Notice is Hereby Given T illamook said apportionment as shall h sary to make the sna, neces- just. The apportion^ ,equUable a"d said Common CouncT" made by with the undersigned Cy^ni'e an uiir ' apportionment so made by Dre on, with heavy standard bitulith- Council is now on file I pivcuient, to-wit: with the undersigned City Recorder First street from the West line of 3rd nd majr be inspected and examined r-t H. Gaylord, f Avenue West to the East line any person interested therein. Lity Recorder of Tilla­ oy Done of Avenue East; Second • of ' the ■ said Common by order mook City. Oregon. stre t from the East line of Still­ Council 1917 dSted th‘S 2°th day of well Avenue to the West line of August, 4th Avenue East; Third street Notice is Hereby Given A. H. Gaylord. front the East line of Stillwell City Recorder of Tilla­ | Avenue to the West line of 7th That the Common Council of Tin, mook City, Oregon. \vinue East; Stillwell Avenue mook City, Oregon h». 1 ■ a’ ¡rcm the South line of Front among the sevTraMm aPP°rtioned Notice of Completed Contract .Street to the North line of 4th foailowmg' St^ff ‘V-SI •---- o----- street; First Avenue East from ■n Iillamook City I Notice is hereby given that the the South line of Front Street to ths same 1 ’ the North line of 4th Street; I haS filed in ,his °f«ce his Second Avenue East from the Fourth Avenue P to-wit: line of Fir ♦ *roni th** South i ccruficate for the ----- completion »■ j/l V VIUll of till South line of Front Street to the Le ^.reet t0 “>e North I ------------ ' North line of 4th Street; Third ,,'jne of ThirdSueet *°r,h ' UJ 'indcr the contract of Frank Heyd & Co. for the remodling of the Avenue East from the South WarrenrcVCtnCnt was Inade by County Court House in accordance line of First Street, to the North ' I The tne Warren Construction Company in with plans and specifications, and any line of 4th Street; Second Avenue : pursuance of a contract ,,,, 1 • ro. entered into person, firm or corporation,, having West from the South line of ■ • i bv o said r! Company with Tillamook Front Street to the North line of City, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1912 nor objections to file to the final pay­ ment on said contract, may do so First Street; suant to a Resolution of Intention to I within two weeks from the date of the And the following streets in said so improve said streets, adopted bv I | first publication of this notice ¿tv with light standard bitulithic 19112C°n!tmOn .C°uncil 0,1 July 24 ' Dated Aug. 21, 1917. pavement, to-wit: and not including the exoenw« 1 Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. * First Street from the West line of ‘nh-°1nnuCl‘ 6th Avenue West to the West line which by the terms of said Resolu­ Last publication Sept. 6, 1917, of 3rd Avenue West; First Street tion ot Intention, were to be paid by & 1 from the East line of 4th Avenue Fund’°°k C‘ty’ °Ut °f the Genera> Notice of Completed Contract | East to the East line of Park Street; Third Street from the •r£nd tllat .‘he Common Council of1 <$> Notice is hereby given that the West line of 7th Avenue East to Iillamook City Oregon, has appoint­ the Easterly city limits; Fourth ed Monday the 10th day of Sep., 1917 County Surveyor of I illamook Coun­ Street from the East line of Still­ at the City Hall in Tillamook City ty, Oregon, has filed in this office his well Avenue to the West line of Oregon, at the hour of 8 o’clock certificate for the completion of all 5th Avenue East; Sixth Avenue p.m. as the tune and place at which work under the contract of A. T. Do­ lan for furnishing concrete culverts Style N-312— West from the North line of said Common Council shall hear and I to County in accordance Third Street to the South line of consider and determine all objections with 1 illamook Coat 48 inches long, plans and specifications, and any 1st Street; Stillwell Avenue from and remonstrances to the said appor­ ; person, firm or corporation,, having made of Egyptian Seal the North line of 4th Street to tionment of the cost of said improve­ to file to the final pay­ the North line of 9th Street; Sec­ ment and that at said meeting or at I objections Plush and lined through­ ment on said contract, may do so ond Avenue East from the South such other time as said meeting may within two weeks from the date of the out. Deep convertable I line of 4th Street to the North be adjourned to, said Common Coun­ first publication of this notice. collar. High gauntlet line of 9th Street; I’ark Street cil will hear and consider and deter­ Dated Aug. 21, 1917. 1 from the South line of 1st Streeet mine such objections and remon­ Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. cuff. The wide all-around to the North line of 3rd Street strances and make such changes in I First publication Aug. 23, 19Ì7, belt has the new gather­ including the cost of curbs and said apportionment as shall be neces­ Last publication Sept. 6. 1917. headers and the grading of said sary to make the same equitable and ed back effect, finished streets, just. The apportionment so made by Notice to Contractors. with plush buckle. which improvements were made by said Common Council is now on file * Price 1 the Warren Construction Company in with the undersigned City Recorder Notice is hereby given th pursuance of a contract entered into and may be inspected and examined County Court of Tillamook County, <$> by said Company with Tillamook by any person interested therein. [ Oregon, will, until 10 o’clock a.m. on Done by order of the said Common I Sep. 14, 1917, receive sealed pro- City, Oregon, on May 31, 1912, pur­ suant to a Resolution of Intention to Council ^and dated this 20th day of i I posals for constructing a concrete so improve said streets, adopted by August, viaduct over Beaver creek in the town <$> said Common Council on May 6, A. H. Gaylord. K.„„„ Style N-409 I of _____ Beaver, ,__ according to plans and 1912, and not including the expenses City Recorder of Tilla- specifications on file in the office of . _____ ___ I Splendid value coat, 48 in connection with said improvement, mook City, Oregon. the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun- which, by the terms of said Resolu­ inches long, of a Velour 1 ty. Each proposal shall be accompan­ tion of Intention, were to be paid by Notice is Hereby Given ied by a certified check, cash or bid­ Cheviot in Navy, Black, Tillamook City, out of the General der’s bond payable to Tillamook Oxford, Green and Fund. 1 County, equal in amount to 5 per cent That the Common Council of Tilla­ And that the Common Council of mook City, Oregon, has apportioned of the total amount of the bid. All Brown. Has large con­ I Tillamook City, Oregon, has appoint­ among the several lots, tracts and proposals must be made on form fur- vertable collar of Kolin­ ed Monday the 10th day of Sep., 1917 parcels of land, chargeable therewith, nished by the County Clerk. at the City Hall in Tillamook City, the cost of the improvement of the The County Court reserves the sky Kit Coney Fur, fin­ ■ Oregon, at the hour of 8 o’clock following streets in Tillamook City, right to reject any or all bids. ished with tails. The all- Erwin Harrisin, pm. as the time and place at which Oregon, by paving the same with around belt has blush County Clerk. said Common Council shall hear and bitulithic povement, to-wit: consider and determine all objections That portion of Fourth Street and First publication Aug. 30, 1917. button trimming. Coat i and remonstrances to the said appor- Fifth Avenue East included in the I Last publication Sept. 13, 1917. <$> is deep half lined. I tionment of the cost of said improve­ intersection of said street and ' <$> Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. Avenue, ment and that at said meeting or at Price * * such other time as said meeting may which improvement, was made by I “For twenty years I suffered from be adjourned to, said Common Coun­ the Warren Construction Company in a bad case of granulated sore eyes, cil will hear and consider and deter­ pursuance of a contract entered into j says Martin Boyd, of Henrietta, Ky.” mine such objections and remon­ by said Company with Tillamook “In February, 1903 a gentleman ask­ strances and make such changes in City, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1912, pur­ ed me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I said apportionment as shall be neces­ suant to a Resolution of Intention to bought one box and used about two- it “ and my 1 v eyes have not ,'u '"J sary to make the same equitable and so improve said streets, adopted by thirds of “ ‘: since.” This Common Council on August 5, g>yen me any trouble just. The apportionment so made by said ............................................ ! .................................. said Common Council is now on file 1912, and not including the expenses «alve is for sale by Lamar’s Drug ------ ---- with the undersigned City Recorder in connection with said improvement, -5tore- and may be inspected and examined which, by the terms of said Resolu­ 3» The Best Laxative. tion of Intention, were to be paid by by any person interested therein. To keep the bowels regular the best Done by order of the said Common Tillamook City, out of the General laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink Council and dated this 20th day of ' Fund. And that the Common Council of a full glass of water half hour before August, 1917. Tillamook City, Oregon, has appoint­ breakfast and eat an abundance of A. H. Gaylord. fruit and vegetables, also establish a City Recorder of Tilla­ ed Monday the 10th day of Sep., 1917 regular habit and be sure that your at the City Hall in Tillamook City, bowels move once each day. When a mook City, Oregon. Oregon, at the hour of 8 o’clock is needed take Chamber­ p.m. as the * me and place at which medicine Notice is Hereby Given ’s Tablets. They are pleasant to said Common Council shall hear and lain —- o----- take and mild and gentle in effect. licit the Common Council of Tilla­ consider and determine all objections For sale by Lamar's Drug Store. and remonstrances to the said appor ­ mook City, Oregon, has apportioned among the several lots, tracts and tionment of the cost of said improve­ Just the Thing for Diarrhoea. Jareds 01 land, chargeable therewith, ment and that at said meeting or at “About two years ago I had a such other time as said meeting may the cost of the improvement of the severe attack of diarrhoea which IS following streets in Tillamook City, be adjourned to, said Common Coun­ lasted over a week,” writes W. C. Oregon, by laying and constructing a cil will hear and consider and deter­ Jones, Buford, N. D.. "I became so mine such objections and remon­ weak that I could not stand upright. sewir system therein, to-wit; etrst Street from Park Street to 5th strances and make such changes in A druggist recommended Chamber­ Avenue West; Second i Street said apportionment as shall be neces­ lain's Colic, Cholera, and Dirrahoea When You Think About Skirts, Suits or Skirts from 4th Avenue East to > 7 th sary to make the same equitable and Remedy. The first dose relieved me Avenue West; Third Street . from just. The apportionment so made by 1 and in two days was a well as ever.' »» I'ark Street to the West City said Common Council is now on file i Many druggists recommend this limits; Fourth Street from Park with the undersigned City Recorder remedy because they know that it is * and mav be inspected and examined ; reliable. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Street to 7th Avenue West; Fifth Store. Street from Park Street to Still- by any person interested therein * by order of the said Common ♦ Done well Avenue; and from First Manufacturers and Retailers of Notice to Dairymen. * Avenue West to the West city Council and dated this 20th day of iimils, , Sixth ------ Street • from ■«... Park August, 1917, A. H. Gaylord, I have for sale three Registered <6> Ntreet to Stillwell Avenue; Sev­ City Recorder of Tilla­ Guernsey Bull calves. They are Gov- enth Street from 136 feet East of mook City, Oregon. enor of the Chene and Yeksa breed­ the East line of 6th Avenue East ing. I won three first out of four en­ t° Stillwell Avenue; Eighth tries in the cow classes Senior and Notice is Hereby Given -treet from 136 feet East of the Grand champion cow at Oregon ---- o----- East line of 6th Avenue East to Fair 1916. That the Common Council of Tilla­ State Stillwell Avenue; Second Avenue Correspondence solicited, These mook City, Oregon, has apportioned East from 8th Street to First calves are priced to sell. Street; Fifth Avenue West from among the several lots, tracts and W. A. Goodwin, Cornelius, Wash­ ."t?1 Street to 5th Street; Still- parcels of land, chargeable therewith, ington County, Oregon, Owner and *cll Avenue zrom 8th Street to the cost of the improvement of the breeder of Rose City Guernsey Herd. hirst Street; and Sixth Avenue following streets’in Tillamook City. ''ost from First Street to 2nd Oregon, by widening the same and Oregon Motor Vehicle Law. Autos For Sale at Bargains. paving the same with bitulithic pave­ 1. Street; ■■ -o----- . : the \v ImProvement was made by ment, to-wit: We have some exceptional bargains _ »arren Construction Company in First Street from the East line of , in used cars and believe that in the For the information of people gen­ Fourth Avenue East to the East bv Sua?Cc a contract entered into list below you will find what you erally we reprint a part of the Oregop line of Miller Avenue, f¡, said Company with Tillamook want. Motor Vehicle law; No person shall ,"y> Oregon, on Sept. 24, 1912, pnr- which improvement was made by Hudson Super Six, 7 passen­ the Warren Construction Company in throw or deposit any glass bottle, _ to a Resolution of Intention to ger .................................. 11,100.00 glass nails, tacks, hoops, wire, cans or saia^rove sa’d streets, adopted by pursuance of a contract entered into Packard 1911 5 passenger ]j¡0'-on,rnon Council on May 6. by said Company with Tillamook 500.00 4 Cylinder ........................ any other substance likely to injure City, Oregon, on May 31. 191.. pur ­ in r ' ' not fbcluding the expenses Packard, 1913, 5 passenger any person, animal or vehicle upon upon wl,.°i.rin>'C,ion with said improvement, suant to a Resolution of Intention to 900.00 6 Cylinder ........................ any road, street or highway of Orc- ,0 improve said streets, adopted bv tion r f ‘h*. terms of said Rcsolu- Chalmers 5 passenger six 600.00 Tiu 01 ‘nttr|tion, were to be paid by said Common Council on August - , Cylinder ......................... Machince Shop, Polytechnic Engineering College, Oakland, Cal Fun'j’10olt out of the General 1912, and not including the expenses Franklin, 7 passenger six No person shall, individually or in in connection with said improvement, 900.00 Cylinder ........................... association with one or more others, Tinnd l^.at ‘he Common Council of which, by the terms of said Rf.’° U‘ Buick, 7 passenger six cylin­ wilfully break, injure or tamper with 850.00 ed City, Oregon, has appoint- tion of Intention, were to be paid by der .................................... or remove any part or parts of any » tkOní?y the 10th daX of Sep.. 1317 Tillamook City, out of the General Auburn 5 passenger six 400.00 City Hall in Tillamook City, motor vehicle for the purpose if in­ Cylinder ........................... Young Men : The dnjr <>f opportunity in here now Six And that the Common Council of Cadillac. 2 passenger four np, on’ at the hour of 8 o’clock month« course in Machine Shop and Automobile Engineering juring, defacing or destroying such Tillamook City. Oregon, has aPP°'n'- 400.00 at this Cylinder ........................... said ?S 1 le tlme and place at which ed will give yon immediate employment at good vehicle, or temporarily or permanent­ Monday the H>th da» of Sep., 1 • ' ' Cadillac 5 passenger 4 Cylin­ conc'a n,tnon Council shall hear and 425 00 wages. WHY WASTE THREE YEARS As APPRENTICE ly preventing its useful operation for and lder and determine all objections at the City Hall in Iillamook City. der ....................... . Oregon, at the hour of 8 o clock Terms at above prices or 10 per when this College can turn you out as an expert mechanic in any purpose against the will or tion rcrnon’trances to the said appor- p m as the time and place at which six months. We are demonstrating this every dav at the Poly without the consent of the owner of nifn?enlj°f d,e cost °f sa>d improvc- laid Common Council shall hearand cent discount for a” ri,h As a special offer for »he week we technic College where actual engineering and mechanical work such motor vehicle, or in any other sucl aiLd ‘h?1 at sa'd meeting or at consider and determine all objections be .a- er ‘'ttte as sa>d meeting may and remonstrances to the said appor­ will refund round trip railroad fare to is being done. manner wilfully or malicously inter- purchasing one of the above. rii ». Ji>,i.rned Sa’d Common Coun- tionment of the cost of said'mprove- anyone Best euuipped College we.t of Chicago-Most Practical School ■ fer with or prevent the running of Portland Motor Car Co. thine' "e?r and consider and deter- ment of its kind in the 1 nited State»-Write for catalogue- and that at said meet mig or at such motor vehicle or the operation Burnside St., Portland Ore. itri 5uc*t objections and rtmon- Hotrelike accommodations. of the same. £es and make such changes in such other time as said meeting may f with J WHEN YOU TS COATS. SUITS and SKIRTS * t Ready to Wear or Made to Order * <$> * * * * «» I UP-TO-THE MINUTE STYLES IN CLOTHS AND PILE FABRICS * « * Think About Golden’s 'vs°hmoepns * * * * Two of Our Leaders * $16.90 f Hundreds of Other Beautiful Styles in Coats and Suits New Styles Every Week We Save You 50 Per Cent | * ON EVERY GARMENT BOUGHT IN OUR STORE We also Make to your order Exclusive styles in Coats, Suits, i Separate Skirts. $ THE RIGHT STEP TO DRESS SUPREMACY Satisfaction is What We Offer You and Values in Money Saving What We are Giving You SEE us Golden’s ♦ X”’’ % COATS, SUITS AND SKIRTS, Ready to Wear and Made to Order We Make Suits For Men, Tailored in Our Store on Premises * * “ i0 C,ou^11So«ZnWg ' Machanics and Automobile Men Wanted by the Thousands * Firat St'