MB UcaiUinht. 'm»». "Ulun nstg, ">ary to J re.-ord,, J ’ ' orUlu< t0” °ur states 1 rlei>d John. ] e tbJ ie of th* □ “*>» land 11 ‘h« Bub^ 1007. on* ’ Swedes i»K8 county, living her." ,f Se» lotti >r°ugbt int«) C1U hall oru formerly ¡j, lr an order « Betty and t r as object! I hlB ruitoj tb* I'ersoni tnilly namni bat th* O,, nickname^ CHINA. On» F»r lit D«ath. ot Contort 1 it *101 s the wont sterili ton non aud tut 0 the cultat Is that st I i to taka i ' Taoism a s cornpoa rreeoncllai sm, the Bi 'onfuciu 1 ■ People, g a unity eb. bon ited by Ci they call evil spirii re Buddk be reposei TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPT. (> 1917 S1.50 PER YEAR. Mrs. C. W. Miller r will make her Born, to the wife of Zeno Bizer, on home in Portland th he coming winter. Saturday, a son. ' her home or community. Whether COUNTY FAIR PREMIUMS competition) ......................... 1.00 George Stivcrson, v,..« is on 1 one hour a day or one hour a week, Fi ’ull Cream Cheese— who is on the V. It is announced that children will S. Philadelphia, at Bremerton, 1 W. A. Wise, dentist. * will purely voluntarily and unpaid, or First, Albert Wade, Clover­ . was in nnt — ____ - * rn M.ot ” viuiurcn not k« be — received the first grade of j whether for paid employment at In the Cattle and Dairy Department. for a short visit. dale ...................... *20.00 Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * Secretary Erwin Harrison has been school unless they are six years old home or elsewhere, the governor de­ Mrs. G. Goodis, of Portland, who Second, Harrv Thomas, unable to prepare a complete list of or will be within a month after school Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough sires to ascertain who of Oregon’s Mchler .............. 15.00 was visiting her sister Mrs. R. A. opens. A mid-year class of beginners women can render some form of ser­ those who won prizes at the Tilla­ ♦ Co. Sylvester, left on Tuesday. Third and Fourth, tied, H. is organized the second semester the vice, any form in fact. This work is mook County Fair last week. Thus Barber ami Floyd Culberson Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- David Reddaway, a former resident latter part of January. similar to that of the Red Cross and far the premium list of the cattle de- one half each ...................... 12.50 partment, dairy c., ------------ and department terns. of Tillamook, was in from Oregon After a pleasant visit with Tilla­ is possibly quite as important. Fifth Alfred Josi ................... 2.50 swine are complete, which we give A modern house for rent,—See City looking after property interests, mook friends. Miss Vida Lamb re­ M ilk Test— A meeting of the Tillamook Coun­ below and the prizes won in the ...» Shrode. j The School Board has secured Miss turned to their camp. Mr. and Mrs. ty Creamery Association was held on other departments will be given next First, Chas. Kunze ................ *20.00 The public school will open on ■ Elma Daniels to teach the rural Lamb will leave soon, stopping in Monday, when a number of the co­ week. The grand champion prize Second, Chas. Kunze .......... 15 00 Portland a few days, and then on to Third, R. W. Watson ........ school on the Wilson river. 7.50 Monday. operative cheese associations were winners for cattle were James Wil­ Eugene where they will remain for represented. The object of the meet­ liams, W. H. Hoskins. B. A. Folks Fourth, John F.binger.......... 5.00 Only Edison re-creations can be the school year. Money to loan on good security. T. ing was to ward against the cheese and R. W. Watson. Albert Wade, of SWINE. H. Goyne. » mistaken for the original voice. Its Berkshire. The annual picnic of the Sacred makers being drafted into the army. the Cloverdale cheese factory, won rich true tones fill many homes with Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, gladness. Call at Lamar’s Drug Store Heart Parish of Tillamook will be 1 There are about 17 cheese makers the first prize in the cheese scoring Boar, 6 months or over— Cloverdale, Ore. » First, Williams & Son. (No and hear one. * held next Sunday, Sept. 9th, at .the that are liable to be called when the contest, while Charles Kunze won is called, and should first and second prize in the milk competition) ........................... 12.50 Dave Fitzpatrick grove. A fine din­ next draft For Sale—Team, heavy wagon and Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs Sow, six months or over— ner will be served by the ladies of the these cheese makers be selected it test competition. i-suiiu Parish. Entertainment for old and would leave the cheese industry of at C. I. Clough Co. * harness. Team weighs Mrs. I. H. Moore won first First, Williams & Son., (No weighs about about 13000 lbs. and in A No. sound • j young. Swings for the children. Ad­ Tillamook county in a bad way. The for butter and Mrs. Peter Jenck prize r, 1 T condition, „—1:.: competition) . f..................... 2.50 for Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at and will work on anything.—L. C. Secretary (Carl Haberlach) was in in ­ ­ whey butter. --------, ----- Sow, with litter— mission to grounds 25c. Everybody Rialto, Both phones. * Smith. Bar View. structed to write to the exemption There were several good grange ex- First, Williams & Son., (No welcome. board. competition) ........................... 3.00 hibits. Fairview took first prize; The large travel of automobiles in­ Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Lamb, of Chester White. Pleasant Valiev, second; ,Nestucca, ware.—R. W. Bennett. » to Tillamook county is about over for I Portland, are visiting Dr. Lamb’s Dry Spell Broken. Boar six months or over— third; and Sandlake, fourth. For Sale—Driving horse, buggy and another year, for most of the summer parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lamb, First, Joe Donaldson, (No Seven schools outside of Tillamook visitors have returned by rail or auto at their camp on Tillamook river dur- Harness.—C. B. Vantress. Just as we go to press this morn­ were represented. The Geinger school competition) ........................... 2.50 to their homes. i ing the week end. Dr. Lamb ’ s brother ing weather conditions looked favor­ Born, on Monday, to the wife of j Lymon J. Lamb, accompanied them able for rain, for after a long spell of south of town took first prize in the Sow, six months or over— I Ralph Alvoid has been transferred First, Joe Donaldson, (No John Enzler, a son. 1 from Co. C., Eng. of Oregon to take and also Mrs. Lamb’s two sisters, dry weather the long looked for rain two room class; Sandlake took first 2.50 competition) ........................... prize in the one room class; the Ac­ Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition 117th Rainbow Edith and Evelyn Ridmon. Dr. Lamb Rsir.bcw regiment and will began to fall and every Tillamooker ademy took first prize in its class; Sow with litter— regiment and for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. * 1 I ' leave for the East, the 1st of Sep- and his brother spent most of their will be glad if it turns into a good and the Tillamook school took first First, Joe Donaldson, (No time fishing. soaking shower. Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., ' tember. 3.0 > competition) ........................... first prize in its class. * I Also furnished rooms. Duroc Jersey. There were two individual farm ex- * j Sixty men came the first of the 260 acres Coos County, Oregon, land Drowned in Trask River. ------ " ’ were good. R. Y. Bla- Boar six months or over— hibits. Both Garbage gathered free. See M. R. , 1 week to work on the road for F. C. three miles from North Bend on nav­ ------ o------ First. E. M. Clark, (No com­ lock secured first prize and C. E. Feldschau, who has the contract for igable channel of Coos Bay, with boat Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. | grading the five miles of hard sur­ service. 130 acres bottom land which Eugene Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson second. 2.50 petition) ............................. ,... Born, on Saturday, to the wife of A. Sow, six months or over— is dyked and ready for cultivation, Ernest Knight, was drowned in the faced road. CATTLE DEPARTMENT N. Wood, a daughter. Trask river on Tuesday afternoon. 5 00 First E. M. Clark ................... Guernsey. I A complimentary piano recital will , 130 acres bench and hill land. Price *22,000.00. Terms *12,000 cash, bal- He was bathing in ........ the n river, .......... and Second, Wm. Robitsch ........ 2.50 For Furnished Rooms at reasonable Bull, 3 years and over — First be given by Miss Selma Dick, assisted iance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. the time and When jump him off at a Dorris Lois about were to with Sow with litter— James Williams, (No compe­ price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koch at the , Price - a , s owner at bed rock as owner must sell. ,__ —- ■ • ■ First E. M. Clark, (No com­ ------ --------- -- V.,» a tition) (grand champion) 1 *4.00 A J J 1 v\ ‘ T . G. Robertson, • Hall, Friday evening, September Address R. W. Bennett, expert watch re; < City ~ log he said to his sisters “see me Bull, 1 year and under 2— petition) ................................... 3.00 i4th. Looston, pj c ¿¡j so an d came up once. 114th pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. I Oregon. First, Geo. Williams............... 6.00 Sweepstakes— The body was recovered about 30 Best boar, E. M. Clark. Gale Buell, who was in for a fcw I 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and Second, Frank Hunter.......... 3.00 Boy Scouts, of troop No. 1, -------- 11 -- with rigging, for sale, j Astoria, 1, of of minutes after the accident. The un- Best Sow, E. M. Clark. stump puller, hiked in by way of Neah- days, left on Wednesday morning. Third, Homer Mason, ribbon. !sr.h- fortunate lad was only seven years of Best sow with litter, Williams and Bull calf, under 1 year— ■ 'or or ■ trad.» Mr •------- >- in j Al , kali-nie last week and < trade for auto or — ...... . e - ” “ aue ior motorcycle last wcex anu camped at the age. The funeral services will be held Will pay you to see Everson tor a condition, balance cash. Address B QX i!.s • Son. First, Joe Durrer ..................... 3.00 fair grounds. The boys were at the Christian safe investment in were well well or- or-, this mis afternoon ai .afe .«vestment m city property or -76, Tillamook, Oregon. Special cash prize bv Portland Un- Second, Gus Goeres.................. 2.00 I ganized. and appeared ----- • ¡ganized, to enjoy their Church. farm lands. ---- ----- »1.-1- —ax..» I z-, ion Stoek Yards. *10 00. • • party Third, Joe Reust, ribbon I For Sale-Horse and buggy, broke , , UrM trip to Chct this ---------■- county. Those wcrc Hal] EHx F<). in . the ~ The many friends of Mrs.. J. S. La- Cow, 3 years and older— 1 were Chet Hall, Erix Edlund. Chester The Tanks at the "Movies.” Anderson. mar will be glad to know that she is to work single or double, weight 1000 , Noonan, . Mel First, Berns Bros...................... 8.00 ) Comments on The Tillamook Fair. ” ’ .‘...2-------- John Ren- ------ o------ somewhat better. 1 pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. nols, Bert Kenney, W. Steel Richard Second, Gus Goeres ................. 4.00 I Tillamok has reason to be proud of There was was a large crowd at the Third, Geo. Tinnerstet, ribbon. her County Fair. As an index to the 2» Coruthers and Scout Master Ralph Gem theatre Wanted to rent a farm—Inquire of , F’ D’ TiIla>nook, Oregon. _■ on Wednesday evening, Heifer, 2 years and under 3— life of the community it shows a Stevens. when the management _______ ___ ___ Tillamook Sheet Metal Works, Tilla­ had “The The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay First, W. H. Hoskins (Grand greater appreciation of united action, mook, Oregon. ♦ Miss Dick, a concert player and ' an * ‘ s - n action at t..» -. the battle af ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and sc. champion) ............................... 1 6.00 I and, consequently, a greater financial ’ 0 1 fzx- * r ”• ■rxzx..-.! ““ lu pouuu iara pans !!_ 'II - 5c. piano teacher of Portland, has decid- Ancr^’ The first part of the program H. Mason & Co., has taken over the for 5 pound pails. They must - bt. free Second, Homer Mason ........ 3.00 1 prosperity. Standard patterns formerly sold by from rust. Bring them in at once and ed to locate in Tillamook. Miss Dick was devoted to army and navy prep- When the writer acted as judge for Third, Berns Bros. . . . ribbon will be heard in recital in the near ara^iOns ln the Lmttd States* which Heifer, * get your money. Lamar's Variety Store. the first time three years ago he 1 year and tinder two— future, after which she will accept a save some interesting pictures. The 1 found much to be desired both in tl.e First, James Williams ........... 3.00 '■ John Feldschau, Concrete contrac- ’ Don't forget those busted castings. limited number of pupils. Any one de- pictures of the battle oi Ancre proved tor, concrete silos built. All work Can be welded for half. Goods sent siring to make early arrangements' highly interesting and gave a graphic Second, Gus Goeres ......... ; • • • ' 2.00 1 quality of the exhibits and in their arrangement. Now great iioprove- Third, James Williams, ribbon * guarantccd.Both phones. by parcel post and express promptly for lessons can do so by seeing Mrs. description of what is taking place at Heifer calf, under one year— inent is noted especially in the ex- Koch. ♦ the front and the difficulties that are I he New Edison gets and gives all returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, First, Homer Mason ............... 3.00 1 cellence of the products and in the encountered by the Tommies, yho are The Rosenberg Bros, of this city the Artist rendered just as the artist Oregon. Second. Geo. Williams .......... 2.00 system under which they arc class­ * ified. Mr. Harrison, the secretary, is gave- it. • received word last week to the effect putting up a determined fight, char­ Third, Jos. Durrer, ribbon acteristic of the English people. I Mrs. O. B. Peak and children, who Itha to be complimented especially upon uncl£ and a ‘ln* and cousin th8t .1 an an . uncle aunt Holstein. The Faulconer orchestra will give a Everybody should see these pictures. the manner in which he has handled have been visiting at the home of Mr. ¡an»«' hridre in the north end Withycombe’s proclamation will be a county bridge in the _____ Notice is hereby given that the __ I side and roll completely over, landing For Sale—Team, weight 1200 each,. on the _ — . couniy iasi week, a timber fell found on another page. Tillamook Tillamook County Teachers’ Annual Sweepstakes heifer— - - W I of the county last w Owned bv B A. Folks ........ 50 00 right side up. None of the occupants on his shoulder, breaking the should­ women will, we do not doubt, respond Institute will be held at the high wagon and harness. Apply to - Dairy Department. , were seriously injured, but they were Stephens & Co., office Commercial er bone. He came at once to the office very generally to Governor Withy- shoool building in Tillamook City, on all badly shaken up and bruised some Building, Tillamook. * of Dr. Hoy who set the broken bone. combe’s appeal for them to register September 17. 1* and 1>. 1917. Pro­ Dairy Rutter- First Mrs. I. H. Moore (No what. The top of the car was com­ September 15 for such service as they The Franklin Fish Market is now gram will be furnished later. I am in the market at all times for competition.) ....................... * 1 00 pletely demolished, and it was badly can render the country. There is no open for business* drop in and look your baby calves—Smith “The Calf G. B Lamb, Whey Butter— 1 damaged otherwise. No one seems to obligation which takes a women from County School Supt. ’round at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— Man,”—Both Phones. I know who the cow belonged to. First, Mrs. Peter Jenck, (No I Tillamook Jottings. f'B t - I j *• N. Elliott, Proprietor. » I > il. '1 1 Hi ' 4 ♦ I -4 » I I I /