Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 16, 1917, Image 4

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----- o-----
The Erwin Hobson Co, re­
The enlisted navy apprentice who
port cards .......................... 9 i 16.50
called it the “Ugh” boat, came near
Crystal Laundry Co................
putting Oregon in the lead in epi­
R. L. Shreve, auto hire.........
grammatic expressions. The lad is
Harris Ammer Furn. Co. ... 147.45
said to be from the Siletz district.—
W. L. Campbell .....................
News Reporter .
Frank Heyd & Co..................
Hopkins Bros..........................
The new state laws relating to mo­
Glass & Prudhomme Co. ...
tor-driven vehicles will assist in sub­
King-Crenshaw Co................
duing the road hog, providing they
Witnesses in Rasmussen case 37.60
are enforced. There must be vigilence
T. Hamilton, meals..........
on the part of the officers and strong
Star Garage ............................
public sentiment in favor of the law's
W. C. Rogers ........................
enforcement.—News Reporter.
Dr. H. E. Rinehart, expert
witnes» Rasmussen case ..
There is little news in the revela­
Glass & Prudhomme Co. ...
tion that Germany knew in advance
F. W. Talbott ......................
that the torch of war was to be
Health officer ........................
touched to the world and made no
B. H. K. Co. laboratory
move to stop the incendiary act. If
equipment .......................... 260.74
the kaiser had known then what be
6 50
Geo. Tone, auto hire.............
nuwis now, •awvvwi,
however, the
.... history of
the past three years might have read
No, we do not believe that all men Joe Richardson, boat ...........
H. Goyne, expenses etc. ..
differently.—Oregon Register.
are equal. They arn’t. Edison is su­ T.
1 ■ o
perior to Harry Thaw. Christ was su­ Wm. Randall ..........................
State Game Warden Shoemaker is perior to Judas. Rockerfeller is not Elmer Webb, serving warrants I 1.00
Herald, printing . ..12.50
making o
_ distribution sheets for
a par with Helen Keller. * *'e Tillamook
5 00
P. W. Barrett, printing........
____ pheasants, preparatory on
4000 ’ China
to releasing them in the near future, liecht, the daring Socialist who was Coast Power Co......................
W. I. Campbell, telegram ...
so that they will be fully matured by
afraid to voice his protest against Claude 1 Myers, tinting and
bunting season. Last season he lib­ not
painting ................................
erated a number of birds at the coast
be equal. One will always have Kilham Sta. & Printing Co. .
14 38
and they thrived. This year no female will
4 36
birds may be shot, and only five neighbor. We do not strive for social C. A. Dunn, expenses .............
The Irwin Hobson Co..............
males in a single day, nor more than
10 in any seven consecutive days.— equality. We aim for social security H. Crenshaw, expenses in
Miami Lbr. Co. case.........
under a just system, must be sure of J. C. Holden, ditto .........
----- o-----
For the first time, perhaps, since his right to make a living. This is G. B. Lamb, expenses .........
its introduction in this country, the more than equality; it is social secur­ A. N. Minton, expenses
lowly English sparrow' is doing its ity. In other words, it is equality of Jos. Campbell ........................
bit for humanity. In many sections opportunity, not social quality that E. W. Stanley, Sherlock case
Tillamook Water Co..............
the gardens are being ruined by the counts.—ltemizer .
Mutual Telephone Co............
plant louse or aphid. The aphids are
very hard to destroy by sprays
William Wilkie, prohibition
other means, but the sparrows are
law .......................................
(By Charlie Gant.)
coming to our aid. They have just
discovered that the aphides are good
We’ve got to fight old Kaiser Bill, E. B. O’Neel, refund taxes ..
to eat and they may be seen in we've got a lot of land to till; got lots Swender Blue Print Co............ 80 00
flocks hunting and picking off the in­ of stomachs to be filled and got a lot Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
sects from garden plants. The des­ of ships to build. Got no time to loaf Dr. L. L. Hoy, Rasmussen
CU3C .....................................
pised sparrow may yet be our best and pike-its alright if we pull a strike
For County Poor Etc.
friend. Protect him.—ltemizer.
and get more money, give more work,
----- o-----
but there’s no time to mope and shirk Dr. W. C. Hawk ...................
The 25 business men of Salem who and graft and growel and whine and 1 illamook Drug Store .........
signed an agreement to pay the far­ swear with cannon booming every­ L. S. Hushbeck .....................
mers who raised flax a certain sum where. When Uncle Sam needs brain Dr. J. E. Shearer ...................
m order that the farmers might be as­ and brawn there's just one train D. S. Boyakin ........................
sured Of a market, will probably soon which we all file on and do our best G. A. Jones ............................
be relieved of their contract. Flax, in a manly way ’cause the Kaiser’s Mrs. F. P. Hobson ...............
like *o many crops of this year, is a mad and there’s hell to pay. We’ve C. O. & C. M. Dawson........
trifle short, nut only in Oregon, but got no time to pike and chub when 1 illamook Feed Co................
in other parts of the world. The Pa­ the boys at the front are needing Geo. W. Phelps ....................
cific Coast Linen Mills, of Portland, grub. Their duty lies on the fields of Mis. Marie Kainm ................. 30.00
has'practically closed negotiations pain—our duty lies in the fields of H. Mason & Co. . ’..................
5 10
with the Salem Commercial Club grain, in the “tater” patch and the .■swabb and Poland ...............
whereby each and every signer of the peas and beans and the shops where Grant Mills ............................
contract will be released from all re­ we build our submarines and big air­
Salaries, Etc.
sponsibility, the Pacific Coast Linen planes and chaser boats—We must Erwin Harrison.....................
mills taking over the contract.
grow and garner the wheat ami oats. Kathleen Mills .................... .
Salem Journal.
We must raise the cows and sheep Vida Millis ..............................
and swine—scared of the Kaiser? No, A. L. McCarty ......................
One of our local ministers, and a nit, nien.
C. A. Johnson ........................
mighty good preacher, made the as-
The soldier’s duty lies at the front H. B. Millis'..........................
sertion recently in a sermon tliat he but the place for the old and sawed W. L. Campbel) ...................
would not give a snap for a man who off runt is on the farm with the hoc Fred Forslund ......................
didn't have some enemies. We don’t and plow, the hogs and sheep and the R. T. Boats, health officer ...
know whether the more the enemies dairy cow. It’s the supple and young J. F. Jones ..............................
the better the man he is or not, but we for the daring deeds and the aged, W. N. Barker ......................
do know that nobody can make them and stiff for fields of weeds. The B. L. Beals ............................
faster or have them last longer than lame can’t march at double quick but John Aschim ........................
an editor. Why, we’ve got enemies there’s army worms for the boys to A. M. Hare ............................
here in Dallas who haven’t spoken to lick—there’s fruit to pick from tile F. L. Owens ..........................
us for a year or more, and men we laden trees and honey to take from Elmer Webb ........................
have done favors for time and again, the hives of bees. There’s garden C. B. Stanley ......................
Bob Crawford ...............
at that. No, we are not worrying; we truck to bury ami house, the meat to G. B. Lamb ........................
Ernest Worthington . . .
have some mighty good friends too.— smoke and the sausage and souse to Mary White ........................
A. Finley .........................
fix for winter, there’s beans to thrash T. E. Epplett......................
Fred Kebbe .....................
and the fatted steer to exchange for
Widows Pensions.
Albert Miller .......
Prof. Win. Howard Doughty Jr., o cash Every tater we dig this fall Mary Burinester .................
25.00 Chas. Haybarker ...........
WiKlliams College, Mass., character will lie worth as much as a cannon Hilina Anderson ..
50,00 Bert Tilden ...................
izes the Initiatory, Referendum anil I ball and every call, fat, sleek and Anna
17.50 W. S. Linkhart .. ,.......
Recall, as employed in Oregon, as clean, is worth as much as a sub­ Irene Herchenhcim
17.50 Herb Thompson ......
Eadus .........
"Reactionary tendencies of radical­ marine and the beans will discount Johanna
17.50 William Snider .............
York .......
ism,” and state further in view nf tile shells and bombs and every time we
25.00 F. T, Burch ....................
Armstrong .
unfitness of the people to govern get our glotu on a fatted hog we’ll I.izzie
25.00 John Anderson ........
Elizabeth Gilliland
themselves they should adhere to rep smack our lips to the lune of about Florence
32.50 C. E. Allen .....................
M. Baker
reseiitative form of government as two "Dreadnought" ships.
25.00 Leslie Barber ..........
Ivel V. Gillan........
found in the state legislature, main­
I he light is on and some must die,
35.00 Franklin Knight............
Brooten .................
taining that the people of Oregon bill we'il just as well to laugh as cry. Kuby C.
17.50 A. Smith ........................
E. Hatch ...................
“utterly fail to grasp flic fact that Since the world began ils cycle of Farah
50.00 W. Smith ........... .. . .........
the legislature is just what they make years there was never a war which Lama 1. Winters .................
J. Vermilyea ........ ...........
General and Roads.
it.” He should worry! It will take a was won with tears. We’ll fight this
L. Vermilyea . ................
century or two for anything so "Rad­ war with shell and ball and the good, King-Crenshaw Co...........
H. Vermilyea .................
ical” and “Reactionary" to penetrate big spuds which we dig in the fall; A. F. UtMSiS Lbr. Co.........
G. W. .......
Wilks .... j.
New England conservatism. In the the hog- ainl ilu sheep and the. Iiutch- City Transfer Co...............
A. M. M yers ......
meantime be it known, the people of
W. R. Raney ........
Oregon will give up their legislature er staff are the things tbit will call King-Crenshaw Co........... .
A. M. C. Dougall
before they will part with their sys­ the Kaiser's bluff. We'll keep the I'niton \ Bowerman ....
W. M. Kahler ......
stomachs of our boy» full and "I’ol- Alex McNair Co................
tem.— Mt. Scott Herald.
E. Finley ........
avoo” and old lolin Bull will wonder
where we get the chink to furnish the
L. H. Kenney
1412.25 A. Thompson •4 ■ 4
Truth will out, and gradually the world in
meat and drink. When we Howard Cooper Corp. ...
8.00 S. Steininger
truth regarding responsibility for the speak of drink we would have you Nehalem River Trans. Co.
4.30 V. N. Crane
world war is being conclusively plac­ know that we own the farms where Anderson Bros..................
12.00 ! F. Buckles ..
ed where it has been known to belong. lh<- coffees grow, the vineyards too, Southern Pacific Co.........
1173.86 I A. Buckles . ,
Now conics the admission of former anil the corn and rve which we use A. Arstill ...........................
25.56 I W. H. Sales
Foreign Secretary Zimmerman that for bread since the state went dry. Southern Pacific Co..........
9.04 | L. L. Smith ......
Austria’s ultimatum to Serbia, the We may be old or fat and lame, but Wheeler Lumber Co.........
125.00 'A. Finlev
spark wllicli fired the train, was in the uncle, ne'er with you just the same I'". E. < l oss ........................
104.00 J. Walker ..........
possession oi Germany I* hours be- with cotton and wool to make your Ge a. Cook ..........................
fore it was delivered in Belgrade, As duds anil swine and sheep and cows
A. L. Stcininger
69.12 O. F. Barnes . ,fc
has been long known, Germany l»c- and spuds; oats, wheat, rve, corn anil Elmer Easoni ...................
gait to mobolize before war was ac- beans and the stuff for ships anil sub­ Gilbert Zaddach ...............
M. R. Kerns ..
C. A. Dunn ........................
.60 D. Myers ......
tually declared,
and it now appears marines.
F. C. Reed ..........................
that the movement which placed the
O. Noble ........
The. battle is on. no use to flinch,
3.25 J. H. Langley .
advanced guard of its invading army we’ll lick the kaiser and that's a sincli F. E. Cross ......................
•cross the Russian frontier while the Init we ll lose some money and lose Emil Larson ....................
Melvis Johnson
6.60 John Paquet . . „ I
czar was exchanging friendly messag­ some men but we’ll hover the earth Mrs. Hatch ......................
5.15 Tom Berry ........
es with the kaiser began coincident like a speckled hen hovers her brood, Benson and Peterson . ..
1.92 A. J. Baier
with knowledge that the ultimatum when the war is done, lead on father! A. J. Baier ........................
31.00 F red Pulsipher ..
was of such a nature that Serbia follow him son' l e s to-> old for the F. P. Hobson ....................
6.30 Sam Johnson
Geo. W. Phelps ...............
Could not acquiesce.— Independent.
trench and you are young and short R. F. Zachmann ...............
1.44 Griff Kruniturit .
----- o-----
by an inch or two, but von can drive Tohl & Anderson .............
34.50 Mito Boeinora .. «
Hoover is the man of action ag- and follow the plow ami dad can hoe
12,00 ! John Langley . .
gressive, constructive.
direct and till lie teaches bow. While the boys II. W. Tohl ......................
100 00 I Geo. Benson
humane. No wonder the Senate does at the trout do daring deeds von go W. F. Cain ........................
12.00 Tom Purvis ... . ,, .
Mark Hobson ....................
not understand him and that some of to the field and keep pulling the A.
50 Fred
the Senators have conceived a vast weeds, for the boys who fight must
19 50 Lewis Paquet
Paquet ......................
Terwileger .........
dislike for him. Hoover lias not waited lie well fid, there's lots of kraut in a John
for the food control bill to pass, but cabbage head, there's lots of fight in
Road LHstrict No.
13.50 1
J. Baier ........................
has gone ahead and done what he a mess of beans and spuds arc as A.
7.50 i John Gibson
could. The overwhelming need of his worthy as gun machines. The place Tom Breascy .....................
10.50 F. R. Cardiff
4 •
service is too plain for dispute—ex­ for men to show their worth who Jack Lesley ......................
100.00 I Jim Barger ........
cept by some Senators. He has au­ cannot fight, is to till the earth or Frank Darcey ....................
52 50 William Hunes .
thority from the President This is raise the bacon to grease the pan to E. G. “ Bart row
67.50 I A. E. Coats. Lbr. <o. .
enough But evidently the dignity of fry the spuds for the men who can John Hicks
48.00 Geo. L. Hamlin ,
the solemn Senate has been seriously Their duty lies where the brooks run Emil Ross ..,
27.00 Frank Dye......... ..........
hurt. And it has been proposed to de- red, our in the hog and the grain for F. T. Brush .
36 00 I Willard Johnson
Hooverizc Hoover by putting food bread, the belly munitions. Ay, that's W. S. Me Kunze .
72.00 I J. M. Selby
. ____ ______
control in the hand of three directors the rub which will settle the Kaiser, George Knight . ,
150.00 Star Garage . ....................
instead of one Whv not three Com- the Zepp and Sub.
150.00 Daily Recorrí Abste act
Harry Wvld ....
mandrrs-in-Chief of the army? Or
12 00 ' A. Arstill ............ • <• •
Leonard Cain ...
three Presidents’ Or three Pershings
Just the Thing for Diarrhoea.
5 25 ! F C. Feldschau
Harry Bell .........
in France? Sometimes we think that
“About two years ago I had • C. H. Christensen
34 50 ' B. E. Turner
the only way the Senate of the Unit­ severe attack of diarrhoea which O. A. White
«150 Fred Blum ..
ed States can elevate itself in the pub­ lasted over a week.” writes W. C. ’ Jack Howland ...
Blum ...... .
75.00 ! Alwin
“ ’ —
lic esteem is by abolishing the Con­ Jones. Buford, N. D.. 1 became so Joe
__ _______
37.50 C. Proctor ........
Duncan ........
gressional Record.—Oregonian .
weak that I could not stand upright, i Fred Lange
72.75 P. Jacobs ................
30.75 G. C. Vaughn ......
A druggist recommended Chamber-1 Paul Wapke
Again the submarine campaign has Iain's Colic, Cholera, and Dirrahoea ' Mall Olson
51.00 Ray Hatumond ........
met its answer in our foreign trade Remedy. The first dose relieved me Ralph Robison ... .
30.38 Frank Hammoiul . ,
returns. During the fiscal year ending and in two days was a well as ever.” Rudolph Larsen ...
13.00 Hull Johnson .......
June 30 our overseas trade aggregat­ Many druggists
54 75 D. B. Darby
______ this
__ Fritz Reust .............
ed 18,96 3,000,000 which was the lar­ remedy because they know that it is Ernest Worthington
73.50 I Wni. Harris .
gest total on record, and exceeded the reliable. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Sam Tomlinson
147 00 ' H W ilks
previous record of 191« by over 32,- Store.______________________________ Fred Zaddack .........
53.35 R. C. Neilson I
■ s
400,000,000. The relative importance
of the submarine was further illustrat­
ed by the fact that our exports,
which are naturally objects of keener
attack than imports, amounted to
36,940.000,000, or more than 31,960-
000,000 a year ago, which was the
previous banner year. The excess of
exports over imports for the year
was, »3,635,000,000. against 62.135,-
000,000 a year ago. So much for the
submarine which was to destroy the
commerce of Germany’s enemies and
frighten them into submission, but
has done neither. < tn the contrarv,
our commerce has grown enormously
and that of Great Britian has been
practically sustained at nearly normal
figures in spite of the British loss of
tonnage. The submarine policy in­
stead of frightening Germany’s en­
emies, has simply made them more
determined than ever to win this war,
and exact retribution for inhuman
Tillamook County Fair
Grand Exhibit of Livestock
Including Dairy Cattie, Hogs. Horses, Poultry,etc.
School Exhibits
F’T T'-M-x' -W--'M- £ í’ 'irfat
Good Horse Races, etc
Ball Game Every Day of Fair
Merry-Go-Round and
Special Attractions
66.00 Frank Blaser . . .
144.00 A. L. Darby . ..
120.00 C. S. Wells ....
111.75 Ike Wells .........
51.00 Hans Wilks .........................
72.00 E. E. Leach .........................
72.75 T. R. McFall .........................
50 25 i S. R. McFall .........................
13.25 tleorge 1‘arrish ....................
9.00 W. B. Sutton .......................
12.00 Frank Oliver .........................
75.00 Chas. Oliver .........................
87.50 W. Wilks ..............................
10.50 Raymond Leach ....................
6.38 J. N. Wilson .........................
60,00 W. H. Leach .........................
27 00 B. R. Raney .........................
73.50 0. Pangborn .......................
12,00 N. J- Dye ............................
40.50 C. M. Huggett .....................
66.00 J. Wallace .............................
70.50 Guy Allmon .........................
64.50 A. J. Nails .............................
6.00 Geo. Higgenbotham ............
66 00 B. Wheatley .........................
15.00 Ed. Lefrancis .......................
27.00 E. Hess ..................................
3.00 A. Beebehiser .......................
64.50 I J. Beebehiser .........................
6.00 , T. Haugen ...........................
S. Graham .......................
Kinnaman .......................
B. Stubblefield ..................
Road District No. 8.
Oil Co.....................
105.00 Standard
Mallory & Jenck ..................
129.00 Mutual Telephone Co............
93.00 Chas Haht ............................
216.00 J.
G. Brink .............................
L. Martin .........................
103.50 F.
Gilbert & Sons .....................
91.00 Thos.
Shillinglaw ................
24.00 Geo. Johnson
21.00 Joseph Tito .........................
Merc. Co..............
18.00 Cloverdale
24.00 R. E. Wilson Co...................
22.50 J. M. Baker ...........................
22.50 Fred Lewallen ....................
Jenck .........................
25.00 John
48.00 V. Edwards .........................
48.00 Cloverdale Tele. Co...............
38.25 ' Fred Hollett .........................
36.00 E. E. Colestock ...................
42 00 George Kostic .....................
Frank Kumm ...................... '
John Kumm .......................
90 00 Fred Scherzinger ..................
32.50 Oscar Taggart .....................
32.50 Fred Affolter .......................
100.00 Lee Affolter .........................
135 87 Jim Sutton ............................
10 00 Adolph Kangler ....................
88.00 Carl King .............................
6 50 Ralph Sutton ..................... .
1.50 Chas. Hart ........................ '
12.70 Alfred Bauer ......................’
16.50 John Sax ..........................
588.45 Jeff Fleck ...................
••• 14 Claude Hall .......................
6.00 H. C. Sanders ..............
4.50 F. L. Martin .........................
2.17 W. Langley ....................
3.00 C Mitchell ...........................
9.00 J. Smith .....................
64 75 E. Petite ............................. \
«1.00 lames Imlah .......
« M M. A. Mallis .........
5227 Paul Lafferty ...................
96.75 Henry Petit ..............
21 00 Richard Miles .........
24 UÜ A. Heater ..........................
30 00 A. Vanderhey .................... ’ ’
30 00
34 50
5.2 5
74 25
A. Tom ........... .
l.arney Tom . . .
Joe Isaacs ........
Chas. Murphy .. .
J. B. Bidgood . . .
Guy Mattoon .. . .
John D. Wilson ..
Geo. Johnson ,.. .
Lloyd Kellow .....................
Claude Lewallen ................
Guy Mattoon ......................
Forest Ayer ........................
Jay Davis ...........................
J. D. Pearson ....................
L. T. Edwards .............. .
Fritz Drebert ......................
Geo. Johnson .....................
Bert Smith .........................
E. Morehead .......................
F. L. Braden .....................
Fred l.ystcr ........................
A. A. Imlah .........................
John Moon .........................
Ed Earl ...............................
Claude Lane ........................
Victor Lane ........................
George Lane ....................
Lloyd Kellow ....... ............
Jack Johnson .....................
L. T. Edwards ...................
Harold Brandt ..................
Lester Edwards ..................
Ola Lane ...........................
Lee Lane .............................
32.65 Fritz Drebert .....................
1230.00 Geo. Johnson .....................
1.20 Jay Davis ...........................
11.00 U. S. Edwards ..................
9.00 A. M. Meyer .....................
2.00 Lester Ray ...........................
118.92 O. Redberg .......................
. 15.00 Frank Nelson .....................
8 75 E. Neuenuandcr ..................
117.00 E. J. Jddings .....................
26.70 Ernest Winzert ..................
13.30 H. Scherzinger ..................
91.00 Earl Pater ..........................
11.00 A. E. Meyer .......................
1050 00 F. Scherzinger ...................
165.26 I P. C. Meyer .......................
• 1
2.40 Frail Broidy .........................
3 00 John Fleck .........................
4.00 Jim Beggs ...........................
11.00 W. T. Collins .....................
4 50 Sidney Moon ......................
4.50 M. Benfield .........................
6.00 I Henry White........................
Surveyor's Office.
9.00 R. L. Shreve .......................
16.35 C. A. Dunn .........................
6.00 W. E. Anderson ................
9 00 A. H. Gulstrom ..................
12.00 Elmer Parish .....................
32 50 W. S. Coates ......................
10.50 Bert Chance .
3.00 \ ictor Oison
1.50 Hcnrv Bash .
1.50 G. Willett . . .
Granulated Sore Eyes CureJ
“For twenty years 1 suffere*!
10.50 a bad case of granulated sot
54.00 says Martin Boyd, of Henrie
71.25 “In February, 1903 a gent'e"\
88 00 ed me to try Chamberlain »
73.06 bought one box and used an<*
60 70 thirds of it and my eye* ". 1
30.75 given me any trouble since
>• H salve is for sale by
by Lamar
Lanta* »
10 50 Store.