TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT What the Editors Say. AUGUST 2, 1917. leyr N^siashion hi"‘»-Vmpqua Vai-j starvation and defeat. Crop this year is not much over that. uikXufflIFS"deri7.if ,h' i * f}aJ by jury suspended because it The war time advice to “wear old clothes" was observed by quite a £ is justified or whethe^hmeTX is difficult to draw men available. Austrian scientists reported to have number of people before there was found substitute for gun powder pro­ The'answeV iny thought of war.—Independent. duction. Cows are worth $600. That the world ’ s »uppHe. o f the" VVe are told that if we work on a that ’ the I ’ ' OW ‘ htre is no ^ub«. and I farm we won’t have to go to war and The Scold. if we go to war we won’t have to work on a farm. But what is bother­ ----- 0----- 1 here is no room for business, in ing some of our yellow-hided Willies social life, or any C. . V ot 111 church, politics, is how they can skip them both.— the niter this year win will do other place in this universe for the Wheeler Reporter. well tn k. States ** th “ year scold. The individual, firm, church or the leader of the social set who Isn’t the circuit Chautauqua pitch­ thus releasing more of the product becomes a common, everyday scold ing its tents too closely—assemblies at Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Newberg, |S-SeSdXi forci’"shi>- loses prestige—looses confidence—as senility cannot be more plainly shown and at McMinnville, Salem, Dallas says an exchange. with the same “talent.” Th|n round­ 1 his habit applies especially to the ing up the talent of the two circuits newspaper world, where poise before at Gladstone Park, near Oregon City. Mu,‘.non>»h county line a critical public is demanded. The That’s covering the territory like the and Newt morning dew so to speak. Less Chau­ and Newberg, a distance of 15 miles scold s scold, if. indulged in from let Friday by the State Highway week to week, loses its force and a tauqua* and bigger “talent” would was Copito'^mn to Oskar Huber for trail of regrets, if not sympathy, fol­ please better.—News Reporter. »265,145. This is a 15-mile stretch low in its w-ake. Otherwise good newspapers—and Brewers and distillers advertise from the Multnomah county line to­ that their products contain the prin­ wards Newberg and forms an impor­ this is not to confine to the smaller cipal nutritive contents of the grains tant link in going either to Salem on papers, but dailies and other publica­ used in theii manufacture. In oppos­ the west side, or on the route to Till- tions, as well—sometimes fall into art ot„tb's sunl represents this pernicious habit with the result ing proposed legislation i to prohibit I i<> | higher than it used to be. One million No. 329 of Tillamook City, Oree-on,, be­ not wish hi.r to continue at that post. I |ess cattle a half a million less calves ing the following portions of streets, Moreover he did it without salary. I than a few years ago are slaughtered to-wit:— Where do we find any such self sac- annually this COUIltryi a decrease X A portion of Second Avenue East ex­ rificing millionaires in this country. I of almost twelve and twenty per cent tending from the North abuttment of President W ilson is again right in |n addition, millions of dollars' worth Hoquarton Slough Bridge Northerly to wishing to keep food control out I of both sole and upper leather have the North boundry of Tillamook Citv— the hands of the commission divided I heen exported from this country, and has apportioned the cost of said in opinion, which would result in causing a scarcity of leather for the improvements to the respective tracts failure and disagreement.—Telephone manufacture of domestic shoes; and of ground which are situated within Local improvement District No. 8 of Register. | this scarcity is further increased by Tillamook City, Oregon, being all of ■' ®“ 1 “ I the absorbtion of millions of feet of the peoperty fronting and abutting up­ The indiscriminate use of the flag I heavy leathers to fill orders for army on or adjacent to said proposed im­ for other purposes than for which it I shoes. Artny requirements of pur own provement and especially benefited was intended is objected to by those ('country, past and present, have been thereby, and tnat the Common Council who are attempting to create a more I great, and there is an abnormal de- of Tillamook City, Jregon has appoint­ wholesonie respect for the nation’s I mand, foreign and domestic, for ed Monday, the 13th day of August. emblem. It has been noticed that the [leather for saddles, harness, leggins 1917 at the City Hall in Tillamook City, flag is in some .instances used for I and other military accounterinents.” Oregon, at the hour of 8 p. m. as the dress adornment and for advertise- I But this, says the Ranier Review, time and place at which the Common tnent purposes. This is surely not | doesn’t explain why, in the face of a Council shall hear and determine all showing the colors proper respect I shortage, women’s shoes should con- objections to the apportionment of the and is a violation of the intent of the I tain so much useless material.—Sca- eost of said street improvement, and that said meeting or at such other law covering its use. It should be a I side Signal. time hr the hearing may hs adjourned symbol of patriotic reference, and it I —*—o------ to. the Common Council will hear and is hoped it will be so treated by all in Money invested in liberty loan determine such objections and make addition to its significance of author- bonds is in no way “tied up.” So far such changes therein as shall be nec­ ity upheld by the power of the great-I as the Government is concerned the essary to make such apportionment est liberty loving nation on earth.— I money paid for these bonds, inchid- equitable and just. The apportion­ Sheridan Sun. I iug that loaned our allies, is being ment so made by the Common Council ----- o — land is to be spent in this country and is on file with the undersigned City We hear of one county in the Unit-1 therefore immediately paid back to Recorder and may be examined by any ed States where the preachers have I tlje people for labor and products of person interested therein. Done by order of the Common Coun­ formed a union for the summer, I the United States. So far from being w hereby they will get a vacation and I "tied up” this money is in effect never cil and dated this 24th day of July, at the same time assist to harvest the withdrawn from circulation. So far as 1917. A. H. Gaylord, crops. They will turn the town over I the investor in the liberty loan City Recorder of Tillamook to one preacher for a week at a time I bonds is concerned, his money is not City, Oregon. and the remainder of the preachers I "tied up” since there is alw ays a ready will go to the farm and assist the I' | market „.k.. for United 2. States ___ , government Liver Trouble. farmers in farming. The salaries of (bonds. Everybody know s . this. As "1 am bothered with liver trouble the ministers are to continue the shown by the subscription the de- >’aine as they weVe when on duty and maud for liberty loan bonds exceeded about twice a year,” writes Joe Ding- the cash they earn from their labor the supply 50 per cent. This creates man, Webster City, Iowa. "I have on the farm will be turned over to the I an immediate market for the liberty­ pains in my side and back and an church each minister belongs to and I loan bonds. Another issue will be of- awful soreness in my stomach. I will be used in general benevolence I fered fo the people, the announce- heard of Chamberlain’s Tablets and expenscs. This seesm to be a pretty ment of which will be made by Secrc- tried them. By the time I had used a bottle of them I was feeling K°od method of general conservation. I tary of the Treasury McAdoo in due half fine and had no signs of pain. For —Telephone Register. (course. The over-subscription of the sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. ------- o------- I first issue is an indication of what The many things attributed to I. W. I inay be expected for the second issue, IV.’s and their sympathizers, such as which is hoped will meet with a the poisoning of stock in Klamath I larger number of subscribers and a County, where 25 horses and 200 cat­ greater sum subscribed.—Itemizer. tle were killed on the farm, th< burn­ ing of buildings, and inciting to strik- *’ and riots are indicative of the fact Facts About Conditions in Austria- Hungary. that we have in this country an enemy which is as great a foe to Indiana Lady Describe» Condition, From the Oregonian. liberty of our free institutions as More than 7,800,000 have been Prussianism. Our very freedom Which She Saya Waa Due To been the soil in which this great evil I callcd on l.° 1 ,e [ Constipation and Telia of has grown and thrived. The present gan, of winch . 3^000 Lken situation is showing it up in all its been killed, and about 1,300,000 taken Relief Obtained From hideousness. The result will be, as is I prisoner. -«reed already being demonstrated. that °f war d Black-Draught. honest will separate itself from this *00,000 in Hungary a'°"e- lawless element and when this line is Lack of cars cause salt shortage. sh°W Scottsburg, Ind.—Mrs. Annie Johnson, Government has called in all de- once drawn capital and labor will be de of this place, writes: "I well remember and T*e‘ UP°n a c0",n,On. grOUnd "o"n"nindniron° washers ' have been have been I suffered for a long time with constipa­ and work out a mutually advantag- (coins and iron w—. eous plan for the solution of our in- issued. Paper money is often torn in tion, which would get me down. I took dusirial and social problems.-Mt. hal to make change. to 5,000,- doctors’ medicines and any number of Scott Herald. „From I 000 medals of honor already bestow- purgatives. They would leave me in a worse condition than I was before taking, . , From a London cable we discover ed. Church bells have been levied on and my stomach so upset... I know ’hat “men’s morning coats and tail war metal. once I suffered .. . from constipation, I sdk hats are the latest articles of for Vienna ’s birth rate is only 5» per was so ill we had to have the doctor, just **ar to be criticised as wasteful." cent of what it was prior to the war. There is a demand for a sartorial More than 900 newspapers have so nervous and feverish. The doctor censorship to be applied even to these uid I would have to quit medicines, my publication. °.c,c,rfd pieces of "gentlemen's appar- ceased Cigars now limited to one a day to stomach was so bad ... *'• The reformers want to cut off the each customer, and only ten cigarcttse My husband was reading and found iong coat tails and cut down the silk may be bought at a time. something about Thedford’s Black- hat two inches. So far as our com­ Treatment ot enemy war prisoners Draught and brought me a package to munity is concerned, let ’em go ahead | found admirable and British and try. I used it regularly at first until 1 be­ and cut off the coat tails at the neck French civilians are allowed gin to feel better, then I used just a dose and the silk hats at the ears. The or- consideration. More than a million occasionally. I was cured of this con­ d'nary respectable citizen hereabouts and a half of war prisoners comfort­ I stipation and am sure the Black-Draught has never felt obliged to wear a ably housed in prison "towns equip­ dwh?" If your stomach is out of order, you morning coat” visibly different from ped with running water, sanation and will sutler from such disagreeable symp­ an “afternoon coat.” Indeed, most of electric lights. . toms is headache, biliousness, indiges­ ’** have been accustomed to wearing Butter cannot be had in many tion, etc., and unlesa something is done, ‘he same comfortable sack coat in the places at any price. serious trouble may result. evening without any overpowering Vienna has been able to conserve Thedford’s Black-Draught has been ’♦nse of moral or social depravity. much of its bright and gay- aspect. found a valuable remedy lor these ** for silk hats, thank heaven, they’ve There is work for all who want it, troubles. It is purely vegetable, and *>«en scarcer than frock coats! Our but misery and poverty are rampant. acts ia a prompt and natural way. help­ People wear hats for the specific pur- Contractors punished heavily tor ing to regulate the liver and to deanae î*0** of sheltering sensible heads supplying imitation leather in army i the bowels of impurities. Pom the sun and rain. If Picadilv - Try Black-Draught. tB-15 Grcuis and the Strand want to dol'“ A Jt 50 ?; per cent crop is likely to mean some real performing, let them come | 4- STOMACH TORN UP “ Results arc Better” MITCHELL BUICK Mitchell Motor and Service Co.. Seattle ** re* tills are better and cuat of operation considerably lower wlnlc using Xero- ienr. * J. D. Lauppe, Sacramento QR. J. G. TURNER. EYE SPECIALIST. i “have found Zerulene to Ixr a satisfactory Iubruant fur Buick automobiles." PORTLAND . OREGON — Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. DODGE H. O. HArrisoli Co., S ah Franibce “gives pei feet satisfaction." PAPHK WATCH HATES FÜR j^KLAND K ERWIN MAXWELL Cuyler Lee, Oakland •‘Zerolene has given us perfect satisfaction.'* PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the \\ iley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high I grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars A VID ROBINSON, M.D., Endorsed by leading Car Distributors PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON --because the records of their service de­ partments show that Zerolene, correct­ ly refined from California asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubrication less wear, more power, least carbon deposit. NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. Dealeis everywhere and at our service stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY But ia (California) ATTORN EY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Boi ka in Office. Taxes 1’aid for Non Resident«. T illamook B lock , I Tillamook .... Oreg-on Both Phones. for traitors, Zerolenc Heavy-Duty it especially Hionimended, ALEX. McNAIR & CO. KING CRENSHAW CO. T. BOA1.S, M.D., Closing Out PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY.AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, I am going to dispose of my Stock of Goods at greatly Reduced Prices, Consisting of FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, Harness, Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, r~p H. And everything in a First Class Harness Shop ; also OREGON GO Y NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office? O pposite C ourt H oubb 1 Tillamook I GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc. . • Oregon. U)R’ MCK OLSEN. DENTIST. At 20 Per Cent CUT in Prices (I. O. li. F Bldg.) Tillamook Oregon QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , W. A. WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Or Tillamook, - . Oregon. J JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - . • Olr