✓ ItaöliflM- ILLAMOOK, OREGON, WGUST 30, 1917. ' ,. .. dance at Armory, A • 1.50 PER YEAR. Thursday and City T’l Friday, ----- at . Saltair Saturday and" Sun- There will be a dance at Pacific day. Haskin ’ s Professional “ Jazz ” invit admitted frankly the preference of 'y on Saturday evening. Everybody 1 TILLAMOOK TO BUILD ------ o orchestra will furnish real j. invited. GOVERNMENT VESSELS the Board for steel ships. Yards that the deer season. Some of the forest • jazj music W. A. Wise, dentist. • full of pep. Everybody ■ C — fires are of incendiary'origin and a “.. ...i come and step. , . Mrs. — • Mary Gabriel, of Portland, Feeney & Bremmer Advised They fare now bidding, he said, as well as firebug, caught by a patroling soldier Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. • 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Gerard, M left this some yards having some wooden-ship might kill the guard and if appre­ -ft tins morning after visiting with Will Be Given Contract. rs. G. Deputy Sheriff Stanley and wife, contracts, have reported that their hended later explain that he mistook Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough I Hays and Mr. J. P. Bond, motored men will not work the lumber fur­ the soldier for a deer. over from Portland and spent torid the j Lydia S. Morgan vs. H. E. Carr, Washington, D. C. Aug. 28, 1917. Co. * nished because it comes from non- week end with their relatives Mr. and Alice Carr, and Delsa Carr, is a suit Feeney & Bremmer, Tillamook. union camps. The Shipping Board, Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ I Mrs. J. S. Blair. Teachers for Public Schools Just left Shipping Board. Admiral . he made plain, will not filed in the circuit court to foreclose i..._ this ..... into terns. ♦ Capps informed me that he award ■ wrangle, and only when get a t yard For Sale—Team, heavy wagon and on certain property. can A modern house for rent,—See harness. Team weighs about 13000 he hands the boys the cigars he as­ you contract. Congratulations. The School Board have secured the I show that its relations with labor are lbs. and in A No. 1 condition, sound Shrode. Chas. L. McNary. such that work can be pushed with­ following teachers for the Tillamook sures them he is satisfied to keep his | and will work on anything. — L. C. Money to loan on good security. T. girls while other send their boys to ’ The above telegram was received out interruption will it receive con­ City schools: H. Goyne. * Smith, Bar View. tracts in the future. R. W. Kirk. Supt. and Principal of the war.—Wheeler Reporter. on Tuesday afternoon, and it came as McNary laid before Admir­ I the high school. Elmer Paine, of Eugene, came in on Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, an agreeable surprise, for it was gen­ al Senator Dr. George J. Petersen received an Capps a mass of data he had eol- Miss Mauryce Curry, of Olympia,. Saturday, and with Mrs. Paine and • family, Cloverdale, Ore. of First Lieutenant in erally thought that Tillamook had | lected showing the financial and busi­ Washington, Mathematics. who have been visiting at the appointment been turned down in the shipbuilding the Dental Section of the Officers Mr. Virgil Fendall, Newberg, Ore.,. The I’crscilla Club will meet with home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNair, Reserve Corps and expects to be call­ proposition, although on Monday ness responsibility of the two yards named and also assurance that Science and Director of Athletics. Mrs. Max Schultz, September 7. returned the first of the week. there were reports in circulation that above ed at any time. they could complete ships in contract Miss Genevieve Frazier, Salem, the officials at Washington were ser­ time. 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs Inasmuch as both of these Ore., Commercial subjects. E. L. — Lockwood, of San Francisco, — wxj, vt odii .r ranc iously considering Feeney & Brem- stump puller, with rigging, for sale, traffic manager of the Wells Farvo Mrs. Bertha Rowe Hanson, Tilla­ It C. I- Clough Co. ” mcr’s bid because they had gone to yards have gone to considerable ex­ or trade for auto or motorcycle in At F. Express Xr><--~ Co., r~ L. ’ " P. L,. Bergtnafl 6...«rt, assist- so much trouble and expense and had pense to prepare for government mook, History and Teachers Training Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at condition, balance cash. Address Box ant Supt, and A. L. on promises held out by the old Luther A. King, Tillamook, ManuaF L. Hummel, of the backing of the business men as work • 576, Tillamook, Oregon. Rialto, Both phones. Portland, route agent, well. One thing that helped was the Shipping Board, and inasmuch as Training. t, were in the Miss Julia B. Miller, Amity, Ore,. For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke first of the week on business and assistance of the Portland Chamber they are sound concerns, properly Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- the Senator protested against Domestic Science and Art. * to work single or double, weight 1000 pleasure. ware.—R. W. Bennett. of Commerce and Senator McNary backed, further delay in awarding them con ­ Mrs. Hazel McKown Swenson, Til- We have received a letter from the at Washington. W. R. C. will meet in 1 the K. P. pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. amook, German and director of Mu­ it will be remembered that when tracts. hall Saturday evening at 8 p.m. F. D. Tillamook, Oregon. 2* Valley Cannery Co, stating that it the shipbuilding program first came I Admiral Capps was forced to admit sic. had withdrawn from this field in that they deserved recognition, and Grade Teachers. For Sale—Driving horse, buggy and The Tillamook Meat Co will pay wanting evergreen blackberries in up, James Feeney put the matter up said contracts would be given both J. Car£ Bowman, Pendleton, Ore. Harness.—C. B. Vantress. to the Tillamook Commercial Club of the .... Long Products Co., of toe for all to pound lard pails and 5c. favoT yards at once. Miss Edith Snere, Crcsswell, Ore. it to — j - which *• • • ___ - . « vwkcs vo., 01 | when when it was was decided decided to g give him fi- Portland, had previously' work- • ------ naacial To build Born, on Monday, to the wife of for 5 pound pails. They must be free p„,i Senator McNary also wanted to Miss Clara Pruehs, Tillamook, Ore. !_i • backing . ■ „---------------- submarine from rust. Bring them in at once and ed the territory. We made a mistake ' chasers. The government John Enzler, a son. know of Admiral Capps whether any Miss Lora Sheets, Bellingham; chasers. The these government discontinu­ building * last week in saying that the company cd es-------------- .1---- vessels anj then arrangement such as proposed by 1 Wash. Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition get your money. would pay 3 ’ 4 cents for the berries. I wanted large wooden ve - — — « Washington state steel yards, which Miss Stella Goyne. Tillamoo . Orc for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. Lost, on Thursday, Aug. 23, in Til­ It was 2>4 cents they offered. large then wooden I wanted Mr. Feenev mart«- vessels built. Miss Alice Todd, Tillamook Ore. lamook, a bracelet.. Has inscription • Mr. Feeney then made another effort would operate to bar Oregon yards Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., inside. from receiving contracts, had been Mrs. Frances Wiley, Till:, nook, For several Liberal reward offered to find- 1 Dr. Turner the well known eye to obtain a contract. Also furnished rooms. * approved by the Board. Admiral < er. Please leave same at the Head- speaahst, of Portland, will be m TiD- | weeks a good deal of hard work was Capps said positively no such agree­ Ore. Mrs. Clara Burge, Tillamok, Ore; licrht office. " amook again, Wednesdly.' Thursday Idonc to overcome difficult Garbage gathered free. See M. R. light _____ ties that ment had been entered into by the o----- and Friday, -V August 29, all 30 .............................. and 31 at I were Placctl ln ,hc '«'«y. a” < of wh,ich ” Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. ana ox ’ ac . cd in tI ? C way ’ al1 ... declared that Board, and further I- j — - . »J who »V IIU stole the wheel Jenkins’ Jewelry The narty r---- , Store. In Cloverdale - - 1 — ■— s of Feeney and < Bremmer the mook, Oregon. * consideration. The total value of high school building to the grade tnres nt A, n ’ T “ . c ?. C J was for ‘ *0 or more vessels. performed by Rev. A. F. Lacy pastor tares at the Gem Theatre, September both properties involved in the trans­ building with Mr. Bowman as teach­ H. Mason & Co., has taken over the of the M. E. Church. ’5 and 6. er. He will also act as principal of action is reported to be $35,000. Standard patterns formerly sold by NEW SHIPS PROMISED. Don’t forget those busted castings. Wm. Squires, 90 years olj next H. G. Epton and J. S. F. McClellan, this building. The fifth grade teacher Lamar's * Lamar’s Variety Store. ----- o----- Can be welded for half. Goods sent February 25, together with his dau­ Astoria Yards to Get the Portland realty dealers who made Miss Laura Sheets, of Bellingham, John Tcldschau, Concrete contrac­ by parcel post and express promptly ghter, celebrated .he 80.h birthday Tillamook and Contracts. the sale for Mr. Rettenbach and Mrs. Wash., has had two years teaching tor, concrete silos built. All work a-.tn ’ vcrsary of E. N. Morgan by an Skinner, immediately resold the same experience and graduated from the guaranteed.Both phones. * returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, outdoor picnic on Wm. Squire’s place to a group of Tillamook dairy­ Bellingham Normal this year. Miss Washington, August 28.—As a re­ Oregon. • homestead on Tillamook river, Aug­ men at a reported cash consideration Alice Todd, of Tillamook, is well and The New Edison gets and gives all of a conference between Senator ust 25. Mrs. W. E. Morrison, of sult of about $20,000. The present owners favorably known to this citv. She the Artist rendered just as the artist McNary, of Oregon, and Admiral Attorneys Johnson and Handley gave it. * are back in their cld office and ready Spokane, Wash., and Miss Anna Bul- Capps, in charge of the Shipping expect to put the property in alfalfa. | graduated last lune from the San Diego, California, Normal school. livtnt, of Portland, Ore., guests at Why not be insured in the best fire for business, and attorney McGtath, the Tillamook Hotel, were with the Board’s construction works, con- Deer Season Ends: Hunters Too insurance company, it costs no more. who was attending to their business party. Mrs. Morrison and Miss Bulli- tracts for wooden ships will be award­ Careless. Seashore Special Will Leave on See Everson. * while they were in the army will op­ vant—who is a Mazama—with a rec­ ed Feeney A- Brcmmer, of Tillamook en a law office in the Oddfellows’ ord of climbing Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Bay, and George Rogers, of Salem, Monday. For Wolverine Soap that washes building. To prevent soldiers from being whose yard is at Astoria. The Ship­ Helens and Mt. Rainier came from without rubbing, go to Larson's, the ping Board, declined to make public mistaken for deer, and to reduce the Rosenberg Bros, have opened a Seaside last Wednesday hiking over any details of ship contracts. Ad­ risk of forest fires, Governor Withy- Monday September 3rd—On Labor candy maker. * large feed store on 2nd Avenue East the inside trail over Neah-Kah-Nic miral Capps would not announce the combe issued a proclamation closing Day, Monday September 3rd , the Now is the time to have your winter near the saw mill and will carry a Mountain, thence to Nehalem, They of ships to be given these the deer season from Sept. 1, next Seashore Special train wi'l leave Til­ wood sawed.—Call Ernest Knight large line ot all kinds of hay, feed, are stopping off at the various sea­ number lamook for Portland at 4:00 p.m. in­ yards or the terms of the contracts, Saturday, for an indefinite period. Mutual phone. * flour, grass seeds at the very lowest side resorts along the return trip, stead of returning Sund.'V as usual. “ The woods are full of soldiers, but he gave the Senator positive as ­ Rockaway, Bayocean, Saltair etc., Motor Car Service will be the same surance that these two yards would wearing olive-drab uniforms about Furnished house for rent, Apply to prices. Special prices on hay and and will hike back over the outside as usual and trains Nos. 141 and 142 * W. T. Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West feed in car lots. the same shade as a deer, ” exclaimed be awarded contracts on which they trail, via Short Beach and around , ' bid some time ago. Governor Withycombe today, "and a will run on their regular schedule. near First Street. 2* The Shakespeare Club met on Fri­ Arch Cape via low tide. r that hunter might make a mistake and Excursion fares arc in efftet between Admiral Capps added, ho„ day at the home of Mrs. F. C. Baker, For Sale—Box Ball Bowling Alley, hereafter the Shipping Board is go- shoot. 1 hen, again, hunters may beach points. 3® feet long by 4 feet wide. Inquire who did the entertaining on this oc­ cause fires, and the woods arc now as ing to concentrate on steel ships and ; Wanted. casion. The floral decorations were of R. Carlson, Wheeler, Ore. i will let very few more contracts for dry as tinder. The proclamation will gladiolus and sweet peas, and a Vetch Hay For Sale. close the deer season until it is open­ Edison re-creations sing your fav­ dainty lunch was served by the hos­ One dealer only in each town to wooden ships. He went on to explain that the ed by proclamation, and it will not be orite songs better than you ever tess. The guests were Mesdames handle a High-Grade Automobile For sale, 29 tons vetch hay. In nood * Ifaltom, Koch, Byers, Miller, Peet Tire. heard them sung. troubles between wooden shipbu ild- opened until the first heavy rains, ers and labor were in a large measure which will make the forests safe shape without any rain on it. For in­ Delion Tire Sales Co., Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay t]ie and Robison. formation apply to Newman Bros., responsible for the curtailment of the from fires. 81 Fourth Street, highest cash price for cascara bark School will soon commence. Were There is another feature in closing Amity, Ore. Portland, Oregon. ' wooden ship program, although he and empty sacks. * your children backward in their stud- -.v.. <>uiiico— zvt ♦ $3.00 «.«« per ,naX calD'd Men Wanted — At per ciay day for jes l‘ast yeaf; H so L - - - - - « hours. State Highway work.-In- by trouble of some kmd Bring Quire of F C Ferfschaii * thcm to Dr* Turncr and b,,n tx‘ Like colossa fire-breathing dragons, the “tanks” belching u . . »"line their eyes. If there is eye trou- vve have a 75 to 100 light dinanio bjc wj|| correct it. If not, he will forth their rain of fire, best down a path for the for sale. Better see us before we send te|j vou so frankly. You owe this to triumphal advance of the Allied Armies ! “ to Portland.—Coast Power Co. * your children. At Jenkins’ Jewelry -Jw'n cylinder Indian Motor Cycle, store Aug. 29, 3 Oand 31. fine p’ class condition. Price Miss Dick, a concert player and •MO. Inquire of Plasker Bros. * piano teacher of Portland, has decid- locate 3',’I,:~-' CW modern moaern residence, locate in Tillamook Miss Dick l_^or . Sale —New residence, 11 d Presented by the War Relief Fund —> 0 ~ m best iuaiutliuc residence district. For ("’H be heard in recital in the near UI3HIVI. * -- W. K. VANDERBILT, President. after which she will accept a "'e at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. ' I future, limited number of pupils. Any one de­ Experienced Tillamook Dairyman siring to make early arrangements *ants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows. for lessons can do so by seeing Mrs. A'ldress Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. Koch. * There may be some (rival discrep­ . ®ov °r girl from country wanting 0,he and attend school, write at ancy in the proceedings in the county ««ce to Box 583, Tillamook, Ore. ‘ ' bond election, but there was no room for a shadow of a doubt what the «r^nncy to loan on farm lands, from people wanted and what they voted . up, Good terms. Reasonable rate for. It was the sovereign will of the interest. We want your business. people of this county that they want­ Everson. • ed the road bonds and that 1496 vot­ l or Sale—Team, weight 1200 each, ed favorably and 678 against. 1 lie “Tanks” are the marvels of the ' over rivers and through swamps an