What the Editors Say. ----- o----- Backward, turn backward, oh time on thy way; give us some rain again, just for one day. Take us back to April and give us a soak; the cistern is empty, we’re ready to choke. The just and the heat make each minute an hour; turn back a hand-spring and give us a shower.—Dayton Tribune. T illamook headlight , august 23, 1917 Fulfill* Promise. THE FOOD SPECULATOR Several Deschutes Valley papers DR J- G. TURNER. labor under the impression that the Why Must this Country Pay Double State Highway Commission is evad­ Prices for it* Bread? EYE SPECIALIST. ing its pre-election promise of secur­ (Harris Dickson, in Collier’s) ing a ten year guarantee c~ r_.i..s I’icketpocket prices and terrific on fact. paving PORTLAND — OREGON. contracted. Such is not the In over-charges will engage Mr. Hoov­ order to obtain effective guarantees, er s earnest and impolite attention. Regnlat Monthly V ¡»its to it is necessary to take two separate At first he may try moral suasion— may attempt to argue with schemers guarantee contracts, each for a five Tillamook and Cloverdale. year period. The first five-year guar­ who never owned an actual food WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. While walking along the street an antee is incorporated in tile paving commodity in their lives, yet are now PAIGE epileptic dropped in a fit and was __ contract itself, and is for the max­ holding ten thousand cases of peas, I imum length for which surety-bonds ten thousand tons of rice, squeezing McKinnev-Cord MotorCo., Phoenii qtrttkiy rushed to a hospital. Upon re­ J ELAND E ERWIN “we cannot speak too highly of moving his coat one of the nurses are obtainable. '1 he second five-year their profits from the helplessness of the splendid lubricating quali­ found a piece of paper pinned to the period is covered, therefore, by a hunger. Where Mr. Hoover fails to PIANO INSTRl’C'l ION ties of Zerolene.’’ lining, on which was written: "This special maintenance bond, for which convince one of these patriots he means to cut him out, eliminate him, Diploma from Chicago Musical an extra price is paid, over the priae js to inform the house surgeon that WINTON .College.— Beginners receive the same this is just a case of plain fit—not paid for the paving. Approved per­ soak him good, lock him up. The Winton Co., San Francisco Consider the price of bread: Last ‘appendicitis. My appendix has already sonal surety is accepted for the sec­ careful training as the most advanced. “We use Zerofene extensively. year the farmer sold his wheat at an been removed twice.”—Telephone ond guarantee. It is giving entire satisfaction.” Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ average of $1.50 a bushel. Wheat If no guarantee were required, the Register. tion. bids offered for paving work would bred in the national capital tody CHEVROLET FORD All lessons given at Studio. J. W. Leavitt & Co., Los Angeles Governor Withycombe estimates be much lower. If only a five year sells for between 10 and 11 cents a Fahv - Atterbury Sale« Co., Loa pound — which is at the rate of $20 a “ Zerolene is our choice for County Representative for the that state products are nearer a fail­ guarantee was exacted, the cost of barrel for flour. Angeles—“settled on Zero- Chevrolet cars.” ' Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high lene after extensive teats.” ure this year than for the past 46 the second five-vears’ maintenance The European formula for the ratio grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolo* years of his experience of watching would be saved. The state has to pay of bread to flour is that the price of etc. crop conditions. He predicts that on I for the guarantee anyway, as paving bread should be the same as the price i a general average the sttfte will have insurance for the ten years, so it is of flour. The baker gets a 30 per cent only about 65 per cent of a crop this better to have the ten years covered swell in the water, yeast, etc., out of DA VID ROBINSON, M.D, year, but declares that conditions are by two legal guarantees than it would which 30 per cent he is supposed to The Standard Oil for Motor Cars be to have no guarantees at all or at ­ such that crops next year should be pay his expenses and make a profit. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ajjove the average. This is based on tempt to have one questionable ten- Bread at 10,cents should represent Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors year guarantee included in the origin ­ the fact that there is more drained al paving contract. —because the records of their service departments show that flour at $20 a barrel, and $20 flour land that will be in good condition for Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt - base NATIONAL BUILDING, Instead of dodging their pre-elec­ means nearly $4.25 a bushel for cropping., and much of the land has crude, gives perfect lubrication — less wear, mor** power, wheat. But the farmers got only $1.50 tion promises, the highway commis ­ least carbon deposit. ” __ such a light crop this year that it is Between the wheat maker and the TILLAMOOK OREGON. Dealers evrrywherr and at virtually in a condition of rest, which sion are fulfilling it intelligently in bread eater there yawns a mysterious our service stations. prepares it for a better crop next letter and in spirit, and should be margin of $2.75—excess baggage of commended, not condemned. We are year - Telephone Register. J T T. bui îa double the original price of sure that critics who examine into the nearly STANDARD wheat. Where did that go? Who was The winning of the war, experts tell facts will accord proper recognition it that got nearly twice as much for OIL COMPANY ATTORNKY-AT LAW. ii'il us, is to be decided by aviation, and to the commission for the manner in doing nothing as the farmer got for (C.klorai.) i Complete Set of Abstract Boe ks in which it is handling this problem. — Oregon is to have a share in the vic­ raising the wheat? I don’t know his Office. tory for Oregon spruce is to be used Oregon Voter. name, and I'm afraid the gentleman more extensively in the making of air For tr* ’or*, 7rrnle.*« w ill never speak up. The truly modest Taxes Paid for Non Residí nt*. He»vv-I»uty i« rtpecU planes that will fly over the Teuton always shun publicity. A Bit of History. T illamook B lock , ally recommended. trenches in the western battle front. I Allowring for legitimate trade prof­ Tillamooir .... Oregon Air planes are the eyes of the army. The Roseburg Review prints an in- its, wheat at $1.50 should have meant Both Phones. Perhaps intripid Oregon boys will ' tcrview with a German-American res­ bread at less than 5 cents a pound. man some of these airplanes and have | iflent ident 01 oi Roseburg that is of more Under the European formula it would a glorious part in the world-wide con­ ! than usual interest just now I have meant 4-cent bread. Costs are T. BO ALS. M.D.. test for democracy over autocracy. ' it is personal testimony* as because somewhat higher in this country, and ALEX. McNAIR & CO. I 1 - , —..... '"‘ 1 ■z as the we cannot strictly applv to European Already quantities of Oregon’s spruce l 1 causes ‘ y of r ■ the large German immigra­ KING CRENSHAW7 CO. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. timber have been shipped to Europe tion to tins country in the early fifties computation. For the last two months and to Eastern factories where air­ I he citizen quoted is George Moore our bread has been 100 per cent high­ Surgeon S. P. Co. planes are constructed.—News Re- ami lie fought through the German er than it would have been if the (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) trades were under reasonable control, porter. revolution of 1848. What he fought eliminating speculation and the un ­ 'Tillamook .... Oregon for is significantly told in the follow­ holy rake-off by middlemen. Harris Dickson, a writer in Col­ ing paragraph: I_________________________ ____ — Practically the entire wheat supply I lier’s Weekly of recent issue, i is au- “At that time the ruler of Germany I thonty for saying that bread i is 60 was a grandfather of the present of Belgium is imported from the EBSTER HOLMES, per cent cheaper in Belgium than it kaiser and I was present at the scene United States. Yet, in spite of the ex­ I is inthis country, in spite of the fact before his place in Berlin, when the traordinary cost and risk of transpor­ ATTORNEY-AT LAW that wheat is imported into that coun­ people demanded that he come out tation, the price of bread in Belgium COMMERCIAL BUILDING, try at the risk of the German sub­ and sign a constitution for liberty. is 60 per cent of the price in New marines. The same writer is quoted I pon his refusal to leave the palace York City. A large proportion of the FIRST STREET, as saying that someone is taking $5 the. citizens brought two cannon, wheat in France comes from this a barrel on 10,000.000 barrels per which they placed before the castle, country, yet the price of bread in TILLAMOOK, OREGON month—$50,000,000 out of the pock­ and lit the torch. It was not until France is 40 per cent below ours. Bread is now selling in England for ets of the American people—in as then that the kaiser would make his much as the present selling price is appearance and when he did he said 28 cents for four pounds, the highest rp H. GOYNE, $5 more than it is really worth with to his people: ‘My dearly beloved price since the Crimean war—30 per cent below our prices. In Canada we reasonable profits all along the line citizens, what is it you wish me to do ATTORNEY-AT LAW. at the prevailing price of wheat. If and I will do it?’ The constitution see a lower range of prices to the consumer than in our country, al- Office: O pposite C ou ht H ouse , this be true then indeed the United was then signed and the people went though the producer realizes the same States is in need of a food dictator and away satisfied, but three days later, price. ' Tillamook - one who will apply the lash where it is they learned it had been treaded as a Oregon. . Again, for I want you to get this: most needed. The so-called “slacker” scrap of paper. When the kaiser was that the farmer last year is a white winged angel beside one of sought again, he said that he knew of Assuming ! QR. L. L. HOY, these dispicable food speculators.— ; no constitution and refused to recog­ received the highest average, $1.60, for his wheat. Then, with all normal Newberg Enterprise. nize their rights.” costs and profits added, the wholesale 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ----- o----- And so the revolution of '48 was price of flour should not have exceed­ TILLAMOOK, ORE. James W. Gerard, U. S. Ambassa­ fought out and lost. The revolution­ ed $9 a barrel. Yet during the last T illamook B lock , dor to Germany and called home ists were regarded by the military i weeks at many centers it has when this country declared war authorities as military criminals and few soared as high as $15. A probable av ­ j Tillamook, gainst Germany is giving some in­ were bitterly persecuted. In vast erage , Oregon. throughout the country is $14 teresting history and Ins dealings numbers they immigrated to America Someone , is taking $5 a barrel on 10,- with the German government, thus in order to find liberty of thought 000,000 barrels a month—$50,- OHN I.EI.AND HENDERSON exposing the rottenness of Prussian and action. 000^000 a month absolutely picked militarism. Hi tells how thousands of They found what they sought. They from the American pockets. Since ATTORNEY French girls and women were taken and their children and their children's this raise in price above $9 was be­ by force from their homes and made children have enjoyed the protection fore the new crop, we may assume AND to work like slaves in the field. It is of the American govcrnnieijj, and no that over $250,000,000 lias been I C()( NSEI.LOR A 1 LAW 1 true and only a small part of the hor­ people on earth have been freer than snatched from the mouth of hunger T illamook B i . o - k , rors have been told. All these inhu­ they. The liberty they fought for _ in excess of normal profits of trade man acts have Ijren approved by that and lost they found again in the new and distribution. This in part accounts I Tillamook - - Oregon, ROOM NO. 2til kaiser thing. Gerard's story reads as country that opened its gates hospit­ for a statement recently made to me though we were at war with an un­ ably to them. Nor is the story com­ that we have now in this country 30,- civilized nation. He tells how the plete without adding that they have 000 more millionaires than we had I am going to dispose . HAWK German officers lied to him, but they been good citizens. When the Union before the war commenced. Goods at greatly Reduced Prices, were not sharp enough to fool Ger­ was threatened in the sixties, these A while back I spoke of the pend­ ard, they are too dull and too awk­ German immigrants volunteered by ing food administration bill as carry­ Consisting of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ward. they are not made of the the thousands to fight for the flag ing a lash. Here is where the lash is right stuff.—Banks Herald. that had sheltered them. They have to be vigorously applied. Now, who Hay City always been recognized as citizens of objects, except the sleek, fat gent < Ire gon The Truth From a Loyal German the most solid worth. who is liable to find himself at the This bit of personal reminiscence limber end of the cowhide.- Citizen. by Mr. Moore is significant just now 1 , These facts are given in detail as an E. REEDY, D. V M., And everything in a First Class One of our local citizens who is a because many Americans of German illustration of how price control many 9 Harness Shop ; also good American hands us the follow­ descent find themselves torn between be accomplished by cutting out un- I . VETERINARY. ing clipping from a Nebraska paper, what they choose to consider con­ necessary middlemen and without written by a German citizen of that flicting allegiance for those whose diminishing the just due of the man , Both Phones. state, which shows the spirit that ancestors fled to America to escape whose sweat produces the food. Tillamook - ought to actuate every resident Ger­ the consequences of the revolution of I Legitimate tradesmen understand < iregon. 1848, for the United States is fight­ and approve. For example, the Na­ man in this country. ing now for the same object for which tional Wholesale Grocers ’ association “To the Editor of the Auburn Re­ QARI. flABERLACH, publican—I have seen several articles these revolutionists offered their now cooperating with government | in the paper about Germans trying to lives—for democratization of govern- agencies, frankly states that it 1» fool- | ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. raise strife in this country. I am a ment and greater liberty for all peo­ ish for business men to fear tnat German by birth and I am an Ameri­ ples. The grandsons and the great- economy will bring a general paraly­ T illamook B lock tan heart and hand. I will tell you grandsons of the German immigrants sis of industry or trade. 1 he associa­ why 1 left Germany. There were ten of the fifties who, in the khaki of the tion believe« that readjusted business Tilla »took Oregon in our family and we were poor like American army, are fighting against will thrive and profit, not only during , war, but for many years there- the most of my countrymen who kaiscrism are fighting in a peculiarly the came to the good old United States of holy cause and with peculiarly high . ..■'.er._____ - America to get away from oppression traditions.—Oregon Rcgot.r. DON'T RISK NEGLECT where it was a hard matter to keep the What is Best for Indigestion? wolf away from the door at times. When 1 landed in this cquntry I se Mr. A. Ribinson, of Drumquin, i Don’t neglect a constant backache, wired work at once and receiveu received , I QntarjOt >, has been troi vuicu troubled for years sharp, darting pains or uninary dis­ more money for one month’s work , indigestion, ant d recommends orders. The danger of dropsy or than I got in Germany‘for one years chamberlain ______ ins ’s Tabled zamv.s as the "best Bright's disease is too serious to ig­ Wftflr work. I 1 --- sent * r for — my folks --- and ’ T I am medicine I ever used.” If troubled nore. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills as Proud thev are all true American with indigestion or constipation give have thousands of other grateful peo­ r . ‘- ~..... . wi answer ' viiv the a trial presi- They ! " ____ k'‘" ..______7" 7— \r are certain to ple. A Forest Grove case. R. M. Stev­ win - ” dtianvi ---- I them ens, retired farmer, 329 Fourth St., ’ other nation. They are happy DR. ELMER ALLEN. Brick work of all kind* done “I am bothered with liver trouble fre *n,l don’t owe any allegiance to about twice a year,” writes Joe Ding­ a bad case of granulated sore eyes, on short notice. 't'?K or kaiser. I hops Uncle Sam man, Webster City, Iowa. “I have ays Martin Boyd, of Henrietta, Ky." DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON We make a specialty of re­ ' win. Hurrah for President Wil­ pains in my side and back and an “In February, 1903 a gentleman ask­ pairing smoking Fire Place*. son. ed me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I awful soreness in my stomach. I Dentists. foreign papers printed in heard of Chamberlain’s Tablets and bought one Lox and used about two- thirds of it and my eyes have not r* United State*. If they can’t read tried them. By the time I had used National Building. "Rush let them learn and keep all half a bottle of them I was feeling given me any trouble since.” This salve is for sale by Lamar’s Drug Tillamook, T l ,'7' 'anP"ages out of the schools. fine and had no signs of pain. For Oregon. TILLAMOOK ORE Store. . e English is good enough for any sale by Lamar's Drug Store. -Jacob Cratts.” i Splendid Lubricating Qualities ZEROLENE I la'll r FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Otir flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO. Closing Out J Harness, Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, J GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS, WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc. At 20 Per (’ent CUT in Prices A. WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Or Have Your House Wiring Done by UAJVIB-SCHRflDER CO RALPH E. WARREN,