T illamook .¿I Meeting Rebekah Lodge. Rebekah Lodge, No. jorning Star, ,Lcial meeting, Friday 27th, in honor of visita- ddent „of presi— of Rebekah Assem- members are requested to be Hattie A Matthews, See. Work headlight , july 26,1917. I With proposals which will be pre OREGON NEWS NOTES I pared soon for advertising still further «ork on the Columbia highway In Hood River county, the work so far OF GENERALINTEREST mapped out for the year by the state IHÍ TILUMQOK HEADLIGHT highway commission is a little in ex­ Principal Events of the Week cess of $1,000.000. During the past week 335 accidents, Briefly Sketched for Infor­ of which three were fatal, were report­ mation of Our Readers. ed to the state industrial accident com sit Makes Clubbing Arrangement With The Oregon Farmer mission. The fatal accidents were Rainier held it. third annual sweet Jasper Howell, Austin, sawmill, Bert Manning, Westport, sawmill, and Otto pea show last week. Timm, London, logging. Linn couuty now has 18 branehe» ot Contracts were closed at New York Ial rt of Tillamook be relieved the Red Cross society. between the Foundation company, of |e obligation and bond to main- The Albany fruit juice factory be that city, aud representatives of the MONG our large circle of readers IC"'i nine-toot depth in the channel there are a great many who are in­ ('"„ Tillamook to the present pro- gan pressing loganberries Monday. Trench government, whereby the form­ t a distance of two miles. terested directly or indirectly in The Oregon state pioneers' annual er will construct 40 wooden steamers fruit growing, dairying and other reunion is to be held in Portland for Trance. Twenty of the vessels Thursday. branches of farming. AU of these Tillamook Boy Joins Army. will be built at Portland. naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag­ Hank deposits in Yamhill county The annual meeting of the Oregon ricultural activities throughout the state; fflirican Lake, Wash July 20 1917 show an increase of nearly $1.000,000 State Editorial association closed at irTohn Hathaway, Tillamook. and to know about any fight which is being for the year. Pendleton with the election of the near Friend—Just a line to surprise waged for the measures Oregon farmers Albany employes in the fire and following officers: A. E. Voorhies, ,n(] kt you know my change. want and against all sorts of schemes that street departments may be I enlisted in the Quartermaster’s increased pr siilent; George H. Currey, Jr., vice- are detrimental to the people and agricultural „listed Reserve Corps as Sergeant 310 a month. president; Phil S. Bates, secretary, and interests of this state. J came here in camp the first of Albany may soon employ a motor- E. E. Brodie, member of executive ,"eek and like it real well, the cycle policeman to catch violators ot committee. We have, therefore, made a special clubbing orlt is l'Sht and the camP llfe *s Owing to the fact that the mer­ arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ ieasant, plenty of good wholesome the city speed laws. Admiral J. H. Glennon, of the Amer, 1 he southern Oregon Chautauqua chants and business men of the The MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, >od and a beautiful camping ground. lean commission to Russia, whose ad I didn't quit the Southern Pacific opened at Ashland last week with the Dalles have subscribed liberally to lib­ who is one of our regular subscribers and who dress quelled a mutiny among the at got a leave of absence until after largest crowd in its history. is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON erty bonds and Red Cross funds and Fires burning in the brush above further that there will be additional sailors at Sevastopol. FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE l U'c have a nice bunch of good clean Mabel, near a rich timber region, have OREGON FARMER in combination with call for money, it has been deemed ms in this camp, as most of them this paper at the same rate as for this paper wise not to hold the Wasco county Jc office boys and leave high po­ been causing some concern. The U. S. senate has decided to hold fair this fall. alone. rtions to serve Lncle Sam. If you wish you may let the Hcad- memorial services for the late Senatot Unless the greatest precautions are This offer applies to all those who renew or »ht have this as an item of news as Harry Lane of Oregon on August 12. taken this state will suffer heavy losses extend their subscriptions as well as to all * may interest lots of my Tillamook Two forest fires last week threaten from forest fire this year, according to riends. Best of regards to all. new subscribers. If you are interested di* ed valuable timber, one in Columbia State Forester F. A. Elliott. He bases Your friend. rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, _ _ ’» Klamath Falls, Or. — Klamath Falls Sergeant .A. Lowry, Q. M. Corps. county aud the other in Tillamook this prediction upon the unusally dry opportunity, but do not miss this unusual Is practically under martial law. Arm American Lake Station county. season and the difficulty, owing to the send your order in now. Tacoma, Wash. John Livingstone and his son Evert, dry timber, ot controlling fires once ed guards patrol the streets, industries of the city are protected by special homesteaders near Estacada, are be they get started. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm Catholic Priest Arrested. Heved to have drowned In the Clacka­ The Oregon & California Railroad deputy sheriffs and I. W. W. are being paper which is devoting itself exclusively mas river. to the farming activities and interests of company, which owns tbe main line rounded up like cattle as the result ot A little sensation was caused in the Oregon. It has a big organization gath- The body of Mrs. Elise Widmer, ol operated by the Southern Pacific in a fire which destroyed the grain eleva jty on Tuesday, when it became i Silverton, was found in the Wiliam Oregon, received during 1916 as in­ tor and mtll of Martin Brothers and ering the news of importance to farmers. ;nown that Rev. A. Sherlock, a ette river at Albany. She had commit dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and come from lease of road the sum ot 25.000 bushels of grain. The loss is Catholic priest, had shown a sympa- poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­ $1.860,748, according to the company's placed at 1150,000. Incendiarism is hy for Germany in the world war. ted suicide. tack wrongful methods and combinations and Coos Bay was selected as the next annual report filed with the public suspected. ¡nite a number of reports were cir- Immediately after ths fire Sheriff bad legislation, and support honest leaders iilated as to what the priest had place of meeting of the United Swedish service commission. Humphrey communicated with Cover «n saying, and this culminated in a Singers of the Pacific coast at the and beneficial measures. We are confident Opening of the Orogon & California onversation he had with Captain S. close of their convention at Tacoma nor Wlthycombe, swore in 200 depu­ that our readers will congratulate us on our grant lands, for which arrangements . Johnson, of the 10th Company being able to make this splendid and at­ All troops in the Oregon national have been practically completed by ties and raided the headquarters of Coast Artillery, when the priest said, tractive clubbing offer. «cording to the testimony of John­ guard not now- in federal service, with the general land office, Is clouded the I. W. W.. seizing papers and books son, that he hoped Germany would the single exception of staff corps and with uncertainty as a result of the and arresting 30. some of whom are thought to be local leaders ot tbe or »in the war. Captain Johnson is in­ departments, will be mobilised on July TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr $1 50 attorney general's opinion advising tensely patriotic and ready at all 25. ganization. against payment of any penalties or limes to defend the United States. A The I. W. W. recently established OREGON FARMER, 1 year - $1.00 Robert Booth, pioneer minister, last interest on taxes to be paid by the Hisagreemcnt between the two took headquarters here and have been ac ­ blace. The priest . threatened to do of those closely identified with early government. tive in the distribution of their liter­ [Johnson bodily harm, and phoned religious work in Oregon, died at the $2.50 Following action taken at a meeting ature and in soliciting members. Act pat he was on his way down town to home of bis son, R. A. Booth, in of the board in Portland on June 1, k rry his threat into execution, when Ing on instructions from the governor, By Our Clubbing arrangement, the state game and fish commission Bn was intercepted by Sheriff Camp- Eugene. every I. W. W. In the county will be A company to be known as the Pa has posted Hood river and Herman Lil who arrested and swore out a both for $1.50 [complaint against the priest. In a cific t'oest Linen Mills, with a capital creek of Hood River county as salmon arrested by the sheriff. conversation with District Attorney stock of $250.000, has been organised spawning streams, and following July fcoyne, who asked the prigst whether to manufacture flax and hemp products GUARD BISBEE 28 the streams will be closed indefi­ CITIZENS mis sympathies were with Germany nitely to all forms of fishing except lor the United States, replied that he in Portland. Will Not Allow "Agitator»’’ to Come Professor M. B. McKay of the de angling with hook and line. [hoped Germany would whip England Back to Mining District. and give an evasive answer as to how partment of horticulture at the Oregon Figures gleaned from the forthcom­ DR. ELMER ALLEN he stood in regard to the United Agricultural college has been called to ing Oregon blue book, which will be Bisbee, Ariz.—While armed civilian States. He was bound over to the eastern Oregon to investigate a serious issued by Secretary Olcott shortly, guards stood watch over the roads ap DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON grand jury, the bond being placed at show that in the eight regular and proaching the copper mining district 11000. The priest is of Irish extrac­ potato disease. Organizing to co-operate with the two special elections since 1902, at to prevent the return of any of the Dentists. tion, and it is probable that he will be taken in hand by the federal author­ state officials in the conservation of which Initiative or referendum meas­ 118 men exiled from here last week, ities, as several complaints have been the fish and game resources of central ures have been voted on, a total of the mine operators prepared to work National Building. filed against him. Oregon, Bend sportsmen will form a 155 measures have been submitted to their properties on a larger scale than Tillamook, Oregon. the people. Of this number 56 have at any time since the strike call is­ rod and gun club. Buyers’ Week in Portland. sued by the Industrial Workers of the At the next meeting of the state passed and 99 have been defeated. Following a conference between Gov­ World went into effect nearly three “Business as usual” is the slogan highway commission Friday, July 20, adopted by the Portland merchants bids will be received for paving work ernor James Wlthycombe, Adjutant weeks ago. Peace officers and leaders of the who are to participate in Buyers involving the expenditure of over one General George A. White and State hole for the fifth time. They will half million dollars. Fire Marshal Harvey Wells a» to the citizens' association, who conducted entertain their upstate friends August Appeals to the supreme court will 1. W. W. situation in eastern Oregon the deportation last week, declare S to 11. be prosecuted in practically all the the adjutant general announced that they will not tolerate the return of The slogan fits in with President Benson & Hyde cases, according tc there is in process of formation a bat­ those they termed "agitators" unless Wilson's idea of going on with the usual occupations of the people and Judge A. Shaw, of Portland, one talion to be made up of men of ex­ they weis compelled to by the ted 1'tting the war department and Con- of the attorneys in the case. perienced military training, to be sta­ eral government. gress run the war. Application for permi* for the Ir­ tioned permanently in Oregon for Conducting “business as usual” Can't Hold Draft Before Saturday. rigation of 2700 acres of land in lowei home defense. leaves the ordinary citizens in posi­ Washington.—On the basis of ad An entirely new route for the Pacific tion to respond to special calls for his Powder valley, Baker county, has been time and money when the - President made State Engineer Lewis by F. A highway between Junction City and vices from various states where the and the country need them. Phillips. Russel Ingle and A. N. Ingle Eugene has been proposed by the en­ organization work of the exemption Business as usual” will keep the Eastern Oregon has for the pest two gineers of tbe state highway commis­ boards has not been completed, war country sane and strong to meet the weeks sweltered under a hot sub , and sion. The plan, which has been made department officials said the draw emergencies of the war. ing of the army selective draft hardly Buyers week at Portland this year as a result wheat harvesting prepara as a suggestion for the consideration "'ill be a conference of the business tlons have been hastened, and it is of the Lane eounty court, contem­ could be held before Saturday at tbe uien of the Northwest over war con­ likely harvesting will begin within the plates th* elimination of the river road, earliest. ditions, as well as an inspection of the now a part of the Pacific highway, gigantic stocks of goods carried in next few days. German Attacks Repelled. All might fishing in the lower harbor and tbe hard surfacing of a prairie that city. Parle.—A strong series of German i road paralleling the Oregon Electrio at Astoria stopped Monday, under an ,_One interesting feature is to be the "ispection of the shipyards j where order of tbe navy department prohibit railroad for the greater part of the attacks between the Somme and the [ yood and steel vessels are «... being ing »mall craft, including fishing boats distance. The new road would be Alsne and tn the Champagne were re- [ and ..._ the offering of an from frequenting that portion ei the about the same length as the present pulsed everywhere except near Mont . ‘“med out, . ---- opportunity for every merchant to road and four mile» west of the river Haut In the Champagne, where they secure first l,! Curc,/' rst hand information as to harbor at night. retained a few trench elements, the road. In compliance with the request el , ln'[uence this industry is going war office announced. Five visitors to the state druggists' o exert on all lines of business. It the highway commission, the state as already stimulated the lumber board of control decided to issue bonds convention at Seaside were seriously Teuton Insurance Barred in U. 8. «mps and mills, apd the immense totsling $400,000 to procure fund» to injured while taking a spin In an auto umber of mechanics it employes is Washington.—To prevent Germany to Cannon bench, when the machine match the federal appropriation tor testing a steady demand for pro- letting Information from German ma ran hito a crab-hole and overturned. acts ol every section of the north­ highway work in this state. rtne and war risk Insurance compan vest. Sea weeds and mussels may find The men Injured are; C. A. Skelton, lea in this country, President Wilson Portland representative of the United their way to Oregon tables if investi­ closed up all such companies, ordered JUSTICE CAN’T PAROLE. gations now being conducted by Uni States Rubber Co., two ribs broken; their contracts canceled and forbade W. L. Ferdon, of San Francisco, back verslty of Oregon fsculty members dis tomey-Ceneral Renders Opinion to close that these products of the Paoiflc Injured and cut about the face and Americans to do business with them legs; A. W Allen, secretary of the Game Warden. Northwest are valuable as food. Russians' Advance Caplures Villages. Many small dairymen in Linn coun­ association, face cut and teeth jarred Petrograd.—On a front of nearly 50 ••‘cm. Or., July 21.—In response to loose; Glen D. Hart, of Portland, bruts Ci.|llnS Jroni State Game Warden ty who milk from three to half a dos ed about the head and body; W. R. miles from Halicx to the foothills of J, P- Shoemaker, and State Fish en cows expect to go out of the busi­ Sawyer, knee Injured and body bruts- the Carpathians the Russians have ad­ ... j me Commissioner. F. M. War­ ness this fall owing to the heavy ex vanced westward across the fx>mnica in i ',,?r’?ey-General Brown holds pens* in complying with the inspec­ •d and cut. Mid north across the Dniester, cap Hundreds of trees in the Ix>ng Tom I ", °Plnion forwarded today that a tion lew enacted with a loss of nearly district of Lane county. Infected with Curing several villages and- Important Tirol CC °* l'JC f>cace has no power to enemy positions. t>tn