T illamook uballight , august 10,1917 sintice of Sale of *200,000.00 Tilla- " mook County Road Bonds. I Sheriff’» Sale. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Together with any and all ease­ ments. rights of way, tenements, Notice is hereby given that sealed ■ tue of‘anis b"'-* given’ Th*‘ by vir­ tue ot an execution. Judgment <>ra Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ hereditaments and appurtenances, kids will be received by Hie County decree and order of saL : a ° der’ r[ of Tillamook countv. Oregon at I‘he above entitled Court n t'hl °ah °f tue of an order duly made and enter­ connected with said real property be­ 'd by the County Court for the longing to said Laura W. Krebs. the court room of said court in Tilla­ entitled cau«o 1 ‘n lhc above Now, therefore, by virtue of said mook County Court House at Tilla­ dated the 18th*.? me ,dlrccted, and County of Tillamook, Oregon, the mook *..•»—«» _ ^vumy, ,e 18th day of July, 191? undersigned has been duly appointed judgment and execution and in com­ mook Ltty, City, in Tillamook County, uuo Oregon n.evon. on on the the 17th 17th day day of oi August, August, ln ... . . . d‘xret. rendered and entered administrator of the estate of J. S. pliance with the commands ol^tid jjlf ul iai°'} th* — said ISlf. at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. j |u) in. 0“ ,rt 11. ,ht - - Dth day of Ntephens, deceased. Notice is further writ. I will, on Monday, the 20th day . » for — the .1.» — 1_ of Two T... July, \ Uli, m favor fuvor of of the (he plaintiff 3 ui given that all persons having claims of August, 1917, at 10;00 o’clock a. nf that day sale \i ’’ ,n therein and against the said estate are hereby m., at the north front door of the Hundred Thousand (»200.U00.00) .’ ~ j . Sue u>- » Henderson enderson therein, H E. Carr notified and required to present court house in Tillamook City, Ore­ _____against noUars Bonds of said county dated ”..the defendants H. D • ... Tillamook October 1st, 1.17 1917, and issued in a., de- and i*’’1 Alice lce Carr Carr, Tiiiamook Fee" Feed same to the undersigned, with proper gon, sell at public auction to the nominations of rffty Dollars, or of D ^’s^rode^C^1' comP°«d vouchers, within six ; months from highest bidder for cash in hand (sub­ ject to redemption) all the right, title multiples thereof up to One Thou- d Ch7;?hrkode* George Williams this date. Dated July 10, 1917. and interest which the within named sand dollars, at the option of the sue- I , d [ ar « Kunze I ydu S. M-.rgan, W. J. Stephens, Adminis­ defendant, Laura W. Krebs, had on «ssful bidder, and bearing interest at | , u i i u a,nd tlougl‘ Company trator of the Estate of J. the 12th day of July, 1917, or since ----- rate -- of five per cent per annum, ’ . "• «• VVtlson; and a judgment semi-annually, at the office ‘ gulnsl fhe said H. E. Carr L? Alice S. Stephens, deceased, Till­ that date had in and to the said above described property or any part there­ amook, Oregon. ' “ ......... - of said county - J:3"’ and «/h of them, for the prin- jnty treasurer - - ' ' Johnson, Handley & McGrath, of, to satisfy said c execution, judg- or at the fiscal agency of the State of ment, interest, costs 3 and accruing ____________ Attorneys. Oregon in New York City, New costs. York City, N. V., at the option of the Summons. Dated this the 12th day of July, bidder, on the first day of April and 1917. October of each year. Said bonds will In the Circuit Court of the State of W. L. Campbell, nature as follows: Twenty Thousand Oregon for Tillamook County. Sheriff of Tillamook thereon from the 21 st dav of Ethel Krugan, Plaintiff dollars three years from and after i?1! County, Oregon. the date of said bonds and Twenty February, 1917; log(;ther with the vs. Thousand Dollars annually thereafter nev’sefeeU,,‘ °o dnllars Attor­ Martin Krugan, Defendant. Summons. Up to and including twelve years after th 1Y ’ r ,nterest from and To Martin Krugan, the above nam­ from and after the date of said bonds, «•.i Ith darte of conf‘rmation of the ed defendant: In th Circuit vourt Court of the St State of ... 1*1- circuit being in all ten equal serial payments sale hereinafter had of the mortgaged In the name of the State of Oregon Oregon for Tillamook County, of Twenty Thousand Dollars each. premises, at the rate of ten per cent I You are hereby required to appear l ltizens Bank, a Corporation Said bonds will be issued in ten per annum, in all cases until paid- to­ and answer the complaint filed Plaintiff series numbering from one (1) to ten gether with the costs and disburse­ against you in the above entitled vs. (10) consecutively, as follows: ments herein taxed at $49.15 together court and cause, on or before the ex­ J T. Alexander and Ada F Series One, payable three years with the costs of sale and accruing piration of the time prescribed for Alexander, his wife; Blanch from the date thereof; of h ’ rLoni'Ua ldlng Ine ,o make sale the publication of this summons, and Clark and Earl A. Clark Series Two, payable four years ot the following described real estate if you fail to so appear and answer, wife and husband, Oscar F from the date thereof; anddiu !" ‘fhA Coun‘y Tillamook the plaintiff will apply to the court Mann and E. P. McCroskey ’ Series Three, payable five years and State of Oregon to-wit: Beginning for the relief demanded in the com­ Defendants from the date thereof; I 0 J- T. Alexander, ------- Ada 1 F. Alex- al a point 163% feet west of the plaint which is that the marriage con­ Series Four, payable six years southwest corner of Block Number 5 tract now existing between plaintiff ander, his wife; Blanch Clark and from the date thereof; in the (own of Lincoln, now within and defendant be dissolved and that Earl A. Clark, wife and husband Series Five, payable seven years he corporate limits of Tillamook plaintiff have such other relief as to Oscar F Mann and E. P. McCroskey. from the date thereof; In the name of the State of Oregon h*ty’| ,,en°in’ and running thence the court may seem equitable. Series Six, payable eight years North 210 feet; thence west 46 feet This summons is published in the you are hereby required to appear from the date thereof; ’or ,tll,c initial Point of the lands in­ 1 illamook Headlight in pursuance of and answer the complaint filed again­ Series Seven, payable nine years tended to be conveyed herein; thence an order made by Hon. Geo. R. Bag- st you in the above entitled suit, on from the date thereof; West u7.5 feet, thence South 52.5 feet ley, Judge of the above named court, or before the 24th day of August, Series Eight, payable ten years thence East 57.5 feet, thence North dated June 23rd, 1917, requiring pub­ 1917, and if you fail to appear in said from the date thereof; 52.5 feet to the initial point herein lication hereof to be made once a suit within specified time, plaintiff Series Nine, payable eleven years mentioned; and being the same prop­ week for six successive weeks, and will take judgment against you for from the date thereof; erty conveyed to H. E. Carr and Alice the first publication hereof is made the foreclosure of that certain prom­ Series Ten, payable twelve years Carr by E. N. Morgan and Lydia the 28th day of June, 1917. issory note and mortgage for the sum from the date thereof; of Seven Hundred ($700.00) Dollars, H. T. Botts, Morgan, husband and wife, by deed A duly certified check draw'll on a dated June 29th, 1915, and recorded Attorney for Pla'ntiff. with interest at the rate of 6 per cent responsible bank in an amount equal July 17th, 1915 in deed records of , per annum from the 1st day of to five per cent of the par value of I illamook County, in Book 31 pages March, 1916, and $9.27 taxes and Notice. bonds bid for, payable to Erwin Har­ 376 and 377. interest thereon from and after Sep­ rison, County Clerk of Tillamook Statement of the First Bank of Bay tember 21st, 1916, at the rate of 6 Now, therefore, by virtue of said County, Oregon, shall accompany execution, judgment, order, decree City, of Bay City, Oregon, showing per cent per annum, and also $9.48 each bid, such a deposit to be return­ and order of sale and in compliance the amount standing to the credit of taxes and interest thereon from and ed if the bid is not accepted, other­ with the commands of said writ, I every depositor July 1st, 1917, who after March 10th, 1917, at 6 per cent wise to be applied by the County on will, on and after, August 18th, 1917, has not made a deposit or who has per annum,, and for the sum of $100.- the sum so bid, but if the bid is ac­ not withdrawn any part of his depos­ 00 attorney’s fees as provided in said cepted and the full amount of the bid on Saturday at 10 o’clock a.m. of said it, principal or interest, for the period note and mortgage, and the costs and day, at the front door of the County is not paid within twenty days after of more than seven years immediately disbursements in this suit, said acceptance, such check and the pro­ Court house, in Tillamook City, Till­ prior to said date, with the name, mortgage being given on the follow­ amook County, State of Oregon, sell ceeds thereof shall become the prop­ last known postoffice address of such ing described premises, to-wit: The at public auction (subject to redemp­ depositor, and the fact of his death, if East Half of the Northeast Quarter, erty of the county. tion), to the highest bidder for cash known. Bids for any bond or number of Southeast Quarter and South Half of Name of depositor, Fagan, W. A., the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, bonds will be considered. Bonds will in hand, all the right, title and inter­ est which the within named defend ­ Bay City, Oregon, $5.15. Township 3 South, Range 8 West of be sold for cash only and no bid for less than par will be considered. The ants, or any or all of them had on the State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ the Willamette Meridian, containing 15th day of August, 1915, the date of mook, ss; 320 acres, more or less, in Tillamook right to reject any and all bids or to I, John O. Bozorth, being first duly County, State of Oregon. accept part and reject others is re­ the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which said defendants or any or all sworn, depose and say, upon oath, served by the County Court of Tilla­ Service of this summons is made mook County of the State of Oregon. of them have since acquired, or now that I am the cashier of the First upon you by publication in pursuance have in the above described real Bank of Bay City, Tillamook County, to an order of the Honorable Judge Address all bids as follows: “Erwin Harrison, County Clerk, Tillamook estate, to satisfy said execution, Oregon, and that the foregoing state­ Geo. R. Bagley,, Circuit Judge of judgment, order and decree, with in- ment is a full, true, correct and com­ Tillamook County, Oregon, made on County, Tillamook City, Oregon,” plete statement, showing the name the 3rd day of July, 1917, ordering and endorse on the envelope “Bid for tercst, costs and accruing costs. Dated July 18th, 1917. last known residence, fact of death, such publication in the Tillamook Tillamook County Bonds." W. L. Campbell. if known, and the amount to the Headlight, a newspaper of general Erwin Harrison, County Clerk, Sheriff of Tillamook County. credit of each depositor as required circulation in this community, once a Tillamook City, Oregon. First p tihlication July 19th, 1917. by the provisions of Chapter 148, of week for six consecutive weeks, the Last publication August 15th, 1917. the General Laws of Oregon, 1917. first publication being July 12th, 1917 Administrator’s Notice. John O. Bozorth, Cashier. and the last publication being August Subscribed and sworn to before me 23td, 1917. In the County Court of the State of Notice of Sale of Real Estate this 10th day of July, 1917. Hall & Lepper, Oregon for Tillamook County. ------ o------ L. F. Erode, 112-115 Citizens Bank Bld. In the matter of the estate of Wil­ Notice is hereby given that in pur­ Notary Public for Oregon. Portland, Oregon. liam Baxter, deceased. suance of a writ of execution and My Commission expires Oct. 4, 1920. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice is hereby given that the un­ order of sale issued out of the Circuit dersigned, George T. Baxter, has Court of the State of Oregon for Till­ been by the above entitled Court amook County, under the seal of said Summons. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. duly appointed administrator of the Court, in a cause in said court where­ above named estate and has qualified in Tillamook County Bank and Wes­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Notice is hereby given: That by as such. ley G. Day, are plaintiffs and E. D. virtue of a writ of execution issued Oregon for 1 illamook C ounty. All persons having claims against Severance, Flora M. Severance, out of the Circuit Court of the State Hallie Kopieske, Plaintiff vs. Wm. ‘he said estate are hereby notified to Walter M. Severance, and Baker of Oregon, for the County of Mult­ Kopieske, Defendant. present the same to the undersigned Loan & Trust Co., a corporation, are nomah, dated the 9th day of July, To. Wm. Kopieske, the above nam­ at his residence at Dolph, Oregon, defendants, said writ of execution be­ 1917, in the cause wherein J. M. Mc­ ed defendant: ’ duly verified as by law required with­ ing to the undersigned directed, I Intire was plaintiff and Laura W. In the name of the State of Oregon, in six months from the date of this will on Saturday, the 18th day of Krebs was defendant, upon a judg­ You are hereby required to appear in notice.. August, 1917, at the Court House ment rendered in said Court and the above entitled court, within six Given under my hand this 25th day door in Tillamook City, Tillamook cause on the 21st day of February, weeks from the date of the first pub­ of July, 1917. County, Oregon, at the hour of ten 1917, in favor of the said plaintiff lication of this .summons, and answer Geo. T. Baxter, Adminis­ o’clock a.m., sell at public auction to and against the said defendant in the the complaint filed by the above naim trator of the estate of the highest bidder for cash, the fol- sum of forty five hundred and no-100 et 2.95 chains; County Board of Equalization will onerated from any and all liabilities favor of plaintiffs in said cause to- thence north 35 degrees west 2.61 meet at the Assessor’s Office in the by reason of their connection with „¡t $10 197.94 and »514.46, with in­ chains; north 38 degrees east 304 Court House, in Tillamook County, degrees cast 3.00 Oregon, and publicly examine the chains; north 51 c „ such estate. terest at » per cent per annum: rolls of Tillamook R. C. Braden, Administ ra- $61 20 with 6 per cent interest, chains; north 29 degrees 30 minutes assessment County for the year 1917, and cor­ tor for said estate. »827.40 and »23.90 costs and dis- east 2 60 chains to the south line of rect all errors in valuations, descrip­ the lands of John Krebs, being in the B. A. Klicks, McMinnville, Ore. bursements and the costs and ex • S. W. % of the N. W. %, section 26, tions of lands, town lots or other H. T. Botts, Tillamook, Oregon, property. Said board will continue in T. 4 S., R. 1° West; Attorneys for said estate. ‘ Dated' this July 13th 1917 Also the timber now on the land session from day to day, until the ex­ belonging to Frederick Briody, lying amination, correction and equaliza­ Tillamook County. Orc. Executrix’s Notice to Creditors. on the north side of Arstell Creek in tion of the assessment rolls shall be sections 26 and 27, T. 4 S„ R. 10 W.; completed. All complaints should be Notice is hereby given, that the The Government Needs Farmers as together with a right to use said filed with the board the first week. county court of the State of Oregon, propertv of said Briody above de­ No changes can be made after the Well as Fighters. •or Tillamook County, has appointed scribed for the purpose of logging adjournment of the board. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, Two millionUhrTn* h°?' said timber; and timber of said John *ne undersigned Executrix of the estate of Isaac C. Quick, deceased, sand acres of Oregon & CM>forma Krebs, lying back of said timber; said August »th, 1917. C. A. Johnson, ®nd any and all persons having claims Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title re grantees to have the right to use said County Assessor. against said estate, are hereby re­ vested in United States To be open- lands for roads where most conven­ quired to present the same, together ed for homesteaders and sale Con­ ient for logging purposes. Exchange or Sale. with the proper vouchers, to me at fining some of the best land left m Also, the northeast quarter of the ------ o ■ the office of T. H. Goyne, an attorney the United States. Large Copyrighted southwest quarter, the west half of Owner of lot to, block 53, Pacific at law, in Tillamook City, Oregon, map. showing land by section, and d the southeast quarter and the south­ within six months from the date of scription of soil, climate, ratnfall. west quarter of the northeast quarter Addition toBay City will exchange same for Tacoma property or will be this notice. elevation. temperature etc, oy of Section 26 in township 4 south glad to have a cash offer at a reason­ Dajpd July 26th, 1917. counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant of range 10 west of the Willamette Frances A. Quick, Execu­ Lands Locating Co., Box 6lO, Pori Meridian, in Oregon, containing 160 able figure.—Address B. B. Broomell, | Box >¿86, Tacoma, Wash. trix of the Estate of Isaac acres; land, Oregon. C. Quick, Deceased. Low Excursion Fares BETWEEN Tillamook County Beach Points. Round trip tickets at reduced fares will be on sale daily, between beach points, until September ¿2nd. Limit 2 days. SPECIAL SUNDAY FARES Ou Sundays, until September 9th, special low fare tickets will be sold, limited to date of sale. MOTOR CAR SERVICE Do not forget that the motor car makes two round trips daily between Tillamook and Mohler, ia ad- dition to the regular steam service. Ask our local agent for tickets ami further information, John M. Scott, General l’assenjíer Ayent, Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES A Good Place to Trade With GOLDEN'S wSN's First Street, Clough’s Old Drug Store Bld. Suits, Skirts for Ladies and Misses. Ready to Wear and Made to Order. Your The Right Steps to Dress Supremacy TAILOR MADE ments Clothes Cleaned and Pressed (¡nhlpll’^ WOMEN’S SHOP V1UU11 0FirstSt> TILLAMOOK, Or All Our Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction We Open Evenings. FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc Our flies are .mown to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America C. I. CLOUGH CO TILLAMOOK LAMB-SCHRADER go WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAI flUEX. McNfllR & co GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere ; r 1 I