TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 16, 1917. o.FT army WILL pRAF1 be in FIELD SOON Money Wanted. Wanted to borrow $3,500 On c«t Increment of tWT.mm u. S. gilt T-n' seSu^y—Address Box 56, FS>)diers Will be Training Early 1 illamook Oregon. * 90 In October. ------o — Attention Ye Swamp Angels. Washington, Aug. 13—The entire •47 009 men composing the first in­ Kiln Tile, all sizes, ready for vou dent of the Army draft forces will Works.5"’ JUne 25,h ““Tillamook Clay u under training early in October. Under orders issued today, the first “0 ner cent of the quota of each dis- I Bids Wanted. will begin entrainment for can- trimcnts September 5, the next 30 . Bid« wantedTTTe erection of a 10 ccnt September 15, and another cheese factory wnrih 1---- ' on ,be Herman Hous- 30 per cent September 30. The re- worth *' place, ’ two miles east of town dnine 10 Pcr cent w'" be moboliz- L. BcalsUr,hCr parl,culars aPP>y to B. °d as soon after that date as possible. £ The plan t0 assemble the new for­ Ranch for Sale. es in three increments distributed the task of furnishing supplies and Including stock and farm equipment equipment through September. It will also prevent serious shortages in containing 24 acres of Wilson river any camp, and will give the new of­ hottom and, to be sold before the 1st ficers from the training camps time ot October^—Inquire of Paul Erick­ « to familiarize themselves with their son, R. F. D. 1., Tillamook, Ore. duties gradually before responsibility a great body of men falls on them. Notice to Dairymen. 12,00 To Go to Each Camp. The order issued today means that ! I have for sale three ¿bout 12,000 men will reach eaqji of Guernsey Bull calves. They^are Gov^ > .tifnnnipn K SOCU1 pnrsr of 4-1.« __ and . , Yeksa . . ^h716 cantonments soon aftf»r after Nun. Sep­ .enor the Ct Chene breed! tember 5. They first will be examined , mg. I won three first out of four en- physically by army doctors and final­ ■ tries in the cow classes Senior and ly accepted or rejected. isute^airmT '°W at °rcg0" In farming communities local board now will arrange the lists of Correspondence solicited. These those to fill the first increment with calves are priced to sell. local crop conditions in mind. Draft­ W. A. Goodwin, Cornelius, Wash- ed men engaged in that work and who lnk'Y County, Oregon, Owner and otherwise would go with the first breeder of Rose City Guernsey Herd. third of the district quota will be passed over to the second or third, as Bids Wanted. mav be necessary. ——o------ Reviewing the question of discharge t hree River Creamery for dependent relatives, Provost Mar­ wishes to receive bids • < Association on installing shal-General Crowder held today that persons should not be discharg­ water system at its factory J near Hebo, Oregon. Plans and specifica- s,„v.___ _ ed because of dependents residing Gons can be seen_ at the office of abroad. Carl Haberlach, City, or _ ----- , Tillamook *•••«*uwn vaiy, Peace Lovers will be Used. Herman Farmer, Beaver, Oregon. That conscientious objectors of war Association will furnish the necessary , ------- - •••». nvwjju.y are not to be excused entirely from and cement. Bids to be left at serving the country was made clear pipe ejlher of above addresses - ------------------ —3 on or be­ in another ruling by the Provost Mar- ’ fore August 21st, 1917, at 11:00 shal, holding that such persons should o clock p.m. Company reserves the be sent to the mobolization camps right to reject any or all bids. along with others drafted, to be as­ signed later to non-combatant branch­ Help Relieve Shortage. es of the service. It is presumed they will serve in the Quartermaster’s An earnest appeal to local shippers Corps, the Medical Corps or other units not employed in actual com- to help out Uncle Sam and the public generally by heavier car loading is bat. Only in rare cases are railway mail made by Ray Grate, local agent of the Southern Pacific Company. clerks to be exempted. Today the "Our company is doing all in its Postoffice Department announced power to keep the cars moving," said that published reports of blanket ex­ Agent Grate, “but much of the emption for this class of postal em­ trouble conies from the practice of ployes were based on a misinterpre­ using a whole car to carry shipments tation of the department’s order cov­ that only half fill it. If the public will ering postal exemptions. co-operate with us in getting togeth­ Press to Have Facilities. er and ordering goods in carload Plans to provide publicity facilities quantities; in loading their cars to ten at camps of the National Army and per cent in excess of their marked the National Guard are left entirely capacity, and in loading and unload­ to the discretion of the camp com­ ing promptly, working on Sundays manders, who will be authorized to and holidays if necessary, there will permit newspaper correspondents to be no such thing as car shortage, and establish offices within the camp lim­ the national welfare will not be im­ its anil to maintain telegraph or tele­ perilled. phone lines there if deemed advisable. Mr. Grate is trying hard to make a No such privileges will be granted, record for Tillamook in the great however, until the camps are actually prize car loading contest inaugurated established and the commanders on by the Southern Pacific Company all the ground. _____ ________ over its lines from Portland to El- Paso. He has many friends among LUMBERMEN AGREE local shippers who have already TO SUPPLY SPRUCE promised to assist him. The contest is regarded as a “war measure' of Aii plane Stock to Be Sold to Govern­ considerable importance. ment for $105 per 1OOO Feet. Representatives of more than 90 Van Patten-See Wedding. per cent of the spruce resources of Oregon and Washington met in Port­ The wedding of Thos. Van Patten land Monday and agreed to supply all the airplane spruce required by the and Miss Verna See occurred at the I nited States and the allied govern­ home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. See, six miles southeast of ments at $105 per 1000. Buhl, Idaho, at 8 o’clock Wednesday Phis is the figure suggested by the evening August 81I1. Rev. C. O. Heath government itself. The manufacturers officiating at the wedding. The ring v ih undertake to fill government or­ ders on this basis for a perto I of “0 ceremony was used. As the bride and groom entered the room to take their tocracy can find them in the formal statement issued in Paris yesterday by the war conference of the allied powers, which “are resolved not to lay down their arms until they have attained the end which in their eyes dominates all others—to render im­ possible a return of the criminal ag­ gression such as that whereof the central powers bear the responsibil­ ity?’ I nless the war achieves this end it is lost so far as democracy is con­ cerned. There can be no peace on any other terms. There may be a truce during which the world would be compelled to stay armed to the teeth pending a fresh outburst of Prussian aggression, but no peace.—New York World. — E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phone«. - Oregon. THE UNIVERSAL CAR TILLAMOOK TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE Wherever Eord cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It*is the factor which strengthens the personal relation between Ford owners and the Company. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefit of the regular standard Ford prices. Touritig Car $3BO, Runabout 1345, Sedan *«45, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595 all f.o.b. Detroit. On display and for sale by WEDNESDAY at TILLAMOOK THURSDAY AT TILLAMOOK FRIDAY AT TILLAMOOK SATURDAY AT Both WHEELER Phones. The Oregon Agricultural College Wi«rt tr.im-d «p» ">*>'l*ri> l.k- erstori»« »nd .d.qv.l- -quip'"'"» <*’» ■irurtioa k.din» to e.llrfi.1. d.-xrer. ill th. following Mrh4'«l$ AGRICULTURE, with 15 department«; COMMERCE, with 4 department«. ENGINEERING, with « department«, In- finding Civil. Electrical. Highway. Industrial Art» Irrigation and Mechanical Engineering; FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer* iug HOME ECONOMICS with 4 mnjor depart* ■eats, including training in the Practice Hviiar ; MINING, with thro. drp.rU.mt«. i.el.d i.( Chrwie.l Knfinr-rinx; PHARMACY. THE SCHOOL Or MUSIC, offrr« l»««r»«- lion in th» principal drp.rtmrnt« of v.1 .ranspurtation and k-‘ Hummer camp •ab«i«trnM .t thr li REGISTBATION ■Bfii.'iS OCTOBER ». 1,17 Iaf.rm.tloa on Mqawl. Addr««., B«il«tr.r, Or.