TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 30, 1917. | vessels, but to the business men who , put in considerable time in assisting Feeney & Bremer. ------ o------ We want to impress upon every­ body the importance of preventing forest fires, lhe n.xt two weeks, or until the first rain comes, is a critical period, for this county, and it be­ hooves everybody io do their bit to prevent a serious fir. getting started in this county, for there is no telling what dam, ge or how many lives may be lost by a serious fire. It is th duty . of everybody to report to Sheriff THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Campbell or District Attorney Goyne I whenever anybody starts a fire un- F. C. BAKER, Publisher. I law fully or goes sway and leaves a fire burning. They should be arrested immediately and given a jail sentence. We want to inform tho.-.e who think they can start a small fire on their farms to burn up brush or logs that Did some of th. bond buyers get they are violating the law and can be to-gciher and agree to take them? imprisoned for doing so. The fire We understand that one of them en­ wardens are doing good service and deavored to make that kind of a the citizens generally are anxious to prevent a fire but some foolish indi­ dicker. vidual can unwittingly start a fire ------ o----- The Beaverton Tinies and the end not only jeopardize bis own North Plains Optimist have given up property, but also places the property the ghost. That’s nothing. A whole and lives, of other persons in jeopardy lot of newspapers are giving up the We ask the citizens to use their good ghost, two having done so in this common sense and be on the watch, reporting immediately, wherever fire county. ------ o------ i put out or a small fire gets started. Don’t take chances when attorneys We hope everybody will co their bit differ in their legal opinions. A and I clp prevent a fire from getting friendly suit is the safest way to de­ started in this county, for o.ice a fire cide as to whether the county bond­ gets started there is no telling whose ing measure is defective in some tri- property is going to be destroyed. vail matter. Until the f’rst rains come the utmost precautions should be take?.. This ap­ We heard a German doctor say plies equally to this city. when Italy entered the war, that that country would not last three The daily papers of Portland are months In the past few weeks Italy boosting for the conservation of labor took over 30,000 prisoners. We are and are strenuously urging the people wondering whether the Dr., when the of Portland to pack home the articles United States entered the war, they purchase instead of having them thought that this country would be all delivered. This is a mighty sensible in after three months war with Ger­ thing to do. There is another oppor­ many. tunity for the conservation of labor ------ o ■ ■ that we might call attention to. The t seems to be coming our way. All other morning we took breakfast at g< od sensible people got in and the Hotel Benson and here wc found scrapped for a hard surfaced road no less than a dozen waiters, with through the county, and they won napkin towels flung over their arms out. This city put up another clean when three could have rendered all cut scrap and did its bit to help the the service necessary. What can be government obtain vessels and won said of the Benson we believe is true out. It took some hard fighting and of the Multnomah, Portland and sev­ the fighters received some hard eral other first class cafes. Wc issue knocks, but we won in both scraps. this as a tip. Let conservation of la­ Next phase. bor take place in the higher walks of ------ o----- life as well as elsewhere. To have a Jim Feeney wore a great big smile man wait at your elbow to serve you when he received Senator McNary’s with what you may wish is all right telegram on Tuesday. VA’e believe when there is no shortage of help Jim has got some of Johnny Bull’s but at this time let us make this con- characteristics for he stuck to the servation of labor general.—Clover- ship building project with bull «log dale Courier. tenacity. He seemed to have had a Mv! Mv! My! The pencil pusher of presentment that after all the effort the Cloverdale Courier certainly puts that w is put forth, he would win out. on some "dog” when he goes to Port­ Well, it would have been cruel to land. if it is necessary for Frank to have turned him down. If Jim is as have a dozen waiters attendig him at successful building ships as he lias breakfast, it must take two dozen been in hanging on, he will pull waiters when it come? to dinner time. through. It is up to the Cloverdale Editor to ------ o------ set a good example in the conserva­ We are not given to divulge secrets tion of labor and go to a lunch but it is reported that Sergeant counter for his breakfast and not act Claussen, of the 10th Company, as though he was a millionaire from Coast Artillery, at roll call the other Tillamook when he goes to Portland. morning, broke away from the regu­ Practice what you preach Frank. lar roll call routine with this apt ditty ------ o------ Oh! those crisp little, sweet little The snap shot man thought he was Tillamook "cookies;” a good roads booster, but wc have We love those dear little, pretty here in Tillamook county some citi­ little Tillamook cookeys. zens that are far more progressive We arc glad to know that Sergeant then we are, advocating an additional (. laussen expresses the sentiment of ten mill tax beside the regular road the boys at Fort Columbia, in paying tax and the county bonding measure the Tillamook Honor Guard Girls and passed by the people. These citizens ladies a flattering compliment. are certainilv some good roads boost­ ers who arc getting impatient for a Men wanted to work constructing hard surfaced road through the coun­ the five miles ot hard surfaced road. ty. The snap shot man does not want Time is short and men arc wanted to see the good roads movement jeop­ immediately to help get the contract ardize or taxation to become burden­ completed this fall. If our friends in some, for taxes arc high enough al­ the south part of the county would ready. We had to point out to those get a hustle on and take an interest who argued for a special road tax m procuring men for the contractors the importance of conserving ,as much the work will be completed this fall. money from next year's road fund Failing to do so some of the work, if and by the sale of bonds for hard- not all of it will have to go over un­ I surfacing the main highway through til next year. If the good road boost­ » the count' which will amount to ers ol the county, and even the- farm­ about $375,000, the comity will have ers, will get in and work or procure for road purposes, not taking into men who will, the five miles of road consideration anv financial assistance will go through with a rush, and wc from the State High wav Commission appeal to those living in the south and lhe Federal government. The part of the county to get a move on County Court will have plcntv to do ami do tluir bit to get the work com­ next year to expend $375,000 e on- pleter! this year. omicallv without adding another ------ o------ $200,000, and for the sake of the The articles of Ex Ambassador good roads movement in Tillamook want to respectfully ask goni i. make highly interesting read­ county we advocate a special road those who ing, lor they throw considerable light tax not to agitate it. With a little on what Germany expected to accom­ the course of a few years, plish when the war commenced, many patience, in fund is conserved, the the road ___ have surprised a great number of if main road through the county will be Americans to know that Germany hardsurfaced. The county is now had planned to wage war with the making good progress with that ob­ United States, but to those who have ject in view, and should be brought kept informed of the many predic- about with as little extra taxation as tions of the war lords ami Gcrnian newspapers, they expected to whip possible. ------ o------ the whole world and become the tnili- By persistent effort and scrapping tary dictators, even predicting that Tillamook managed to obtain a con­ they would make the United States tract to build tw o government vessels pay an indemnity sufficient to pay brought about by the co-operation Germany for the cost of the war. To and financial backing of the business our way of thinking, it is no wonder men of this city. And it is with con­ that so many nations arc fighting siderable pride to the business men Germany. The articles of cx-Ambas- of this city that Feeney & Bretnmer sador Gerard are opening the eves of arc the successful contractors. This especially will mean a large pay roll for this the American people, those whose sympathies are with section the coming winter and the Germany. starting of an important industry. For several weeks past it looked as The efforts to obtain contracts to though Tillamook would be turned build government vessels in Tilla­ down, notwithstanding the strong mook have failed, we arc sorry to say. effort put forth to obtain the contract There is this much to say, the busi­ and when Senator McNary’s telegram ness men of this city showed the right was received on Tuesday, it came at spirit in offering financial assistance, a time when most of the business men and they did everything possible to had given up hope. It was a gratify­ secure the contracts There was this ing and agreceablc surprise, but it drawback and obstacle that was hard goes to show that when business men to overcome: The fear of taking give their financial support and all workmen from other shipbuilding co-operate to bring a new industry yards for a new shipbuilding plant, into the community, it had consider­ and especially from Portland yards able weight Everybody felt happy What appeared to bge most annoy- when told that Tillamook had been mg ■ is the repeated obstacles placed given a contract for ship building. i way and which extended over Success have attended I our efforts in t sev< r i| months, finally to fall through thus far. but it is up to the business on the pretex that no more wooden men to take a lively interest in the ships were to be built at present It shipbuilding plant and to make good, is not only disappointing to Feenev Every effort should now he put forth A Bremer, w ho expended a good deal to that end. which if it proves suc- of time and money in their efforts to cessful, will mean a permanent in- do their bit in building government du,try in this vicinity with a good big ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............. Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month....................................... Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . All Resolutions of Condolence one month..................................... Editorial S.iap ¡Shots. pay roll. There is no doubt but what Feeney & Bremmer Co. will be able to build the-vessels, but the business end may require some little supervis­ ion by those who have guaranteed ■ noney to make a start, which will, no doubt be all arranged satisfactorily, if present plans work out as already planned, it will be that much easier to obtain financial support and co­ operation from the business men to induce other industries to locate here, so it is very important that the ship building project turn out a success. ROAD BONDS SOLD. Question as to the Legality of the Bonds and Expenses Troubles County Court. Al! day Saturday the County Court wrestled with a hard problem, that of disposing of $200,000 w'orth of county road bonds. Bids were opened on the 17th of August when the County Court took the matter under advisement from day to day. 1 here w er ' seven bidders, all of whom ap­ peared to be keen competitors and Death of C. J. Blanchard. wanting the bonds. We give below Charles Joel Blanchard was born the bids offered: March 8, 1851, at Franklin Village, Cummings Prudden 4 Co. $9,780.00 Delaware Co., N. Y., and died August Carstens & Earles and John E. Price & Co.................... 7,990.00 23, 1917, at the age of 66 years 5 months and 15 days, at his home at Lumbermens Trust Co. ... 3,937.50 Hemlock, Orc. His young manhood Halsey Stuart & Co............ 10,440.00 4,370.00 was spent in Minnesota and Iowa, Morris Bros........................... 7 825.00 He was united in marriage to Miss G. E. Miller 4 Co.................. 6^900.00 Frences E. Bolton, at Wappelo,. Keeler Bros.......................... .. _____ Court _____ ____ The County was in a quan- Iowa, December 29, 1875. To this ! dry, for it was doubtful, since the ad- union were born nine children. Mr and Mrs. Blanchard’s first home ■ vertisement called for 5 per cent was on a homestead in Jewel cot nty, ■ bonds, whether the court would be Kansas, where they lived for eight justified in paying a large sum of years, in 1834 they w nt to Dawson ¡money for expenses, or to be more county, Nebraska. Mr. Blanchard and I correct, it was a makeshift to get family came to Oregon in 1894 and ' around 5 per cent bonds, But what resided eight years in the Willamette j was most surprising was telegrams valley, near Salem and Sheridan. In received from the Lumbermens Trust 1902 he moved to Tillamook and has Co., and Morris Bros., withdrawing since lived on his farm at Hemlock. their bids and giving their reasons Mr. Blanchard is survived by his for doing so. This left the bid of wife, nine children, eleven grand Keeler Bros., the best bid, but it children, two brothers and two sis­ made a difference of $2,960.50 in ters, who regret their loss, but realize the amount of expenses, as Keeler Bros., want $6,900.00 expenses. that it is his eternal gain. The County Court decided late The children are John W., of Dur­ ango, Col.; David Elmer, of Lamonta, Saturday afternoon to accept the bid Ore.; Clarence D., of Sheridan, Ore.; of Keeler Bros., which is conditional Mrs. J. A. Dickey, of Yamhill, Orc.; upon them obtaining a favorable Mrs. B. Hanson, of Tillamook; My- opinion as to the legality of the bonds ron, of Winlock, Ore.; Jennie, Roy from some bond attorneys. The bid of Keeler Bros., provides that they and Bertha, of Hemlock. He was a devoted husband, a lov- will pay 5 per cent for money until the time that it is needed. This was ing father, and a kind neighbor. Mr. Blanchard was converted when the only bid that stipulated this, and a young man and united with the will be a saving to the county, as Winbincrian Church of God and later only part of the money will be used with the Cumberland Presbyterian this year. Church. A few weeks before his de­ parture he expressed a living faith in Lumbermens Trust Co: Jesus his Savior and expressed , his : “Our attorney C. B. Wood, of willingness and desire to go. His Chicago, declines to approve issue of great patience in his last illness at- Tillamook County road bonds I and test the keeping power of Jesus. holel new- election necessary; there- How long the labors, hard the road. fore, please consider our proposal _ The Savior sweetly offers rest; dated August 17th withdrawn, and Come near, and I will bear the load, instruct County Clerk to return cer- Will guide to regions of the blest. tified check for $10,000 to First National Bank of your city for our At rest in Jesus’ precious arms, Lift’s battles fought, the victory account. If County Court will con­ sider proposition for furnishing pro­ won; ceedings incident to new election or The dawn of morning will reveal will give selling option with view of The saving merits of the Son. bringing test suit and taking case to Supreme Court, wc will have repre­ NEWS FROM THE BOYS. sentatives meet with court for pur­ Tillamookers are “Sore”—Have Plen­ pose upon your request.” Keeler Bros. ty of Inspection. Our office attorneys- have approved Fort Columbia, Wash. road bond transcript and we are August 28, 1917. re ady to do business immediately ac­ Sore arms arc the order of the day cording to proposals made by our Mr. throughout this post. Not only is this Glenn, which included allowance to true of the 10th Company but of all county of 5 per cent on funds until the other companies in the fort. They needed for use, together with our are due to smallpox vaccination and guarantee that county would effect various kinds of anti-typhoid injec­ an interest saving of at least $3,000, tions. The first came last Wednesday, w hich savings would likely amount to another batch—one in the right arm, nearer $6,000. Please wire us Port­ another in the left, on Saturday; and land, when Glenn can confer with the there are more to come. county court on the subject.” The greater part of the week has “Our Denver office advises that, re­ been devoted to trips to the hospital gardless fact of Eastern attorney re­ and inspections. Inspections seem to fused approval of Tillamook bonds, constitute a very important item of that providing court will accept our army life. There arc inspections by offer we will gladly submit transcript the commanding officer of the com­ to other attorneys whose opinion pany, inspections by the post com­ would be satisfactory, and if can get mander, whose headquarters are at approved this would save county Fort Stevens, and preparations were great loss of time as well as money.” made earlier in the week for an in­ "V\e are advised by Morris Bros, spection by the commanding general office that Judge Wood and Story of the coast artillery corps. This one Thorndyke have refused to approve failed to materialize. It, however, will the legality of your county bond come at some future period. issue. You have probably been like­ And these inspections cover every wise.” phase of army life. One day it’s an John E. I’ricc & Co.: inspection of artillery and emplace­ “Keeler Bros, advises us eonsidera- ments; then it may be clothing and tion road bonds scheduled for Mon- equipment, or quarters, or all these. day has been postponed. Advise when Then the suit of government under­ action will be taken. Stop local attor­ wear, kept for inspection purposes, neys. Hohl election notice rather the other towel (dean), one clean than petition contracts term of bonds handkerchief, a bar of soap, comb and that allowance to purchaser for and brush, shaving outfit and various legal and other expenses is mere sub­ other things must be carefully and terfuge, thereby invalidating bonds neatly displayed on the bunk. It is and raises gave question as to liabil­ immaterial how much other clothing ity.” or supplies may be stored tinder the Morris Bros.: bed tick, which is the army trunk. "As our attorneys have definitely The items enumerated must be visible ami positively turned down the issue so that the inspector may see them of 1 illamook County bonds as being with the least possible effort. And illegal from the inception of the woe to the man whose blankets have petition......................... If the County not been properly folded, or whose Commissioners decide to proceed and rifle shows a speck of dust or rust. attempt to sell the bonds, we would Everything must shine for inspection. suggest to them that in all their pro­ The grip of military discipline has ceedings and in offering the bonds tightened around us. Several mem­ that they call for a bond to bear in­ bers of the company were confined to terest not to exceed 6 per cent. That quarters recently for minor infrac­ will permit lhe bidders to bid on 6 tions of the regulations, for the most per cent, 5'j per cent and 5 per cent part for the failure to answer roll bonds. In that way it will eliminate calls. Up to this time, the guard any question as to the County Court house has been free from guests, paying for services. It certainly will however, and the boys arc trying to not hurt the bonds to> be advertised stay clear of it. in that way. and it might be of great The gulf that exists between offi­ benefit to the county.” cers and enlisted men is daily becom­ After withdrawing their bid John ing more noticeable. Regulations re­ E. Price & Co. wrote: quire members of the company to ’What disposition, if any, has been have permission from the first ser­ made of the bonds? I wish to Stine geant to speak to their own officers that if the bonds have not been sold and this rule is to be inforced. Offi­ in ic ordance with any of the bids cers are not supposed to associate submitted on th- 17th, both John E. with their men socially and arc very Price & Co., and Carstens & Earles frequently reminded therecof, should Inc, desire to negotiate with the their memory for a moment lapse, county for their purchase.” Pay dav is due—sonic of the boys Morris Bros.: say overdue. However, it's coming "Our Mr. Pratt was in Salem ves- and will be very welcome. terdav and among other matters Buglar Simmons is a fine mnsician. up with the Attorney General took ---------- the We have the word of Col. Ellis. question of the Tillamook county Coast Defense Commander, who in­ road bonds. On the return to the city spected the company last week, for he was requested by Mr. Goyne to al­ that. Col. Ellis had Donald sound re- low our check to remain with the pos­ trAit for him before giving his opin­ sibility of the Commissioners award­ ion. ing us the bonds; having the legality Peter Bosnia, private first class, has of the bonds tes'ed by the courts. difficulties of his own. It is hard to This could have been done if the com­ make people realize, says Peter, that missioners had acted upon the writ­ he i< a “high class" private and not a er’s advice when he was m Tillamook, "low down" one. for we believe that the bonds could Cms Goerc* and w ife, and Dr. C W. have been legalised at that time but Miller visited on Sunday. I G Pur­ apparently the county attorney did dy and family, formerly of Tillamook not have much confidence in what also called upon us. the writer stated. We do not care at Mrs. Walls and son Richard joined this time to bring the matter before Lieut Walls on Friday. Thev will re­ the courts. main for an indefinite period. Gem Theatre Program FRIDAY, AUGUST 31. YIEUT DANNY, U. S. A.”—5 reel Triangle feature picture, with Wm. Desmond and Enid Markey. HIS LYING HEART,”—2 reel comedy starring Louella Maxam and Vivian Edwards, Adults 15 cents Children 5 cents SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1. "MILLIONAIRES DOUBLE.”—Metro wonder picture, feat­ uring Lionel Barrymore, 5 reels of thrills and action. “BLACKMAIL,”—1 reel comedy, featuring Drews. (This pro­ gram one night only.) Adults 15 cents Children 5 cents SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. “BOUGHT AND PAID FOR”—This is the first program of the famous World Pictures Brady-made, we have entered in­ to a contract for one of these wonderful pictures to be shown by us each Sunday night. We endorse them of the best ‘class’ and invite you all to see them. Miss Alice Brady is the star of this program. Adults 15 cents Children 5 cents MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. "HELL TO PAY AUSTIN"—5 reel Triangle feature picture, featuring Wilfred Lucas and Bessie Love. A live number. Don’t miss it. "THE WINNING PUNCH,,—2 reels of comedy full of laughs. Adults 15 cents Children 5 cents TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. “CRIME AND PUNISHMENT”—Pathe Gold Rooster play, featuring Derwent Hall Caine, “PATHE NEWS” Adults 15 cents Children 5 cents WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5. “THE TANKS AT THE BATTLE OF THE ANCRE”—and t two reel patriotic picture "Our Fighting Forces.” This is absolutely a chance of a life time. Don’t fail to read display advertisement on front page of this paper. Box office opens at 7 o’clock, show starts at 7:30 sharp (or as soon as seats are all filled) 25 cents admission for everyone who occupies a chair. Music by orchestra. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER H. Same show as Wednesday. Afternoon show at 2 o’clock. Even­ ing show at usual time. Admission 25 cents to every body occupying a ceat. Orchestra music. T Growth and Service HE FIRST NATIONAL BAXK is gaining the first rapidly—because it is performing the second consistently—and to the best interests of both Public and Institution. banking here every department of and every service TO COMFORT DIRECTORS^ A. ”.,”unn Farmer. P. Heisel. Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. H. G. Lamb. Bmldmg Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W'. J. Riechers. Cashier. 4 w n c 1 TheHrsthlational Bank The Pendleton Round-Up Pendleton, Ore., Aug. I he greatest aggregation of champions ever seen in one —' U 29. world’s contest XVHIV31 'some outsiders. The directors PF will be the biggest Round-lP er 'pulled off. These people will all P itively be here, as the Pounm.. never makes such an announce I until it is a sure thing. Indicate? I are that the crowd will be up $• mal. The scat sale opens ■’cP*1- 1 the advance sale is already a 1 i 1915. compete at the Round-Up Scn- tember 20, 21 and 22 Th. P’ rp will be the biggest thing the°worM w"l m«/'^ A" f°rm" will meet and compete for the su­ premetitle In the cowgirls’ relay Announcement. B^nhi'm P*70ntIMi‘b'l De Long, «I k BJla"fftt. Mrs. Parsons. I ila - ■—o---------- -mith and Josephine Sherry will ride Mrs. J. C. Holden announces X"’si^h A*hCr 'h” ’ cowboy,’ she will open her Piano Studio. ■ ■ ... p> Armstrong, Darrel Can L for private and class instruct»*j non. Allen Dntmhellcr. Paxton Irwin' Mrs. Holden is a graduate , ride^The^ M n<1 B°h An,kr’°" « ili Dunning Improved System Study and will establish classes i this method. . J Anyone desiring further parties’^ may call at any time. fonne,r^in„„te,’rkwam J°h" Ju**d a" Money Wanted. J Wanted to borrow |3,50(* 'a champion ai,’osb,\Xpiran;tn edge security.—Address “0* J Tillamook Oregon.