« K* .. «<•■ •?! TILLAMOOK, OREGON. AUGVST 2, IK 1917. »’.50 PER YEAR. the. market at all times for Dr. Reedv has gone to Pullman. •"» C.1I Wash., to take an examination, as the government is calling for veterinar­ rhe Tillamook Meat Co. will pay ians. T, ■ ioc tor all io pound lard pails and 5c Dave Martiny missed his cow on tor 5 pound pails. They must b- free Wednesday from the pasture near the | from rust. Bring them in at once and house, and it was thought that some- MH | get your money. ♦ one had stolen the animal, so a ref ( - --- Only Edison re-crcaiions can be • search was made in different parts of —- mistaken ior the original voice. Its I the vicinity. It dawned on him that | evening about a covered cesspool on | rich true tones fill many homes with HE strength of this Bank is the direct result LA IPS OF_ SUPPLY AND DEMAND. _ gladness. Call at Lamar's Drug Store the place and on making an investiga- of its efficient management, ample Resources had broken land hear one. » I tion found the cow EMAND for Tillamook products will exceed the 1 through and the animal’s neck had and Capital, The confidence of the people is the supply for many years to conte. New fields of pr.-°T of Brighton, and Otto I been broken. It was a valuable cow result of the strength and unquestioned safetv which Ltfenbcrger, of Nehalem, have en- I worth probably $200.00. needs are constantly opening, while funds are the Bank assures its depositors and patrons Ever I !k,Cu V ot.1,1 t,!c ar,”y or navy but in made available for the conduct of Old and es­ Ever I Wednesday afternoon, July 25, was the baby buggy brigade, their wives since its establishment, the Hank has gradually tablishment of New enterprises through- the facili­ the occasion of a quiet wedding at • presenting them with a son last week. grown in strength and also in the esteem of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Wil­ ties of the Federal Reserve System—arid such Mem­ ' Henry Crenshaw, with Mrs. Cren ­ people. We invite the accounts of all people who son of the Gold Creek Fish Hatchery; ber Batiks as the First National. shaw and sons, left for Woodburn when their daughter, Miss Cecelia, appreciate safety for their money and careful, efli Your Checking or Savings Account Invited. last week They left on Wednesday was united in marriage with Ralph cient service. DIRECTORS : with Dr. 1. p. Wise and wife to mo­ Johnson, of Gaston, Oregon, by Rev. A. W. Bunn. Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. this bank was ESTABLISHED IN 1902 tor through Yellowstone Park. Cady. The groom is a prosperous C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. General Banking and Savings young rancher of Gaston, where the B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. officiaI degree team of the W. W. J. Riechers, Cashier. of vvof Portland, will be in the city young people will make their home. The bride has many friends in Tilla ­ on Saturday to initiate a class of 40 mook, and many good wishes attend CAPITAL AND SURPLUS' $48,000 00 candidates, when the team will ex- fl her as she leaves our midst. emplify the new ritulastic work. Tillamook, Ore. Gene Garrett was tried in Justice i Married on July 29, at the home of i Herbert Alley, at Nehalem, Ore., Or- Taylor’s court on Saturday, charged TILLAMOOK OREG ON °. ^ranklin Knight and Martha with a violation of the fish law and Elizabeth Alley, Rev. R. C. Young, the jury brought Jn a verdict of guil­ i pastor of the M. E. Church perform­ ty, the justice imposing a line of $50. 1 he case against Jeff Fleck was dis­ ing the ceremony. missed and a complaint filed against -Miss Dick, a concert player and' his wife, Mrs. Lulu Fleck, who own- | fore ten o’clock the boys were order­ 6 7— 5—Cole, Conklin Z. I piano teacher of Portland, has decid- ed the net, on a like charge, it being j ed to entrain, and when the train ■ 68— "50—Johnson, Albi rt P. c«l to local« in 1 illamook. Miss Dick stipulated between District Attorney ; 1 pulled out the boys were given a I 69— 54—I.yster Edmund P. Bert I hayer lost two fingers at the will be heard ir. recital in the near Govne and Attorney Win-low that 1 rousing cheer, with the waving of j 70— 549— Hurras, Niche!.- C. Feeney-Bremer Co.’s foundary, Dr. future, after which she will accept a the same evidence would apply to flags and handkerchiefs. At Bay City, I 71— 440—Golse, Emil. Rockaway. "2—711—Trude, Guy Oliver. Boals attending to the injured hand. limited number of pupils. * both cases, consequently Mrs. Fleck 1 «aribaldi, Bar View, ----- o------ Brighton and W heeler, large crowds ' 73— 638—Norton, Leo E’r:.«r. was fined $50.00. 1 he 1 illamook Hose ’Company sent were at the depot to give the boys a I 74— 623—Schild, Henry Dr. lack Olson was in Portland W. A. Wise, dentist. * I a fountain pen to each member of Fifty thousand dollars will be ex­ fitting farewell. | 75— 269—Apsley, Glenn. last week and took an examination. Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. ♦ i the 10th Company, Coast Artillery. i 6—685—Madden, Ellis ' a/st-n, The company has been sent to Fort He has been advised that he and pended by Pendleton in putting on the 1917 Round-L’p, September 20, Columbia, on the Washington side of 77— 335—Lamar, Paris Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough j Wanted: Experienced dairyman, 12 another dentist has been recommend­ 21 and 22, which insures the very the Columbia river, with the Medford 78— 493—Walker, Walter Rupert. to 1 5 cows, steady job for right party. ed for surgical work, and will in all «. * best in contests, horses, steers, per- company. _____________ 79— 34 1—Newman, Donald. Address Dr. O. B. Miles, Sakin. Ore. probability, be sent to France, formers and contests worth seeing. 80— 391—Hopkins, Her- an. Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- Bob Carlson was draught to the .Mrs. A. F. Coats and two children, Special Pullman trains have already 81— 35 3—Pike, Franklin li Third ^Payment Due. ms. * city on Monday charged with unlaw­ of Seattle, who have been visiting been engaged and will .. .. go from 82— 637—Mapes, Roy Ivan. Born, to the wife of A. N. Sheets, fully selling liquor and was fined $50. relatives in this city, left for their Portland, Spokane and St.Paul. The 83— 360—Carver, less F. I. The third payment of twenty per 3 4—571—Let sen, Wm. R. home last Friday. She was accom- attendance will be equal to if not son. i Marriage licenses were issued to panied as far as Portland by her greater than 1916. The railroads have cent on Liberty Bonds purchased by 85— 488—Bash, Geo. Tilden. A modern house for rent,—See Clarence Bellis and Mildred Ford; brother, O. A. Shultz. granted the usual special rate of one installments was dne on July 30. The 86— 704—Seamon, John. bode. Frank Eugene Benham and Laura and one-third fare for the round trip payment must be made 011 or before 87— 72—Dahl. Arvid O. As a result of the farewell Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Piepka. fronl all points in the no-rfliwest. The that date according to the official 88— 356—Tagman, Jacob. loverdale, Ore. * Money to loan on farm lands, from given on Saturday evening, $112.00 railroad officials assure the manage­ statement of terms and conditions of 89— 112—Franklin, Wavne. was added to the Company fund. It ment there will be no falling off in the sale of Liberty Loan Bonds made 90— 128—Wade, Albert. Í $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs , of interest. We want your business. is gratifying to say that all those who - i ------- attendance —and the only question by Secretary McAdoo at the time 92— 11—Graham, Will S. had anything to do with the dance, subscriptions were invited. with them is whether or not they will iC. I.-Clough Co. * See Everson. * 93— 363—Elliott Titos. J. the musicians as well, gave their ser­ be able to furnish the equipment. Whether the bonds were purchased 94— 6—Doughty, Ralph Waldo. Mrs. W. R. Rutherford and son re­ vices free. Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ from the Treasury or the Federal Re­ 95— 327—Wright, Chas. H. serve Banks or through other banks tted to suit the times. * turned to Eugene last week after • Mrs. Chas H. Castner, of Hood TO BUILD FIVE MILES OF or agencies it is important that these 96— 664—Goodrich, Earl. visiting her parents. Attorney anil 97— 93—Brown, Arthur Lewis. River, State President of the Oregon HARD SURFACED ROAD Lot« iin Block 3, Miller’s Addition Mrs. T. H. Goyne. and succeeding installments be paid 98— 345—Darby, Marion D. Federation of Women’s Clubs will be r sale.—See T. H. Goyne. ♦ promptly. _________________ Ed. Donaldson had some trouble in Tillamook Saturday as guest of the State Highway Commission Calls for 99— 103—Turner, Boston E. Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., with his eye on Sunday, and Dr. Kill Karc Klub and will speak at the 100— 556—Rickenbach, Melchior. Bids, to be Opened Next Tuesday. THE NEXT DRAFT. ................... » Iso furnished rooms. Boals removed a piece of steel from City Hall at 2;30 p.m. All ladies are 101— 154—Neilson, John Albert. 102— 51—Gilmore, Chas. As a result of the special State and invited to attend. Garbage gathered free. See M. R. it. 103— 717—Wheeler, Edward Russel. county bond elections, Tillamook Official List of the First 150 Men to anankrat, or call Main 6F11. C. J. Edwards and son Lowell left Rosenberg Bros, have opened a 104— 30—Wlahovich, Radun M. County is to have five miles of hard on Tuesday, the latter going to the be Drawn in Tillamook County. large feed store on 2nd Avenue East For Furnished Rooms at reasonable 105— 199—Plecon, John. hot springs for the ’benefit of his near the saw mill and will carry a surfaced road constructed this year 106— 388—Baumgartner, Jos. rice, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 health. out of the 20 miles or more to be large line of all kinds of hay, feed, built in the south part of the county. As there were quite a number of 107— 60S—Wagner, Carl C. Now is the time to can apricots, For Sale—Team, weight 1200 each, flour, grass seeds at the very lowest With the three and a half miles of errors in the list of names to be 108 — 406—Hoskins, Geo. W. lie Fruit Palace can fill your order wagon and harness. Apply to W7. J. prices. Special prices on hay and hard surfaced road already built drawn in last week’s issue for the 109— 519—McDonald, G< < rge E. I once. * Stephens & Co., office Commercial feed in car lots. south of Tillamook City, the addition­ first draft in 'Tillamook County, we 110— 25—Reynolds Chas M. * I Sheriff Campbell and deputy Sheriff al five miles will take the road to have corrected it by the figures re­ 1 1 1—392—Kunze, Otto E. Will pay you to see Everson tor a Building, Tillamook. ceived from Washington. Quite a 1 1 2—383—-Weiss, Fred G. tfe investment in city property or R. H. Whitefield, president of the Stanley were in the north part of the Pleasant Valley, as far as the John number of names have been added inn lands. ♦ National Timber Co. of Tacoma, county on Saturday, as trouble was Thcilcr place. By constructing that and only two taken off. It is expected 113—588—King, Luther Andrew. 1 14—705—Shunk, Charles Wm. expected with I. W. W. agitators, part of the road this fall, it will save Wanted to rent a farm.—Inquire of Wash., was visiting Joe Franklin this but we are glad to say the day passed considerable money in maintenance that the next draft will call for 68 1 15—576—Morrison, I • <>. men from this county, but it will be 116—122—Mattoon. Oliver E. illamook Sheet Metai Works, Tilla- I week. without the agitators putting their charges. oolt, Oregon. * ; H. E. Moore, publicity manager of threats to close down the logging The State Highway Commission, as necessary to draft 150 or more so as 1 1 7 642 Aitken, Dougll - to provide for exemptions. We will H •• — Mason Co., nas has MiAcii taken over the • the Hotel Multnomah was in the city camps and saw mills into execution. will be seen by ad. on another column probably give the entire list next I I 1 8—222 -Hobson, Mark Hill, ..... & ^,v., II 9—700—Priegnitz, Edw in. the first of the week with Paul Jay- is calling for bids for the first five ndard patterns formerly sold by Married on July 26th, at the home miles which will be opened next week showing the order in which I 120— 297 n from Salem Sunday, return- i 1 turned «»™«-d from Salem Saletn ®n on Saturday, ac 19 — 309 — Emery, Carl E. Portland last week. Several thousand persons, from all companied by her sister M im Hazel 1 42—.524—Hoss, Albert Eldon. £ Monday. 20— 437—Effenberg« r, Otto. j Frank Strong left on Saturday to j,arts of the county, assembled at the 21— 604—Plasker, Jos C. 1 43—532—Brandt, Harold. Rudolph Kunze and wife of Buhl, 1 Prince, and Miss May Ward. work for the government at American depot on Sunday to bid farewell to 14 4—336—Gams, Marion I . no« are in *n visiting relatives ; and | z\ 1Tian by the name of Lee met with I ake, Wash., and Ben Agge, Lee the home boys, who had volunteered 22— 4 3—Clark, Albert B. 1 45—21 2—Barber, John. I an accident at the Coats logging Hubbard aud F. H. Mathews left on their services to the country in this 23— 420—Allen, Cleveland E. 146— 49—F.rdt. Peter. 24 — 514 — Taggart, Oscar. 1 camp on Tuesday, a log rolling our 147— 8—Geganto, Tom. u Cimn,y Court was in Portland Tuesday. They expect to be gone national crisis, which was a notable him He was brought to Dr. Boals about three months. The increase pay event in the history of Tillamook, for 25— 433—Davis, Wm. Wallace. 148— 305—Cooper, Rav A. 1 Monday conferring with the State 26 — 10 — Gratian?, Jas Stephen. . hospital and he is seriously injured. 1 49—557—Rock, Emmett R. was the attraction, for whereas car­ when the 10th Company, Coast Ar­ 27— 487—Thompson, W. F. “hway Commission. I Mrs. J. E. Youel and son left with penters receive 50c. per hour in 1 ill­ tillery, entrained it was the first mili­ 150—622—Rogers, Arch J. 28 — 140 — Dürrer, Jos Antone. furnished house for rent, Apply to her husband on Sunday, and from amook, they will receive 75c. per tary company in the history of Tilla­ 2 9—4 32—Christensen, William. ^■Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West Portland she will go East to visit hour working on the cantonment in mook to respon«l tq^the country’s call. Oakland Being Saved. lr Drst Street. 2» friends during her husband s absence Quite a number of/’Tillamook boys 30— 18—Oliver, Walter. Washington. 31— 652—Gathers, Thos. A. have joined the army and navy, but S. S. Jchnson left this morn- with the Coast Company. Wheeler, Or. July 30 —The schoon­ 32— 601—Marolf, Arthur N. Geo. W. Kiger was in Raymond, L.° J0,:i. Ner husband, Captain i 1400 tb. horse, harness, buggy ami Wash., last week, where the saw mills the coast company was the first actual 33— 606—Stewart, John L. er Oakland, wrecked on M< t zanil.t military organization in the county. cn« cf the Coast Artillery. beaclj in March, 1916, is now ir1 fair ' stump puller, with rigging, for sale are closed down an account of I. W. The large crowd showed how inten­ 34— 1 82—F.asom, Chas. A. way of being put in commission. 35— 513—Sutton, James V. Ball Bowling Alley, . or trade for auto or motorcycle in AI W activities. Mr. Kiger thinks a sely interested Tillamook people 36— 46—Curl, Carl Walter. A. D. Moodie, of Portland, l as tak­ r ,8 by 4 fect wide. Inquire , condition, balance cash. Address Box good deal of the trouble is on account were in the home boys, and the rous­ 37 -223—-Jackson, Earl F. en the vessel out of the sand and up of difference of hours of labor, the ing send off given Captain S. S. ■ Carlson, Wheeler, Ore. | 57er thousand.—Hans th- city was "dry” for the boys would awarded contracts to build two ves­ morning and leave on the regular 4 7—194—Lagler, Frank. The Oakland is in much better con- ■ Tillamook, Oregon. * have been treated too much for their sels for the government. Someone ap­ train for Fort Stevens. Most of the 48— 552—Lalovich, Peter. dition than might be expected after a pears to have been doing some boys were given leave of absence on 49— 298—Wester, John. J h'n Cf''n^cr Indian Motor Cycle, own good before they left. year of buffeting by the tide- and the ’’knocking" at Washington, but these Saturday to say good bye and make 50— -675—Jarvis, Gust. Married, on July 30th by Rev A f\ 40 i lr.st class condition. Price un- strain put on her by the many 1 51— 343—Partridge. Lynn. have been overcome. A bond has been final arrangements. f inquire of Plasker Bros. * I at the M- E parsonage, b rank put up to do the necessary dredging, Early Sunday morning the remain­ 52— 726—Pike, I.¡no S. successful attempts to haul ! her out E Binham. of Mul,nonls,hT £0“ook to sr-a through the breakers. modern residence, and Laura H. Piepka. ot Tillamook so as to provide plenty of water ing equipment was gathered up and 53— 15—Miller, Myrle. Some $12,000 has ! > • taken to the depot, and at nine 64—452—Kuper, J.awrence L. spent in ie ,n> f'est residence district. For ■ when the vessels are launched. fruitless attempts to float her out o’clock the company was assembled 55— 355—Tagman, Henry M 1 bargain. See Frank Heyd. “ county. O. F. Johnson, president of the through th»- surf. Conci.’or Moodie For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke First National Bank, Camas, Wash., at the fair grounds, and at nine thirty 56— 530—Allen, Everett E. ’•rda«^ '■'V' E’s auto stolen on is moving the ship ea-ilx with a crew headed by the Stars and Stripes, the 57— 645—Bennett, Donald. to work single or double, weight iooo . .| v.1 ■« were in the county for a company started for the depot. ' N' m . "'‘mt and it was found on of seven men and will a good 58— 218—Crane, Acie F. . .«v- vi i ing wi.h the R ■-« "- pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. f. rts road the next day. profit from his contract price of The depot was packed with people 59— 620—Paul, Sidney. berg Brothers,, who are old friercs. i $6000 for moving ami ’ A «• ■• ing in •tfTillamook Dairyman F. D. Tillamook, Oregon. » Mr. Johnson came by way of Astoria ( and on arriving there the company 60— 550—Johnson, Russ. Nehalem Bay. opened ranks and the people passed 61— 574—McKinley, Henry H. Mteu Dfnt 4 or 5 Rood milk cows, Henry Albers, the pt ■«ent owner, Don’t forget those busted castings. 1 anJ in looking over this part of the down either side and shook hands 62— 31—Wohler, John H. j 6j, Garibaldi, Ore. county was wonderfully imprr«Wd I will be well repaid in •ilvaging arid boys. It was a touching 63— 677—Johnson, William. with the Can be welded for half. Goods .ent fcritv^'-^1' "',o *' acting in the 1 with the dairy farms, for he h d b< en when ready for sea the schooner will by parcel post and expres. promptly - -mccied with dairying in the East. I , scene in many cases of parents and 64— -525 — Kipper, Jessie Louis. find waiting cargoes at either Wheel­ ”■ has I a's'slant Highway Engi- j relatives «aying good bye to their 65— 183—Emery, Frederick A. „ was also greatly plea.ed with the er or Brighton mills. M