1 I TILLAMOOK -ÄE ABLIGHT, AUGUST 30, 1917. O \Ioimi gallantry shown by troops from all paper, now worked into a hard standing ____ close _______ to the treason ___ --- zone, it, principal or interest, for the period First publication August 30, 1917. House; ■tiku'e yo and it is time to show them up. They of more than seven years immediately Last publication Sept. 27, 1917. parts of Germany in the hard fight­ in the toe. They unraveled it and MINING, with three department*, includ­ ■> anti lei ing of the last week. The Emperor "God bless your poor tired feet.— have wilfully misrepresented the at­ prior to said date, with the name, ing Chemical Engineering; referred to the marked contrast be­ Mabel.”—Tom Daily in Philadelphia titude of this Government since the last known postoffice address of such Ik- niotni PHARMACY. Notice of Final Account. beginning of the war and even since depositor, and the fact of his death, if tween the German and Anglo-French Evening Ledger, K setting THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offer* instruc ­ our entrance into the struggle they I knowrt. points of view and continued; ■or:; i f the tion in the principal department* of vocal Notice is hereby given that the un ­ have done much to spread the germs "It is in God's hands when in his Bl f. Ing n Name of depositor, Fagan, W. A., dersigned has filed his final account and instrumental music. An Assortment of Excuses, of treason and discontent. The war Bay City, Oregon, 35.15. wisdom he will pive us victory, He THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled ■1 lakes an at administrator of the estate of cannot be won if these henchmen of inis taught our army a hard lesson " _ of Tilla- Leone Dutton Morrow, deceased 1085 cadets in 1916-17. and won recommen­ ■ftinnoiw I on, County solicitious mother wrote to a the Kaiser are permitted to pursue State of Oregon, A and we arc now going to pass the ex- mo ok, ss: with the County Clerk of Tillamook dation for O. A. C. from the Western Depart­ Bs*-lal ri ressman al Washington to in- their wilful course, and notMng will »linination. With lite old German con­ Oongi I, John O. Bozorth, being first duly County, Oregon, and that the County ment of the U. S. War Department as on* uf Bit the reiri quire if her son could not be exempt bring them to quicker account than a fidence In Goil we sila!! show what sworn, depose and say, upon oath, Court of said County has appointed the fifteen ‘‘distinguished institutions” oi B*re the from the draft Oil the ground that he thorough understanding of their that I am the cashier of the First Saturday, September 1st, 1917, at the higher learning. All cadet* will be furnishtl Bt-f the it We can tnt of I MANY HERE. 1917. Many women have written grateful^’ this country two weeks before the land, Oregon. Prt< This grocer's story surprises local Albert N. Xfinton, ters like the above, telling of the war began and asserted that in a fort­ Dated July 10, 1917. Attorney for Plaintiff. that Cardui has done them. Why should night we would have been plunged people: “I had had stomach trouble Cure for Cholera Morbus. to sour and form W. J. Stephens, Adminis- | it not help you, too? into the greatest international con­ All food seemed “When our little boy. now seven If you suffer frc° L *»udoir constipated. Noth- trator of the Estate of J flict the world has ever seen, the gas. Was always Liver Trouble. any of the ailments so common to wentf. L to your w I tried buckthorn years old. was a baby he was cured of ing helped until btephens, deceased, Till ­ speaker would have been regarded by Chamberlain's “I am bothered with liver trouble etc, as mixed in cholera morbus by and feel the need of a safe, reliaNa» Lt’ll°ns ,tie t amook. Oregon. everyone as a dangerous lunatic. Our bark, glyc«;:ne, Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL as- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ about twice a year,” writes Joe Ding­ Johnson, Handley & McGrath, strengthening tonic, we urge you to •*’ people’s thoughts were the fartherst edy." writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, man, Webster City, Iowa. “ I have INSTANT action. ” Attorney« possible from war and onr statesmen tonished me in its gin today and give Cardui a fair tr->- . 7 ri tempii Because .Adler-i-ka flushes the EN­ Fair Haven, N. Y. “Since then other pains in my side and back and an were overwhelmingly occupied with members of my family have used this awful soreness in my stomach. I Your dealer sells Card-u-i. ft wa TIRE alimentary tract it relieves Ranch for Sale. » bh)k perfil domestic affairs, particularly the Irish ANY CASE constipation, sour valuable medicine for colic and bowel heard of Chamberlain's Tablets and question, almost completely to the ex­ stomach or gas and prevents appen­ trouble with good satisfaction and I tried them By the time I had used conu'±R%77ckre?d0ffn;?H?- w*"1 °f ,rrl Attention Ye Swamp Angel* clusion of international politics. ®Pokesnii dicitis It has QUICKEST action of gladly endorse it as a remedy of ex­ half a bottle of them I was feeling ‘ ^-o^d b^&he r T s ; "It is true that some of our people anything we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, ceptional merit.” For sale by Lamar's fine and had no signs of pain. For Kiln Tile, all sizes, ready for had been saying for a year or more druggist. sale by Lamar's Drug Store. Drug Store. •on. R:RD7Ä^rtr^ick-! Monday, June 25th.—Tillamook W ? «treni I Works. for dut TRACTOR i B the wind FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER The Oregon ■ Agricultural College IRRITABLE NERVOUS I