T illamook headlight . S eptember e. iai7. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 Business and Professional cards one month. .................................... I.oo Locals per line each insertion... »5 Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . OS All Resolutions of Condolence one month..................................... •50 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. F. C. BAKER, Publisher. Editorial Snap Shots. Prepare for next year’s garden. A good start was made this year, but everybody should grow more vegeta- bles, fruit and garden truck next year, Get busy. ------ o— - Telegraphic news from Washington states that the consumption of whisky is on the increase. 1 his is surprising now that Oregon is "bone” dry. It must be that the states that are “wet" are consuming considerable more booze. The Beard of Equalization will meet on Monday, and those who think their assessment is not high enough, we are sure the beard will be glad to raise it. But now is the time to put in a protest if the assessment is too high. Don’t kick after the as­ sessment is complete. progressive dairymen of Tillamook County will make as much money breeding blooded stock as they make from the production of milk and the manufacture of cheese. The reputa­ tion of Tillamook cheese will help bring about a reputation for Tilla­ mook dairy stock, and what money have been invested in registered an­ imals should prove a good business foresight. ----- 0----- We want to say a word or so aboir Tillamook County Fairs. For the past five years they have been most suc­ cessfully conducted, drawing large crowds fro mall parts of the county, crowds from all parts of the county, war, it was ho easy job to make an attractive fair this year but notwith­ standing this, those who had the managemeent and those who exhibit­ ed are deserving of a great deal of credit. It is generally agreed that the county fairs are going to continue, and to make them a success in future new features should be injected into them. There is plenty of ability and originality in Tillamook people to make the County Fair ipore attrac­ tive without spending money for out­ side attractions. One thing that is lacking at the fair grounds is seating accommodations, and it seems to us that the general plan of the fair grounds should be re-arranged, es­ pecially for the horse racing feature fair should of the fair. Next Year’s L have new features and new stunts, with plenty of amusements. It is none too soon for the Fair Board to figure out how this can be brought about. DRINK ON INCREASE. Consumption of Whisky and Tobacco Breaks Recorc—Total Tax 083,055. their families is so broad that only an extensive review could do it justice, but its great principles really need no commendation. They speak for them­ selves, and they will appeal, we feel sure, to the mind and heart of Con­ gress as they do to the mind and heart of the country. This deeply im­ portant measure, so typical of the Government’s solicitude for the men it calls to the colors, should be press­ ed promptly to enactncnt.” To these may be added the en­ dorsement of Colonel Roosevelt. “It puts the United States where it ought to be, as standing in the fore­ front among the nations in doing justice to our defenders.” B usiness B ank It ashington, Sept. 3.—All previous American records for consumption of whisky’, cigars, cigarettes and tobacco HEN you deposit your money with this apparently went by the boards during Bnnki you have the advantages of the the past fiscal year. The preliminary report of Commissioner of Internal service t* <>f ¡i business Bank. You can deposit the Revenue Osborn covering the 12 money • you receive, just as it cornea to you in months ending June 30, made public checks, drafts or Money Orders and we will col today, shows record tax collections lect ¡ill paper anil place the amount to your on these and other articles. Here are the grand totals of pro­ credit. Then you can write your own personal i duction upon which taxes are paid: checks in payment of your purchases and they Distilled spirits front every source at the Bank, you returned check will be paid , —rye, corn, wheat, apples, peaches, Lightning Flashes. beinz the best receipts for your payments. pears, pineapples, oranges, apricots, Commercial Banking and Savings Business. berries, prunes, figs and cherries— Tungston is now used as an electric 164.665,246 gallons, an increase of Unexcelled Equipment and Service. battery element. 26,000,000 gallons over the previous Electric goods of American manu­ year, yielding a tax return of $186,- facture arc extensively sold in Porto 563,055. I Rico. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 146,000. (Mj Cigars Gain in Popularity. I Electrically charged rods are used Tillamook. (Ire. Cigars of all descriptions and for driving rebellious cattle on the Weight, 9,216,901,113—approximate­ ranches of western Texas. ly 90 per capita, as compared with It is estimated that this year’s bust- I 8,337,720,530 the previous year, ness in electric ranges will be in the Cigarettes, 30,5 29,193,5 38, as com- neighborhood of $3,000,000. pared with 21,087,757,078, an in- An improved type of multa-speed crease of more than 40 per cent, alternating current electric motor has Tobacco chewing and smoking, recently been invented. 445,763,206 pounds, an increase of Electricity furnished by a central 28,500,000. Even snuff went to ap­ station pumps half of the entire water parent new high levels of production supply of Baltimore, Md. with 35,377,751 pounds, an increase Vegetable gardens have been plant­ of 2,200,000 in the year. ed beneath high tension power lines The return to the government in of the Pennsylvania Water and Pow­ taxes on cigars, cigarettes, tobacco er Company. and snuff was $103,201,592, an in­ Statisticians say that ninety per cept crease of approximately $15,000,000, of all the electricity supplied by cen­ or 18 per cent over the previous year. tral generating stations is alternating The record figures indicate great na­ current. About 15,000 electric bulbs of eight tion-wide prosperity, officials state, and in the case of cigarettes, tremen­ different colors are illuminated each dous growth of the habit among night in Ney York City's newest and women. largest electric sign. Machince Shop, Polytechnic Engineering College, Oakland, Cal. Mazada electric incandescent lamps | The production of beer, while ex­ ceeding that of the previous year, fell represent 84 per cent and carbon and | considerably below the high record gem lamps 16 per cent of the total of 66,000,000 barrels in 1914. Taxes lamp sales last year. Rifle sights that may be used at on 60,729,509 barrels at $1.50 per barrel, and other taxes on brewers night, owing to illumination provided Young Men The day of opportunity is here now. Six and retailers brought the total up to by minute quantities of radium, have months course in Machine Shop and Automobile Engineering recently been patented by a French­ $91,897,193 against $88,771,104. at this College will give you immediate employment at good man. Collection Cost is Low. The demand for electric fans last wages WHY WASTE THREE YEARS AS APPRENTICE Other tax receipts included those on oleomargarine, $1,995,720; special year, which was reported to be great­ when this College can turn you out as an expert mechanic in taxes on bankers, corporations, brok­ er than ever before, will be duplicated six months. We are demonstrating this every day at the Poly­ ers, theatres, bowling alleys, com­ this summer if early demands are any technic College where actual engineering and mechanical work mission merchants, etc., $15,708,733; indication. The aggregate sales of electric in­ is being done. documentary stamps and perfumes, Best equipped College west of Chicago— Most Practical School $8,926,310; estates, $6,076.575; ex­ candescent lamps for domestic use in the United State»—Wfite for catalogue— during the year 1916 was $145,000,- cess profits, $37,176; munitions, $27- Homelike accommodations. 000, an increase of approximately 31 663,940, and miscellaneous, $2,093,- per cent over the year 1915. , 853, bringing the total ordinary re­ I Electric street car advertising cards | ceipts up to $449,712,312. Income I which animate familiar advertising taxes of $359,581,228 brought the figures when the cars go over rail grand total, including the Alaskan joints and up or down hill have ECONOMIC AND MILITARY Railroad tax of $33,256 up to $809,- : recently been patented by a New PREPAREDNESS 393,640, as compared with $512,- York Cartoonist. 723,288 the year before. The cost of | A competent English authority says collecting the revenue was approxi­ that English central station managers mately $9.53 per $1000, or .95 per realize that lighting is fast becoming | In addition to comploto cowwoo In gonoral and I cent, the lowest on record. : the small end of the electric central ! scientific education, offoes fulf opportunities In I | station’s income, and power and ap- I MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIENCE Democracy's Duty to Its Defenders pliances are to be the main source of ARTS AND COMMERCE I ; revenue in the future. A new thermostatic metal which is The plan for furnishing our soldiers Plan for effective future service* Your countiy I needs It. Send for free Illustrated booklets,“Train I and sailors life and indemnity insur­ remarkably sensitive to heat has been the Brain for Peace or War** and “The Woman and I ance and allowances to dependent invented by electrical specialists of the General Electric Company. The the University.** Address Re o------ her treaty with Belgium when she had prepared for a world wide con­ emptions. A new electric alarm clock winds sent her army through that country, quest, for the people of Germany had “When military service is obliga­ and showed how blood thirsty they ,m idea that the German army would tory other thing are obligatory too. itself. Life buoys on ocean steamships are were in devastitating that country, rush through France as it did in l 870 ‘The national conscience,’ as the Sec­ ! equipped with an electric lighting he first national e .*.:::; is gaining the BANK with death and desolation following and demand a big indemnity from retary puts it, ‘will not permit Amer­ i systems. ig indemnity from that country. and it was fortunate for France that do to compensate them for the suf ­ An electric operated garage door That was the first card to be played England butted in and upset all the ^IND EVERY DEPARTMENT OF ferings and the sacrifices’ exacted opens automatically on the approach BANKING HERE AND EVERY SERVICE by Germany in its conquest of the plans of the war lords of Germany from them. That has never been the of an automobile and closes again TO COMFORT world, and the Kaiser predicted that and prevented a world conquest by when it is safely in side. he would have his Christinas dinner Germany. No wonder that country American way. . ... „ . DIRECTORS: "The aim of the war-insurance bill Electricity is used to heat a newly in 1914 in Paris. It was the heroism is sore with England, for it upset all r r r!iUnr,^F^mer p Heisel. Farmer. of the Belgium people that retarded the plans of the war lord, and prac­ is to do justice to the soldiers with­ invented photograph roller used in C. J. Edwards Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. the progress of the German army, tically defeated the object for which out doing injustice to the taxpayers.” mounting photographs. H. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. Under the title that heads this A new telephone amplifier, which is and England butting in and ; listing the war was started. It is fortunate . ‘V. J. Riechers. Cashier. easily applied to a telephone receiver the great for the United States that Germany article the New York Times says: France, that knocked “Not a dollar of the billions given by anyone, renders conversation more scheme of Germany of conquring di„on Second Street Tillamook City, Oregon, has ¡‘PPj’!1’.'. rested and placed in jail for v dating she will open her Piano Studio, Sept. war. Under this plan the cost will be York hotel guests the location of a from 4th Avenue East to 7th ed Monday the 10th day of Sep.. 'I known as we go along. F.vcn-handed the law It can onlv be a short tme 1, for private and class instruction. street or building on an electrically Avenue West; Third Street Mrs. Holden is a graduate c.f the justice will be assured. Political and before the early rains will be here, from at the City Hall in Tillamook W illuminated map of the city. The map Park Street to the West Oregon, at the hour of s °c' . J but everybody should endeavor to Dunning Improved System of Music personal favor will go for nothing. is divided off into squares with a sep­ limit»; Fourth Street from Study and will establish classes in There, should be no doub^ of its ad­ p.m. as the time and place at » ,1 prevent fire getting started. It is arate miniature Mazada lamp to illu ­ Street to 7th Avenue West; this method. option.” pleasing to know that a large number Fifth said Common Council shall hear I each square when a button is Anyone desiring further particulars Street from Park Street to Still- consider »nd determine all The Richmond Times-Dispatch in­ minate of our citizens are Interested in and pushed. may call at any time. well Avenue; and from dorses the plan: doing their hit to prevent fires from First and remonstrances to the said apPJ Old Glory has become a popular Avenue West to the West city tionment of the cost of said impr J "Since the government has benevo­ getting started. emblem in lapels by day and now at­ limits; Sixth Street from .SixJ.h..?trcct Eom Park nient and that at said meeting e l lently insured ships and cargoes, sea­ tachment permits any owner of a Street to Stillwell Avenue- men and pilots engaged in perilous pocket flashlight to illuminate a tiny H. T. Hotts, Pres., Attorney At the breeder»’ association ban­ Sev- such other time as said meettnl enth Street from'ïjÎ'feet'Eart^f war enterprises, it seems eminently flag in the button-hole at night. I ^E-tline^ 6th AvenuV’Èa^ be adjourned to, said Common quet the other evening one of the nt-Lnw. proper that officers and men of the cil will hear and consider and «1 speakers stated he did not kpow of An interesting tvpe of electric in­ ‘o Stillwell Avenue; Eighth mine such objections and f* . I John I.elaml Henderson. Sec | army and navy, who run immeasur ­ another town where the businc»« men dustrial truck straddles its load, raises Street from 136 fcct E„t o‘(RJ‘b ably greater risks should l>£ gener­ it clear of the ground by electric retary Treas., Attorney-at- »trances and make such c’’’nie’. .-I co-opcratcd with the farmers more SmVweli eA°f 6th lVtnUC ‘O said apportionment as sba'. So ui ously indemnified in case of maiming laiw and Notrnry Public. than they did in this citv. Co-opera­ power, and holds it suspended while or death. The proposed legislation is the truck is traveling to the place Fast „»’'".“î1 -Scvo,uJ Avenue sary to make the same equitaN J tion between business men and dairy­ r-ast from 8th Street to First designed as a substitute for postwar where the load is dropped. It is re­ men is of benefit to both, and every Street; F.fth Avenue Wc," from just. The apportionment so ma J pensions, a circumstance which fur­ markably efficient in handling piles said Common Council is now 0 'J effort should be made to create a wclî Aven':1 11 Stm. with the undersigned City ther commends it to us.” connnunity spirit between them, both of lumber, steel rails, poles, and gir­ wen Street tn and may be inspected and exa The Atlanta Journal’s closing ders. ■ in a business and a social manner. It Wen Avenue croni 8th Si’Ä Law. Abctruct*. Reul Batate, paragraph of an editorial commend­ by any person interested therein ■ is gratifying to know that ,the busi­ Linemen are using portable electric Street; 'rSt S,rc« ing the plan is as follows: Insurance. ness men and the breeders' associa­ Done by order of the said “ anticipated • • * • by the — * bill ••• searchlights for making emergency The needs tion, arc working together for the repairs at night. The lamps are at­ Âarr^ruVÎmCrt Both Phones. wa’ ™de by Council and dated this “ g mantle of are so numerous and the purpose of improving the dairy tached to the repair automobile and August, 1917, , ,A TILLA NlMtK—ORKi'.ON. throw e C n°t niP d n ^ " ' protection which it would herds of the county, and as a result of are used to illuminate the work in I A. H. G»y% about the country's defenders and hand. ’s this co-operation we expect that the byMid City Recorder ot mook City. Oreg<* The Tillamook County Creamery Association neglected one thing when it met the first of the week. It should have prayed for rain. It wouldn’t be out of place if the Grangers went down on their marrow bones and raise their supplications for a good soaking rain, for that's what the snap shot man is praying for. Machanics and Automobile Men Wanted by the Thousands THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGOH Growth and Service, T 'JheHrstRations I Ba n k t Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Í