Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 23, 1917, Image 4

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Legal Advertisements.
number of autos that passed through fair this year should attract a large i does an injustice to himself and In
tni- city. One noticeable feature in crowd, as usual, from all parts of the 1 city. It is the man who expects the
this connection is the thorough en­ county, a* it is a local fair and a nev. sp vper to do the most free adver­
First Insertion per line .............
joyment people have coming here in large premium list is offered for those I tising ror his town. The man who in-
Each subsequent insertion, line.
•05 the summer. West of tne coast range who exhibit
stock, hogs, poultry, 1 sists o an sharing the business that
Business and Professional cards
the weather was hot and vegetation flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc,, as well coin« s to town but refuses to adver-
one month....................................... 1.00 dri d up, but here in Tillamook it is
- school and grange exhibit.:. The
V u’ is business is not a valuable ad-
cool with green veguation, and with Fair Board promise- to have every- ; ditioii
Locals per line each insertion...
to any town. The life of the
our good roads, it is no wonder that l ’mg in r diness for tin opening day I
n depends upon the live, wide-
Display advertisements, an inch
auto parties are coming to 1 illamook when the business men of Tillamook
'-.e and liberal advertising business
and Lodge Notices, per line .
.05 by the thousands. All v.e need now is Citi will parade and
inarch to the 1 ¡11
All Resolutions of Condolence
a hard surfaced road through the t;'ir :n a b< dy, Iwaded by the Scottish
one month.....................................
r ç it is good business judgment to put
.50 county, and then T illamook would be pip rs and drummers. The Southern
the mecca for auto travel.
I’.i ific will is.-u cheap rate tickets ' $10/' 0 into a car load of registered
fr ■: th beaches and it is the purposj
1 here should be one main road in­ of running a late train. Everybody •lair: tows to increase the milk pro­
to the county and it should be put in take in th- county fair next week and duct ard cheese output of the county,
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
why wouldn’t it a- good business
go ) 1 shape for travel. This county help make it ... success.
judi ’.' it to put i p $10,000 to get
put in a larg. mount of money for
the dairv predu t to market and
the Sour Grass road, and it was mon­
With the prospect of I. W» W. bring in feed and n-rchandise at 20
ey well expended, but a whole lot of
trouble in Tillamook County, it is per cent reduction This remark, will,
citizen* are wondering why the Three
■ River road is not kept in better well to be prepared for any emerg- no doubt, se t those who arc interest-
............. „
Are you going to do your bit to -hape when the summer travel com­ ency. It is the sheriff who we have to , ed in Tillamook county to thinking.
make tne County Fair a success?
mences. We are anxious to see the depend upon to subdue that serious I It can be brought about by the dairy
Little Nestucca road built and the menace to the lumber and logging in­ associations a” 1 the business men re-
dustries of the county. But the sheriff estabi shing a boat line between this
The Socialist party appears to be voters at the special election showed must have assistance, for with
but city ami Portland, to be owned and
in a bad fix, because Germans who how they felt about it. The State two deputy sheriffs he could do but operated by community interests.
were plotting against the United Highway Commission seems to have little with a big crowd of I. W.
W, Competition is the life of business
favored that route and designated it
States joined that party.
rt of the highway and for that agitators. It is true he can now call and then- sh -uld be competition in
upon the members of the Rifle Club transportation. This is a matter that
Bro. Trombley showed that he was reason it should come through with
in case of an emcergency, and it is should be discussed bv the dairymen
a little disappointed that the latest its $15 000 as the government has
well to inform our readers that the and business men, and if possible, they
addition to his family belonged to the promised that amount and the county
Rifle Club is not armed with proper, should
--------- get together
......... and
. resume ship-
gentle sex. Better luck next time, is prepared with its $15,000. Get the rifles
to handle a big crowd, for the | ping facilities. Then- i. no > question
road built as quickly as possible for
| we are getting tired of so much pro­ bullets they use would go clean I but what a community vessel would
------ o~----
through 15 agitators. We think the I pay a good dividend and reduce
If ladies dress gets much shorter crastination.
| sheriff should be furnished with prop- I freight rates 20 per cent, for the
and undergoes more cut away about
' er arms, so that should an emergency i dairy men and the business men have
the neck and shoulders,, a lady’s dress 1 The German language press in the arise he could arnt a big squad of ■ plenty of business to keep a vessel on
will look a sorry looking wearing ap-
land those who run them placed in de- deputy sheriffs with proper guns. I the run. There is another matter that
I tention camps. For the most part Should the Gnn Club be called up­ I must not be lost sight of. It is going
on to quell a disturbance there would to be a hard matter from now on to
The efforts of the I. W. W. to they are hostile to the United States be danger of other citizens being shot obtain gavernment money for harbor
bring on a strike fizzled out because i and her allies in the present war. They down with the gun that is now used. improvement if there is no tonnage
good judgment was used in previous- are strongly attached to Germany The best prevention of I. W. W. coming to the port. It was through
ly rounded up the leaders and plac- 1 and in hearty sympathy with that trouble is to be prepared with thc the untiring efforts of the Port of
J coutry in the present war. Congress
ing them in jail.
Tillamook that $13,000 was obtained
I should pass a law immediately pro- i sheriff at the head of a body of well
­ • armed deputies, and the county court for harbor improvements and a sur­
I 11 I ci I
The weather the past few days has I .............
sheriff’s office vey to determine the best channel to
in the United ’I’™'" ------ :J*
ers b-ing
being published
been warm, but it was the first time ers
this city. But it will be a hard matter
with a limited number
of guns.
this year Tillainookers had an op­ States for they are evidently carrying .................
to get further appropriations if there
portunity to get thawed out. Conse- on a propaganda for the German ;
is no tonnage coming here in future.
and against the United I
It.having been announced by dis- As business men who are interested
<|i' mtly they are enjoying the warm Government
C _____
* 4 .. . _ ___
.. and
— A ♦ the
Is Z. ( German
.. rm - I n ( Government
m rtt pnf
trict Forester Cecil that the secretary in the future development of the
■d. ys and cool nights.
from all appearances must be paying of agriculture has approved the var- county and to assist our present dairy
------ o------
When wc get that hard surfaced them for that purpose. We have given j ious road projects which receive gov- and lumbering
industries, this is a
road through the entire length of the an article in this issue which proves i eminent aid and that the Little Nes- matter which calls for immediate
county, the auto travel into the coun­
consideration. We offer these few re­
ty in the summer will astound mast hostile to the United States and the jects approved, isn't it about time marks with the hope that our leading
of us. Our people are surprised with
dairymen and business men will give
the great increase this year. One time they were put out of business, ter and the $30,000 state and govern­ this careful thought, and that some
ment aid secured? This is to be plan can be worked out to bring
must not forget this fact: Where
there is a large amount of auto travel impression amongst Germans who matched with the $15,000 appropriat­ about a resumption of a steam boat
ed by the county, making a total of service.
there is a large amount of money put read the foreign language press.
I $45.000.
into circulation.
There is not much doubt but what
The sooner our comity court gets
If the government would undertake
It was the German language press the County Court will have an appro­ , busy and negotiates with the state to conserve money the same way
in the next county budget to and government the quicker this piece (
that made assertions that the French priation
that it advises people to conserve
____ • timber.
Th^. court had
of work can be completed. A» there is
were bled white, for the purpose of | recruise
food, one would have more* faith in
creating a sentiment in the United this
’l”" matter
— under consideration when at present a shortage of labor it is up the thousands of letters that are be­
States against England. Wonder what I making tip the last budget, but failed to the ranchers of the Little Nestucca ing sent out to the people of« the
the German language press thought 'to make an appropriation. There is a to arrange their wqrk so they can , country to censerve and
of the news reports from France this decided sentiment in the county for a work on this improvement, and if i waste of all food stuffs. It will be well
week. It looks the other way about, re-cruise. But is to be hoped that ii need be take some of the contracts
| to remember that Secretary Baker of
Wc know of no reason why this im­ the Navy Department, not long since
as Germany is now throwing its $50,000 of $60,000 is again to be ex­
young hoys into the thick of the fight pended upon a cruise of the timber, provement should not be started ibis started in to build hundreds of what
it will be a fare and square cruise, year and work rushed on it until the
and they are being bled white.
1 with no timber interests allowed to fall rain make the work impractical, he called submarine chasers. Those
------ o------
•who are
with, ship-
A “tin Lizzie” went through the city monkey with the cruisers. The trou­ —Cloverdale Courier.
s building, and especially vessels that
with nine persons in it—four grown
We believe with the Courier that can cope with submarines, knew
person« and five good sized children I the County Court attempted to do
should ...............
make a i i full well that the Secretary of the
_____ , ...........
Court ............
—with the sides of the machine pack­
. • . • «
r» ill
■trong effort » to
obtain the $ ¡O.Oi'O Navy had committed a big blunder,
ed with camping outfits. Previously,
t|lc for the Little Nestucca project. . May- and instead of doing his bit to win
this bunch of humanity anil camping cruised too high, and where
be, the State Highway Commission is the v. ar, simply delayed doing so, and
outfit would have been packed on a I county cruise calls for 20 to 50 per, not prepared to put up its share, but at the same time $30,000,000 have
narrow tire wagon drawn by a poor cent increase, it might be well to
there. '* won’t do any harm aid endeavor to been expended upon these vessels,
old nag Times have changed wonder- have the reerluise start in t.
which arc useless for the purpose for
make it come through.
fullv the past few years, and the “tin The county Assessor should know in
which they were built. It looks to us
.... assessment,
. ..............................
........ °------
lizzies" arc doing their share packing making up the
the 20 io
to 50 per cent increase should
\\ v are informed that life tiinbcr- that the government needs some good
people to the beaches.
I be added to the cruise and the only men’s paid agitator has made the advice about conservation before it
undertakes to tell the people to con­
It i- reported that Charley Kunze way to find out is to have the timber statement that the central part of the I serve. $30,000,000 is a big sum to
¡county would receive the lion’s share!
is I'oing to put on some st vie the op- recruised.
! of the county road bonding money. I blow in at this time, but it shows that
< mag .lay of the fair, for lie’s going
According to ex-Ambassador Ger­ I bis is what a nerson in the north the navy department needs a man like
to have a pair of pants with one leg
Roosevelt at its head to prevent
white ind the other leg black, and ard, on account of President Wilson party of the county was told. Anyone I waste of money and a bungling sys­
not to be outdone loe Durrer’s pants being elected on the slogan “He kept can see that such remarks are made tem of hampering the navy. Now the
will be one leg white and the other us out of war," the Kaiser and his to create dissatisfaction and sectional I people are told that the destroyer has
leg red. And Morrison Mills will have war lords got an impression that the strife, which is one of the agitator’s 'prover itself by experience the most
a pair of fawn colored pants. This is United States would not go to war strong cards; but it won’t work any , efficient U-boat hunter because of its
how vou will know the Holsti •in, with Germany, no matter how bar­ longer. The snap shot man does not speed and seagoing qualities. The av­
Guernsey and Jersey men i at the barous and brutal that country carried know of anyone in the central part of erage underwater speed of submar-
on its ruthless submarine campaign. the county who wants to deprive eith­
comity Fair..
an hour.
' I In Kai-er and his war lords were er the north or south parts of the • ines is about ten knots
county of long desired and necessary Steamers employed as troop ships
After all the efforts of the business
road improvements, or their s^an of make not less than 12 knots an hour,
men of this city to obtain a contract off diplomatic relations .with Ger­
the bond money. The County Court so they uc.d not fear underwater at­
to build two government vessel- here
will give all parts oT the comity a tacks from the rear end, with de­
I illamook is turned down hard and I could sink our ships and kill our citi­ square, deal is conceded bv «very fair stroyer convoys to protect them
void For some reason, petty almta- zens with impunity and we were too minded citizen. So there . i> no truth ahead, virtually only chance encount-
vles were raised one after another, scared or cowardly to tight for our whatever in what the p;ud agitator
itator j ers with subme rsibles w hich lie di-
all of which caused delay and disap­ rights and protect our citizens. But it said. I ln people want the hardsur­ : rectly in the ir path are to be expect­
pointment. What's the trouble, anv- goes to prove that the Democratic faced road through the county, which ed. "If we get what we want,” the
•wai ’ Other places have been award­ slogan, “He kept us out of war," was gives every part of the county a Secretary said, "the United States
ed contracts and someone should ask misleading and should never have square deal. It is about time that the I will have more destroyers than any
Senator Chamberlain why Tillamook been used as a campaign slogan at timbermen who hire this agitator got ( ! other power. They are the one thing
that time, but there is no doubt it had
received such iliabby treatment.
for every move he makes adds • that a submarine fears, ..... and conclud-
the effect of re-electing Mr. Wilson, .wise,
to local resentment. Of course every­ I ed by saying that no additional sub-
- discovered at Helena, Mont, so the slogan not only fooled the thing that is of direct benefit to Tilla­ . marine chasers would be constructed.
that ions of Burin - beans contained Kaiser and his war lords, but since mook county is opposed bv this paid That looks like giving the people taf­
-tri ciiinne. German agencies are sus­ the United States plunged into war agitator. Now we want to drive home fy after wasting $30,000,000 on the
pected T his and other like incidents with Germany, it is simply another <a point. If this paid agitator is so in­ submarine chasers.
go to show to what extremes Ger­ unfulfilled Democratic promise.
terested in Tillamook County why
------ o
mans in the United States will go and
isn’t he advocating a rearuise of the
Debt and Good Road;»
kill and injure citizens in the United
timber, for a fair and square timber
States. So treacherous are some of of Tillamook City arc t iking, up Red cruise would add thousands of dollars
the Germans that they need watching. Cross work and have decided to reach to the taxes of the county and help
Thcrc arc now twenty-one states
It was only a week or so ago that in out from their small narrow environ­ to pay for the hard surfaced road which spend money directly on the
one of the states on this coast pow­ ments. Heretofore quite a number of through the county. Why isn’t lie dp- j construction and
improvement of
dered glass was found sprinkled on ladies have devoted their energies to ing that?
' roads, and Oregon is one of them.
bandages made by Red Cross work­ some particular church organization,
Several others apportion sums to
struggling to raise money to keep a
There is a geed deal of good horse i counties and municipalities to be cx-
German Generals continue to speak small religious organization together.
pended on roads under <rcir direction
boastfully and demand new territory. These organizations have become too sense, as well as goodl business sense, , says the Oregonian.
wc have clipped from
this size and in a , paragraph
This is what General von I.icbert is numerous in a town of _.........
____ __ ..... |,U;.1IM.HS I 1 hese statistics, which are from a
quoted as saying: "We cannot sign a a great deal of religious effort is wast-; <mr exchanges, which the
peace before we have the Flanders cd paying preachers to preach to a men of T illamook Cttv should pond- I forthcoming report of the Bureau of
coast, a colonial empire and maritime few dozen persons and a whole lot of er over, for there are many business ithe Census, rvveal that nearly two-
bases Should wc not realize this now, empty pews. Most every town goes alu| professional melt who want to sec | fifths of the total state outlays for
we must prepare to work for it after through this experience, and, to use a . this made a live business center, but permanent improvements in 1916
the war in view of the next war." common expression, become church are too short sighted or close listed went into roads. The forty-eight
Which goes to prove that the Ger­ poor on account ot so many different that they expect the other fellows to slates in that year expended more
man war lords hold firmly to the church organizations, in this national ]H>ost the town and bring business to than $33,000,000 for highways.
Oregon, m this report, which is for
idea that Germany is intent upon crisis wc forget our political and re- • the city. Read th»*;
ligious prejudices, anil the ladies of i “No business man in any town the year 11916, is classified as one of
whipping the whole world.
the different churches are breaking should allow a newspaper published I the six states that has no net indebt­
To steal a preacher's chicken is away from their small church envir- in his town to go without his name edness. We shall not be in that class
about on a par with swiping money onments and getting togvthcr for and business being mentioned some­ another year, for indebtedness has
from the collection plate in the Red Cross work It is commendable where in its columns. This applies to been .uathorized and partly incurred
r___ for in some towns all kinds of business—general stores, for roadbuilding. Under the provis­
church Perhaps the good brother will on their part,
prav that the thief repent and be for­ these ladles organization- are doing dry goods, groceries, furniture dial­ ions of the legislative act providing
establishments, for eoorporation with the Govern
given for being such a mean cuss, but considerable of th« Red Cross work. ers, manufacturing
most of us poor sinners would be glad We hope this will be the case in Till­ automobile dealers, mechanics, pro­ ment on road work and of the 36,000.
fessional men and in tact all classes 000 bonding act. we shall within the
of an opportunity to pump a whole amook.
of business men. This does not mean n«xt few years acquire an indebted­
lot of lead into the thief, for that is
The annual Tillamook County hair that they should have a whole or a ness of about J I•• per capita. At that
what the sneak thief deserves and
will g't when on one of his purloin­ will op 'i next rue-das. and remain half or even a quarter page ad in we shall «till lie co «iderablv below
ing ev ■ •'editions. This may not be the open on Wednesday, I Inirsday and every issue of the paper, but your New York’s record, which is tnori
goo ' I Christian way of dealing with a l-'ridav. The late spring will have name and business shivild be men- than $ 14 per capita.
_ ________
not use more than
sitin' r, but that is the way to put a some effect on the amount of gar.len tinned if yon do
Lack of state indebtedness provide s
stop to that class of meanness and truck to be displayed, but apart from a two line space A stranger picking a sort of spiritual gratification but
up a newspaper should be able to tell does not counterbalance the more ma-
standard. There will be the largest just what business is represented in terial hardships of poor roads and
------- o ■
The large summer travel into this display of registered dairv stock ever town hv looking at the business men­ arrested development Wc do not
eountv the past few weeks was the exhibited at a county fair, and this is tioned in the paper. This is the best look for repining, once the roads for
largest in the history of the county, sure to be one of the most interesting possible town advertiser. The mxn which we have gone into debt be­
and it was surprising to see the large features for the dairymen. The county who docs not advertise his business come a reality.
T he U ses O f a
C hecking A ccount
C HECKING Account at the Hauk may he
made very useful, ft will svnteiuise vour
tinaiii i:il aftairs. It will keep a record of
vour income and expenses. It will protect
your money agaiost loss by tire < r biirglnry, as
such loss is always possible when money is kept
at home, When you pay by check, a receipt
for the unmet is unnecessary- as the returned
checks are the best receipts and prevent dis-
put«* about payments.
Deposits Accepted in any amount.
4 per cent Paid on Savings Aev*>ui»$s,
Tillamook County Bank
Established in 1902.
Gem Theatre Program
SHELL 43”—5 reel Triangle feature .with H. B. Warner
the star
PUPPETS”—2 reel comedy, featuring De Wolf Hopper.
Adults 15 cents
Children 5 cents
“GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S”—5 reel Metro picture featuring
Viola Dana. Miss Dana will be remembered at the star of
several other very pleasing photoplays exhibited here in the
past. A word to the wise is sufficient—Don’t miss this one.
The regular one reel comedy will be shown with this program.
Adults 15 cents
Children 5 cents
“DEVIL’S NEEDLE”—Sounds funny doesn’t it, but it is mer-
ety the title of one of those five reel Triangle features which
we are accustomed to giving our patrons. The honors of the
play and production of this one go to Norma Talmage and
Tully Marshall.
"DANGER GIRL”—2 reel comedy featuring Gloria Swanson
and Bobbie Vernon.
Adults 15 cents
Children 5 cents
“HER LIFE \.\’D HIS”—Bathe Gold Rooster play featuring
Florence LaBadic, also the popular Hearst-Pathe News.
Adults 13 cents
Children 5 cents
“BOY GIRL”—Bluebird feature with Violet Mcrsercau as the
Adults 10 cents
“l'HE SLAVE”—William Fox Feature .Photoplay, This is an­
other one of Valeska’s big achievements.
Don’t over look
the day and date on this one.
Adults IS cents
Children 5 cents
\\ e extend a special invitation to the out-of-town people
who visit Tillamook and the County Fair on August 28-29,30
and 31. to attend the program at our Theatre on these nights.
Comfortable seats, good ventilation, pleasant surroundings and
above all else, we have the programs to please every body.
GOLDEN’S ws ° hmoep V
First Street, Clough’s Old Drug Store Bld
A Beautiful Line Fall Style Coats,
Suits, Skirts for Ladies and Misses
Ready to Wear and
The Right Steps to
Made to Order. ______ Dress Supremacy
tailor made
The Guard of Style, Quality and Value.
t will pay you to see our Complete Line before you go
tsew here. It will save vou money buying in our store.
Golden’s women s
First St., TILLAMOOK, Or
All Our Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction
We Open Evenings
Increased Strength and Capacity
> .1
r of the Federal Reserve, the First
4 i lotia Bank and enjoy» tlie protection and
'’'en,ence which Resources of One Billiot’
• 'trs permit that System to extend both
Bunn. Farmer.
to your interest .
' IRECT P » ‘ K Heisei,
m ^.„,
C. J. Edwards tf.rr- /• n
H. C. Lamb. Haildin,,
j,. I, . ^dterials.
r ■ J- Riechers.
J' C- Holden. Vice Pres
John L Morgan.