> Hraöliolji Tillamook Joltings. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. AUGUST 23, 1917. ■ |i.5o PER YEAR. J Dr. Wise ha -Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Coatsand family I am in the market at all times for j moved; and sprinkling of capcnnc BIDS FOR ROAD BuONDS motore.l m from Seattle last week for; your baby calves—Smith “The Calf pepper on the inside of the ca.rcas ------ o------- September 1st. son ° |V'’1f.W,th rtIa‘iv------------------ go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ I un re" • Z3rd T- rvecitaI in ,he "'»>• Building* T&illSoo°kniCe _______ _ a letter from the I special election last June. There were ROADS SUGGESTED terns. future, limó T after ‘*ftcr. which "riich she will accept a i We have received seven bidders, one of which was not FOR EARLY WORK limited number of pupils. » Valley Cannery Co., stating that it regular, the bidder, Cummings Prud- A modern house for rent,—See had withdrawn from this field in rtle Eranklin Fish Market is now T he 1 illamook Farmers’ W arehouse Strode- wanting evergreen blackberries in den & Co., offering to find a person First Allotment of $400,000 Worth Money to loan on good security. T. open for business, drop in and look pad a community load of dandy hogs of Bean-Barrett Bonds Are Sold. favor of the Long Products Co., of who would take the bonds at the tig­ H. Goyne. * around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.- ltrt yesterday that sold 60 c higher Portland, which had previously work­ ures he gave. Only one bidder offer­ Salem, Ore., Aug. 21—Three post­ F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. * than Monday and established a new ed a premium, that ed Morris Bros., road projects and the start of a num­ Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, ed the territory. We made a mistake of Portland, who offered the small record They brought $16.75 straight Prof. Ralph Moore, who has been ber of forest-road projects probably last week in saying that the company Cloverdale, Ore. * through—Portland Livestock Re­ would pay 3;2 cents for the berries. sum of $100.00. All the bidders of­ will be paid for out of the first$400,~ Sv c” ■nstructor at the McMinn­ porter. fered to take the bonds at 5 per cent I 000 worth of Bean-Barrett bonds, Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs ville high school, is camped at Wat- It was 2% cents they offered. interest, with the provision that the which were sold yesterday by the 1 V'C, '’•‘jjrisome flag w hich mi gt c, I. Clough Co. * sc-co with Mrs. Moore and family. the The W. R. C. met in the K. P. hall county was to pay the expenses. ’■ I State Board of Control. ,|,e% Rrhcf Corps presented to th Mr and Mrs. E J. Girard, Mrs. G. ,.te Saturday afternoon when one candi­ These expenses or commissions, I. 1 Among A_____ .1. the . ..I__ t forest projects. Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at W. Hays and Mr. J. p. Bond, of luth Company, other Coart .............. Artillery, , t - t bl - rxvwv ............ -.j, was date was initiated, and after business ranged from $3,937.50 to $10,440.00. _ r _ 1 recommended is the McMinnville- Rialto, Both phones. * J ort and motored over as week end rctllmpíí returned to them for safe keeping was disposed of a pleasant reception There appeared to be keen competi­ until such time as the company is was given in honor of Mrs. Arthur tion between the different bidders, Tillamook project in the Sinslaw For­ E. T. Haltom was a business visitor guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Blair. permanently stationed and can find a Stillwell who is visiting in the city for each bidder scrutinizing the other est Reserve, for which an allotment to Portland this week. Rev. F. S. Ford, of Pleasant Home. ■ suitable place for it. of $45,000 has been made. Tilla­ short time. Mrs. Stillwell has been a | bids and pointing out irregularities mook County to pay $15,000 and the Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- I '1rOn ,¥°"day t0 visit his dau­ member for years and is now making not in accord with the advertised re ­ \\ m. Maxwell and family returned ♦ ghter, Mrs. (_. E. irombley, and to „re.-R. W. Bennett. rest to be divided between the state on 1 hursday of last week from Buhl, her home in Arizona for the benefit quirements. The county court took and the government. Born, on Monday, to the wife of A. | see the newly arrived grand child. of her health, which is improving. |th< matter under advisement until Idaho, where they had been visit.ng All told, the allotment recommend­ ' ^o-lrir-e.v Mr. and Mrs. Melvin N Lamb, of business men to enjoy. Will pay you to see Everson tor a E. W. Stanley, justice of the peace, ' their bids be withdrawn and their ships program, on which several Portland, is visiting his parents Mr. safe investment ift city property or l certified checks returned. They gave large contracts are about to be a- 1 J. P. Jensen, of Marion County, and and Mrs. F. M. Lamb, at their cozy­ E. I.. Wallace, of Helena, Mant., firm lands. * I Nellie M. Nixon, of Multnomah I as their reason that the election was warded. camp on their farm at South Prairie. and W. S. Furlong, of Cripple Creek, irregular, that the county should hold On receipt of a telegram from tbc Born, to the wife of County Survey­ I county. Mr. Lamb is an enthusiastic hunter Colo., were visitors who had heard of another election, that a call for bids Portland Chamber of Commerce, cal­ or R. L. Shreve, on Wednesday, a I _ Elmer Paine, of Eugene, came in on and fisherman and has spent much Tillamook as the cheese producing be rcadvertised for 5, 5% and 6 per ling attention to a telegram front ibe son. I Saturday, anil with Mrs. Paine and time enjoying the former with his county of the state, and who looked , cent bonds and that in view of a call ship building board to Feeney & over the county. They were greatly wife and sister Vida. Mr. Lamb is a Wanted to rent a farm.—Inquire of family, who have been visiting at the pleased with everything they saw for another liberty loan bond, money Bremer, of Tillamook, saying no ■ Tillamook Sheet Metal Works, Tilla­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNair, brother to Supt. G. B. Lamb. more contracts for wooden hulls here and were immensely impressed will be had to obtain. mook, Oregon. * returned the first of the week. The legality of the proceedings would be awarded, Senator McNary Prof. Kirk anq family have return­ with the undeveloped resources of the H. Mason & Co., has taken over the The Honor Guard Girls are making ed from their summer vacation, hav­ county. A. C. Everson gave them a have been submitted to Attorney called on Admiral Capps and learned Standard patterns formerly sold by pillows for our soldier boys. If any ing spent part of the time in the good time motoring through the General Brown for an opinion, and that for the present the wood-ship j this is expected either to-day or to- program is held in abeyance—that | one desires to help they should notify State of Washington, where he wit­ county. Lamar’s Variety Store. I morrow. The County Court took the new contracts wilT bi' "considered” i Miss Ethel Gaylord, Pres., or Miss nessed the construction of the can­ John Fcldschau, Concrete contrac­ Elva Austin, Sec. Dr. Turner, the well known eye ! precaution to have Ex-Senator Chas. but not awarded. tonment at American Lake. School tor, concrete silos built. All work Admiral Capps said ship yards on will be resumed on the 10th of Sep­ specialist, of Portland, will be in Till- I Fulton pass upon all the proceedings .antook again, Wednesday, Thursday ; as they came up. Should the Attorney the Pacific Coast were having tronble guaranteed.Both phones. * I Tillamook County Pomona Grange tember. • , will meet with Fairview Grange, and Friday, Augtist 29, 30 and 31 at General decide that the proceedings getting both Tnhof an<1~ material and The New Edison gets and gives all Thursday, Sept. 6th, according to the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steimal and Jenkins' Jewelry Store. In Cloverdale were legal the County Court will, no the Atlantic Coast yards cannot get the Artist rendered just as the artist vote of the Pomona, at last meeting son Ralph, accompanied by Paul and Tuesday, Aug. 28th. Dr. Turner is a doubt, accept the best bid for the material. This is due largely to the gave it. * —R. Y. Blalock, Sec. Clifford Farris, of Portland, motored specialist of experience and standing, bonds and Jhen start a friendly suit labor agitation. Becausi contractors to Tillamook and arc now camped at anij you will make no mistake in con­ Why not be insured in the best fire 1 H. H. Vandervort. wife and daugh­ ’Saltair. Mr. and Mrs. Steimal are sulting him about your eyes and and have the Supreme Court pass up­ cannot guarantee that they will have insurance company, it costs no more. ter, of Salem; and H. H. Prettyman, on the proceedings, and it is up to enough labor and material to finish See Everson. * of Portland, friends of Attorney of residents of Eugene. Ralph Steimal, glasses. Headaches relieved, cross Mr. Fulton to see that his opinion on ships in contract time, the Shipping their oldest son, is well known there eyes straightened. Satisfaction guar- | the proceedings were correct. In the Board is not now awarding any new There will he a dance at Pacific | Attorney and Mrs. Geo. Winslow among the sportsmen. It is very- anteed. Consult ~ him, don’t forget the ; event of the proceedings beeing illegal contracts until builders can guarantee • City on Saturday night, to which all ire in on a vacation. warm and sultry there so they tell us. date. the County Court would be in a fix. satisfactorily that they will have am­ I Attorney S. S. Johnson and Mrs. are invited. The newly formed Guernsey Breed- 1 "The pictures.” says the New York ! The law says only one special elcc- ple material and labor. Johnson have been rusticating at Ne ­ For Wolverine Soap that washes Senator McNary explained that the ers’ Association commenced gather­ Times, "are of special interest be- ■ tion shall be held in one year, but it without ri bbing, go to Larson’s, the tarts since their return to the city. ing up the stock for the county fair, cause they show the “Tanks” the land is claimed, in so far as the proceed­ Tillamook builders, in r< sponse to in­ candy maker. * ' Mr. Johnson will be in his office and already have about 28 head at the battleships that first baffled the foe ings were illegal this would not apply vitation of the Shipping Board, had again on Friday. fair grounds. The association ex­ when they were introduced by the 1 to calling another special election in equipped their yard on tlx assurance Now is the time to have your winter British last fall, in action for the first this instance. There may be a differ- that contracts would be given for wood sawed.—Call Ernest Knight | 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and pects to have over 30 head, and the time on the screen. The “Tanks" arc | ence of opinion with attorneys on this four wooden hulls, and since they Mutual phone. * stump puller, with rigging, for sale, Holstein and Jersey Breeders will seen moving to the attack, crossing point and something for them to have offered satisfactory bonds he in­ or trade for auto or motorcycle in Al have to go some if they beat that Furnished house for rent, Apply to condition, balance cash. Address Box number of registered stock at the fair. fields, cutting their way through scrap over. The County Court will sisted tlx- Government shot Id accept barbed wire obstructions and walking have to raise the money somewhere W. T. Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West 576, Tillamook, Oregon. The cheese factories in the south through trees. The pictures were tak­ I to pay for its share of the hard sur­ a* near First Street. part of the county, owing to the high Mr. and Mrs. Leon Edward and lit­ en at close range so that the exterior facing of the five miles of road let by SPRUCE SALE REGULATED Dr. Daniels and family, who for- tle daughter Margaret, of Portland, cost of materials in the manufacture details of these curious implements of the State Highway Commission. ------ o------ merly resided here are in from New- ¡are visiting at the Mrs. M. E. Holden of cheese have raised the price of war arc seen plainly.” To be shown Aircraft Production Board to Handle berg on a vacation. 'home. Mr. Edwards is a nephew of making cheese to 2j^ cents per at the Gem Theatre September 5 and Mobolization is Changed. All Contracts. pound. The cheese factories include 6. For Sale—Box Ball Bowling Alley, Mrs. Holden. _________________ Washington, August 20,— Notice 36 feet long by 4 feet wide. Inquire | For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke Cloverdale, Central, Cold Springs, Washington, Aug. 20.— Mobiliza­ ¡has been served by the Aircraft Pro­ Three Rivers, East Beaver, Plea-ant of R. Carlson, Wheeler, Ore. Business Houses to Close Tuesday tion of the second increment of draft duction Board upon spruce mills and to work single or double, weight 1000 \ alley, Beaver and Alder Cale. i troops was today changed from Sep­ ■spruce brokers that hereafter all pur­ Afternoon. Edison re-creations sing your fav­ pounds. — Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. i B. C. Lamb, president of the Port tember 15 to 19 and the third incre­ chases of spruce for airplane manu­ orite songs better than you ever ♦ , F. D. Tillamook, Oregon. 2* of Tillamook, received a cjpy of the ment from September 30 to October facture must be made through the heard them sung. business men of Tillamook The rivers and harbors bill, which recent­ 3. Mobilization of the first increment I Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay the | The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay ly pass-d congress. It includes an City have decided to close their busi­ will be as previously announced Sep­ board and that standard sp< cifications hereafter will apply. T he board will highest cash price for cascara bark IOC for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. item of $5,000 for maintenance work nesses next Tuesday afternoon, which tember 5. handle contracts for tin allied gov­ * ■for 5 pound pails. They must be. free and empty sacks. for Tillamook, $8,000 for the chan­ is the opening day of the Tillamook ernments as well as 1'141 the United from rust. Bring them in at once and nel to this city, and calls for a r.ew County Fair, and take part in the About Spoiled Meat. Men Wanted—At $3.00 per day for States. procession. This will be formed at the get your money. survey to determine the best channel 8 hours. hours, State Highway Highw’ay work.—ln- Estimates on hand and furnisher! to­ city hall at one o’clock, anil it is re­ To the Editor: — Would you kindly be to Tillamook City. | Only Edison re-creations can Quire of F. C. Feldschau. quested that every business and pro­ give me space in your valuable paper day to Senator McNary show the mistaken for the original voice. Its Edd Heisel, while filling the tank of fessional man in the city fall in line. I to sound a word of caution and advice United States will need 20,000,000 Attorney McGrath and family who rich true tones fill many homes with feet; Italy has asked for 18,000,000; went to Portland for a few days re­ gladness. Call at Lamar’s Drug Store his motor cycle out side of Ackley & There will be a good afternoon’s en­ to farmers who are preparing dressed France, 36,000,000 and Great Britain Murphy’s Garage with gasoline on joyment at the fair. turned on Sunday. meats to be sold in Portland and 80,000,000 feet. The board thinks the Wednesday evening, the gas ignited and hear one. other cities within the state. Carl Habcrlach raised the price of British estimate is too high am! is and the motor cycle caught fire, caus­ A great amount of this meat is con­ For the convenience of families and Autos For Sale at Bargains. triplets to 24c. and long horns and based on old specifications, under ing quite a blaze for a few minutes. demned and ordered destroyed be­ those who want to picnic at the Fair Young Americas to 25c. which they purchased 24 40 per plane, cause of reaching the market in such ‘the Fair Board has roped oft about He had neglected shutting off the while under new specifications they We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo an acre of land for that purpose and lights when filling the tank. The mo­ I We have some exceptional bargains a condition that it is unfit for food. tor cycle is badly damaged. I in used cars and believe that’ in the This is not only a direct loss to the will need only 600 feet. for sale. Better see us before we send we are sure this will be appreciated. T he Aircraft Board told t’ e Senator it to Portland.—Coast Power Co. * It is expected that the five miles of list below you will find what you farmer who ships it, but in such times Don’t forget those busted castings. hard surface road let to Oskar Huber want. when we are exercising every effort that by fixing a price of $105 am 1 by Twin cylinder Indian Motor Cycle, Can be welded for half. Goods sent in the line of food conservation, it is cutting out brokerage fee and get- bv the State Highway Commission I Hudson Super Six, 7 passen-. h.p, first class condition. Price $1,100.00 a loss to the consuming public, and 1 ting a government rail rate on spruce I ger ....................................... by parcel post and express promptly will be completed in two months. Be ­ »’®0. Inquire of Plasker Bros. we feel a great deal of such loss could at New York has been reduced from returned. Hiner 4 Reed, Tillamook, sides the concrete culverts F. V. ¡Packard 1911 5 passenger 500.00 be avoided if farmers and butchers ;$140 per plane to $70 pi r plane. For Sale—New modern residence, Feldschau has taken the con ract to 1 4 Cylinder ........................... located in best rosidence district. For Oregon. would properly prepare their meats | Formal notifications is beitig sent do the grading. It is expected that a Packard, 1913, 5 passenger 900.00 I taking necessary precaution to see by the Aircraft Board to lumber bro­ 6 Cylinder ........................... sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * I Dr and Mrs. Frank M Spaulding rock crushing plant will be put tn at kers in Oregon ami Washington ad Kilham creek and probably two will Chalmers 5 passenger six that it reaches the market in the best Experienced Tillamook Dairyman anti daughter Frances of Por'^ I vising them that no more spruce will 600.00 ¡possible condition. r ............................. I Cylinder ’ants to rent 4 or 5 good" milk cows. are spending their vacation at Bay be used. ' Franklin, 7 passenger six Dr. E. E. Chase, Chief Meat Tn- I be bought through them by any of oceanP They spent the week end with School will soon commence. Were Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. I the allied governments; that hercaf- 900 00 I spucior Cylinder spector or of inv the vity City nraiin Health Depart- . .. r w. Talmage and wife. Mr. lai your children backward in their stud- ■ made direct Ruick, 7 p; assengcr six cylin- ment of the City of Portland, informs ' r ’* •’ 1,1 -, ' David McNair and Mrs. McNair, of mage and Mrs. Spaulding are cousins. Jf so it may be caused ............... .1... j...! .u- i..„ ir. ___ 'rom tlx nulls. I Ins i- in .. ,n response to 850.00 ICS last year ’ | der .... me that during the last 16 months , Myrtle Point, are visiting at the home e'trouble of some kind. Bring 1 several brokers who Morris Schnal and wife returned on by eye I there has been condemned 18426 Pr" cs s 01 Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNair. Dr Turner and let him ex- ' Auburn 5 > passenger six them to I- — 400 00 I pounds of meat that was killed and have protested at the holding up on I Cylinder , v ;. . , If there is eye trou- Boy or girl from country wanting in which they are mtercst- amine their eyes I dressed by farmers, and this condem-| 'contracts * I Cadillac. 1 2 passenger four te board admits its action is home and attend school, write at ble he w jll ” correct it. If not, he will 400.00 nation has not been on account of a 1 Cylinder so frankly Y'ou owe this to ooce to Box 583, Tillamook, Ore. * tell you 4 Cylin- | I diseased condition of the meat but arbitrary, but necessary under the children. At Jenkins Jewelry Cadillac •' passenger 425.00 i simplv on account of what is termed circumstances. Minted: Experienced dairyman, 12 daughter Florence. der ..... X AUK‘2’: 3 «and 31’ Terms at above prices or 10 per . “Spoiled Meat.” W< feel that if farm- Those who have horses wljo intend ajj cows> steady job for right party. ' The tanks at the battle of Ancre cent discount for all cash I nrs and butchers will observe thc’fol- Notice of Completed Contract Address Dr. O. B. Miles, Salem, Ore. loVnterthemfoMheracesatjheTtb , |rres- have two sticks, one in the thoracic County Court House in accordance ‘ounty bond bids. ------ o istible steadiness of an avalanche. r-ivitv, the other in the abdominal with plans and specifications, and any ■ ^rs- Elmer E. Allen returned home Spouting smoke like some dragon and The annual meeting of the Tilla- ■ ravitv. so as to spread the careas and person, firm or corporation,, having I panize for next year. 'coated with green paint after the monk Mutual Telephone Co. will be hold it apart Tn h« saw ¡¡„a, of hay. feed. them well See these official war pic- The R. E. Butt? damage case will •he ¡n-id" of the veal with hot water Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Commission requesting that large line . _u_ lowest K at the Gem Theatre. September be discussed. 1'and wipe with a clean cloth until all First publication Aug. 23, 1917 Southern Pacific company be re- Hour, grass U— S. A. Brodhead, Sec. slime and dampness is thoroughly re- Last publication Sept. 6, 1917. - maintain a station agent at prices. Special prices 1’5 and 6. ’"rttcd I to I “at place. feed in car lots. I f ! J k Í t ■I' i I I * I 1 i * ■ ■ I) 1 j . f I *í i ' i 1 I 1'