburg Daily News.)
idio. He joined the company on last
ing. Both Phones.
not always succeed are many and too
Rev. R. E. Jope, who has been pas- ! may he gotten under way promptly I another grand champion offering.
Friday. The company now has its full
Smith “The Calf Man.” I U»trtea(ç [or dy^ rlptlon In till; plflçe.
Mr. W. K. Newell, now of Port­ complement of officers in 1st Lieut­
tor of the Christian church in this will call your attention to the follow­
I Put tlie rix-ortJn of no many positive
city for the past three and a half ing matters which now require atten­ land, but formerly a Holstein breeder enant Ray B. Walls, commanding of-
PRESERVE YOUR SHOES. I cures tiri' riow nvnilnlde, cures of can-
years, yesterday tendered his resigna­ tion.
at Gaston,
----- —, , judged
— b — the
— black
-------- -
— ■ ficer, 2nd Lieutenant James H. Wol­
You have failed to file any account whites at the fair and was called on ford and 2nd Lieutenant V. V. Mills,
tion to the official board of the
cers usually regarded ns hopeless and
church, and expects to engage in ' of your proceedings as executor to to tell how he dared to stay over to j Mrs. Mills accompanied her husband it Will Repay You to Givo Thom Prop­ Inoperable, that we must Anally con­
law requires this to be done
u complimented I the ! and is quartered at the fort.
evangelistic work. He asks that his date.
er Care and Attention.
clude that medical science has obtained
twice The
a year.
’ |‘he banquet. “ He
resignation take effect October 31.
cattle show at the fair, saying that it
We all wear shoes. If we manage a powerful weapon in Its struggle with
You have failed to inventory some Was as good a Holstein and Guernsey Wednesday, Colonel Ellis again in­
In the loss of Mr. Jope, the local
them rightly they will last longer, we thia disease.—World's Work.
Christian Church not only loses one I of the property of the estate and I show as he had ever seen at any spected our ranks and on Friday will not need so many new ones and
of the strongest pastors it has ever
county fair in the state.
Major Coppernoil, the fort command­
Tha Rocker Rebelled.
had, but the city looses a very useful : which I am told cost some $1,100
Thomas Carmichael, also a Hol- er, made a monthly inspection and there will be more left for others. Tlie
citizen as well, and one that has been
stein breeder from the valley, second- muster. Anothei' inspection, by the following suggestions from the leath­ In the early days of missions in Per­
vitally connected with every move probably worth no; more than $150 i ed Mr. Newell’s remarks and compli- company officers, should have been er and paper lals»ratory of the Unite«! sia the js-ople were naturally suspi­
for the betterment of Roseburg, at this time. There is also your uncle’s mented our co-operation spirit and ' held on Saturday, but this was omit­ States department of agriculture can cious of the inisshinaries and were con­
stantly on the lookout for s««methlug In
since he came to this city, and he and gold watch and furniture which he fine climate.
lie utilized by every oiiy wb^ walks;
his estimable family will be greatly owned. I am also advised that he I C. M. McAlister, commonly known
Because of the inspections and vac­ Shoes should lai oiled or greased their houfwm which would exert a bale­
owned some books and had someth­ as "Mac”, of the Portland Union cinations, little was accomplished
ful influence upon native visitors. A
Very soon after coming here he ing of a library. The books
cost con- 1 $tcick Yards, complimented the stock 1 during this week. Up to date we have whenever the leather begins to get Persian lady, calling one day on an
• - Il _11 V -
took charge of the young men’s class sidcrable money. These shouhl all be | show at thc fej,- an(j SpOke particu- j received
rcceived three
three "s
"shots in the arm” to bard or dry. They should tie brushed American missionary holy, wlsh«*d to
of the Christian Sunday school, and inventoried. These items may not |ar]y of the improvement in the swine i ' iiiAivc
,nake us
us immune
iiiiii.uiie from typhoid be- thoroughly and then all the dirt and sit In a rocking chair, which was some­
„---- —
deal, , but whatever of tjle county as shown, not only at I ' sides smallpox vaccination. Three mini that remslns washed off with thing she had never Been before. SJte
is at present their teacher. He has amount to a great
■* - should
-*—'J **•
proven himself a wonderful leader of ' they are they
be accounted <nr
for :our fajr( but jn the qualify q £ the more "shots” are due before the work warm water, the dxcess water being got up Into It wltL her reel and at­
young men, and "his boys” will regret ■ and must be.
hogs sent to thc Portlan«! market.
is completed. As expressed by one of taken off with a dry cloth. While the tempted to squat uisin her h«*ela, as
to see him go. Another place where
In making the settlement bv which
County Agent Jones gave the result the boys, wc will make good salt shoes are still wet and warm apply she would have done u[ion the floor,
he will be missed is at the old soldiers 1 you get the share you do in the estate of thc production competition for the shakers when they arc finished with
thq oil or grease with a swab of wool with the result that she and the chair
1iome, where he often went to preach you will now paid out of the money i I Wisconsin Holstcins that
were us.
. .
of flannej. |t Is b?sl lo ìiave lhe oil or both tool >k a tumble backward, Hen;*«
or deliver an address on some patri­ of the estate for yourself, your moth­ brought in last winter as follows:
A machine loaded with boys from
------ w«
. <mt uTrond a JT-pdrt that the
otic occasion, and always had a word er and your two uncles, together
Sweepstakes prize to Mutual Betz the company made the usual Saturday grease about as warm as tire hand can there
tnlsslonarlea kept In their bouses a ma­
of cheer for the men who had sacri­ owning three fourths of the estate, of Rock, owned by Noyfolk Farm, excursion
to Tillamook. Another load
ficed so much for their country.
for your own expenses in litigation judged 50 per cent on her 30-day is scheduled for next Saturday, pro­ Inta the leather, preferably with tha chine for converting people to Chris-
Rev. Jope was a great factor in $3,200. Mrs. Klein, who owns the record; 25 per cent on her type and vided
that the chauffeur (Billie Wil­ palm. If necessary th# o|l can be ap­ tianlly.—Loa Angeles Times?
the Twilight baseball league of this other one-fourth interest in the estate 25 per cent on type o£ her calf.
doesn’t forget to get up at plied to dry leather, but It penetrates
which would make $1066.66. I would In the two-year old class:
reveille some morning between now better when the latter is wet. After
He came here from Tillamook, at ask you to make payment of that at
1st to Pontiac Champion Vale De and then. That happened a week ago, treatment
the shoes should ite left to
Mrs. Trô!
afraid of
which place he was pastor of the this time.
Kole, owned by Ebinger & S-
and as a result a number of faces dry
burglars? No doubt your husband has
In a place that Is warm, not hot.
Christian church for two and a half
f am informed that you have taken
2nd to Pauline Vicery I.ongfield De were seen about camp that would
Castor oil is satisfactory for shoes a revolver?
years, during which time the present it on yourself without any authority Koi, owned by Ebinger & Son.
otherwise have been in Tillamook. I
arc to be pollali«*«]; for plainer
Mrs. Lyona-Yes. but I'm so afraid
Christian church building was built. from the rest of the heirs or i-om the
3rd to Daisy Pauline Brookside De Billie says that the corporal in that
footgear neatsftxit, flab «ili or «Orine of flreartua that I have bidden It.
The evangelistic work is by no Court to sell the old store building or Koi, owne«l by F.bingcr & Son.
charge of his tent should have wak- inuv
be sH>«t!tnf«sl If it Is desired to
Mrs. Irons-Then what protection
ffieans a new field to Mr. Jope, as he • warehouse, and that it is being torn
4th to Lady Aggy Crosby of Rock ened him.
lias had much experience in this de­ down. I understand that you are get­ owned by F. R. Beals.
make the shoes and bo^'s cori water W<>( -d you have hi cuae of a robbery?
The peace and tranquility of the
partment of the church work during ting $25,00 for this. A responsible
«. Lyons My dear, the way that
5th to Mechtilde Pontiac Long- camp were disturbed on Thursday proof beef L-llosr maz be aid.J to an
Tiis past 20'years in the mini<ry. He party has informed me that h_£ would fielfl, owned by C. Kunze.
will roar at me wlien he can't
of theea stibstnneas at tha rnto of bn! T
celebrated his 20th anniversary as a have been willing to pay, and still is, I 6th to Canary Fobes May De Koi . Quartermaster’s Department thought a pound of tallow to a pint of oil. Th
that gun will scar* any burglar
minister on June 17 of this year.
as I undcri'and it, $150 for the same owned by R. W. Watson.
| that the Germans were after him. He edge Of tha sola and (tie welt ». onld Is a it bls wit».—London Answers.
As to where his headquarters will lumber
as it
stood. You shouldn't | I 7th
lllllll’vi a»o
- ••• to Stella De Koi
— • - Sarcastic Lad
emptied two clips of cartridges from greadbd tbotwie-kly. ff’oo’irs« I zro»»*
be, Mr. Jope does not know, but it proccru
proceed further
this r---
part of the ownc4 by Noyfolk farm,
Human Faeaa.
| his pistol and fell down a flight of cannot be api>ll«*d to these parts.
is quite certain he will not continue business
until you get the consent of i I Sth to Lady Dulcinia Vale of Rock stairs, fracturing two ribs slightly.
A simple method of making the soles
Dreadful limits are set In nature to
to reside here, as the city is not cen­ the rest of the heirs.
owned by F. R. Beals.
The guard hastened to the scene and more durable, pliable and water re­ the jsiwera of dissimulation. Truth
trally located for his work.
Now, if there is anything about
Rollie Watson, feeling fine as own­ made a thorough search of the neigh­ sistant is to swab them occasionally tyrannixea over the unwilling membera
It was stated today that Mr. Jopc’s | these matters whieh I have mention­ er of the grand champion Holstein borhood
but were unable to find any­ with linae«>d oil, setting them aside to of the body. Faces never lie, It Is said.
cesignaion will he acted upon one ed that is out of the way, so far as female of the show, was given a
except the injure«! man and a dry overnight.
No man need tie deceived who will
■"'pek from next Wednesday. What any demands I make of you, let me chance to express some of nis en­ thing
strong cdor of alcohol. Extra guards
Many of the c«imnion alme polishes 1 study the chances of expression. Kin-
action will be taken in regard to the know what it is and I will try to make thusiasm and thus kept from explod­ were
are harmful to lent her. All those ' eraon.
resignation can not, of course, be it right, but if there isn't anything
nothing further happened.
stated at this time, but it was learned out of the way in it, will ask you to ing-
A big bundle of dish tawels was re- which contain sulphuric, hydrochloric
or rne
Hsr Threat.
’rom a very prominent official mem- lout
I proceed in accordance with what I showed his bravery by coming to the ceived"during the week as a gift from or oxalic acids, turpentine, benzine or
Excited Man ito dnigglstl—If _ my
’rr of the church to«V>y that great have demanded,
banquet after having sold most of the ladies of Tillamook. They arc
J....... J. J. -~J ' -- .
pressure would be brought upon Rev.
Please don’t take this
as a matter I the cattle shown zt the fair to their'now doing violent service and the to banlen the leather sud mnkc It more wife tries to buy carbolic acid hero
J^pe to influence him to withdraw which
don't sell It to her; she has threatened
I am trying in any way to present owners. No one mobbed him, camp "silverware” is shining as it liable to «'rack
bis resignation.
It la poor e ononiy. too. to wear a to
' disinfect my meerschaum pl|>e with
,never a shone ueiuic.
coerce you, but I am simply asking in fact, everyone seemed glad «hat .saw«,
that you do for my clients what they they had the cattle and glad to have
Mrs. N. J. Myer» and Mrs. Oscar shoe with the licei bndly worn on one IL—Boston Gioì*.
Ranch for Sale.
are entitled to have done, as T under­ the Colonel with us again. The Col­ G. Swenson were recent visitors. Mrs. side This throws the shoe out of
It, Class.
stand it. I am making the demand onel's remarks on the improvement Myers, we understand, is to move to nhsand may so««n result in Its ruin
including stock and farm equipment kindly but seriously, and I hope you of the stock in the cottnty were en- the town of Chinook, two miles from It N n!»o likely to cause temnorar.v
“Mac's story sounded ridiculously Im­
Containing 24 acres of Wilson river will take it in the same way and i joyed br alf.
here and establish a residence. Ser­ Injury >«v th« foo»
1 probable. didn't It?"
"pttom land, to be sold before the 1st avoid any »•»>••»•»
b* 1 ---
Mr. Kuppenbender
for the geant Swenson accompanied his wife
trouble which
------ might
•‘Worse than that; It sounded Ilka a
October.—Inquire of Paul Erick- caused to any of the parties interest- fa;r Board and Mr. Baker for the to Tillamook and is to drive Peter
movie plut.”—Life.
•on, R. F. D. 1., Tillamook. Ore.
A Complete Line of Beautiful
Fall and Winter Styles in
WE SAVE YOU. 50 Per Cent
See Us