TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 6. 1917. What the Editors Say. trainldgU1’r ,ffs t teen persons, most of whom they do and a saving of high priced hay made. the culmination of the German kai­ not know so far as qualifications for Goods at greatly Reduced Prices, —Oregon Register. ser's dream. It is the sin qua non of a the office to which they are elected is Consisting of ------ o------ German empire of the East. W ith the concerned. The majority of those Sonic of our scientific highbrows allies in possession of Constantinople elected to the legislature go purely and government officials are greatly the castle of the Germans would fall for the personal gain, financial or concerned over the oncoming cx- . to the ground, and all their military otherwise, and many of them have the haustion of petroleum and of hard I plans and aspirations find their way power to make expenditures and buy coal. Wc don’t need __ _____ of I into the scrap heap. Constantinople supplies. They are all interested in an ounce either. We only lack brains and mass can be taken from the cast by using getting the work done with as little And everything in a First Class sense enough to harness the never- the resources of the east for that pur­ inconvenience to themselves as pos­ Harness Shop ; also ending supply of electrical energy pose, and it would not be surprising sible and the good of the community coming from our streams and lakes if this was not in the minds of the is in many cases lost sight of. Of and w hich we as a people have allow­ British high command when the op­ course, there arc exceptions to this ed a lot of speculators and combines erations which have been previously rule and sometimes a man will offer to claim. There is more electrical en­ mentioned were planned, China has a himself as a candidate from a real de­ ergy capable of being produced by wealth of iron ore, Japan has enor­ sire to serve his country in tlie best storage water of Bull Run creek that mous manufaturing ability by which wav that he can, but he soon becomes supplies Portland with water than all Chinese ore may be converted; India, disgusted with the mudslinging of the state now uses in the turning of Egypt and the Phillipines have food, professional politicians and if defeat­ its every wheel, shaft and pully. The and there arc no submarines cast of ed is verv thankful to have escaped. ’orest reserves are still with the peo­ Suez to break the flow of supplies. If he is elected he soon finds that he ple and water power there harness­ Russia’s greatest ore deposits and has to resort to almost questionable ed For navigating ships at sea we iron works arc in the Black Sea prov­ methods to be able to achieve any ought need crude oil or coal, but we inces, and the Black sea belt is known results.—Seaside Signal. do not require a pound for any other as one of the world’s largest gran- purpose whatever. The time will come aries. What Khaki Really Is. when a gasoline-driven vehicle will be ------ o----- - “From Suez, from Bagdad and from as rank an anchorism as a wooden the ___ _____ Black sea ports as It is pointed out that the uniforms American ox-cart.—Mt. Scott Herald. bases, a combined attack leading to now worn by the regular army and Constantinople would staltf a goo 1 the militia should not be designated Herbert Kaufman in a recent ar- chance of success. Transportation is as khaki. This word designates a •icle gives the following vivid but difficult, but not impossible. The color, is of East Indian origin, com­ ruthtul picture of the character and •great wall of the Taurus mountains ing from the word khak, meaning work of Herbert Hoover, the head of is a barrier pregnant with defensive dust It originated in India. It was c government food conservation possibilities; but they can be over­ first' worn by native British troops campaign: come, if not by direct operations, by and later by all British troops on Die martyrdrom of Belgium is flanking movements launched from campaign service. It was adopted by Paintc ! on his eyes. There are no the Mediterranean and the Black sea. the United States government be­ Mediterriancan cause of its serviceability and low ,'!es 1 has not looked on. He saw With the eastern i J‘°men gleaning garbage cans coast in British hands the allied .or- visibility. About four years ago it a barefoot children wander homc- ces at Saloniki could in large meas­ was supplanted by the olive drab in each of which has recognized Store. “A Most Satisfactory Motor Oil L w**”*f4 TRACT Designed by Rollin H. White, de­ signer of the famous White Motor Trucks. Mr. White has built the CLEVELAND TRACTOR to per­ form all of the many tasks requir­ ing power on every farm. He has made it easy to operate economi­ cal to run, easy to care for and absolutely dependable in opera­ tion. 12 II. P. at the lira» Bar 20 H. P- at the Pillej High s|>ced, heavy duty 4-cy lend er motor, 3 point spring suspen­ sion. Weight 2750 lbs., height 52 inches, width 50 inches, length 96 inches, clearance 12 inches, 600 sq. inches traetion surface. We Carry Complete Line oj Parts $1185 f. o. b. Euclid, Ohio. McNEFF BROS. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO Closing Out Harness, Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc. At 2o Per Cent CUT in Prices w A- WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Or UflMB-SCHRflDER CO Established 189<> Northwest Distributor Pitted Blk. Portlard, Ore. References Bradstreets, Duns or Any Bnnk. D k . j . G. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON. Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamookfand Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. J^KLAND K. ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced- Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victro.’os etc. D AVID ROBINSON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. T. bona ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract^ Hot. ks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. PHYSICIAN AND si kt.EON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) I illamook .... Oregon, Y^EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW commercial building , FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON GOYNK, 'y1 H. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office: O pposite Court Housa, Tillamook . • Oregon. QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , 1 illamook, J - OHN LELAND - Oregon. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. A T-LAW T illamook B ixx k , Tillamook - . . Oteiron ROOM NO. 2bl. c * hawk Hay City < Iregon VETERINARY. Both Pitoni*«. Tillamook ... Q arl iiabj -; ri , acii , Oregon. '• ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, T illamook B kolk Tillamook •• ,Oregon