TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT HOMESTEADERS’ FAIR. To be Given by Nestucca Grange On September 14. MISTAKEN FOR DEER; OREGON HUNTER SLAIN -------o------- James Thompkins, Formerly of Tilla­ mook is the Victim. AUGUST 23, 1917 CLEVERNESS OF A THIEF. Ha Mad» the Job • Thorough While He Waa About It. Ono The re'alj »tore Is often the recipient The annual Homesteader^’ Fair, W hile going to hunt deer on Sain ot unreasonable demands for adjust­ given by the Nestucca Grange, will be held this year on Friday, September creek, in the mountains 10 miles from ment of one sort or uno. tier but tbe 14, five miles above Beaver on the Clu . ry Grove, with John Miller Tue»- following In ideut related by a man in Blakes dubbiti road to Blaine. These annual fairs day of last week, Jane - Thompkins, the business seems to be a high light have been largely attended and those a native of Washington county and a In tbe picture. I residing in the Beaver and Blaine brother-in-law of Charles F. Miller of In thia case tbe theft of a package of i»v y* district have made creditable show­ the internal revenue department of !ri >s goods : nd silks was made from a ings of home grown products, and PortieCnd, was instantly killed when de 1 very wa on by n rook, whose pro- there appears to be the usual interest he was mistaken for a deer. 1 »esig lied i.y txuilinH. Whit. t,u. it was necessar yto carry Thomp­ •ei'.ure 1: d. ited an ex icclemed hand taken in this year’s Homesteaders' signer of t hr f. mom White M mi,r in department store methods. He im­ kins on an improvised litter for three 1 Trucks. Mr. White has built th«- Fair. mediately to >k the r a kage, which bad CLEVELAND TRACTOR toper, premium list as miles to get to the road. We form all of the many tasks re- uir. James Thompkins was 45 years of been purchased C. O. D.. to the cus­ There will be far as ing power <»n every farm He’has MONG our large circle of readers age and was largely known in Wash- i tomer who had bo gbt the goods and made it easy to operate, econonii- which will other premiums offered, cal to run. easy to care for arid there are a great many who are in­ ington ami Tillamook county. He liv- I was ¡e.Id the 312 called for by them. be announced later. absolutely dependable in opera- terested directly or indirectly m Display of Fruit—1st prize, 12.50; ed in Tillamook for 10 years. After I 1 Tile dress fabrics had been bought for returning to Washington county he i second. $1.50; Third, $1.00. By Al­ 12 II. P. at the brat» Bar fruit growing, dairying and other j the purpose of making a suit, and tbe 20 II. P- at Ihe P u I’» t bany Nurseries in Nursery Stock by purchased a farm in Scoggins valley. I ustomer asked the pseudo delivery branches of farming. All of these His father, Wm. Thompkins was well I High speed, heavy dut\ 4-cv cr.d -r their agent, R. Y. Blalock. man to take tbe pack ige around to her naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag ­ Buda motor. 3 point spring susp, n. known in the early days as an expert I Display of Flowers—1st $2.50; dressmaker, whose shop was only a »ion. Weight 2750 lb*., Ivight j ricultural activities throughout the state; 2nd, $1.50; 3rd, $1.00. In choice trainer of race horses. inches width 50 inches length •?r> She paid him a Thompkins was the son of William | I few blocks away. and to know about any fight which is being inches, clearance 12 inches, c.oo roses by Albany Nurseries quarter for doing t ’ lls, and he skipped s be desired, still the old man w hose deliver, the expense rises. quash Largest si, ' by ’ . boy or girl uu- life work has closed and who must One man this last time promised 10 ~ S by H. T. cler 15—1st, $1.0«; Cash sit Idly by and watch tDe sands in the head anil on the day they were to be Botts; 2nd, SOcents by Grange, delivered, sold them locally, we un- hour glass run swiftly out is au object Best display of grasses anil clovers derstand at »13.00 per cwt. Those of profound consideration mid should —1st, $1 50; 2nd, $1.00, tnds. by shipped netted better than $16 per be given the veneration that liis posi­ Harris Ammer Furniture Co. Where trained specialists with modern l.ib- cwt., or a difference on the ten head tion ann his strength as a eluding Civil, Electrical, Highway, Industrial $2.50; 2nd, $1.50; 3rd, $1.00 in prices for all the pork you can pro­ great form n and has been lavish in Arts, irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering; merchandise by 1). VV. Gilbert and duce. Its use. Unlike the woman or the FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer- Food Preservation Campaign. child or the mentally and physically Sons. i«K The campaign for food preservation afflicted during lite, he has been the Best stock beats—1st, $1.00 by P. HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart­ which was conducted last week met world builder mnl the home maker. On W. Todd; 2nd 50c. by Grange. ments. including training in the Practice Best wood work by boy under 16— with good success. 225 people attend­ his shoulders have rested the great House ; st. $1.00 by Henkle the undertaker; ed the six meetings held and nearly tasks of life, the creation of a home, MINING, with three departments, includ all the I ulies present showed fine in ­ nd 50c. by the Grange. ing Chemical Engineering; the support of a family and the achieve­ Rest patch work by girl under 16— terest. Miss Laura Cheney’» talks on ment of great things In business and PHARMACY. canning and drying brought out many 1st, $1.00; 2nd, 50c. by High Drug THE SCHOOL Or MUSIC, offers inatno- questions by those present and near­ society. tion in the principal departments of rocai Co., Cloverdale. To lay these things all aside at the ly everyone expressed their apprecia ­ 6 Best Carrots—1st, $1.00; 2nd, 50 and instrumental music. tion of the meetings, saying they had behest of Time's beckoning finger and THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled cents by High Drug Co. the approaching decay in mind and received many helpful hints. 10R.3 cadets in 1916-17, and won recommen­ 6 Best parsnips—1st, $1.00; 2nd Sandlake turned out a crowd of 35 body is a tragic thing, however much dation for O. A. C. from the Western Depart­ 50c., by High Drug Co. people, which, in comparison with the we may glorify the peace and calm ment of the U. S. War Department as one of community, was the larg- size of the that Is said to come in the sunset days Equalization the fifteen ‘ ‘ distinguished institutions" of Notice of Board of st attendance. \\ e bail larger aud- of life. The old man is largely a Meeting. higher learning. All cadets will be furnished i. nces at some oilier places. II as stranger In a land made strange by I complete uniforms by the U. S. Government large a percentage of the total popu ­ the absence of many of those with and the junior and senior cadets, enrolled in Notice is hereby given, that on lation had turned out,, our crowds whom he began tlu* Journey.—Pitts­ the R. O. T. C., will be given commutation for Monday, September, 10th, 1917, the would have been much larger subsistence, as well all transp irtation and burgh Gazette Time» County 1 Board of Equalization will To all those who were not present Subsistence at the six weeks’ Sammer camp meet at the Assessor’s Office in the I but arc interested in the subjects of REGISTRATION BESINN OCTOBER I. C ourt House, in l illaniook County, Deaths From Athletic Sports. 1917. Information on request. Addrsa. ( »regon, and publicly examine the canning and drying fruits and v .ge- Dr. Robert E. Coughlin of New York • c.blcs, I will recommend the follow ­ Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Collais assessment rolls of I illamook city, writing in the New York Medical ing bulletins on the subject. Corvallis, Oregon. County lor the year 1917, and cor­ (I A. C. Extension Bulletin No 187 Journal, says 943 Ilves were sacrificed I rect ail errors in valuations, descrip­ oil the fields of athletic sport In the on Preservation of Fruits an<1 Vege ­ tions of lands, town lots or other pt ope ty. Said board will continue in tables; No. 204 on Home Canning: ten years ending with, but not inelud- session from day to day, until the ex­ and Government Farmers’ Bulletins lug, the year 1010. "Baseball heads the list with 284 fa- amination, correction and equaliza­ Nos. 837, 841 and 853 on the same tion ot the assessment rolls shall be subjects. The O. A. C. Bulletins can talities," he says. "Football Is second completed. Al! complaints should be be obtained from this office or by with 215. auto racing third with 128. fib’ ! v ith the board the fir-t week. sending a post card request to Cor-1 boxing fourth with 105. Seventy-seven No eV mges can be made after the vailis. The Government bulletins can cyclers and fifty-four Jockeys lost their be had on request from the U. S. De­ adjournment of the board Ilves, fifteen wrestlers perished on the Says Mrs. Frank Hag­ Pa’ I at Tillamook City, Oregon, partment of Agriculture at Washing­ mat, fourteen persons lost their Ilves ton. D C. ler, of Carbondale, III.: August ♦»th, 1917. On Sunday«, until September 9th, special bowl ­ playing golf, nine were killed at President Wilson says: "Every •‘I was suffering terrible C. A. Johnson, low fare tickets will be sold, limited to date cramps and pains each bushel of potatoes properly stored Ing and one died while playing lawn County Assessor. montn. 1 had used ... ami every can of fruit and vegetables tennis." of sale. but it didn’t give any properly put up. adds so much to our Notice to Contractor». Influença of America, permanent relief. The insurance of victory ami brings the ftains came back on me It la a fact that no matter how back- c is hereby given that tlie war much nearer a successful con­ ust the same as before ward, how crude, how ignorant, how County Court of Tillamook County, clusion. ’’ Do not forget that the motor car makes two round . . , After taking Cardui, It is our patriotic duty to store all Illiterate, are the workers and aliens Oregon, will, until 10 o’clock a.in. on 1 was entirely relieved trips daily between Tillamook and Mohler, in ad­ who come to your shops something In Sept. 17, 1917, receive sealed pro­ the food possible from the pains, and have Big Drainage Meeting. dition to the regular steam service. the American life and environments posals for constructing a concrete never been bothered with There will be a drainage demonstra­ puts a civic Intelligence and sense of Ask our local agent for tickets and further information. viaduct over Beaver creek in the tow n them since.” tion meeting at the farm of Ebingcr of Beaver, according to plans and Independence Into the workers which John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent specifications on file in the office of anil son. two miles south of Tilla­ every executive must understand and mook. on Friday afternoon at 1:30 Portland, Ore. the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ o’clock Everyone interested in drain­ co-operate with - Meyer Bloomtield In ty Each proposal shall be accompan­ Industrial Management. ied bv a certified check, cash or bid­ age or everyone who has wet lands is der's bond payable to Tillamook invited to be present, This farm. Fighter». ( ountv, equal in amount to 5 per cent known as the Andrew Christensen Nearly all successful business men farm, has been under the observation I All of the total amount of the bid. oL everyone who passes for many poasMis fighting qualities, Commodore proposals must be made on form fur- years. East winter about twenty acres Vanderbilt was a fighter. Harriman. Death of Nancy Leach. nislied bv the County Clerk. MERCHANT’S WIFE ADVISES The County Court reserves the was tile drained Be sure and come Hill and Morgan were fighters. Men TILLAMOOK WOMEN. an