T1LLAM00K HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 2, 1917. eragc 110.00 a day expenses for each ADVERTISING RATES. GERMAN PERFIDY IS DRAFT DATA GIVEN. auto out on a pleasure trip, which Legal Advertisements. HELD CAUSE OF WAR means that these autos leave J 10 500 First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 in the county each month of the auto i Information About Claims for Ex- Secretary of State Emphasizes Peril emption Compiled. Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 season. of Teuton Ambition for World —*=—o------ Business and Professional cards Dominion. Detailed information about claims The three Bu*y B.’s felt happy on for exemptions and discharges under one month....................................... 1.00 i Tuesday when the editor was called Madison Barracks, N. Y., July -3— Locals per line each insertion... OS ' to the long distance telephone by the the draft, of interest to all men sub­ ject to call for military service, have In a speech here tonight before 1 111 Display advertisements, an inch State Highway Commission and in­ been issued by Adjutant-General members of the Officer's Reserve and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 formed that it was the intention of the George A. White. Corps, Robert Lansing, Secretary of • Commission to call for bids and rush All Resolutions of Condolence The information was contained in State, emphasizing the peril of Ger­ the hardsurfacing of the road south the following belletin sent out from man imperialism to the United States one month..................................... • 5° , of the city. When the 20 miles of General White’s office: and the world, declared his belief t at road is finished, the editor is going To obtain exemption or discharge the German peopb* would not cast off THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. to challenge the other two busy B.’s from the draft will not be quite the the yoke of autocracy “until the phy­ to a roller skating match over the en- F. C. BAKER, Publisher. simple matter that some persons have sical might of th ■ united democracies tire distance, by way of a little thought it. of the world has destroyed forever stunt when we celebrate the comple- The Government does not desire to evils of the military rulers of Ger­ tion of that hardsurfaced road. draft men who have persons actually many.” That, he added, is the only o------ way to restore the peace of the world. Quite a number of citizens have dependent upon them, or whose ex­ “Were every people on earth able commended the snap shot man for emption on other grounds is clearly desirable. Neither does it intend that to express their wul, there would be Every I. W. W. should be rounded the snap shots in regard to the Chau­ any man w ho should go should be ex­ no wars of aggression,” he said, "and up and kept in detention camps,, for tauqua and the citizens getting behind cused. Absolute proof, in the form of if there were no wars of aggression they are enemies of the United States. the home boys. We considered it sworn affidavits and supporting affi­ there would be no wars and lasting , timely and proper advice, and we are davits. of the truth of every claim peace would come to this earth. 1 he Some of the boys, no doubt arc glad to know' it set people to thinking for exemption, will be required. only way that a people can express now thinking of the girls they have and that it met with the approval of Exemption will not be regarded as their will is through democratic in­ left behind and so hard to break so large a number of our citizens. claimed because of any statement stitutions. Therefore, when the world When we saw the large crowd at the away from. depot on Sunday and at other depots made on the registration card. A new is made safe for deniocrticy, when prevails, universal claim, supported by affidavits, must .that principal We are correct in saying that a along the line, there was not the least be made in each case. peace will be an accomplished fact loubt about the people of Tillamook number of young men who had not Incidentally no claim for exemption German Taught to Worship Might. enlisted wished they were members being behind their home boys. We or discharge may be made by any "No nation of peop! ■ will be fit want to give a little further advice. of the Coast Company when it left on man until he actually has been called more than the United States when Don ’ t allow your interest in the home Sunday. boys to grow cold and indifferent, or up by his .county exemption board that time comes But it has not yet come. A great people, ruled in for physical examination. If the Coast Company is missed, in the Tillamook boys who have join­ 1 For example, a man who expects to thought, in word as well as in deed and surely it was after it had taken ed the navy or other branches of the by the most sinister government of army. We at home should keep in ■i’s departure, there will be a consid­ , personal touch, with all of them, for, be called at some future time cannot modern times, is straining every erable mis« in all parts of the country I after all, they will appreciate the news make his claim for exemption now. nerve to supplant democracy by the after all the eligible young men have | from home and other kindly acts we The exemption boards are strictly autocracy which they have been forbidden to receive or consider been drafted from the first registra- can bestow upon them more than claims from men who have not been taught to worship. tration. any thing else. It was a splendid called up for examination. When will the German people thing to give them a rousing sendoff, For another thing, whether a man awaken to the truth? When will they It simply means this, if loggers and but let us all take the same lively in­ files a claim for exemption or not, he arise in their might and cast off the saw mill employes are to obtain eight terest in the home boys in the future positively must appear befpre the yoke and become their own masters’ hours for a day's work, those who as we did when wc clasped them by local board for physical examination I fear that it will not be until the buy lumber will have to pay for the the hand on Sunday wishing them on the day set in the notification physical might of the united democ­ increase cost of production. When divine protection and a speedy return , sent him by the board. racies of the world have destroyed the people of the state voted eight to the home town and the home folks. ! A man has seven days from the forever the evil ambitions of the mili­ hours for road work, those who pSy • ------ o------ mailing of this notice in which to tary rulers of Germany and liberty lhr taxis have to pay more for road It would be a fine thing to throw make application to his board for ex­ triumphs over its arck-enemy.” \v rk. the doors open to everybody on Sun­ emption. He then has ten more days American Cause Righteous. day as we might thereby be able to in which to file proof. Mr. Lansing sought to drive home There are persons in every com­ sandwich in religious services to a Following are the only grounds for to the student officers the righteous­ munity with strong Germany sympa­ better advantage, and then it would ness of the cause for which they had exemption : thy, and who hope that that country give some who cannot afford the lux­ volunteered to go to France and will win the war. It is easy to size up ury of the Chautauqua an opportun­ 1. That you are an officer, legisla­ fight, asserting that America would these individuals in a number of ity to attend. This whole hog idea tive, executive or judicial, of the w'in “because our cause is the cause cases, for they quite frequently let never did set very well with us and it Unitc'd States, a state or territory, or of justice and of right and of human­ some word drop or oppose the meth­ does not set very well in this case.— the District of Columbia. And in ity.” ods used by the government for the Herald. every case exemption will not be "The immediate cause of our war prosecution of the war. VVe want to inform our respected granted unless specifically claimed. with Germany—the breaking of her friend Bro. Trombley, that it is poor 2. That you are a regular or or­ promises as to indiscriminate subma­ Wh< n it became known on Saturday judgment and a poor grade of re­ dained minister of religion. rine warfare—has a far deeper mean­ that the Coast Company would leave ligion to sandwich religion with cheap 3. That you were on May 18, 1917, in«,” he said, ‘a meaning which has next morning, it caused some little vaudeville stunts on Sundays at a student preparing for the ministry luien growing more evident as the commotion, probably, because this Chautauqua meetings. How some of in any recognized tt'reoTogical or di­ war has progressed and which needed w. . the Coast Company are mak­ England for the outbreak of the war, May 18, 1917, whose then existing Lancing said that “if any of you have ing in behalf of the country. We say when, as a matter of fact, it was the creed or principles forbade its mem­ the idea that we are fighting others’ bers to participate in war of any kind. battles, and not our own, the sooner ■continue the good work. war lords of Germany who thought Claims for exemption on the ground the year 1914 was the time to put that you are employed' in a accessary he gets away from that idea the bet­ ter it will be for him, the better it will A large number of persons showed their ambitions into effect, which industry, including agrimlturc, cannot be for all of us. was to conquer the whole world anil considerable anxiety as to the names be made to your focal exemp­ “Imagine German victor in Europe to be drawn in the second draft, and bring it under their rule, the V. S. tion board, but may be made to one because the United States remained included. The ’ speech by Secretary of this is liable to increase for it would of the three district exemption boards neutral! W ho then, think you, would not surprise us in the least that be­ State I insing, who is in a position to in Oregon, but only after you have be the next victim of. those who are know facts and who passed through fore many months the whole of the passed your physical' examination and seeking to be masters of the whole name* registered will be drawn. No a critical time in an endeavor to have been certified as called for mili­ earth? avoid war with Germany, throws con ­ doubt a large number will be exempt, tary service and no» exempted. Fight is in Defense of America. and it depends what percentage wilj siderable light on the prefidity of the "Would not this country, with its war lords of Germany. Mr. Lansing be exempt before the first registration Notice co Dairymen. enormous wealth, arousCfthe cupidity is exhausted and those about 31 years cited things which Germany has been of an impoverished though triumpli- guilty of which were thought “ improb of age called upon to register. I have for sale three Registered ant Mould not this By Our Clubbing arrangement, both for......................................... $1.50 Unbelievable Things Done. PROOF FROM FOREST GROVÌ “But there is more" he continued. I “which might be added to this record 1 ! Forest Grove Citizens Speak Publicly. of unbelievable things which the Ger­ ----- o man government has done. I only need to mention the attempt of the In Forest Grove we find that Foreign Office at Berlin to bribe pie are praising Doan's Kidney Mexico to make war on us by prom­ highly. Being so near by, the stat ising her American territory It was Iment 1 of a Forest Grove resident is1 only one of many intrigues which the I particular interest. Tillamook Pe°P German gevernnient was carrying on ! will do well to profit by Mr. Hay«' in many lands. Spies and conspirators experience. were sent throughout the world. Civil John F. Haynie, county road c’r discord was encouraged to weaken missioner, Forest Grove, Ore., s*! the potential strength of nations "Several years ago, I was given up which might be obstacles to the lust die with complication of kidney a of Germany's rulers for world mas­ bladder troubles. Words couldnt' tery. gin to explain what I went throtl .t ,r*cn^»> I 31,1 firmly convinced | I for nearly a year. After taking a“0 that the independence of no nation is j ! twenty boxes of Dean's Kidney “ sate; that the liberty of no individual in succession, I was restored to «. whffbdT''thc<.n,iliti‘r.' dispositism former, good health and today 1 which holds the German people in the "hold my own with any man. • 0 ho low of its hand has been made im­ Doan’s Kidney Pills full credit for potent and harmless forever. There is present good condition. This «' but one way to restore peace to the cine has no equal and 1 always •world, and that is by overcoming the commend it to others 1 N'«r cl phynca m.ght of German imperial­ plaining of kidney trouble.” , ism by torce of arms. Price 50c. at all dealers. Dont "If enthusiasm and ardor can make ply ask for a kidney remedy- -uccess sure, then we Americans have Doan's Kidney Pills—the same no cause for anxiety, no reason to Mr. Haynie had. Foster-Milburn doubt the outcome of the conflict Props, Buffalo, N. Y. But enthusiasm and ardor are. not all they must be founded on a profound Ornamental Fire Places Built conv.ct.on of the righteousness of of Brick and Stone. All F*** your cause and on implicit hhh I «he b-d of battles willTrengthen'thL Places absolutely guaranteed "f him who fights for the rU.M not to smoke or money re­ Exchange or Sale. Owner Ä ^ddit-on wi” same for Tacoma property lie a —.1 ' » —iE- Box t786,*Tacom"VashB '«change or will be "in oe * rcason- Broome,1‘ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Place»- RALP h T w ARR TILLAMOOK ORE