i lia m 00k TILLAMOOK. OREGON. Al’Gl’ST Ö, 1917. S?.5O PER YEAR. stunrn ,l?,nhorse’ harness. and I I am am in in the the m market at all times for or tri 1 tr' Wlth rlSR|ng. for sale, your baby calvei —- ts—Smith “The Calf ” for auto or motorcycle fa Al ” ” - - - Man,”—Both Phones. --6 Tm"’ bal,ancc cash. Address Box . Leslie M. Ross, of Rockaway, was i □/O. 1 illamook, Oregon. l| PÏ lone of . those those who who were were successful successful in in 1 rz I For Sal w a one .ot I] I e Horse and buggy, broke obtaining a commission as a result of to work single or double, weight 1000 ; the. proficiency shown at the officers’ F°u^d^~Enqui.re °{ E- p- Jeffrey. R- , training camp at the Presido. He is i one out of 160 Oregon men to re­ F. D. Tillamook, Oregon. 2» ceive commissions, and he will be a BOY that is taught to save money will 1 ‘\.C. Everson returned from at- second lieutenant of infantry, O. R. C. rarely t>e a bad man or a failure ; the mat t..x ..va.ij, Realty vonventic Convention at LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Born, to the wife of C. E. Trombley, ¡Aberdeen. Wash., where he did some on Sunday, a daughter. We want to tvho saves wril rise tn his trade or profession EMAND for Tillamook products will exceed the missionery work for Tillamook coun- congratulate our respected brother in steadily. Hits is inevitable.” GLADSTONE supply for many years to come. New fields of doing his bit to raise another family, A Savings Account with this Bank will heln needs are constantly opening, while funds are 1 Regular Sunday services will com- but we hope there won't be a dif­ all along the line. Your money will always be made available for the conduct of Old and es­ mence at the German Reform Con- ference of a dozen years or more be­ fore the next addition to Bro. Trom­ prcgational Church next tablishment of New enterprises through the facili­ safe and secure. It will earn interest, thus iucreas Sunday, Rev. Ebingcr having returned from bley’s household arrives. Say Bro., ties of the Federal Reserve System—and such Mem­ ing in amount. It will teach thrift and encour pass around the smokes. ms vacation. ber Banks as the First National. age saving. A fund will gradually accumulate Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Sheldon, of i . he City nances dances are the , Pacific i.ity Your Checking or Savings Account Invited. that can be used to advantage in the future Garibaldi, just returned home after an y°:nla! 'Vi? eXe"\s t°' tl,e ‘he season season, . the DIRECTORS : ‘he next auto tour through Eastern Oregon 4 percent Paid on the Boy^s Savings Acc, i s u-c ?e ? Sa“»rday evening, Aug. A. W. Bunn. Farmer. P. Heiset. Farmer. -------------------------------- ount. and Washington. They went over the 18 - High class ,» - music by Falcner’s C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. Personal Checking Accounts Invited. Sunset Highway from Seattle to orchestra. B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan, Farmer. Spokane. They had a month’s journey W. J. Riechers, Cashier. r* Batterson’s fine collection of and stopped over a week at Seattle wild fowl, including several varieties and Tacoma. They had a very enjoy­ Established in 1902 I . P"easan,s. wild ducks, swan, and able trip. TILLAMOOK, ORE. I wild geese cvill be on exhibition at the The Southern Pacific will issue I County Fair this year. cheap round trip tickets for the Tilla­ ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neilsen and son mook Countv Fair, viz: Mohler and TILLAMOOK. OREGON. Jack, of I he Dalles, Ore., have re- return, $1.35; Wheeler, $1.20; Barview, 70c.; Now is the time to have your winter | turned to their home after visiting Rockaway, 80c.; wood sawed.-Call Ernest Knight Mrs Neilsen’.» parents Mr. and Mrs. Garibaldi, 60c.; Bay City, 35c. Ar- . rangements arc being made so that Mutual phone. • DeLilhes of this city. , rMI?- C- Banfield, of Portland, those living in the north part of the and shipping can be obtained from.] soldiers equipment may be had. Le‘ ■ King and wife were in from ... . . ...... wvic iroin " j ” Tillamook get busy at once o 1 th. ?.. Wise, dentist. • Woodburn visiting at the home of left luesday; and Mrs. Lee M. Travis county can return on a late special W. A. Lewis, the express agent. family, of Eugene left this morn­ train. work for which there is such an im- Mr and Mrs. I. C. Smith. The greatest attraction ever pre- , C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * ing, after visiting at the editor’s I perative n eed. ______________ Mrs. F. M. Lamb and daughter sented in America, the official Brit- Dr. and Mrs. Smith, former resi- home. icfror Remedy at C. I. Clough Vida, spent a delightful week-end ish War Picture, “The Tanks at the Sheriff Arrests Petty Thieves. dents of this city, but now of Phil- * F. C. Feldschau has the contract with Mrs. Lamb’s brother, Mr. A. C. Battle of the Ancre” have been se­ omath, are in on a visit. for the concrete culverts for ■ the five Daniel, on their ranch on a pictures­ cured at enormous expense by, man­ Sheriff Campbell succeeded in to Mason’s for Standard Pat- Furnished house for rent, Apply to miles of hard sui faced road let last que valley near Mohler. They motor­ agers Partridge and Morrison for ex­ ! roiinrlinor « rounding nty up tvarrs two petty thieves who ed to Neah-Kah-Nic and surrounding clusive showing in Tillamook at the have been operating for a long time, < W. T. Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West week by the State Highway Commis- country Friday. Little Marion Lamb Gem theatre for two days commcnc- an(1 bnodern house for rent,—See near First Street. o may ne 11 implicated in some 2* sion. and wn who may be accompanied them and claims with K> I he 1 illamook Meat Co. will pav great enthusiasm that he had the ing September 5th. These marvelous I of the petty thefts t that have been Merril Smith, the rural mail carrier, motion pictures, photographed by au- fcw ;.1B on in this city for „ a ,„ 11K time. going long ney to loan on good security. T. is on a vacation and A. H. Gaylord is 10c for all to pound lard pails and 5c. time of his life fishing. thority of the British government and j The thieves are two young men by pyne. * delivering the mail. t°r 5 pound pails. They must be free - T. - R. — Fraser and - Pasch- School will soon commence. Were taken during the actual battle of the ‘ ■ the names of ™ from rust. Bring them in at once and Shearer, physician and surgeon, For Sale—Box Ball Bowling Alley, get your money. * your children backward in their stud­ Ancre, one of the most momentous • cl Frazer. They are brothers and live Irdale, Ore. ♦ 36 feet long by 4 fect wide. Inquire ies last year? If so it may be caused and colossal battles in the world’s his­ on Tillamook river, where they own Only Edison re-creations can be of R. Carlson, Wheeler, Ore. I by eye trouble of some kind. Bring tory, take you out upon the fields of 1 40 acres of land. Two charges were e Water Glass to preserve eggs mistaken for the original voice. . Its Edison re-creations sing your fav ­ them to Dr. Turner and let him ex- conflict, show the allied soldiers ac­ ' filed against Paschel Frazer and one * I. Clough Co. orite songs better than you ever rich true tones fill many homes with 1 amine their eyes. If there is eye trou- tually leap from the first line trench- | against T. R. Frazer, who were ac- Call at Lamar’s Drug Store i ble he will correct it. If not, he will ees and charge across “no man’s j cused of stealing feed, a tent and heard them sung. * gladness. -_j * o Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at and 1 hear one. land” to attack the German positions. tools from A. Arstill. They both 1 tell you so frankly. You owe this to * I, Both phones, We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo pleaded guilty and Justice Stanley im­ B. C. Miles, your children. At Jenkins Jewelry' wife ----- ------ - and family, of Red Cross Work to Start. posed a fine of 150.00 upon T. R. lelry, clocks, watches, silver- for sale. Better see us before we send Salem, Ore., came in last week and store Aug. 29, 3 Oand 31. it to Portland. — Coast Power Co. ♦ ♦ Frazer and a fine of $100.00 against l-R. W. Bennett. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. . ........................ ...... ............ , Sheriff Campbell made a request Through the courtesy of Mr. Todd, Twin cylinder Indian Motor Cycle, the Edwards. Mr. Miles i______ VC.rK.- SnLd- ’der..¿U £Crr',ary °‘ I ;i^tythshfr°Hnwith aUmotOorTy&o the room formerly occupied by the Paschel Frazer. T. R. Frazer paid his . Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ fine and Paschel Frazer is locked up 7% h.p, class condition. Price the C. K. Spalding Lumber Co. _ first . Ito suit the times. * • $100. Inquire Lamar Variety Store has been se­ in the county jail, and if the fine is of Plasker Bros. ;top to the auto speeding — .««• cured as a work room for women not paid in a day or two. Sheriff Don’t forget those busted castings. 1 put a stop ■ in Block 3, Miller’s Addition confines the nuisance. .. The state si*u law •< For Sale—New modern residence, le.—See T. H. Goyne. * located in best residence district. For Can be welded for half. Goods sent 1 travel to 25 miles an hour, and as who are intrested in working for the Campbell expects to put him to work by parcel post and express promptly I autos especially from outside have Red Cross. Sewing machines and on the county road. These young men sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. *■ [ging other equipment have been donated. are fortunate in getting off so lightly, r- . . at . the Watchtower, 25c., * returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, I been exceeding that speed and en- The room will be open Wednesdays for charges could have been preferred furnished rooms. Experienced Tillamook Dairyman Oregon. the • | dangcring the lives of others, and Fridays from two-thirty until against them for burglary, which n. on Saturday, to the ’ wife of wants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows. 1 Court will allow a deputy to be ap- five o'clock so that anyone who has a ' would have sent them to the peniten­ Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. I P. Johnson, a girl. There will be a meeting of the pointed by the sheriff. little time to give to the work may tiary for a term of years. The sheriff in find an opportunity. Some one in is endeavoring to connect them with [age gathered free. See M. R. Wanted: Experienced dairyman, 12 Tillamook Commercial Club on Fri­ After several months sojourn to 15 cows, steady job for right party. day evening, for the purpose of California, during which time she charge will give needed information several robberies in this city, and he Bcrat, or call Main 6F11. Address Dr. O. B. Miles, Salem, Ore. , boosting the County Fair. It is hoped was connected with some__ of the and instructions, and it is hoped that is inclined to believe they stole a | that there will be a good attendance largest stores in that state, Miss Julie there will be a liberal response and dozen cans of preserved meat he Furnished Rooms at reasonable larguai stv»»vs> ------------ ■ Verle Stanley and Tom Coates Jr., ! 1 of business men. »2 See Mrs. E. Plank. de Par has been spending several that Tillamook will be well represent­ found on a boat house. Anyone who members of the Third Oregon, were Selby, who drives a jitney, and weeks on vacation in this city. She ed in this work, which is being done lost canned meat should confer with F. Bennett, expert watch re- in for a few days, and left on Tues­ in Jack the sheriff.___ ___ going to Netarts .several times saw has now decided to remain here and throughout the United States. * day. I. S. P. Watch inspector. It is desired also that attention be a bear in the pasture. He took a gun has again assumed charge of _the Announcement. Money to loan on farm lands, from along Monday evening and shot and Ready-to-Wear Dept, on the Bal- called to the fact that much old ma­ I Skeen and family, of Portland y-IV»- w of Haltom ’s s;ore store where ■ting at the home of W. J. $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate killed the bear which weighed about cony ot Haltoms wnvix she is terial of no further use.in homes, may Mrs. J. C. Holden announces that of interest. We want your business. 400 pounds. daily renewing her acquaintance with be of value in making articles to be sent out. Old flour sacks may be she will open her Piano Studio, Sept. See Everson. * former friends. Mrs. Avery, forjnerly Miss Edith Schrader is now in France, used as dishtowels. Old muslin is 1, for private and class instruction. Those owing Dr. J. Olson will Bowers, and a (laughter of Dan Bow- Dr. Turner, the well known eye used in making handkerchiefs, regu­ enlisted in the Engineers Mrs. Holden is a graduate cf the please call and settle their account at ers, who used to be one of Tilla- specialist, of Portland, will be in Till­ lation size 18 inches square; old table Dunning Improved System of Music the office of Johnson and Handley, mook’s prominent citizens 1 and who amook again, Wednesday, Thursday linen may be used for napkins, hem­ Study and will establish classes in 'pay you to see Everson tor a I had a good deal of native wit, in on a and Friday, August 29, 30 and 31 at med, 14 inches square, oY for tray this method. _ Tillamook, Oregon. >r kestment in city property or visit to her uncle, Bell Johnson. Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. In Cloverdale cloth, 15 by 22 inches hemmed; bed Anyone desiring further particulars pds. r •, Adrian Tinner, of Nashville, Ore, ... — A « r zx 1 I llUlTDiTOK ■ Mrs. H. C. Hanson and family rc- Tuesday, Aug. 28th. Dr. Turner is a socks are made from any warm ma­ may call at any time. and a former *- resident /~1 of Tillamook, specialist of experience and standing, terial—pattern may be seen at work ed to rent a farm.—Inquire of for a few days looking after ! turned to Tillamook Thursday, after [ok Sheet Metal Works, Tilla- was in .__ j ________ I having spent a sh--t time in the val- and you will make no mistake in con­ room; shoulder wrap, made of two GIRL’S STATEMENT WILL his property interests. pregon. ♦ l" 'LK L xt _ u-- ley. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hammer, of sulting him about your eyes and vards of outing flannel or other warm HELP TILLAMOOK | Donald Newm „ , . and . McMinnville, accompanied them glasses. Headaches relieved, cross material, is used in hospitals for pa­ |s Elizabeth and Jcwl White­ for service in Uncle Sam s army, anti ■ __ _ > eyes straightened. Satisfaction guar ­ tients who are able to sit up. A num ­ fl Forest Grove, were in visit­ is anxious to get into the aviation home. anteed. Consult him, don’t forget the ber of knitted articles, socks, mufflers i Here is the girl’s own story: "For bier friends. I C. A. Patzlaff, wife and son, of date. ' corps. wristlets, helmets, sponges and wash ' years I had dyspepsia, sour stomach ~__ in i last week on a and constipation. I drank hot water I Miss Sarrette De Lillies has Fnr Sale—Team weight 1200 each, Roseberg. came Timberman, sawmill men and all cloth are very badly needed and all ror bale leain, w k vacation vacation, and and are are v visiting old friends. and olive oil by the gallon. Nothing I a visit with friends in Port- wagon who can help with any of this work | and harness. --rr Apply to W. J. Mr. Patzlaff is now engaged in the others interested, are invited by the , w .> by helped until I tried buckthorn bark, ' <-•. 1 ** _ & O rcgon City and The Dalles, Stephens Co., office i rtmmPTClill 'garage business, and in consequence, public service commission to attend are urgently requested to call for in- | glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler i-ka a conference in Portland on August structions and patterns, bnce at Saltair this Saturday, Building, 1 illamook. I is a good roads booster. Do not forget to save all material I ONE-SPOONFUL helped me IN- bsic and management. Every- D T Werschkul was in the city on . , u r- it 20 to consider a tentative draft of c . a The I illamook Hose Company will the rules to govern the operations of that can be used in any way. Gun Stantly.” Because Adler-i-ka flushes bited. Saturday from Cloverdale Cloverdale. He He is is one o wipes of any soft material, 2 by 3 the ENTIRE alimentary it relieves , |riday August 17. The public is cor- the logging, booming and driving inches, done in packages of 100 are ANY CASE constipation, sour stam- Ison & Co., has taken over the of those who want '°/e' * ? business under the provisions of the ■ surfaced road through the coun y. 1 invj *. ( | t o attend and don ’ t f patterns formerly sold Ly ' new booming law, which gives the requested. Patterns of housewives ach or gas. and prevents appendicitis. I Variety Store. * I The Franklin Fish Market is now forg^t to bring a basket, where a public service commission jurisdiction and comfort bags, essentials in each It has QUICKEST action of any- onen for business, drop in and look j cvcnjng’s enjoyment is assured. over the streams of the state, accord­ feldschau, Concrete contrac- .. Old rxt i C _ T/’ifz'hnn ---------- , around . at the Spanish Kitchen. I You should watch for the announce- ing to an announcement of the com­ fcretc silos built. All work i ment of the "Tanks at the battle of mission. led.Both phones. * F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. Miss 5 Dick, Dick, a concert player ana Ancre” which will be shown at the By special arrangement with the lew Edison gets and gives all teacher of Portland, has decid- ■ Qem Theatre in the near future. This War Relief Fund, of which W. K. ft rendered just as the artist cd to locate in Tillamook. Miss Dick p i cture wag taken on the battle field ----- — . Vanderbilt is president, Partridge I * will be heard in recital in ‘he near in France so don’t fail to see this pic­ and Morrison, managers of the Gem I ture. Dates will be announced soon. lot be insured in the best fire future, after which she will accept a Theatre have secured the official FRIDAY, AUGUST 17. ( Rosenberg Bros, have opened a British war pictures, “The Tanks at f company, it costs no more. limited number of pupils. “ HONOR THY NAME” 5 reel Triangle feature, featuring Ison. • large feel store on 2nd Avenue East The Battle of the Ancre" for the ex­ Louise Glaum anti Frank Keenan clusive showing in Tillamook at the near the saw mill and will carry a "MUMING AND THE GIRL” 2 reel comedy featuring De large line ot all kinds of hay, feed, Gem theatre for two days, commenc­ Wolfe Hopper. flour, grass seeds at the very lowest ing Sept 5th. The enormous rental prices. Special prices on hay and paid by the Gem theatre for^ this 5 cents 15 cents Relief privilege goes to the War V feed in car lots. victims Fund for the aid of the war i SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AUG. 1» and 10. C. A. Dunn, who is Assistant State and sufferers. "MAGDALENE OF THE HILLS” 5 reel Metro picture feat­ Engineer, and who surveyed the five occur- uring Mabel Tailiaferro. miles of road that is to be hardsurfac- Several auto accidents have 1 cd by the State Highway Commission red owing to speeding, I.ast week “HIS PERFECT DAY” one reel comedy. is to survey the other 1° miles as three men took a plunge • over the 5 cents 15 cents ___ _____________ _r were soon as he is through with the work grade south of Beaver. They driving at a great speed when they on the first five miles. MONDAY, AUGUST 20 “MARRIAGE OF MOLLY O.” 5 reel Triangle feature with The Fair Board is anxious that the I met the stage, and being unable to business men of Tillamook City take 1 pass, their auto went over the em- Mae Marsh and Hobert Harron in the staller parts. Also ' bankment. Only one of the men was an interest in the opening day of the injured. He two reel comedy. was thrown into the Countv Fair, similar to last year river and his face badly cut. His name 5 cents 15 cents when the stores closed for several was Gillenwater, of Hillsboro. He hours in the afternoon and the busi­ came to the city and Dr. Hoy attend­ TUESDAY, AUGUST 21. ness men marched to the Fair ed to the injuries. Their auto caught "PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY.” See announcement on grounds in a body. on a tree, which stopped it from roll­ screen The Honor Guard Girls sent five ing into the river. boxes of cookies to the 1 Otji Com- 15 cents 5 cents H. E. Crowell, field representative pany Coast Artillery, and they expect of the Valley Creamery Co., of New­ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22. to send something every week to the berg, Ore., with D. J. Mathews, the bovs The Honor Guard Girls are superintendent, were in the city on "POLLY REDHEAD” Bluebird feature photoplay. Featuring going to make pillows, and anyone Monday. They were here to see what I Ella Hall. desiring to help in this work their as­ prospects there were of obtaining a | 10c. ■>c. sistance will be appreciated. large quantity of evergreen black­ THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. Marion Chance was called to Astor­ berries. of which there is a large ia'on Saturdav. on account of the quantity in Tillamook county. The “THE SILENT LIE” William Fox feature with R Walsh death of his mother . who died on Company will pay about 3'4 cents master of events. per pound for berries, and it seems to Fridav morning at the advanced age 15 cents R cents us that many of our young people of 90' years. Deceased was a pioneer of Tillamook and Clatsop counties. could make considerable money the Mr. Chance was born tn this county next few weeks picking these berries. ■ Any further particulars about p- eking in the year of 18«*. n S avings H elp A ll A long the L ine D Tillamook County Bank. J 1 TheHrst National Bank k ïllamook Jottings. Gem Theatre Program. tOTTISH PIPERS In Charge of 3 Major JAS. MacDONALD, AMERICA’S CHAMPION PIPER, 11 Play for the County Fair, AUGUST 28-29 30-31. ’ll be Delighted with Them