-ILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 23. 1917. ■^ntSLOYAL GERMAN ■0^NGUAGt newspapers Executrixi Notice to Creditors. upon you by publication in pursuance ob ir a#< ■ Their Loyalty to the Kaiser to an order of the Honorable Judge .1 hese unspeakable co.m.1 ” he/rel?y R>ven, that the Geo. R. Bagley,, Circuit Judge of laid'"10"» cruelties, that Denounce the Allies. w |l! be a dark page in the hi^torv 7' f^ Thi °Urt,Oi-the State Oregon, ja,d aPPor. r of »or Tillamook County, has appointed Tillamook County, Oregon, made on the Russian army for all “ “nprove. ' est\t, "fkr.,gncd- Ex«utrix of the the 3rd day of July, 1917, ordering ■r. ikrman-lauguage press of Am- traced directly to the ".‘c" such publication in the Tillamook instigation of nn,J „...... ^s,aa,c, :c,ln8 mJ I bcm, ami stlH th*' most otticers of the Russian linp deceased, Headlight, a newspaper of general -7 » i \ Quick, zuiuk , aeceaseu brutal . and w, force of all in promoting ....... IS circulation in this community, once a Coun. deter. BF', ania in '■'« Teutonic element ertines.” week for six consecutive weeks, the To promote the kaiser’s cause K 11 ri'mon- B*"' ring loyalty to the kaiser not first publication being July 12th, 1917 bi ,ng German subjects but al- creating distrust among the Ï 'ang„ j I to me at and the last publication being August ’he office of T. H. Goyne, an i attorney B Germans who have become 23rd, 1917. lat-,k-w' I'Namook Citv, vrei llt-ible and I B' ’d American citizens— in Oregon, Hall & Lepper, within six months from the date — . of 1 'nade byI B^ ;," creating pro-German and 112-115 Citizens Bank Bld. this notice. anti-American sentiment. "¡1 on file I B‘ Portland, Oregon. Da^d July 26th, 1917. Kcsorder| Br1,7 other peoples, the Germans Attorneys for Plaintiff. Frances A. Quick, Execu­ ''.a mined I ■.¡ot only ready but willing to ac- trix of the Estate of Isaac ertin. i B ' word ot authority; and the C. Quick, Deceased, Summons. f' Americans who don’t live ------ o------ rule of their "divine right” ment should be cautious" 8°VCn” 1,1 day Of I Circuit Court of the State of Administrator’s Notice. In the __ _____ ■¡Lues place ‘heir faith in the Ihe integrity of the allies is i„, vlord. I F,' ian-language press, the utteranc- vf '* Oregon for Tillamook County. ------°~ ISK In ™ .... efC°unty Cou vuu, Fl ( oi ne ■ State of Hallie Kopieske, Plaintiff vs. Wm. 9» t the Tillj.l Kf which are open or covert attack Kopieske, Defendant. «on. | I America and her allies, and, for ejÆ ’’arT-'XXtiS ^Ti£ Oregon for Tillamook County To. Wm. Kopieske, the above nam­ in the matter of the estate of Wil­ treason, thc “lore *‘kely to result ed defendant: [(he establishment of a hostile« about a revolution in Spain. The a* liam Baxter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un­ In the name of the State of Oregon, L miinity within this country and to tide continues: dersigned, George T. Baxter, has You are hereby required to appear in Lfhme fanatics to "action. ” v- Smee the beginning of the war st‘nguish- been by the above entitled Court the above entitled court, within six K Ke thi* right enter a German -ngland has kept thousands of agents weeks from the date of the first pub­ Uj patronized by Germans at a and sptes m Spain and spent many auly appointed administrator of the above named estate and has qualified lication of this summons, and answer It hour, when the barkeeper and the millions tor a propaganda to punish as such. •sei out a the complaint filed by the above nam­ ightening Ltomers, under the influence of Ring Alfonso because he refused to ■i AI1 P,crsons having claims against ed plaintiff against you in the above r. or beer, tell their opinions. Sit give up his neutrality ’’ war I’d he said estate are hereby notified to entitled matter; and, if you fail so to To freighten the American people present the same to the undersigned appear and answer, for want thereoef, houlders. L. and read one of the poisonous so that you are thought to be and create a recipient mood for the at his residence at Dolph, Oregon, the plaintiff will take a decree against Trow-j , iiiuuu ior the „ Piper's Barman; then talk to them, and kaiser s arrogant peace proposals, the duly verified as by law required with­ you for the relief prayed for in her :3° »-ra. EuwiH find out their sentiment. You German language press depicts the in six months from the date of this said complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing be­ lion bal-j E] understand how, for instance, the I military and financial situation of the notice.. xk siUjl Eders of thc Philadelphia "Tage- allies as desperate. Given under my hand this 25th day tween you and said plaintiff be for­ Not gravity, but boil­ ever dissolved and that she be given »ve /un-l K"are encensed by so bold an ed- 1 he most insidious piece of work of of July, 1917. ing points, is the real the care and custody of Florence s hand-I Ealasthe following which appear-' Geo. T. Baxter, Adminis ­ , , , rkln o- William Baxter, deceased. C rown has the correct by honor of the Honorable A. M. '■> liragel | The German chancellor has offer-, the other side ot the ocean shouting, W. O. Sims, of Sheridan, Oregon. boiling points in a con Hare, County Judge, of Tillamook x finger, I L 3 very gracious basis for peace. • S an Mt-1 koups of different national ideals.' Standard plained by this impudent “poem.” 1917. "• ■ Kc’| J Oil Company This contention of the Brit- Kerensky, a Socialist, Notice is hereby given that the un­ Date of first publication, Aug, 9, (California) - stick,! L minister is a lie and a swindle. I But at present a little czar, dersigned C. R. Braden as adminis- 1917. ■krr- I Kt incase he wants to get ‘ideals' he Began an offensive Lra‘°r °f the es,ate of Cecelia H. Date of last publication, Sept. Fein B Ks enough of them in the program 1 hat was already over when it Childs, deceased, and also of the part­ 1917. ’: * I Bilit has been adopted by the German started Albert N. Minton, nership estate of Childs & Braden, Kichstag, of which he did not say Now he shouts for help. Cecelia H. Childs and F. L, Braden, Attorney for Plaintiff. [„.-thing to his hearers, for good He who is in the White House and partners, Cecelia H. Childs, deceased, ■ttasons. . • • • ALEX. McNAIR & CO Does himself not know what to do has filed his duly verified account in ! “It the English minister was not the County Court of the State of Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Because he lacks at present ■ ■ Ltisiied with thc speech of the chan- KING-CRENSHAW CO. Oregon for Tillamook County. The ------ o - Ships and men, is expected l(f!ior (Dr.Michaeiis) he had, in the said court Jias fixed Saturday, August In the Circuit Court of the State 1 o help the Russians. ■adoption of this resolution (so-called 2oth, 1917, at eleven a. m. in the Oregon for Tillamook County. Such is the irony of our time ■peace resolution) by a two-thirds tna- county court room of said court in Mortgage Company for Ameri­ 1 hat it exposes meanness, Ijonty of the reichtag a guarantee that ca, a corporation, Plaintiff 1 illamook, Oregon, as the time and Crime which instigates war— vs. ■ ■Gtrniany will not make unfair de- In this manner swindle is made evi- place for the hearing of objections if ■aands. . . . The road was open if any, to said final account and the Frank W. Crane, Bertha Grace dent. B Ik wanted peace. But the gang, the Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane petition for final settlement of said Serum, H We went to war—why? Roe Balmer, Ernest C. Crown estate. All persons having objections ike cx-B lallii-d gang of robbers, docs not want The pretex is too foolish. Emma Crown, E. J. McHugh, thereto should file the same on and B lit They still believe themselves able I he whole world is informed. Lizzie McHugh, F. R. Beals before said date or be forever barred; ■. ■ |to beat Germany. There is nothing And we pity him. and Mary Doe Beals and the said estate will then be finally B hit but to cure them of such an ¡Bu­ Who is not— Defendants llion with the hardest blows.” settled and the said administrator We fight for the British. By virtue of an execution, judgment and his bondsmen discharged and ex­ • B flic editor and, as he often boast- To be correct, we don’t fight yet onerated from any and all liabilities order, decree and order of sale issued ■ ■ B Hh states, real publisher of the Phil­ Becai we lack armies. by reason of their connection with out of the above entitled court in the nncssyB adelphia “Tageblatt” is Mr. Lewik For the time being only millions such estate. above entitled cause, to me directed Airier, who was a Socialist as Song Of our money got to the front R. C. Braden, Administra­ and dated the 20th day of August, i> his paper was dependent on the fi­ To beat the kaiser. 1917, upon a judgment rendered and tor for said estate. nancial support of the Socialist or­ A milder example of this kind of B. A. Klicks, McMinnville, Ore. entered in said Court on the 20th ganizations. But during the l’Filadel- propoganda may be found in the “Ill­ of day of August, 1917, , in favor H. I. Botts, Tillamook, Oregon, oi a 'phia municipal campaign of 1905 Mr. inois Stats-Zeitung,” of Chicago Mortgage Company for America, a Attorneys for said estate. I'emer, while continuing to publish back- which says ironically: against corporation, plaintiff and Doans ■ Socialist editorials, printed every day “The allies have decided to termin­ Frank W. Crane and Bertha Grace lone page of articles jn favor <|f the ;)y re- Notice. __________ , for the sum of . ....... _, defendants, ate their Balkan victories, to give up Crane, ----- o—— ■ topic. ■ City party, as the fusion against the Saloniki as they have given up the $3,570.68 with interest at the rate of Live Stock Exhibits ■ JlcXiehols machine was popularly No. I Statement of the First Bank of Bay 8 per cent per annum from the 1st Dardanells. It is to be hoped that ut six | lulled. He did so only after the man­ there is sufficient French laurel to City, of Bay City, Oregon, showing day of April, 1917, and the further ligers of the City party had pledged Poultry Show make a garland for Mr. Serrail (the the amount standing to the credit of sum of $300.00 with interest at the every depositor July 1st, 1917, who rate of 8 per cent per annum from ¡ i! I I their word that the official city ad- French general).” Grand Stock Parade c. At I Irertisements would be printed hence- More explicit is the ‘Waechter und has not made a deposit or who has the 20th day of August, 1917, and I ) get I Iforth in the "Tageblatt” in case the Anzeiger,” of Cleveland, by saying not withdrawn any part of his depos­ the further sum of $7.30 with interest 1 Agricultural Exhibits L I Ifasion candidate, Mr. Weaver, were that it is intended to “Save the last it, principal or interest, for the period from the 20th day of August, 1917, ter .1 [dieted mayor of Philadelphia. Mr. reminder of French power” by Eng­ of more than seven years immediately and thc further sum of $125.00 with Store Window Displays and : f. ll [Weaver was elected, and the “Tage- lish counter strokes, and that the man prior to said date, with the name, interest from the 20th day of August, Iblatt" has received since that time 1 power of France is exausted, while last known postoffice address of such 1917, and for the further sum of many other special events. liens of thousands of dollars a year | the Germans can better stand losses, depositor, and the fact of his death, if $47.25, costs and disbursements and known. I for corporation notices. the costs of and upon this writ com­ land lose only half as many men as the Name of depositor, Fagan, W. A., manding me to make sale of the fol­ LOW ROUNDTRIP FARES The editor of the “Tagblat” must be western allies. loan's! ■ I very sure that the city government of ! The readers of the “Cincinnati Vol- Bay City, Oregon, 15.15. lowing described real property, to- on Sale Daily to Tillamook, Philadelphia will not withdraw the | ksblatt,” of Cincinatti, are informed State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ wit: mook, ss: The East half of the East half of irongl official advertisements on account of i that peace will be brought about by I from Mohler and interme­ I, John O. Bozorth, being first duly the Southwest quarter and the West ' his rabid pro-German propaganda. j the financial debacle of Great Brit­ sworn, depose and say, upon oath, half of the West half of the South- . Otherwise he would not dare to make Don't diate stations. ain. that 1 am the cashier of the First I cist quarter of Section 35„ in Town- ' his insidious attacks on the “Allied -ftt That the United Slates entered the that] gang oi robbers,” one of which is the j I war to attain either military power, bank ot Bay City, I illamook County, I shjp 2 North of Range 10 West of Good train service. Oregon, and that the foregoing state- the Willamette Meridian, less one i Co.l Lnited States. or financial profit, or political pres- Trying to Embroil the United States i tige is contended in An editorial of ment is a full, true, correct and com- acrc sol<1 lo Frc(1 Rabkee by deed of I Ask Your Local Agent for Tickets and píete statement, showing the name . (|at(. Fct) 28 1903, and recorded in and Japan. 1 the “Waechter und Anzeiger,” of last known residence, fact of death, , Hook y, at page 271 thereof, of the. further information. An indirect fling at this country is I Cleveland. if known, and the amount to the rccor{]s of deeds for Tillamook ' taken bv the "Detroiter Abendpost.” JOHN' M SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. of each depositor as required County, Oregon, less 20 acres sold to This paper did not name the L nited The Defenders of "Democracy" Want credit Portland by the provisions of Chapter 148 of j G Balincr 1)y a deed dated Feb. 13, ' to Be Dictators. States, only Brazil, Portugal and hc.:- | j 9,2, an