TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT AUGUST 16. 1917. A SAFE TEST. * ADVERTISING RATES. I specifications of the Warren Bros. give the people what they voted for. [This new stretch of hard surfaced Legal Advertisements. We have received a copy of a Wis­ First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 | pavement will be a valuable addition to the county, and, in our judgment, consin paper which gives the report Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 ’ far superior and more economical of H. A. Chaplin, of Plymouth, Wis., Business and Professional cards than concrete. It is Arnly a ques- who spent six months in Oregon, one month....................................... 1.00 i tion of time when some of the con­ Washington and Idaho, for the U. S. crete roads in this county will have Government studying the cheese in­ Locals per line each insertion... 05 ' to be covered, which w ill greatly add dustry. There is nothing very edify­ Display advertisements, an inch to the cost of construction. To those ing or instructive in the report, for it and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 who contend for a concrete base, it simply relates to what most of us have is estimated that this would cost now known in this county for many years. All Resolutions of Condolence in the neighborhood of $3.00 a square Like most government officials who one month..................................... 50 yard. When the five miles of bitu­ are sent around the country on junk­ lithic pavement is finished, the peo­ eting trips, they amount to very lit­ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ple of the South part of the county tle or no practical benefit to the will soon be convinced that it is far dairymen, and we will gamble that F. C. BAKER, Publisher. more preferable than concrete, and the majority of dairymen in Tilla­ the snap shot man is glad that it is mook county are better posted on bitulithic and not cement. People dairying than the gentleman that who have to travel over the Tilla­ wrote the report, but he may be the mook-Cloverdale road summer and best teat puller when it comes to winter, and in all kinds of weather, milking the government's treasury. Now will you be good? Tfae Kaiser will have the benefit of this improve­ We will give but two extracts from made a threat that he was going to ment next winter, which they will I the report to show that the matter referred to simply refers to whaie we make it tropical for the United States greatly appreciate. o— ■ all know: after the war. What’s the matter with the Port­ “In Coos, Curry and Tillamook What a contrast in weather. The land Live Stock Reporter? Though Counties, in Oregon and the Mount daily newspapers report tropical only a little over 50 miles in a direct Vernon district in Washington where weather east of the Coast range, line west from Portland, the Live dairying has been practical for a while in Tillamook the weather is Stock Reporter of that city evidently number of years, the land is pretty cool and in the evening a fire is is not aware that Tillamook is the rich and the farmers are making pioneer cheese producing county of money. Coos and Curry cotintie's arc necessary. the state, for in its market reports it planning to market two and one half ------ o Auto travel into Tillamook the past never mentions the price of Tilla- million pounds of cheese this year, few weeks have been exceedingly mook cheese and always mentions while in Tillamook county they plan heavy, wdiich goes to prove how pop­ the price of Coos and Curry cheese, to market four and one half million ular the county is with those who are This is how the market report is pounds of cheese. The total produc­ tion for the state of Oregon will be looking for ideal weather and good “fixed “Cheese—Full cream, twins and in the neighborhood of nine million roads. It used to be that “tin lizzies” triplets, buying | price, 22c; Young pounds, a gain of a half of million predominated, but large cars from all over the state, as well as from other Americas, 23c.; Ci oos and Curry twins pounds over last year. New factories and triplets, f. o. b. -Myrtle Point, and increased production, the latter stales, are to be seen every day. 21 Tic.; longhorns, 22)4c; Young made possible through the instruction ----- o------ offered by the Bureau of Animal In­ Tin- snap shot man is wondering Americas 22|ic.” It is a ,well known fact that Coos dustry, are given credit for the gain. how the loll road man at Dolph feels with hundreds of autos coming into and Curry counties have • copied the In the state of Washington there will the county every day and he can't successful methods of the dairymen be a considerable increase as the pro­ “soak” them for 50c. each. We will of Tillamook county, and have induc­ duction last year for the entire state bet dollars to dough nuts that he is ed some of our best cheese makers to was but one and one half million cussing the new free for all highway lyo there, which added to the reputa­ pounds, while it is planned to make into Tillamook County. Better pul a tion of Coos County cheese, but over two million pounds this year.” "Weather conditions in the West fimee around the old toll gate and Tillamook’s output of cheese is far de .¡cate it as a grave yard for that in advance of Coos county, for this are favorable toward the making of a ;ci iquated method of road building year our cheese product will amount softer cheese and cheese makers to $1,000,000, yet for all that the arc not bothered with "taints”. It an 1 graft. that in Tillamook Portland Live Stock Reporter has is claimed weather is so cool Ex-Ambassador Gerard has let the not the good grace and magnanimous County the cat out of the bag. But it shows dis­ spirit to say one word about Tilla­ that they are never bothered with tinctly how Germany had it figured I mook cheese in its market reports, flies. The country being mountainous out to w hip the United States. This is and this we want to imprass upon the also makes a considerable difference how it was to be done: After whip­ Reporter: When it comes to uniform in conditions only the valley being ping Erance and England, the whole quality and high grade cheese, Tilla­ Productive. In the Tillamook county of the British fleet was to be turned mook cheese is away ahead that of district a strip of land S3 miles long supports 23 cheese factories, The over to Germany and this fleet with Coos and Curry county. strip vorics from 6 and 7 miles to a the German fleet was to come to the United States and demand a big in­ Do yottr bit to prevent forest fires quarter of mile in width, just the demnity. Which all goes to prove that this year. The next few weeks is a mountains encroach upon the valley, there are big fools in Germany and most anxious and critical time for there being some spots where the the time is long passed when the Tillamook people, for they know from mountain comes down to the river’s chip should be knocked off Germany’s experience that long about now is edge. Tattle valleys running up into when the county is threatened with the crevices of the mountains are al­ shoulder. And it will be. serious fires owing to tile dry weath­ so under cultivation and all of this There is no denying the fact that er. Everybody should use good dis­ land is very productive. The mount­ the United States is honeycombed cretion and not set out fire until after ains. however, being of rocky for­ with persons who are in sympathy the rain starts. We want to impress mation. are unproductive. In the carb' with Germany, and down in their this upon our citizens and that they days these valleys were covered with hearts hope that that country will see that nobody sets out fire in their a heavy growth of fir trees and todav come out victorious in the present de­ vicinity to jeopardize theirs and other a piece of cut-over land, suitable for plorable war. It is true the United people’s property. Let everyone do pasturage purposes and containing States government has been exceed­ their bit, and Tillamook County will stumps ten feet high and measuring ingly lenient in not gathering that not have any forest fires to destroy four to six feet across sells at $4 00 class up and placing them in deten­ farm houses and barns. Everybody per acre.’’_________________ tion camps, to be sent out of the also should be interested in protect­ country after the war is over. But ing the timber from fire, and we want The Real Kaiser. when people come here from other to impress this matter of fire protec­ countries to get away from militarism tion unon every citizen, for there is The Emperor showed great bitter­ and the poverty of other countries, no telling, when once a fire gets start­ ness against the United States and re­ anil became well to do and receive ed where it is going to stop, and peatedly said: "America had better the protection of the United States, whose property it is going to wipe iook out after the war,” and “I shall and are in sympathy with another out, am! we hope that whenever any stand no nonsense from America af­ is at persons sets out fire unlawfully they ter the war.”—From the Tetters of country in wdiich this country ______ war, they should be deprived of their w'll be reported to the Sheriff or dis­ Ambassador Gerard. citizenship and sent back to the trict attorney immediately and pros­ America is in the war and n ilj not ecuted. Some indiscrete person could have to reckon single-handed countries they came from. . o------ do a great deal of damage by setting the Kaiser and junkerism after out fire, burning ut' other people’s European war. We have bad the The sheriff is quite justified nrooertv. or campers or hunters tion of fighting Germany as an asking that a deputy sheriff be leaving fires burning.