T illamook headlight , july 26.1917. 1» fiat the Editors SayJ . ^"»17»; tote x'“«»»' strong, however, and is shown in the recent promise by Bethmann-Hollweg Germany can yet win and en­ F I to tnat ly so force her will on her enemies. It is J inki:iciifiCbr°fChL LX*ifbO,1> ‘o m“ke pqrUally v - did be a so shown in the repeated contemp­ preparation for it tuous reference to the part the United property'nteiesT. in ® -fi. w<" States may play in the war, the Ger- Jnin *N»o are 1 ,peop'c being assured the war -«..u “ u! f'9 finance. „ook appreciates the change.—News I ti j | , lt. ance. lhe g0SS1p ls that the interest will | will be over before America can do be 3J4 p er ccnt , he same an-v*hmg to avert a German victory. Times ----- erest ¡can on the completed »2,000,000 . ucn blind conceit is pathetic and one Albert Ballin, friend of the Kaiser, ‘ 000 ‘“n unless conditions shall wonders how the people of Germany „„dieted last winter that the war ' -l- a,cnall.y " v That indicates can cling to it and continue to place U« tnd b>' July I“hv * ViCt°ury what is ,^ the most doubtful point in the such implicit confidence in the words tor Germany. It was the Kaiser who ■ policy to be adopted or their leaders. For while their vain old hi’ troops that they would be Frankly speaking, .he test of the conceit may paint rosy pictures for ;n Berlin victorious before the financial resources of the country in the Germans, the wheel of fate is leaves turned in I914 And it was an 1 creí •* sec.ont! offering without' in- steadily pushing them toward dire Englishman-Kitchener— who pre­ I creasing the interest rate is a severe disaster, which seems to be the only dicted 'ha* thf war woul1' last ‘ftree : one. Sale at par of »3,000,000 000 thing that will puncture their conceit «ears No American prophecies are more bonds at this rate wouid he a »nd get them back where they will Jet on record.—Chicago Evening marvelous triumph. It will be possi­ ; see things as they really are.—Ob­ ble only with complete organization server. Post. ----- Q and Secretary McAdoo has begun in German Limitation» Made Plain. The Kansas socialist publication, tune.—Brooklyn Eagle. tbe "Appeal to Reason," has been de­ \\ hatever may be Germany's pres- nied admission to the mails, not be- Autocracy Wins in Von Bethmann- ent resources in fighting men—and cause it has never appealed to reason Hollweg’s Downfall there is no doubt that they are large and therefore never lived up to its ----- 0----- it is nevertheless true that Hinden­ name, but because it’s attitude to­ As we glimpse actions behind the — wards the country’s course in the Prussian screen we begin to discover burg no longer has the men for the „resent war is radically wrong. The that the dawnfall of the German lavish demonstrations on both fronts American people can he deprived of chancellor von Bethinaiin-Hollweg i that were possible early in the war. Germany can more than hold her own all such publications without suffer­ did not mark, as was first surmised, ■ | in the east, and can make a very re- ing a particle of loss.—Telephone an ascendency of the elements that I spectable showing in the west, but she are working for the democratization can not do both at once. This was Register. ___ of the government. The converse suspected some time since; and now Changing horses in the middle of seems now to be the fact. Hollweg is the Russian advance proves it. the stream has always been deemed driven out of power by the reaction­ I ntil Brussiloff’s armies had dem­ unwise and the dismissal of his chan­ ary intrigues of the crown prince onstrated that their rejuvenation was cellor and other high officials by the and the military leaders, von Hinden­ I real the Germans continued to deliver kaiser last week hints at dire straits. burg and Ludendorff. The fallen telling blows in France andFlanders. Unfortunately the change does not chancellor had championed popular 1 heir attacks on the French front in indicate that the German government reforms and thereby incurred the dis­ the Champagne, motivated apparently is coming to its senses, for the new favor of the royal house and the mili i- I by the hpoe of destroying the waning chancellor is said to he of a type tary imperialists. , French reserves, were determined 1 hat* is now the view taken by the and well sustained. Near Nieuport a which will render him a puppet in masses in the streets of Berlin, the hands of the war lords who arc . and vicious offensive was foreshadowed - - - . j by ... r.^ surely bringing the empire to the it finds strong corroboration i in ...... the an _„ appreciable dent made in the methods under which Hollweg's sue- , British front, brink of destruction.—Independent cessor was chosen. The Vossische But since the Russian drive has be­ More and more the pulling power Zeittmg, the Tageblatt and the Vor- Iconic a real menace to Austria ______ , , . _ re - oi newspaper advertising has shown waerts of Berlin emphasize the signi­ quiring the stiffening effect of large ficant fact that Dr. Michaelis was its supretnecy over other kinds of 1 German forces, the western offens­ catch-penny advertising. More and made chancellor without previously ives have stopped or deminished. more the farmers are getting into the sounding parliament and that the new Hindenburg's reserve forces having habit of using the newspapers to ad­ chancellor accepted the post without taking up their familiar task of saving vertise. Posting hills along the public consulting with party leaders or at­ Austria. 1 he Austrian morale needs highway isn't good advertising now­ tempting to learn whether his pro­ not only military, but political bolst­ adays, Proof? Because the “tin Lizzie' posed policies were acceptable to the ering, and Prussia cannot afford to be stingy with support, no matter will not slow lip long enough to allow reichtag. When all the facts are revealed it what its other plans may have been, one to read any old kind of bill. When the farmers drove horses, it will probably be found that the kais­ i It was German troops, according to was quite a thing to stop and read a er's proclamation heralding electric yesterday's dispatches, that checked sign near a fence cr a poster posted reform along the line of equal and the Russians at Kalusz, and if the or tacked on the farm gate to let the universal suffrage was only a sugar Russian progress is stopped at other horses catch their wind. Not so now, coating for the autocratic pill and his points it will be by German troops. Undoubtedly the German general the farmers drive their autos.—News- purpose to fight on. It will probably be found that the proposed grant of staff is capable of marvels in swift Reporter. eqtlal suffrage will be so hedged in strategic disposition of troops, but it ----- o----- conditions that it will not in the cannot work miracles and use the . ,Thc war revenue bill carrying spec­ with slightest alter the character of the same forces in two places simulta­ ial taxation amounting to »1,670,000- existing autocrat government. neously. By making this apparent the 000 has been reported to the Senate. We fear the cause of peace and Russian has already been Letter postage is fixed at three cents, democracy has lost a friend in the en­ proved a campaign success.—Spokesman Re- and newspaper postage is advanced a forced resignation of von Bethmann- view. quarter cent a pound. Income taxes Hollweg.—Spokesman Review. are shoved forward; tobacco and Life. liquor arc taxed additional amounts. More Silos. Excess profits, meaning that where A man cotnes into this world with- the profits this year are in excess of Central Oregon is living up to its out his consent and leaves it without previous years, are taxed. Railroad his will. During his stay on earth his fares, sleeping car berths, motor cy­ reputation tor doing big things in a time is spent in one continuous round cles, automobiles, boats, patent medi­ big wav in no more important par­ of contraries and misunderstandings. than in its building of more cines, entertainments, tea, coffee, co­ ticular silos. The silo fits nicely into the food In his infancy he is an angel; in his coa and sugar, are among the things conservation scheme of ¿lie country. boyhood he is a devil; in his manhood taxed. The provisions of the bill are It is coming to be appreciated not he is everything from a lizard up; in so general that none wi|l escape pay­ only by dairymen but by stock feed- 1 , his duties he is a darn fool. If he ing some special tax for the purpose ers. It represents crop insurance, I raises a family he is a chump; if he of the war.—Seaside Signal. since it makes possible the saving of | raises a check he is a thief and the all forage in season when the weather law raises him to obscurity. If he is a “Is it time to get scared to death? does not permit its preservation in poor man he is a poor manager and I don’t believe so at all. I believe the form of hay. has no sense; if he is rich he is dis­ ¡irmly that it is going to have an ex­ In going after the record for hav­ honest but smart. If he is in politics pansive effect on banking credits and ing the biggest silo in the state, he is a grafter and a crook; if he is bank deposits. I know we arc going therefore, Central Oregon has enter­ out of politics he is a straddler and to see a vast industrial expansion. It ed upon an undertaking of which it an undesirable citizen. If he goes to tint going to be 120 per cent em­ can well lie proud. The 385-ton silo church he is a hypocrite and if he ployment; it is going to be 120 per now being erected on the Dickson- stays away lie is on the road to hell. cent employment. There will be nqed McDowell ranch may not hold the If iie donates to foreign missions he not only for every man who w’orked record for the entire state, but it sets does it for show; if he does not he is before; there will be need for all the a pace. A container of cattle feed, stingy and a tight wad. When he first men and women. The unskilled work­ succulent all the year round, that 1 comes into the world everybody erwill step into the place of the skill­ pierces the sky to the height of fifty wants to kiss him. If he dies young ed worked, and women will be called feet is a truly imposing monument. It there was a great future before him; upon to take a greater place in in­ is more than a monument—it is a if he lives to a ripe old age he is only dustry It is going to mean a great beacon. In a reigon like the Crook- in the way and is living to save funer­ wage fund that was ever paid out." Deschutes agricultural district, it al expenses.—Coleridge, (NelT) Blade That is the verdict of Frank A. Van- points the way to prosperity. It »erlip, head of America’s largest na­ means the development, in addition Canning; the Kaiser. tional bank..—News Reporter. to the grains now grow n, of strains of , corn that will do well, and a crop ro-. tat will wm ultimately in- ' 1 London.—The newspapers declare Living is high and so are wages, tation system that the " benefit'"of * the J today that the American soldiers and generally speaking the men engaged in business are making far less profit country*'Pending'the' spread of €¿70 ' marines have already found a slogan, tnfse days than they did in the past growing, it will make profitable use winch is Can the ka.ser The• Bnt- when raw materials and merchandise of barlek oats, and vetch. Indirectly, <*h a[c mush puzzled by the abili y of ««« less and sold for less. The ad- it may have the effect of creating in- the Americans to invent new slang I?,"«1 ‘h.e pap'r? ”pla,n that ‘h.e Jnce in the price of the commodities terest in sugar beets. The value of the silo has long been ! .’can is used m the sense of hermet- "ring retailed does net mean the raters are making a greater profit. appreciated by scientists and practi- jcallv sealing the kaiser to prevent cal farmers, l "'5' arf making less. With living cai lariiicis, and «uu it ■ » merely remains his further activity. 1 an‘t wages high and work more for more farmers to adopt it. it is Tune: "Marching Through Georgia.” penll‘.ul than ever in our history, destined to play an important part in I Bring the good old bugle, boys, we’ll sing another song, hn7f i*S ’ut one excuse for Jiny able- the solution of the meat and milk Sing it with a spirit that will move Oied man to be without employ- products problem.—Oregonian. the world along, j ent ', and 'hat reason is that he Sing it as we need to sing it, half a t,.”!1 ’ ,*ant to work. Th; man you i Germany’s Self-Conceit million strong— wh Lin,f ‘hese days, particularly While we are canning the Kaiser. tn T *"l<: ,country is engaged in a Self-confidence is a desirable qual ­ thlfMy ser*ous war and when it needs Chorus. , co*operation of every able-bodied ity with a nation no less than with the Oh, Bill! Oh, Bill! We're on the job individual, but when it passes to the •on in the country, we say that today! stage of positive and overweening j on/?. j OU see a man loafing you may selfconsceit Oh, Bill! Oh Bill' We'll seal you so it becomes dangerous and Ina?1 ?own that he's a slacker and a you'll stay frequently leads to trouble and disas- loa'rr by choice.—Itemizcr. ter. And Germany is af.’licted with Well put you up with ginger in the good old Yankee way — c a» uevo-.v —- ____ it \Vh^'n,|Se^ °T bcrself understood in capable, the Belgians negligible and Rring the guns from Bethlehem , by ----- -...a ; in n .nnnev way Qf Q]J JJeW York. ’»g it - Th " “ Was.,e °.f li,nc in ,<‘ach' 7lm“British"«'¿¿¿"emmersed money , | a"d ha7^CTha»a".be- bUt °"e :,"SWCr ir-a^.g and pleasure to be willing to Bring the beans from Boston, and chanr ! bat 11 K'vcs someone a ■ don't leave out the pork; “ much ti.* j°b' ’■ a iro,,d sa,ary’ h I Germany has since discovered her Bring a load of soda-pop, and pull the I 'orwhik. ■ sanH1"'. leaching music, | I)listak,.. although even yet she seems grape juice cork— '* is geneiall K|'i• " ” rc1arn<’d’ ! unable to comprehend the actual rea- , While we are canning the Kaiser —- 7 ■ “"y y public thrown 1 ,on |or |ier miscalculation. The neg- j Come you men from Dixieland, you puniic money t ‘ *------ matt." " 1 7a5b of * these cases. (As a lipikie Belgians stopped her armies, lumber-jacks from Maine; I, 1. r 1 iact all foreign languages long enough to give France a chance Come, you Texas cowboys, and you rerv' i . ? ,bc P’H’I'C school are of to mobolize. and the decadent French | farmers of the plain; best a vslue. The student gets at have fought the most courageous war From Florida to Oregon we boast o( |br mere smattering because many in all history. The incapable Rus-., the Yankee strain— . I baJi ‘each'rs have not an adequate sians also have developed a degree ot , While we are canning the Kaiser. I Journal °f ,be langage).—Salem energy and spirit which the Germans and Now we vc started on the job, we apparently thought impossible, and mean to put it through: the latest recuperation o. the^Russun ,p ' : kings and kaisers all, and armies has again o.^. -------- - Uie Next Big Loen. make the world anew; calculations. And meantime the much C-earjhe w?,Jor co on folk, for No ■. — o----- despised British are l ......... -. ■ • men like me and you— Will u' be surprised that while hammer blows that are causing Ger­ While we are canning the kaiser. Lib.,. *s preparing for a new many to reel and stagger. ,oan of »3,000.000,000, to he many tore. -‘""pv sti|] Chorus. _ A W‘rtd on or about September 15, | The self-conceit oi Germany >s sail ---- ’O----- I follv inr (K S“d?yWtha;aith" QR. J. G. TURNER, «ru- It would EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND OREGON. I Regular Monthly V isits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. FORD Universal Auto Co., Spokane WATCH •‘have been using Zerulrne for several months A- quality.” PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$400 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B, Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. p. D. Lauppc, Sas lamento “We have found Zerok-ne to be a sati-i- factory lubricant for Buick Automobiles." MERCER DODGE Campbell, Settle Mrrcer Pacific Coast Agc’y, “our experience with Zerokne hav bem en­ tirely satisfactory.” San Francisco—“Zerolene has proven very »atü- factory." FOR DATES ELANDE ERWIN J BUICK Eaton PAPER ZEROLENE , The Standard Oil far Motor Cars A VID ROBINSON, M.D., : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors TILLAMOOK — because the records of their service de- parttnents show that Zeroletio,correct- ly lefined from Calif, m asphalt base J I crude, gives perfect lubrica­ tion less v.< ar, mere pow­ er, least carbon deposit. OREGON. T. hoi ta ATTORNEY.AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Boe ks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Dealers everywhere and at our ■ervics utaticua. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( C'iuiioruia) T illamook B lock , For tractors, Zerokne Heavy-Duty is especi­ ally recouiuioudcd. Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O E. Bldg.) Tillamook - ■ . . Oregon ALEX. McNAIR & CO. KING CRENSHAW CO. r Kffi Low Round Trip Fares ATTORNEY AT l.AW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET. TILLAMOOK, OREGON T. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , BETWEEN TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACH POINTS Tillamook ■ 12)« These round trip tickets will be on sale daily until Septem­ ber 22nd. Limit 2 days. Oregon. jack OLSEN. DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) SPECIAL SUNDAY FARES ' Tillamook - Oregon 0R. L. L. HOY, On Sundays, until September 9th, especially low fare tickets will he sold, limited to date PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, MOTOR CAR SEVICE - - Oregon. * Do not forget that the motor car makes two daily round trips between Tillamook and Mohler, in addition to the steam service. J OHN I.El.AND HENDERSON I ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B loi Ask our local agent for information, John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. k , c- HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City Closing Out J E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. I am going to dispose of my Stock of Goods at greatly Reduced Price», Consisting of Oregon. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. U. T illamook B hkk Harness, Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, Tillamook Oregon I 1 And everything in a First Class Harness Shop ; also W. A WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Or. « Oregon Both Phones. Tillamook - At 20 Per Cent CUT in Prices óíl Tillamook - . Oiegon. ROOM NO. 2t>l. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES. GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc. I 1 w EBSTER HOLMES, M I Have Your House 1 Wiring Done by Coast power Co.. I DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES. >