« •vK TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR Large Display of Holstein and Guer­ nsey Registered Cattle. THE FAMILY LIFE. Normal Restraints Mak« Man th« Mattar of Him»«lf. AUGUST 30, 1917 TRADING IN STOCKS. STORY OF A FORCED LOAN. Thing« a Man Must Know to Bo a »uo- c««aful Speculator. Th« Way Zapata Gave tha Bankara of Maxico Two Surpriaaa. 1 PRANKS BIG SHELLS PLAY. ----------- Curious £ff«ct« of High Explooiv«« U««d In Mod«rn W«r. LEGALIZED NICKNAME^ Th.y App..r«d In Colonial Tim.«, The explosive force of the big shells Nicknames are not llkelv tn “All those who are trading in the The fifth annual Tillamook County Modern assailant* of tlie fumlly sup­ One morning Zapata, the Mexican war has produced fashion so long as bunlan Fair opened on Tuesday and the at­ pose that by destroying it they can stock market might well ask themselves leader. Issued two proclamations. One used In nioderu tendance for the first two days was emancipate the individuals who com­ whether they are »[»eculators or gam­ was a prohibition edict closing Hie , many curious effect*. lu some cases mains what It is In these these effects have been to deprive men ever, it ls not customary t0 ’ fairly good, but not as large as last pose It. In their delirium they con­ bler*," says John K. Barnes in the year. There is a large display of Hol­ ceive that the goal ot life 1* the throw­ World’s Work. "Any one can gamble «.».loons, the other a command for the of the power of »peech, in others to re­ such titles u|M»n official record. ecula- Carranza bad collected a "forced loan” French captain. It occurred while he aries is "by a Dutchman's kind « week. j gets hi* true freedom. A little wuter tor: pesos from the banks. whs occupying an observation i»ost in The horse racing and ball games in a boiler will generate enough steam i “He should know how to read the I of 10.000.000 Huns tlie Ueoro." and in the flu h* Wliat mercy could be expected of the a tree. An eight inch shell happened arc proving interesting. to run a locomotive; the same volume business barometers. Among these are | bandit leader? Zapata's speech was to explode immediately beneath him. patent, dated Oct. 12. 1007 On the opening day the business the bank clearings throughout the coun­ boundaries u "John the Swede', with the result that tbe displacement ow. " In I«).-,, in the Kings cou? men, headed by the Scottish pipers j on the ground Is a puddle and no more try, which show the rapidity with which short and to tlae |>oint. Discipline is the barrel of the gun. "my men are of tbe uir burled him clean out of the "Caballeros. ” be said, and drummers marched to the fair money 1* changing bunds through the I grounds. Owing to fog the aviator, ' the rudder of tlie ship. The sagie law pesos to feed tree. It also knocked him senseless for ords, a man is named llvin- c banks, and thus give* the best measure hungry. I want 50.000 * Ralph P. Hansen, was unable to get applies to human beings, and such an You will pay a few moments, and when he came to anus ns "Ttnil* the Fisher." them for a few days, The common council of New v away from Seaside on Tuesday, but institution as the family has proved we have of the business doing; the un­ this. 1 promise you protection, Yon himself he made the amazing and dls- did so on Wednesday. When coming , Itself indispensable to the highest de­ filled order* on the books of the United may carry on your business without I concerting discovery that it had strlp- Kill ordered fish to be brought Inn States Steel corimration, our largest in­ dock "over against the city hall „ down outside of the fair grounds he velopment of its members. molestation as long as you do not aid I ped him of his breeches, vest and tunic, met with an accident. It seems as the The man who thinks that by casting dustrial comimuy, which are reported the enemy. You may go when you i leaving bim. a* he put it, "us bare as a house that Long Mary fortnerlv» machine entered a low place, which off its ties he gets a larger freedom tea day* after the close of each month; I In." and In the same year an ords, worm." acted as a kind of air poeket, with a deceives himself. At most he ex­ railroad gross earnings, which are now I sign tlie order for the money." Another soldier descrilied tlie freak pa*M<] “that Topknot Hetty and strong wind above. The wind caught change* a higher plane for a lower and reported weekly by some roads and I Thankful to escape with such a mod­ children be provided for as oblect. the machine and it turned a somer­ uionthly by all, and railroad net earn­ est demand, the bankers did as they 1 of a shell of which he was the victim. charity." 11 sault throwing the aviator out and secures whatever privileges that de­ ings, which «how the pro*i»erlty in that I were ordered. Zapata kept bis [»art of It exploded several yards away from The explanation of this CUItM doing the machine considerable dam­ scent implies. He retreats toward the imjxirtnnt field; the production figures ' the bargnin, and for months the city him without doing him any harm. But many eases was that the person age. Hansen was bruised up some plane of the beast, out of which it has for coal, Iron, copper, etc.; the export i was better policed than It has ever it blew bls overcoat from Ills back, and I question either had no family and had two teeth knocked out, but been man's mission to rise and climb. and was driven when he picked the garment up it was been since l ’ orfirlo Diaz lin|»ort figures, which control our I otherwise is not seriously hurt, al­ He accepts the tiondage of a more in­ had forgotten them, so that th» International credit position und have from Mexico. But thiB is the strange minus all the buttons. though he might have met with a sistent selfishness. their generally accepted nle a good oppor­ armor piercing shell penetrated an gets a second chance to exercise bis fess to be followers of Coufuciui.- Corsica and England. tunity to Intercede on behalf of the eleven inch plate and tore the backing talents. All turn out as business of import­ entlfic Monthly. It is an almost forgotten fact that lad. ance will come before the mealing. "After all, the principal reason why to pieces. The Gnthmann shell burst Mansard threw himself ut the feet of against the face of the plate, but failed our press does not print Iles Is that The R. E. Buttz damage case will for a period of a little more than two years during the Napoleonic wars Cor- the king und said: "Your majesty sees be discussed. Oil and Lubrication, to do more than dent it in the earlier newspaper men as a class are honest, OH Is a peacemaker and «err* sfea was a British possession, After in the center that massive column? If S. A. Brodhead, Sec. conscientious beyond the average and, rounds, Anally cracking it in two in the evacuation of Toulon the British you will spare the life of my son I pu rpose by Interjecting Itself bets the last round. The superiority of the according to their code, strictly honor­ I am in the market at all times for government felt it necessary to take will remove the unsightly pillar, and armor piercing shell was thus estab able. Certain things may be permitted the two warring elements of a beai tita* knk.. O_!iL urrxt #-» • r ' your baby calves—Smith "The Calf the island, and Lord ITowe, with Nel­ the roof shall stand without support." by that code that strike the layman as surface which would soon find th Ilshed.—Lo* Angeles Times. Man,”—Both Phones. son as brigadier, was sent to drive out “Mansard," replied the king, "if you peculiar, but deliberate mendacity is selves in the midst of a hot and■ astrous argument were it not for the French. With the capture of Calvl. accomplish that miracle I will pardon not one of them.”—Century. She Wee Fired. good offices of this conciliatory m July 12, 1794, where Nelson lost Ills your son, but if you fail I will hang In Hudson Maxim's "Dynamite Sto um. Therefore it is an actual flin eye, the island fell into British hands, you with hitn." A Dramatic Scan*. oil which is forced into the b«u1 and George III. formally accepted the The architect removed the pillar ries" is the following sad narrative: The most dramatic scene ever wtt- "We once had a servant girl whom crown of Corsica, appointing Sir George without great difficulty und I with the nessed in Westminster hall was that or under tlie cylinder walls and < Elliott as British viceroy and allowing result desired. The cafetier r is a plii- we nicknamed ‘Jeopardy’ because she trial in Henry VIII.’s reign when 480 which adjoining bearing surface««1 could not be prevented from pouring the Corsicans to retain their legislative losopher, and he concludes his story men and eleven women appeared be­ It is because tbe actual film of assembly. In 179ing *75 to $I(X) per month for begin­ Although time and again workmen I person. One day n friend asked ner* in Ing with success now that you are a A Regular Job. that the double screw gives (»otter con ed it up it would appear a eofl’F He—Do you believe a woman should lawyer? trol of the vessel. George—Yes. I seem to meet with It silvery object projected **’ ■ promise at the altar to love, honor and night sky, even though it v«1* obey her husband? She-Perhaps she every place I go, but it Is the other Not a Gift. First Assistant-No. being filed.- as black as the blackest co*ij "Did her father give the bride I ought to make the promise, but it al­ » fellow who is on friendly terms with Michigan Gargoyle. it were opaque.—London Gle ways has seemed to me that she was It.—Indianapolis Star. away?" Ornamental Fire Places Built "No. lie «aid that would be a silly taking on a pretty big contract—Rich of Brick and Stone. All Fire A Word to the Boys. custom when he knew very well that moud 'rimes-Dispatch. No Longer Joyeu® ••WK J Henee th. Name. Places absolutely guaranteed you caU that bors* 'Cone<'- in a few weeks they'd both be back A boy should not get the idea that tionTr” "What has become of tbe not to smoke or money re- tions?* Hie Success. living at Ins expense."—Detroit Free he can score in the game of life through used to sing 'We won't i° funded. City Olblw-l sang a song at the ban­ the errors of his opponent*. To win be JouS * Press. morning?'" , .— Brick work of all kinds done quet last night, and everybody shouted must tie able to make hits.—Youth's "lie doesn't feel like on short notice. •‘Fine!" Dibbs—Did any one mention Companion. Breaking It Gently. more. He vocalized "t> l®' | We make a specialty of re­ A Drop of Blood. Pupil—Now that you have heard my how tyticlt the tine should have been? long and frequently that pairing smoking Fire Places. A drop of blood that might be sus- voice, would you recommend cultiva­ Isn't any home."—W»shi*«W“ Wor»« Th«n Betör«. °f * nwdle r<’n' tion? Teacher—No; conservation.—The Her Preference. Mra. Exe—Well, what do you thlnk tain.^/T* ,b<> Lauib. "The doctor saj s lie'll remove my ap- of Clara'» voiee now that she ls uins about . million red corpuscle*. Caustic. jiendlx for «1.300." through with her singtng lesaons? He—I «ball not marry a *' "Oh. George. I'd much rather have a Kxc It i in» lotter and tbere's « lot tin“‘i? thT’i Pr°?rlT * do”ble d lie. the ^nd power of . lte._ less she is my exact touring car."—Life. —Arthur Helps. x tnore of lt.—Boetoa Traiiscript. You will never find *’ P*" a* that.- Life. Six months Have Your House Wiring Done by Coast power Co. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES. b“"«