TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 23, 1917. » X. IT WAS VERY GOOD COAL That It Was Spiced With Gunpowder Made It All the Better. In reviewing bis early life in Con- t etantinople Sir Edwin Pears tells an amusing story of a coal contractor who wus supplying the Britls i tleet with fuel. A commissariat officer on one oc­ casion went to him to say that a man- of-war had just urrived tn the Bos­ porus and was ordered to proceed to the Crimea with distinguished officers on board, but it was short of coal. The contractor answered that one of his small sailing vessels bud Just ar­ rived laden with u cargo of coal and that he would arrange to have it dis­ charge the fuel directly on board the man-of-war. A day or two later when the contrac­ tor saw’ his manager he asked what had been done with about ninety kegs of gunpowder that bail been stowed on the top of the coal. “Oh, we found all the kegs empty," said the manager “There was no pow­ der to remove.” During the next three weeks the contractor lived In constant dread. He feared that every ship coming from the Crimea would bring news of an explosion on the man-of-war and an order for his arrest. He became ill from anxiety. One day. a fortnight later, he heard with fear and trembling from his inner office the voice of the commissariat officer asking to see the merchant who had supplied the ship with coal. He put on a bold face and went out. “Yes, you’re the man." said the com­ missariat officer in a loud voice. “You gave us 300 tons of coal. It’s the best we have ever had. Instead of our having to stop the ship while we clear­ ed the funnels whenever there is a new- firing up the smoke goes with a puff that clears I lie funnel itself. I want 300 tons more; but. mind, it must lie of the same quality.” Help By Your Attendance, to make a Great Success cf the FIFTH ANNUAL TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR to be Held AUGUST 28th--29th-30th-31st. 1917. Special S. P. Round Trip Railroad Fares from all Beach Points. PHONE US YOUR WANTS All phone orders from the North end of the county must he in before 9 A.M. if delivery is required same day. Every order given careful attention by an ex­ perienced sale person. BUTTERICK PATTERNS There’s a store in Paris th^it sells more Butterick Patterns than any other store in the world. We show the same patterns ex­ actly as those shown to the women of France. 10c., 15c., 20c. and 25c. By ¿Mail 2c. Extra. SACRIFICE SALES OF WASH FABRICS. Final Clearance Prices • now being offered on Wash Fabrics of all kinds. 35c. to 39c. Values for 15c. 75c. to $1.00 Values for 39c. Voiles— Reach Cloths Basket Weave Skirtings— Gabardines, etc. TILLAMOOK CITY. FREE DELIVERY We prepay all deliver, charges, on orders of $| qn and over, to any point i.> Tillamook County. Phone or mail yoIlr order» ami they will he filled as carefully as when presented in person. SPECIAL FAIR WEEK DISPLAY Of Fall WEARING APPAREL OUR FIRST DREADNAUGHTS. And the Paper Battleship the U. S. S. Scared-o'- Nothing. One of the most interesting episodes in Vice Admiral Sims’ career was Ids championship in the yean 1903-4 of the all big gun ships, tin* dreadnaughts. This was two years before the British brought out their first dreadnaught, revolutionizing the naval construction policy of the world. The progenitor of the dreadnought idea in the American navy was Lieutenant Homer C. Hound- atone. I’oundstone for months had treasured the Idea of all big gun ships, hoping to win the support of the nuvy for such a construction change. Meet­ ing discouragement, he sought out Commander Sims. He quickly won Sims’ support. I’oundstone was a k < hi <1 draftHinan. and be and Sims in 1903 anil 1904 made sketches and drew pinna for a big gun ship. The navy heads vetoed the plan of the two officers as often as they brought It up for consideration, but Sims never abandoned the Idea. The ship became a great Joke around the navy department. It Is a striking co­ incidence that the name given by these "two officers to their paper battleship and the name by which the ship was known In the navy offices was the U. 8. 8. Bcared-o’-N’otlting. Two years afterward the British admiralty called its first all big gun ship Drendnauglit. Commander Situs convinced Presi­ dent Hoosevelt that the dremlnauglit was bound to come. As a result the plans for the battleships Michigan and South Carolina, which bad already been authorized to be built in the old way, were changed so that they slid from the ways the first American drvadnaugbts,—World's Work. t ... ___ . Hart Schaffner & Marx VARSITY FIFTY FIVE i ( i | zyUodels for Fall Youngmen and men who wish to stay young find the fast color, all wool Varsity- Fifty-Five Models the smartest and most stylish Suits procurable. 1 he II. S. & M. label in a suit is a small thing to look for but a great thing to find for it guarantees you quality, finish and work­ manship equal to that found in the best cus­ tom made clothing. Step into our Men’s Shop and let us show you how satisfactorily we can Suit you and what a generous saving you can make at the same time. Varsity Fifty Fives, $25. Some ¿More—Some Less. FLORSHEIM SHOES- 1 he New Fall Lasts are here and are shown in a great variety of leathers and finishes. ¿MALLORY HATS All the approved New Shades are shown in our Selection of Fall Blocks in Mallory Hats for Men, and they are priced at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. tyIRROW SHIRTS Still and French Cuff Shirts in this famous brand are now here in the newest patterns and weights for Fall at $1.25 to $5.00. ^¿IRROW COLLARS — We show for Men about 25 up-to-date styles in dress collars, A styles in negligee collars as well as special styles in laundered collars for boys. Prices 15c. Each—6for 90c. $1.75 doz. Ths Engineer Corps. Tlie duty of the corps of engineers in the United States army in the time of war consists of planning and con­ structing fortifications, procuring infor­ mation concerning the topografihy of the country, supplying maps, selecting position for camps, constructing or de­ stroying bridges and often work re­ quiring technical skill; In time of peace, to plan and construct permanent fortifications and coast defense, build lighthouses, superintend river and liar bor improvements, survey and estab­ lish boundaries, etc. Saratoga springs Is one of the freaks of Death valley ami has probably caused more profanity than anything else in the region. The waters are as clear as crystal, and they bubble up from a deep, sand basin like a well­ spring of Joy. Hut they are strongly Impregnated with sulphur ami other minerals, are tepid In tiuuperuture and act Instantly like an emeth* upon any one wlm drinks them Exchange. SUITS and COATS For Fall. We cordially invite you (while attending the Fair) to pay a visit to our Ladies' Ready- to-Wear Dept, on the Balcony. Here you will find an assemblage of au­ thentic anti established Fall Styles in Suits and Coats designed and made by the Per­ cival B. Palmer Co., each garment bearing this label It will give us pleasure to simply show the Garments. Yon will not be importuned, in any way, to buy if you do not wish to do so just now. "cW C." SKIRTS We have just recently received a consignment of these famous separate Dress Skirts in all the new­ est fabrics, patterns and colorings for Fall. Come, see what splendid selections we have prepared for .. $5.00 to sii.85 SILK PETTICOATS Silk Taffeta and Jersey Top Silk Taffeta Petti­ coats in plain and changeable colors. ONE PIECE DRESSES Lovely styles in Dresses for Fall Street or After­ noon wear in fabrics and shades that are very new. See the New New and Pretty Wirthmor Waists, $1.00. Wei worth Waists, As always Unusual Values. Sizes 3(1 to 14. Lovely 40 inch A Freak of Death Valley. Percival C. Palmer Crepes de Chine. $1.93 I' 0 Firm Even Weave Georgette Crepes, $1.98 A Diaadvantag«. • ••Do you think ’The Star Spangled Banner* Is a good song?” “1 don't see why It Isn’t a perfectly good old anthem. You don’t always get a favorable Impression of It owing to the fact that anybody feel» free to tackle it, regardless of whether he can sing or not."—Washington Star. Th» Differanc». “Apropos of this aviation business, you know”— . "Well, what of It?" "Formerly the public here used to take tilers In stock; now they are tak Ing stis k In fliers Baltifnore Amer­ ican. Work. There la no better ballast for keep ing the mimi steady on Its keel and saving it from all risk of crankiness than business .lames Rusnell l.owe'l. Misfortune I* the boxo n frlviul vf the man who "dhlli't think." For the Women Who Rjequires » Hygienic Corset We Unhesitatingly R_,ecommend “Self Reducing" and “ Wonder lift" “Nemo" Corsets. If von need “Nemo" Corset Service •and most women do), we can add to your i style ‘ ...... . .. ............. ____ _ jo” and . comfort bv fitting in the Nemo that Suits your figure. Nemo C orsets help women and never