TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 23, 1917. LIFE IN OUR NAVY LIVING LONG AND WELL Notice is Hereby Given cil will hear and consider and deter­ mine such objections and remon­ strances and make such changes in said apportionment as shall be neces- sary to make the same equitable and just, The apportionment so made by said Common Council is now on file with the undersigned City Recorder and may be inspected and examined by any person interested therein. Done by order of the said Common Council and dated this 20th dav of A u gust, 1917. A. H. Gaylord, City Recorder of Tilla­ mook City, Oregon. said Common Council shall h, consider and determine all oveilr .a®d and remonstrances to the seia"’*0*» tionment of the cost of sai(| appor- ment and that at said tneeti,^'0’*’ such other time as said mectu?.°r M be adjourned to, said Commo» r®’1' ctl will hear and consider and Jete”’ mine such objections and r " strances and make such chan«?^* said apportionment as shall D. „ ln sary sary to make the £~:~ same ; vlJI equitable just. The 1 lie apportionment so s m said Common Council, is now un A' W!th the undersigned City Rec"Ee un are Interspersed with special duty, Cape Hatteras, in North Carolina, for After the inside has been rifled or which, by the terms of said Resolu­ August, 1917. th' cheese is mild and th' breeze isl I The about 200 years. It should attain an such as coating ship or landing par­ scored to form an inside surface that tion of Intention, were to be paid by A. H. Gaylord. strong, an’ the crows 'caw caw’ be-B ■fully ties, anil lectures by division otficers or unusual prosperity in the next few gives the shell a twist before it leaves Tillamook City, out of the General City Recorder of Tilla­ fore the starni breaks.—J. HennessyB lailtlpiti years, for the bureau of fisheries is the muzzle and causes |t to fly straight Fund. others on timely professional topics. mook City, Oregon. Murphy in Oregon Voter. B I G . i Rarely are the men engaged upon urging more general use of porpoise the lower or muzzle end of the gun is And that the Common Council of 11: hi: I the same task two days in succession, hides in place of cowhide. It is an made larger. This may l>e accomplish­ Tillamook City, Oregon, has appoint­ lnuci.il A SAFE TEST. Notice is Hereby Given so the sailor's life has little chance to excellent leather and could undoubted­ ed in one or two ways, Either addi- ed Monday the 10th day of Septem­ |g. ly be used more widely. become monotonous. tlonal shorter steel tubes are placed ber, 1917, at the City Hall in Tilla­ of a Iphu mi For those who are in need That the Common Council of Tilla ­ I Werner Heretofore the most valuable prod­ over tile main inner tube, or the muln mook City, Oregon, at the hour of 8 At 4 p. m., "eight bells," is n period mook City, Oregon, has apportioned remedy for kidney troubles and back­ of “knock off all work." Pipes again uct of the fishery lias been the oil tube Is wound with wire and finished p.m. as the time and place at which among the several lots, tracts and ache, it is a good plan to try Doan's I Sociali: aro lighted, or the rnce boat crew lias which Is extracted from the Jaws of with an outer tube. The wire wound said Common Council shall bear and parcels of land, chargeable therewith, Kidney Pills. They are strongly re­ lone pat I City pa manned tlie cutter nnd Is taking a pull the porpoise and is worth about $20 a guns are usually the heavier and are consider and determine all objections the cost of the improvement for the commended by McMinnville people. I McXidi and remonstrances to the said appor­ through tlie fleet. Tlie baseball team gallon, it is universally used for lu­ used on board ship. following streets in Tillamook City, Arthur Branson, 339 B Street., No. or football squad goes ashore for dally bricating watches and other very del­ Tile gun bound with wire is really I tionment of the cost of said improve­ Oregon, with heavy standard bitulith­ McMinnville, Ore., says: “About six lolled. agers o practice; tlie bugle sounds swimming icate mechanisms. The body blubber stronger than the one built of bands or ment and that at said meeting or at ic pavement, to-wit: or eight years ago, 1 had rheumatic call, und hundreds of men are soon In is also valuable. Attempts to manu­ rings of steel, one on another, for the such other time as said meeting may 'I hat portion of Fourth Street and pains in my back and legs so bad that I their w be adjourned to, said Common Coun­ tlio water, witii a dingily crew stand­ facture fertilizer out of the carcasses wire re-enforcek tile gun tube so that cil will hear and consider and deter­ Fifth Avenue East included in the 1 wasn’t able to do my work. Atl urtiseli ing liy to aid a tired swimmer or a have failed because of the distance it will safely withstand the tremendous mine such objections and remon­ intersection of said street and times, it was all I could do to get] forth in Avenue, from a fuel supply. beginner. around. Sharp, shooting pains caught! fusion c strain which is constantly put on it strances' and make such changes in was made by me in the small of my back and for al elect cd The porpoises are taken nt Hatteras when it is tired, said to tie as much as said apportionment as shall be neccs- which improvement Books of fiction or of travel are Weaver drawn from the crew's library, while In seines operated from the shore, and seventeen tons pressure on each square sary to make the same equitable and the \\ arren Construction Company in minute I could hardly move. When II Hatt" Ii just, The apportionment so made by pursuance of a contract entered into got down to do anything it was all II tens of tlirougtiout tlie ship may In* found men it is probably the only place in Amer­ in< Ii. In the case of a "built up" gun, as said Common Council is now on file by said Company with Tillamook could do to straighten up as my backl for corp studying for tlie annual examination ica where this lias ever been success­ City, Oregon, on May 31, 1912, pur­ felt so weak and stiff. After I hail for appointment to tlie Naval academy, fully done. During the fall, winter it is called when made of hoops or with the undersigned City Recorder suant of a Resolution of Intention to taken six or eight boxes of Doansl The Cl older men studying for n warrant nnd and spring many porpoises are seen off bands of steel, tile outer tubes or rings and may be inspected and examined so improve said streets, adopted lr. Kidney Pills 1 was cured. Since thenl wry sur Philadel classes in academic studies. Others the south Atlantic eoast and at Hat- are shrunk or sweated on that Is. they by any person interested therein. Done by order of the said Common said Common Council on May 6', I haven't had any rheumatic pain»! official : terns they come within a few hundred are heated so that they expand or swell piny checkers, chess or cards 1912, and not including the expenses and my kidneys have been as sircngl C ottncil and dated this 20th day of Tin* canteen, or ship's store. Is liber­ yards of tile surf. They are taken by a little, as all steel does when heated, August, 1917. in connection with said improvement, as ever.” , I his rabi which, by the terms of said Resolu­ ally patronized. Tobacco, candy, sweet- spreading seines about 200 yards out­ and then while hot they are fitted over Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’tl Dthcrwi A. H. Gaylord. side Hie surf line. Aa soon ns the por­ tlie inner part and allowed to cool and his insii; meats, writing paper, toilet articles City Recorder of Tilla­ tion of Intention, were to be paid by. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get| gang of poises have come inside the seine it shrink, or contract. In so doing they 1 illamook City, out of the General Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same thatl hml other needful mook City, Oregon. Is drugged ashore. Often a whole fit very tightly on the main tube. Fund. Mr. Branson had. Foster-Milbum Co-1 United ! aale. school of these sea erentuivs is taken In making a wire wound gun the And that the Common Council of Props., Buffalo, N. Y. I Trying After supper, nt (1. the bluejacket's in a single haul. Baltimore American. wire Is wound or coiled around and Notice is Hereby Given 1 illamook City, Oregon, has appoint­ time Is bls own. There is a concert around until more than 100 miles of it ------ o----- . ed Monday the 10th day of Septem­ The Government Needs Fanners » I An in* by the ship's band, often a few reels I taken by ber, 1917, at the City Hall in Tilla­ has been wrapped around the big can­ That tlie Common Council of Tilla ­ Th» Schooner. Well as Fighters. I This pa| of movies. Occasionally there is a non. A twelve inch gun requires 117 mook City, Oregon, has apportioned mook City, Oregon, at the hour of 8 The first vessel of the schooner tyi>e smoker or an Invitation from another I States, i wns launched at Gloucester, Mass., in miles of wire, weighing nlwmt thirteen among the several lots, tracts and p.m. as the time and place at which Two million three hundred then- ship to attend ii minstrel allow or a Although the parcels of land, chargeable therewith, said Common Council shall hear and sand acres of Oregon & Californal Siam. Bi 1713. The boat was tn the water, and and one-half tons. expected program of boxing ami wrestling Captain Andrew llobinson was about strength of the wire Is such that it the cost of the improvement for the consider and determine all objections Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title rt-l in conne bouts. Unless there Is some special and remonstrances to the said appor ­ tollowing streets in Tillamook City, vested in United States. To be open-1 to eliristi-n her with a name which has gives great resisting force to pressures tionment of the cost of said improve­ ed for homesteaders and sale. C om man mei event taps are sounded lit 9, mid tlie not been recorded when ono of the exerted sideways. It does not bestow Oregon, with heavy standard bitulith­ Says the ment and that at said meeting or at ic pavement, to-wit: Miller's day Is over, except those on bystanders cried out. "See how taining some of the best land left :’l she strength lengthwise. Therefore an ex­ First Street from Park Street to 5th such other time as said meeting may the United States. I.aige CopyrighteJI : “The S watch. Bcoons!” The captain at once took the tra thickness of metal must lie put on Avenue West; Second Street be adjourned to, said Common Coun­ map, showing land by' section, and de-l number An account of tin* sailor's life would cue ami said. "Seooner let her be." tlie muzzle of the gun. where tin* vl irom 4tli Avenue East to 7 th cil will hear and consider and deter­ scription of soil, climate, rain.alu (els by lx* Incomplete without mentioning the That, declares the dictionary, was the bration caused by the shell leaving the these co’ Avenue West; Third Street from mine such objections and remon­ elevation, temperature. Hc-> ’H mascots. Tin* most common pets are origin of the word "schooner.”—Chris­ gun is the greatest. Park Street to the West City strances and make such changes in counties. Postpaid One Dollar. 'rar.il many th« . goats, bulldogs, cats, monkeys and par­ tian Science Monitor. Tlie breech, or the back end of a gun. limits; Fourth Street from Park said apportionment as shall be neces­ Lands Locating Co., Box 6l0, Por;T stealing rots. Rut many ships have bears, pigs til and F is a very Important part. Here tlie Street to 7th Avenue West; Fifth sary to make the same equitable and land, Oregon. ~ and strange tropical animals from Cu­ The sa arr_.C_...... shell Is Inserted in a specially built so made by Street from Park. Street to Still- just. The apportionment John Wesley's Mother's Advice. United S ba and Mexico, and some battleships is now V11 " well Avenue; and from First said Common Council is John Wesley's mother once wrote to chamber. After tlie shell is in place i on file The Best Laxative. Pan, a fa have even carried kangaroos from Aus hint when lie lias in college: "Would the breech is closed by tlie shutting of Record ler Avenue West to the West city with the undersigned City --------- ment ac inspected tralla. Newark Stur Eagle. limits; Sixth Street from Park anil tnav be ----- ...----- J and examined you Judge* of the lawfulness or the un­ a very complicated and strong door, To keep the bowels regular the bew troops to Street to Stillwell Avenue;___ Sev- by any person interested therein lawfulness of pleasure, take this rule: it Is fastened or fitted In tile gnu by laxative is outdoor exercise. Drin« reads: Done by order of the said Common enth Street from 136 feet East of extremely strong screws, so that tlie 'Whatever weakens your reason. Im­ Hard Biting, a full glass of water half hour betc t “Our p the East line of 6th Avenue East Council and dated this 20th dav of Til«* shipwrecked sailor snt dlscoti pairs the tenderness of your conscience, charge will not burst the gun open nt breakfast and eat an abundance o' with a m J to Stillwell Avenue; Eighth August, 1917. solute on n lonely raft In the middle obscures your sense of God or takes off tlie back when It Is fired. fruit and vegetables, also establiw 1 urai sivoi Street from 136 feet East of the A. H. Gaylord. Sometimes a shell explodes In the In Ills blinds the relish of spiritual things, whatever of the trackless ocean Toshida. East line of 6th Avenue East to City Recorder of Tilla- regular habit and be sure that you« tiarrel of the gun. In a wire bound Increases the authority of your laxly ho held tlio Inst reintuints of ii pair of bowels move once each day. When’ it all if 1 Stillwell Avenue; Second Avenue mook City, Oregon. medicine is needed take ChamD" shoes "Though reduced to flu* lowest over mind, that thing to you is sin.'" gun tlie wire tends to prevent a grave ■ Ibis swor East from 8th Street to First « hristhm Science Monitor. disaster It hinders the steel tabes Iain's Tablets. They are pleasant ■’ donor.” extremities mid completely surrounded Street; Fifth Avenue West from Notice is Hereby Given from bursting into many pieces and take and mild and gentle in ro case tl suant of a Resolution of Intention to A druggist recommended khameU Fourth Avenue East to the East so improve said streets, adopted by provixl re|x*ntedly since then. Massa rontentioi Iain’s Colic, Cholera, and Dirranc^ Spoiled It All. line of Miller Avenue, Test In Forensic Oratory. lately wi said Common Council on May 6, chiiNetts knows and can verify tin* age Remedy. The first dose relieved "J You kicking al*out your which improvement was made by "What! It is related that when a veterinary 1912, and not including the expenses m a short of every person Imrn In the state til fötal ? I thought you boaste«! about and in two days was a well as t'M w Warren ( onstruction Companv in surgeon was one«* called ns n witness« in in connection with said improvement, A Favorit births are registered within forty eight your housok«*ei>«*r rooking so well." Many druggists recommend . *J J ---- »VW*««***- — a case to prove that a horse was a which, by the terms of said Resolu­ boura and other data added within remedy because they know that Tillamook "Yes, t>ut I married tier mid now we "roarer” th«* opposing counsel in his tion of Intention, were to be paid bv Citv Or Co,npan>;r . To ridii reliable. For sale by Lamar'» xWq fifteen days.—Detroit Free* I’resa. keep a cook "—Boston Transcript. loudest ton«*s said to th«* witness, "If Tillamook City, out of the General Lity, Oregon, on May 31 1912 J* » favor Store. Miant of a Resolution of intention to yerman.|j foil say that uiy client's horse was a Fund. A Nice Girl. ^ improve said streets, adopted bv And that the Common Council of 'OUS "Bro The Wise Fool. •roarer,’ Just represent to th«* Jury the 'aid Common touncil on May« Notice to Dairymen. "I am visiting alma muter." wrote a Brooklyn "Age brings wisdom." observed the sort of noire In* made.” "No." said the Tillamook City, i ir<-g,,n. |la, appojnt. and not including the expenses Mill to tier chum. defeat in ■age. witness. "You must understand that ed Monday the 10th dav of Septem­ 'whicOhnbvtT 7"h Sai<1 ""ProveVent I have for sale three “I have never met Alma." the ehuin *ill hold , "But it diwsn't leav«* us milch time that Is not m.v business. Now. If you ber, 1917, at the City Hall in Tilla- ' Guernsey Bull calves. They are *he easier wrote back, "but if silo's a friend of to use it.' " repll«*«l the fy no memories of (grurtlyi How do I know? I haven't dfslicarteinal In the fact that he was such other time as said meeting mat bill p, A. Goodwin, Cornelius. ' .j outlived evrrow.—George Eliot. .,hc h<”"- Of « hud any for five _vei.ro.—Buck. beaten yesterday be adjourned to, said Common Coun- ' "□. .V ’ 2 , e°n' »ir flee ington County, Oregon. Owner ‘J I The "W breeder of Rose City Guernsey "'q tn Every Can the Properly Balanced Life Is the Winner.