Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 30, 1917, Image 2

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Attack ths Test by Warring Upon Its
Breeding Places.
AUGUST 30, 1917.
Physical Evils That Come From Long,
Continuous Duty.
According to Assistant Surgeon Wal­
Bi doing away with breeding places,
riicli as tin cans, broken crockery and The Simplon Is the Greatest and ter W. < ress of tL ■ :;avy, long, con­
varl us receptacles that hold water«
tinuous duty on submarines is con­
Costliest of Them All.
!r.' the drainage ot bodies of water like­
ducive to high blood pressure, with its
ly to contain Immature inoaquitoea, by
attending evils.
appli atiou of oil to bodies of water
“Whether that is due." he says, "to
A WORK OF INFINITE DETAIL that annot lie drained or the lntro- LONGEST HOLE EVER BORED. me:it.ii strain. l< ss < f sleep, overeating
(!.: lion of fish into ¡tools that cannot
with In k of exercise, excessive use of
ci! her be drained or oiled millions of
tobacco, coffee anil tea or some toxic
What It Would Mean In Railway Care
This Road Through the Alps Is Mors agent peculiar to s c (marines I am un­
iuo»q;,;toes may be destroyed.
of Various Kinds and In Supplies and
Than Twelve Miles In Length and Its
W. er la necessary for the life of
able to .- ty. It was noted that a slight
Equipment to Carry a Million and a
Coat Exceeded Fifteen Millions—Our
• ■ imisqulto. The eggs which are laid
full <>• . red after a forty-eight hour
Half Man Acrosi ths Country.
o.i the surface of the water by the
surface irn end a three hour dive. Un­
Own Hoosac Tunnel.
doubtedly that could be accounted for
Before a body ot troops is entrained adult mo. (,uito hatch in from twenty-
The costliest as well as the biggest
the time and plai e of every more are 5 '¡r hours to several days, dejicndlng railroad tunnel in the world Is the long by fatigue or la k of physical exer­
mapped out. Including the date and >n the temperature. The larvae issue bole burrowed lielow the Alps between cise during the preceding forty-eight
place of entraining, destination, time from the lower ends of the eggs and Brlgue, Switzerland, and Iselle, Italy.
One effect, natural under the clrcnm-
of arrival, route, assembly point, time wriggle iilaont hi the water.
This tremendous tunnel, the Simplon, stances, he says, was that of loss of
The Inrrue of the house mosquito
of troops leaving assembly point, route
is 12 miles 537 yards in length and cost
of assembly point to train, time of ar­ rest with the tips of the alidomen at more than $15,000,000. Several mil­ weight, and it is observed that there
rival at station, time of boarding train, the surface of the water und the heads lions more will be spent In completing is probably no occupation, excepting
time of departure of train, rate of trav­ hr« king downward. The larvae of the the second chamber. Work was begun that of a boilermaker, giving rise to
el over each section of route, time, malaria fever mosquito He parallel on it in 1898. and traffic began to move as many cases of partial deafness as
submarine duty. It is not uncommon,
place and duration of stops; time and with the surface of the water to obtain through in 1903.
I he says, for men to report that they
place of feeding troops and animals air. In from one week to ten days
The Simplon is about three miles
mid a schedule showing the assign­ they change to another form, the longer than the St. Gothard and the have Increasing difiiculty In hearing
ment of troops and equipage to each pillule, which have two respiratory Loetschberg tuuncls and more than the commands. That is attributed to i
car. Aside from this are countless de­ lubes on the thorax. These pupae four miles longer than the Mont Cenis, the constant vibratory movement of I
tails connected with procuring sup- float In the water and transform to I the three next longest of the world's the submarine, the straining of ears to
adults in from five to nix days. The
hear above the noise of the engtoes.
plies, the disposal of troops and their
adults winter in the dormant condi­ j railway tunnels.
the presence of cold drafts of air down
i The Mont Cenis was the first of these the hatches while operating on the
All these preliminary arrangements
The germ causing malaria fever has big bores. It was completed to 1871 surface, the excessive bent while run­
must be made by an officer of the qnar- been carefully and repeatedly traced and at once diverted passenger and
ning submerged and the Inhalation of
termaster corps. The first thing to be through its life history, and it has freight transportation away from Swit­ I gases given off by the batteries and
done is to procure lists with weight with certainty been found to pass a zerland, as it furnished a direct route fumes from oil tanks.
of all property to be shipped, obtain part of its existence in man and part to Italy from southeastern France.
"It Is becoming more and more ap­
this material and make out the bill of la tlie body of the mosquito. By the
The Swiss determined to win back parent," concluded Dr. Cress, "that all
lading. This, with the number of men bite of the mosquito the malarial fever their lost traffic, and to 1871 work was men should undergo n thorough phys­
and officers, constitutes a basis on organism Is transmitted to man. No started on the St. Gothard, which was ical and mental examination before be­
which lie estimates the number and practical methods have been devised 1 not finished until eleven years later. ing assigned to submarine duty."—
kind of ears needed. He then engages to destroy adult mosquitoes. All suc­ . The St. Gothard is about nine and one- Washington Star.
the cars and provides loading facilities, cessful methods so far have been to , third miles In length and cost $11.500.-
auch as material for blocking and lash­ check their numbers by either doing ■000.
ing. and constructs necessary ramps, away with hiding places or by destroy­ j In Its toll of lives It was the costliest
or runways, for entraining animals or ing the young mosquitoes.
, of all. Faulty ventilation, the terrific
Kerosene oil applied to the water sur­ heat and the lack of care to keeping How to Remove the Flowers Without
Injuring the Plants.
Next, on the arrival of the cars, he face at the rare of one-half teaeupful down the dUBt caused the deatba of 800
Inspects them from a thousand major to one barrel of water or one ounce of . laborers. This tunnel Is wholly to
There Is a right as well as a wrong
and minor angles. All cars must tie kerosene to fifteen square feet of water Swiss territory, and eight years ago it way to cut roses. If not cut cor­
clean. 1'assenger cars must be fully Is sufficient to destroy any young mos­ I was bought from the owners by the rectly the blossom producing proper­
aupplled with water and Ice. sufficient­ quitoes that might be present to the ■ government.
ties of the plants may be seriously in­
The Htmplon. located about halfway jured. This applies particularly, of
ly lighted and heated and all other water. An application of the kerosene
between the Mout Cents and the St. course, to rose plants chosen and
appurtenances in pro|>er condition. should be made every fifteen days.
Gothard, la a double tunnel, although grown especially to supply cut flowers.
Stock curs come In for special atten­
only one chamber has been wholly ex­ Such roses will be largely of the per-
Then the nnmber of men or kind and RHODES DIED UNSATISFIED. cavated. The other will be enlarged p'etual blooming sorts.
and put into service when the first be­
qunntity of supplies allotted to each
When a rose is cut from such a plant
car Is marked on the side or steps, to­ His Leet Words Were, "So Little Done, comes overtaxed. Better arrangements only two or three eyes of the current
So Mush to Do."
for ventilation kept the death roll season's growth of that branch should
gether with the name of the organiza­
down to sixty, twenty-five cubic feet bo left on the plant. This should give
"So little (lout), so much to do.”
tion. In loading men three are as­
This was tbs sigh of Cecil Ilbodes, of fresh air being supplied to the lalior- the roses very long stems. Succeeding
signed to each section in tourist sleep­
ers or three to each two seats In a day one of the greatest men the world ever ers for every one blown Into the St blossoms should lie cut to the ground.
knew. Joliu Hays Hammond, who Gothard.
It will seem like destroying the bush
The difficulties conquered were tre to take so much off. but If the object
Another lmi>ortant point is to keep knew him well, tells about Rhodes to
mendoils. Tlie Simplon is not only the
the troops of each unit with all equip the American Magazine. He says:
Is the production of roses the cutting
"The achievements of Rhodes are al­ longest, but the lowest of the Alpine away of the surplus wood will simply
inent together. This is Important in
tunnels, and the rock temperature
further the desired end.
case of sudden attack. Imagine the
sometimes reached 133 degrees.
fate ot n unit of troops suddenly de­ ican trusts were attempted he formed
If the spring pruning has not been
trained nt the firing line without equip wliat was then the greatest business side reached the center of the great sufficiently severe the plant Is likely
combination In history and became ab­
txire they were halted by an enormous to have long, naked stalks and abort
A possible element of delay lies to solute autocrat of the diamond busi­ spring of hot water. Then the Italians stems to the flowers. In such a case
only one or two strong leaf buds
the timing of the arrival of troops at
a huge consolidation of gold compa­ were stoppl'd, and for some time It should be left on the branch when the I
the station. There must be no time
nies. He wus the first financier coura­
flower Is cut, so as to stimulate as ’
lost by cars waiting for the troops.
geous enough to institute deep level have to lie abandoned. But the engi-
The facilities for loading animals and mining on the Rand, the method on neers refused to be daunted, although much growth as possible from the base
wagons nt each station on each route which now depends the future of the six months were required to dig out of the plant.
The temptation Is great to leave
should be part of the quartermaster
the last 300 yards of the tunnel.
greatest of all gold fields.
where there are two or more
corps' records. Quick and noiseless
"No Roman emperor ever won more
loading and unloading of animals with­ territory than Rhodes brought under the digging that the headings from ei­ buds on one branch, some being small
out confusion art) an art In themselves bls native British flag Through the ther side met with deviations of but when the terminal one is open, This
Dispositions of Indivlduiil animals must chartered company. Incorporated to eight inches internally and throe and bad practice can be avoided by pinch­
be studied, Gentle animals should l>e 18S0. he added to tlie British colonial one-half toches vertically. The total ing off all side shoots after a bud has
placed opposite doors ar.il therefore dominions territory equal to the com­ length of the tunnel was thirty-six formed on the end of a branch, thus
loaded lust.
bined areas of the British isles, I-'rance, inches less than had been calculated. leaving the stem |>erfectly clean and
The time of loading and unloading Prussia, Austria and Spain. Ho made Trains are pulled through the tunnel willowy.—Popular Science Monthly.
has been carefully tubulated and possible the federation of all South Af­ tn eighteen minutes, at the rate of
Corn Bread.
should not exceed the following: ln- rican states and planned to link Cape forty-two miles an hour, by powerful
In making corn bread be sure to get
fantry, one hour; cavalry and light ar­ < 'olony and Cairo by rail, a project that electric locomotives.
The Loetschberg is the latest of the the proper kind of meal; otherwise it
tillery, one and one-half hours; heavy lie carried halfway to fruition before
artillery and engineers with bridge ho was cut off by death when he was big Swiss tunnels. This is about the needs flour to keep it together. Ask
same length as the St. Gothard and for the old southern milled cornmeal.
train, two hours. All movements, load­ I only forty-nine years old.
is also wholly in Swiss territory, being
ing. entraining, detraining, feeding and
"Yet with this record of empire build­ located to the north of the Simplon. It is very fine, white and needs no
flour. A good recipe for corn bread
watering and exercising men and ing behind him his last words as lie lay
It Is a part of the Bernese Alps rail­ Is us follows: One and one-half cupfuls
horses, are made in military fashion.
dy Ing were these:
way, which has thirty-four tunuela In of cornmeal, one-half cupful of milk, a
With each train kitchen cars are pro­
“ 'So little dime, so much to do.’ "
its forty-eight miles between Thun and pinch of salt, a piece of butter the size
vided. Otherwise baggage cars are fit­
of an egg, one-half teasiioonful of bak­
ted up by troops or arrangements made
Health Examinations.
The Simplon will apparently remnln ing powder and one egg. It must not
for procuring meals, or at least liquid
"Periodic health examinations are the biggest of railway tunnels until h be too stiff. Put in a pan that will
coffee, nt stations en route. Feeding of the best safeguard against degenera­ submarine one Is driven under the Eng­
men and animals Is in Itself no small tive diseases." says a leading physi­ lish channel or perhaps under Bering make the batter about one and one-half
inches thick and bake till brown. It
cian. “It is as foolish for a man to sea. At present the longest projected
Say the war department was called neglect his health and not consult a mountain tunnel In Europe is a French is impossible to make the southern
upon to trnnsiHut twenty field armies physician until he suffers acute pain as undertaking, which is planned to pass corn bread with the coarsely milled
of 82.1'10 men each, or 1.64>'<J(M) men. It would be for a busln«s»s man to go directly under Mont Blanc, the high­ meal, says a southerner.—New York
In ni»> mg such a military force the without having hla lsx>ks balanced un­ est mountain In Europe, and to form Sun.
railroads must enrr; . besides the 1,040,- til after he had gone Into bankruptcy. another highway between France and
Animal Criminala.
ooo men, 700,000 mounts mid draft an­ Every man should be compelled to take Italy. Rut this tunnel will tie only a
As a species of hardened criminal
imals, «10,000 vehicles mid 3.300 big a physical examination and learu Just little over eleven miles long, so that
among placid herbivorous animals none
how be can Improve his health. To It will lie merely eeeond to rank If it la worse than the bison, or American
To accomplish this the quartermas­ know what you lack Is the first step la carried out.
buffalo. Toward man and beast and
ter corps must have available at the toward getting it"
I Tlie Hoosac tunnel. In western Maa- even among themselves these vicious,
right points 42.300 passenger coaches.
sachusetts, was the first really big tun­ vindictive and agile brutes, whose half
7.700 baggage cars, 21.100 box cars,
nel In the United States. Begun in brothers on the other continents do not
Chances For Success.
37,080 stock cars and 15.500 flat ears,
I have many times been asked If, in 1855, It was not finished until 1ST«, fear even the terrific onslaughts of
making a total of 124,580 cars, or 7.320
my opinion, the young tuan of today Air drills and nitroglycerin were used lions and tigers, are In a state of al­
trains with ns many engines.
to thia work for the first time on a
Here Is the government's minimum had as good chance to make his mark big scale In any American engineering most continual warfare. They are
In the business world as did his elders.
among the wickedest rogues ever seen
estimato of the gross weight of mate­
My answer is, "Never since our pil­ work. The Hoosac tunnel Is four and to a zoo.
rials needed each month by this force
grim fathers landed on the shores of
of 1.040.000 men: Rations, 250.030.400 Plymouth were the opportnultica for Post
Pride a Strange Thing.
pounds; ammunition. 7,040.1)10 pounds;
tha young man's success greater than
Pride is a strange thing. For to-
forage. «KCT.147.tW pounds; general they are today, it la for him to deter­ I
Geologist's Thermometer.
quartermasters' supplies, 33,794.440 mine whether ho will lie a success or
Quarts la the geologist's therrnoine' stance, a man would much rather be
pounds; clothing and equipage. 22.080.- not"—Stephen A. Knight
for It is formed between narrow seen by the younger and prettier act
340 pounds, ordinance supplies other
ranges of temperature, if the mate­ of Neighbor women filling up the gaso­
than ammunition, 1,622,740 pounds;
rials from which nature makes it are line tauk than emptying the garbage,
A Mathematician.
engineers' snpplh's, 12,298.320 pounds,
subjected to more than so much heat though the latter act Is really much
"Daddy," said Bobby, who was eat- they take on an entirely different char­ more commendable to that be Just
signal supplies, 9.<H3.2«IO pounds; med­
ical supplies, 507.100 pounds; candy I tog an epple, “what would be worse acter from quarts. The same Is true doea it to help ms ]>oor. hardworking
and tobacco. 819.680 potunis, making a than finding a worm to this apple?"
If they are subjected to less than a cer­ wife that much.—Columbus (O.) Jour
"1 do not know, eon, unless It would tain amount of Imat.
total of 961.08». 100 or nearly 1,000,000.-
OlWl pounds. The transportation of this t>e worse to find two worms.
Pat is nee.
"No," said Bobby. "It would be
enormous weight would req«Ure flfty-
Nona Worth While.
Enter Into the sublime patience of
flve trains of thirty cars each day as worse to And half of a worm."—Every-
“There la one thing I am rather
Lord. Be charitable lu view of it.
long as the force was In the field — body's.
worried ahont in this suburban club
can afford to wait. Why cannot
So Ho Doos.
we bave htm to fall back
"What is that, my dear?"
"Why don't you open the door? That
"Do you know if they serve cakes upon? Is>t patience have her perfect
To the Lad is».
work and bring forth her eeleatial
Ladles, If you love a man marry him may ls> opportunity knocking."
with these golf tees?" — Baltimore
"It's much more apt to I* a bill col-
fruits.—G Macdonald.
If you marry him know him If you
know !dm study him. If you study hint
“Well, if you only knew It. a bill col I
Ths Fins Art of Visiting.
An Improvement.
hint. If you humor him flatter
lector offers a good opportunity to get
••Visiting Is an art." say» Woman's
“He left his home all for her."
him If you flatter hint you will hntuor out of debt." Birmingham Age Herald
Horn«* Companion. “To make people
"Why sor
him. If you humor him you will study
feel at home in their own house when
you are there «» the highest point of
Ths Idas!
him. If you know him you may di
human conduct."
“1 expect to have a great ileal of
force him.—I.lfe.
I To double your troubles and lessen
trouble breaking tn our new cook.”
The uncertainty of death is in effect
“Oil. you Just let her alone and she'll
Do not make deposits of carelessness attend to all the breaking.” San Fran your frlemla talk ataiut them.—Youth'» the great support of tha whole system
of life.—Ben Jonson.
to the bsuk of misery.
cisco Chronicle.
Transporting Troops In Time of
War 18 a Gigantic Task.
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Clean cylinders be­
cause Red Crown ex-
in a continuous
Oil Company
General Contractors
and Builders.
Estimates & Plans Furnished.
Call at our plant and get prices.
save you money.
Both Phones.
It will
Tillamook County
Beach Points.
Round trip tickets at reduced fares will be
on sale daily, between beach points, until
September 22nd. Limit 2 davs.
n Sundays, until September 9th, special
ow fare tickets will be sold, limited to date
of sale.
tr'in» 1
t,lat t,le m”tor car makes two round
trip* «lady between Tillamook and Mohler, in ad-
dition to the regular steam service.
• sk our hx al agent for tickets and further information.
. <>hti M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.