Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 02, 1917, Image 5

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    T illamook
“Kultur” As Understood by Prussia.
R ange finding
headlight , august 2, 1917.
in the air ,
Since the outbreak of the present
there have been frequent refer­ Artill,ry “Spotter,“ Undergo
In- A Tribute of Respect to tho Memory of
Un*‘ N*rvou’ Strain,
ences in the English and American
press to German “kultur” and many
Artillery observation Is one of the
When the Mayflower, bearing the !
attempts to reconcile it with culture keO\XdTUt br““ChM °f ulr ■*"-
as the word is understood in western ‘
Bo to,U»Pen8able Is the airman in i French commissioners to tbe United I
democracies. German kultur embraces connection with modern artUlZ“« I States up tbe Potomac to Washington, j
more than the systematic refinement a noted authority recently stated taa l passed Mount Vernon we were told j
and improvement of the intellect; it If one »Ide had airplanes while the | by tbe newspapers that the crew of 1
is a means to the triumphant domin­ otaer had nene tbe world war would the vessel were drawn up at salute
ation of an infinite number of priv­ have been over in six months.
and the ship's bell was tolled. Marshal (
ileged mortals who shall occupy be­
Joffre was particularly touched by this '
fore the unkultured the proud posi­ Pilots and observers work in con­ ceremouial, and as the yacht passed 1
tion* of supermen.
For more than a century German beforehand with the general staff Just on up the river be walked to the stern '
ere that battery 1» to operate. If and stood silently watching the old
philosophers have taught that this
supreme kultur can be secured only hey are ordered to seek out an enernv mansion uutll it was hidden from view. |
What the newspapers did not tell us
through the systematic subjudation, battery that may be lodged at the end
even to slavery, of the so-called baser of a wood or in some concealed posi­ and what many Americans do not
races. Frederich August Wolf is a tion the pilot maneuvers about under know is that the ceremony that so im­
recognized authority in Prussia on the nstructlous of the observer until pressed our distinguished visitors has
kultur. Emerson is at time? referred l"e battery is spotted, whereupon Its been for a great many years presertb
to by the German philosopher as the Itosit <>n Is signaled back by means of ed by the naval regulations. No Unit
“Wolf of America.” Wolf came be­ a wireless set to the battery com­ ed States ship of war may pass Mount
fore Neitzsche. He wras the first to mander.
V ernon without paying that tribute of
demonstrate that, from the German
After notifying tbe battery to open respect to the memory of Washington.
point of view, slavery is necessary to fire the observer hangs over the posi­
As the vessel approaches the beauti-
kultur. It will come as a shock to the tion at a height of, say, 6,000 feet, to I 'ul old place the commander orders
esthetic elite of America’s advanced
thought societies to learn that their avoid the trajectory of the sheila piss­ the bugler to “Sound to quarter».“
beloved lunatic, the impossible Niet­ ing beneath his machine, and as the rhe crew, officers and men hurry to
zsche, was a professed apostle of shells burst near the position under their places, the word passes to form
that creed of W'olf, the enslavement fire the observer notifies his battery along the side of the ship that face.
of the masses for the intellectual free­ how short or how far ahead or how Mount Vernon and to stand at atten­
dom of the elite; it is frightful, but it much to either side the shell» are fall­ tion. As the ship comes abreast of
it nevertheless true, however fright­ ing. The observer then orders the pi­ the mansion the command “Salute!”
•¡•H ~r "f "I -iHW - W ¿
lot to proceed over the next position, rings out. Every man raises his right
In one of his labored treatises and the operation Is repeated. When hand to his cap and holds it there
Wolf advanced boldly the theory that the work is completed the airmen are while the ship's bell tolls twenty-one
slavery is necessary to kultur and ordered to return by means of signals times, once for each gun of the na­
proceeds with the following explana­ in the form of canvas strips placed on tional salute.
tion :
the ground.
"Sound the retreat!” comes tbe order
“It may be that the revelation will
All tho while the observer Is direct­ as the last stroke of the bell trembles
fill us with fright; but, fright, that ing artillery fire his machine is being tnto silence, and the bugle sends Its
feeling is the most necessary effect subjected to Intense bombardment by
of all knowledge that ceases to be anti-aircraft guns, which are firing plaintive notes across the water to the
tree clad slopes of Mount Vernon, from
remains some­
superficial. Nature
thing frightful, even when it creates shrapnel shells by the hundreds. Fly­ which the echo faithfully repeats them
..,1—>..‘1—<>_j>— • ,J..r.T ..LJ...»
the most beautiful forms. The human ing fragments of shrapnel are all about to the ship.
It Is a charming ceremony, simple,
race is constituted in such a way that the airmen—beneath them, all around
kultur, in its triumphant march, prof­ them and above them. For three hours yet Indescribably moving, no matter
its only in infinite number of privileg­ at times the airmen must endure this how often one sees it.—Youth's Com­
ed mortals; and it is necessary, if one Intense bombardment, and there is no panion.
desires to attain the fall expansion of telling at what moment the tail of tbe
kultur, that the masses shall remain machine or some other vital part may
slaves. And if it is true to say that the be blown away or when ths machine
Greek states perished through slavery may become wrapped in flames. The
perhaps it is still more trtue to say work Is most dangerous and nerve Rules That Will Help You Avoid It
During a Thunderstorm.
that through lack of slavery, we shall racking, and most of the pilots stutter
If you are out of doors in a very
after going through this ordeal. Some
When one reads and reflects on the have been known to be unable to severe electrical storm the Electrical
philosophy of this German master, screw a nut or a bolt, due to nervous Experimenter offers the following rules
for your protection:
the attitude of the German govern­ ailment—Scientific American.
ment towards Belgium and Serbia
Keep away from wire fences. They
cause less bewilderment. The fullest
may carry a dangerous electrical
expansion of German kultur contem­
charge long distances. Cattle In pas­
plates enslaving these subjugated
tures are frequently killed from the
Then Your Watch Will Keep Tab an neglect of farmers to ground the wire
Witzsche quotes with approval
All Our Standard Tima*.
of the fence.
what Wolf has written about that di­ The average commercial traveler who
Keep away from hedges, ponds and
vine German kultur, and adds:
Journey, about the United Btntes ha. streams.
“We hold that hardness, violence— to keep a close watch on his timepiece
Keep awny from isolated trees. Oak
everything evil, terrible, tyrannical to gee that it Is telling the truth. There trees are frequently struck; beech are
wild—beast-like and serpent like—in Is an hour's difference In time when seldom struck. It la safe in a dense
man, contributes to the elevation of you enter and leave some cities, and forest.
the species.” Stirner contributes his it's an important matter that you do
Keep away from herds of cattle and
bit by asserting. “Might is the su­
preme right. What does right matter not forget to set your watch back or crowds of people.
Do not hold an umbrella over you.
to me? 1 have the right to do what I forward an hour, according to which
It is safer to sit or lie down In an
have the power to do.” What Neitz­ way you are traveling. If you over­
open field than to stand.
sche utter in his delirium other Ger­ look It you may mis. a train.
An express official who travels al­
Drivers should dismount and not
man*, ordered by Prussian ruthless-
ncbrutalized by their philosophy most all tho time and Is so busy that stay close to their horses.
Do not vzork with any large metal
and maddened by the odor of blood he sometimes forgets to change his
and powder, have not hesitated to watch at Detroit, Mich., for Instance, tool or implement.
Just the Thing for Diarrhoea.
If you are Indoors:
practice upon the little peoples be­ or at Dodge City, In., has frequently
II. T. Hott», .Pre»,, Attorney
yond the German borders. Naturally had an experience of this kind. Some­
Keep away from the stove and chlm
rave the wind
'.he rest of the world regards them as times he has arrived an hour ahead ney. The hot gases from the chimney
crazy as he.
John Leland Henderson, Sec­
of time or perhaps an hour after a may conduct the lightning to and down severe attack of diarrhoea
War itself is the devine sport of the train has left, giving him time enough the chimney.
retary Treas., Attorney-at-
lasted over a week,” writes w. c,
in th® best wet
Prussian breed. General Bernhardi for reflection.
Do not take a position between two Jones, Buford, N. D.. “I became so
I.aw and Notrary Public.
weather togs
wrote: “The lessons of history con­
Recently h» conceived the Idea of bodies of metal, ns the stove and wa weak that I could not stand upright.
firm the view that wars which have making bls watch tell all four different ter pipe, for example. An exception
ever invented
been deliberately provoked by farsee- time»—eastern, central, mountain and to being near metals is the ease of an A druggist recommended Chamber­
ing statesmen have had the happiest Pacific. He went to a Jeweler and had Iron bed. One of the safest places Is lain’s Colic, Cholera, and Dirrahoea
Abstract Co.
results Textbooks for the primary extra liour hands put on liis timepiece, on a mattress in an iron bed, provided Remedy. The first dose relieved me
grades in the public schools of Ger-
Abstracts. Real Estate,
you do not touch the metal. The metal and in two days was a well as ever.”
meny carry the following extracts each of a different color, so that he surrounding you makes a safe cage
Many druggists
recommend this
from the
philosophy of Nietzsche: can recognize it at a glance on the face
Both Phones.
"Yc shall love peace as a means to of bls watch. For instance, the ordi­ which will prevent the lightning from remedy because they know that it is
reliable. For sale by Lamar's Drug
new wars, and the short space more nary hour hand, set at eastern time, reaching a person inside.
Do not stand on a wet floor nor Store.
than the long. . . . Yc say that is sliver; a blue hand, set an hour
it is the good cause that hallowcth back, represents central time; a red draw water from the well or faucet.
Do not stand directly under a chan
even war.” Nietzsche was writing band, for mountain time, is set two
Dealers everywhere;
only 1 is own experience. He was a hours back, and ■> green hour hand, deller. near a radiator nor on a regis­
Our 80 ib yoar.
part of the Prussian hordes tha t over­ three hours back, represents Pacific ter.
Do not use the telephone.
ran France in the red winter of 1 870- time.
to your own watch.
You v can
— do
— ibis
It was after this campaign that The Jeweler will make a set of hands
“Blind Alley Jobs.”
Nietzschtwrote his treaties ridiculing of these colors and alter your watch
Vocations that lead boys nowhere In
the teaching that “God is love” as for a consideration of a few dollars.— particular are in Canada called “blind
lhe vaporing of degenerating brains. New^’ork World.
alley Jobs.” and the name Is a fitting
He asserted that "God is force” and
one. The inspector of the Ottawa pub
taught that:. "Might makes right.
lie schools points out in a recent re­
Merely a Symptom.
One must resist all sentimental weak­
port that 8»J per cent of boys leaving
ness. Life is the essence of appropri­
Can be Found on
ation, injury, the overpowering of York defines culture as that breadth those institutions gravitate toward po­
whatever is foreign to us and weaker
,j’an ourselves, suppression, hardness, terests extend beyond our own particu- fer little hope of advancement. A
the forcing, upon others of our own lar vocation, and which enable, us to
forms, the incorporation of others, or, meet with intelligent and sympathetic any large city of the Dominion or in
at the very least and mildest, their ex- Interest people of widely divergent any considerable community of the
» Ploitatiou.”
activities and attainment., but out United States, where vocational train­
Since the great war has been in here In this garden spot of the world ing is not receiving serious attention.—
Progress the German philisophers we suppose most of us will J-”“1*”“» Christian Science Monitor.
h?Y£ no( ceased to teach that the God to regard It as not u.lng a toothpick In
of Germany is a God of force. They public.—Ohio State Journal.
vejotce in war and pillage and pro­
Velvet was developed and originated
Both Phone».
claim that the only acceptable peace
in China. Thence velvet making was
Real Trouble.
will be that which gives a breathing
The local pawnbroker’s .hop wason Introduced into India and In the four­
?u?cc between two glorious wars.
>»e must not look for permanent fire and among tbe crowd of »pec«-
What is Good Gasoline?
Peace after the war,” writes Smitz. tore wa. an old woman who nttra-fed aort of fabric especially appealed and
Heaven defend Germany from that!” much attention by her aoba and cries where the art of velvet making reach­
In nn-jirticle dealing with the Bu­
ed its height. It la said that velvet
Phillipj asserted proudly after the of despair.
reau of Mine* tentative gasoline
• VJ’.’ conquest of Russian Poland
P< cifications, Oildom for March
tn 1915. that henceforth the coat of fireman eald. “You don’t own th. .hop. was In order to make a silken fabric
1917 says, “In these specifications
civilization would be patterened by
' gravity is omitted entirely as a basis
Nocebo walled, “but my old man> I first set his wits about to Invent this.
German tailors. To him the triumph
for test, volatility being the basic
of the gospel of force was assured, suit 1. pawned there, and b. don t
1 property for determining the grade
Eneeuraglng Outleak.
1 and usefulness of gasoline.
rormerly German thought was se­
__ _________
“Well, old man. how are you getting
'Volatility is just another term for
clude in a corner of the universe," know it!"
’ boiling points,” said C. H. Hamilton,
along with your poultry raising? Mak­
he wrote: "but how the world shall
Plaeleg Hlmsslf.
district sales manager Standard Oil
have its garments cut according to
“Ltd ma «*•." M,J
*Ut0! t0 .* ing expanses?”
I Company, in discussing these pro-
the Germai measure, and as far as our new aequWtlon. a graduate of tbe col-
“Not yet. but my hens have taken to
I posed specifications.
s*ords flash and German blood flows £e o7 Journalism, ”1 hard!, know eating their own eggs, so I hope that
"Motor fuel efficiency depends
. ....... . on
S.irc,e of the earth shall come un­
they will soon become self support
I the boiling points or volatility of the
what to pH*
der German tutelage."
| gasoline, just as the Bureau of Mines
“Until you decide," replied the man.
here has been less boasting and -rJ.lt
down »nd writ. . few ie.dln«
indicates. These boiling points must
wore humility this summer. The
Similar Sport.
be in a continuous chain, an unbroken
Merman writers now assert that Ger­ editoria "—Life.
“We have nothing like the terrible
gradually rising scries—low boiling
many stands before the world as the j
bullfights in Spain.”
points for easy starting, medium
apostle of peace. Pastor Rump fer- I
Th. Dlffiou'iy-
“What’s the matter with the awful
boiling points for quick and smooth
ventlv exclaims, “We Germans arc I -A man should take the bull by tho bullfights in Wall streetT’-Exchange
| acceleration, high boiling points for
tabting—thanks and praise be to God j horns,” advised the
I power and mileage-.
for the cause of the Christ-child j “Yea " agreed the fool Tho trouble
“Needles to say, gasoline having
Nwdad R «osi re.
within mankind.” The decipies of | U to find a bull that will stand for It”
I the correct series of boiling points
-Do you have running water In your
force are silenced, but not convinced.
I cannot he made by mixing or blend -
new homo® ?”
,°r the idea of German kultur is bred —Cincinnati Enquirer.
I lug. There are too many intermediate
“IVoil, wa do »'■
T ,f rein»”—
■n the Prussian bone. It is only by
I points to be provided to make the
a superior force that this idea can be
unbroken chain. On the other hand,
Pycrthrown. A peace which leaves
I in straight refinery gasoline, the con­
I can
The flrat of all go-pels la that a Ila
fnher the idol or its pedestal stand- ’ .laid all sorts of weather without talk­
tinuous chain of boiling points is de­
cannot endure forever.—Carlyle.
J”' " ill be only that short peace be-j
veloped naturally during distillation.“
v i en “two glorious wars" that Prus-i ing at»« II”—Exchange.
’inn militarism so deeply desired.
Tillamook County Fair
Grand Exhibit of Livestock
Including Dairy Cattle, Hogs, Horses, Poultry,¡etc
School Exhibits
Good Horse Races, etc
Ball Game Every Day of Fair
Merry-Go-Round and
Special Attractions